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Medibeam for blueshield?


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I just make sure I have a first aid kit or a pill bottle with a few patches on me. More important to use my revolver to neutralize the threat then worry about fixing the damage after.

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Call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer doing things much more tactile-like than some fire and forget device.

Seems entirely unnecessary, and ultimately degrading to the role.

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The blueshield would probably become too much of a battle aid and/or mobile medbay with that. If the beam can be used mobile, stick to the HoS, and you can outgun everything, and why visit the medbay if you can just call the blueshield and wait for them to keep the beam on you. I think the blueshield already is on a good level of power, shouldn't need much. If we would add something healing for him, a hypospray with some stabilizing chem would be what should be aimed for, he's there to keep people alive, not being a mobile medbay or private grunt for command. He does have some patches, but weaker than a doctor healing wise. He does have some security gear, but no HuD, or reliable supply of cuffs, and no disabler setting, so weaker than a normal security officer. With the shock and heatproof combat gloves, he already is a jack of all trades to keep command secure.

The hypospray beeing given to the blueshield, and the CMO getting a weaker medbeam gun would make a bit more sense for me, but i think the medbeamgun is just too strong for general use, as much as i like the medbeamgun.

Another idea for the blueshield would be a special rigsuit, to get heads out of breached areas/space, but that would need quite some sprites, probably also for the normal rigsuits, so it won't be the only rigsuit on station.

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