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Posts posted by tigercat2000

  1. Actually, these would be cool, but I am thinking more along the lines of being able to print these floor tiles at a certain point of research. It would be cooler to make your own tiles than it would be to have high gravity and low gravity presets.

  2. Cloning a Vox can theoretically be achieved via setting the cloning room atmospherics to vox mode. There is a vox mode, and those pesky geneticists don't need oxygen anyways! Serious Part: We need 4 Vox Hardsuit's inside EVA and at least two on the mining base.

  3. Must point out, tiny objects/flashlight is a really fucking OP buff. Imagine this, the AI can now explore anywhere, no longer limited by cameras, Antags have no way to keep the AI out of their business since the AI just wanders on over with the damn monkeybot. That 'secret' PDA code? Now the AI can wander over and figure it out. AI has unlimited access to PDA messages with no help. AI can pick up tiny objects, which is a big fucking list.


    I agree with most of these.


    1. I must voice that I disagree with changing the dialog menu to an auto-targeting system. When in a crowd of people, leaping can actually be useful, but if it had an auto-targeting system, then RNG decides if you get who you want.


    2. Leaping to a passive grab is nearly pointless, I believe a better solution would be to either remove the auto-stun when leaped at OR reinstate the delay. Currently, you can immediately upgrade from an aggressive-grab to a neck-grab therefore being able to quickly choke out an enemy. Normally, there is a delay before you are allowed to progress from aggressive-grab to neck-grab.


    3. Leg restraints prevent leaping is fair enough. Adding a new leg-cuff with cable-cuffs would be difficult at best.


    4. Agreed completely.


    5. Technically, this already exists. The leap takes about half a second to actually go through. If you are the only person around a vox while they are standing still, you can generally assume they are trying to leap at you. Otherwise, this could be combined with one of my proposed leap-nerfs.



    Figured I would make one, since I tend to try and make sprites whenever I can.



    Larkens Clan Badge:



    Handheld Clan Badge (Modded Holobadge):



    Power Armor Servo:



    Power Armor Nuclear Reactor:



    Reactor Version 2



    Reactive Armor:



    Reactive Armor Alt:



    Christmas Robot:



    Horror Robot:



    Horror Bot 2:



    Horror Bot B:



    Bloodied Dress:



    Blue-Skrell AI:






  6. Actually, as an afterthought relating to the flashlight thing, It would be kinda cool if slime-people got some kind of different abilities from special slime-extracts. Like, Absorbing a Gold extract would give you a flashlight, And absorbing a black extract would allow you to go between slime and slime-person at will... Hmm.


    I have a few things to suggest for slime people, but a generalized "Suggest things for any race" seems like a more useful thread.


    So, Suggest any new abilities you think races should have.


    Slime people -

    Some kind of light-source built in, but only activated after using a power-cell on yourself.

    Special ability to escape from handcuffs near-instantly --OR-- Ability to climb over tables (Small-size Mutation).



    Grey's -

    1. Make them able to understand common, But not be able to speak it.

    Grey's have their mind direct contact, they shouldn't be able to speak regular common


    1B. Make grey's have their own language, that can be translated by comms

    This goes with the common suggestion, They should speak their own unique language. It would be translatable by the intercomms, Just incase they need to speak to the whole station.


    2. For neatness's sake, I will put this here, But a number of people think they should have sulphuric acid for blood. I agree.


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