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Posts posted by Jguytriple5


    Complete description part 4:


    Patient 0


    The virus doesn't arrive on pun pun at all, all of us were fooled by pun pun's zombie like behaviour. It was actually taken here by a crewmember. This crewmember doesn't turn into a zombie but does spread the virus. Once patient 0 is killed by survivers zombies are no longer able to respawn/stand up again from death. The thing is.... Patient 0 diesn't know if they have the virus or not, because they get no symptoms.



    i like this idea.


    Just imagine,

    "HoS, a messenger carrying important information has come from the medbay"


    "Please read it to me communication officer"




    "Very interesting communication officer, inform our men to start assaulting the medbay and i will inform the captain"



    So yeah, that would be cool



    This just sounds like enforced griefing.


    That said, if (and that's a really big "if") the server has a decent amount of good roleplayers, this could be quite cool. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a round with more than 2 or 3 people who actually bother with roleplay, and even then, they are usually in meaningless jobs like Barber or Librarian.





    I really, REALY like this idea.

    Just imagine a round with this event.


    I'll just post a few stories from different perspectives during this event.


    Perspective of the HoS


    "I've just gotten a horrible fax from cent. comm."

    "Is it directive x sir?"

    "No officer, it's time to be Shitler"

    "Is that the guy with the list sir? From that movie Shitler's list?"

    "No fucktard, it means you litterally hitler, gawd, everyone is so stupid."


    *guy comes in that has stolen the banana peel from the clown*


    "You know the drill officers" the warden says.

    "You're going to the perma brig" The guy is told.

    "WHAT THE FUCK!" The guy screams over the common radio


    From this point we switch to the perspective of the criminal

    -question to [insert mentor name]-

    Why the FUCK was i arrested?


    -awnser from [insert mentor name]-

    Just some cool event we started, just roll with it


    *guy get's thrown into the perma brig where there already are like 6 people*


    "Why are you here?" The guy is asked

    "I just stole a FUCKING banana peel, and now i'm in perma"

    "Yeah i heard the guards talking about this special fax from central command" A guy in the back says.

    "We should warn the rest of the station before it's too late" Another dude starts shouting


    So they enable the intercomm in the perma brig and start shouting why they were arrested.


    *warden comes into the permabrig and snatches someone*


    "What's going to happen to him?" Our guy asks

    "Nobody know, they just seem to dissapear when they leave this room. Some say they are put back onto the station because their crimes were too petty, others fear the worst"

    Our guy get's a chill down his spine.


    Now from the journalist's perspective


    The journalist was just doing his regular job by reporting basicly all interesting stuff on the station to a newscaster when he heard over common radio why some people were thrown in perma.


    He goes to the bar and when a group of like 3 people are there he starts shouting

    "There are currently things going on in the brig that is against our human rights! People are being locked up for barely any crimes at all! We should warn the station for this threat, and we should help the innocent held in the brig!"


    "Well then, what evidence do you have for that little journalist?" The bartender asks with his shotgun pointed at the journalist


    "Well uhm.... I've been there!" The journalist lies

    "I have escaped the prison myself and it was horrible, people were being executed left and right. Most people in there were there for petty crimes like breaking a door or something like that" He continues


    "Well that's horrible" The bartender says while putting his shotgun away.

    "We should indeed help those guys" a guy smoking a sigarette says.


    At that point a security officer barges into the bar screaming

    "You are all under arrest for the highest of crimes! Insulting NT And staging a prison break!"


    Everyone flees from the bar into the maintenance tunnel except for the bartender, who get's tazed before he reaches the door.


    the end.


    You see, the story basicly writes itself, this event would be GREAT for roleplaying, but yes, it would suck for the guy who get's executed one second into the shift. But meh, all good things have costs.



    As for the respawning zombies, aside from the rising ones, that would be the toughest as you'd go best with mobs wearing random loadouts/clothing. This would give variation so it doesn't look like you're removing the same zombie over and over again. Rising zombies you will fight repeatedly until they are properly removed. Limbless zombies, if left along long enough, could rise with their limbs back.




    That's an amazing idea.



    Full Description part 3:


    How do deal with all zombies being wiped out.


    A zombie king. Basicly an alien queen, but instead of forming alien eggs, it can form Virus Pods. These virus pods could look the same as alien eggs but green. These will allow the zombies to respawn. But to make sure it isn't too overpowered, their special abilities will only start to take effect after 2 minutes after respawning. IC reason: The virus needs time to spread in the organism.


    But what would you require to become a zombie king?


    Nothing but willpower. Once 10 zombies have been created due to the virus, one of them is able to become a king, just like a mask on the cultist gamemode.

    This zombie king will have no way of attacking, but can make gib-nets, basicly red vines.


    If you guys have any more fun ideas, or critisism about this or the previous description i'dd love to read it



    Full Description part 2: DIfferent classes of zombies for each species as suggested by Tauka Usanake


    • Human: "walkers" | Bites as attack | No ability | Looks like regular zombie

    • Tajaran: "Scratchers" | Scratches as attack | Night vision as ability | Look like regular zombie with hair and half a tail

    Unathi: "Reptiles" | Bites as attack | More lives due to scales | Greener than regular zombies and has red eyes

    Skrell: "Spitters" | Uses acid spit as primary attack | Can absorb dead bodies as ability for more health | Looks like skrell but with only one of those things on their head

    Slime People: "Crawlers" | Uses bites as attack | Can ventcrawl as ability | Half a slime person with only arms

    Vox: "Spacers" | Uses scratches as attack | Can go into space without a suit as ability (Just like regular voxes) | Look like voxes without a beak

    Grey: "Blinkers" | Uses Bites as attack | Can do small teleports (Blink) | Looks like a grey with it's brain exposed

    Kidan: "Critters" | Uses Bites as attack | Can spawn small spiders as ability | Looks like a kidan with only half a head and it's brain exposed

    Machine People: "Fakers" | Uses Bite as attack (does no damage due to the lack of a mouth) | Can use *beep loads as special ability | Look like regular machine people because they don't actually have the virus and just pretend to be zombies

    Diona: "Trunks" | Uses a trunk bash as their attack | Has Regenerating health in the light as ability | Looks like a regular diona except a lot more grey as if the tree has burned a bit

    Plasmaman: "Boomers" | Uses short plasmaball lit on fire as it's attack (regular wizard fireballs will do) | He passivly fills a room with plasma, but in zombified mode, can survive in plasmaless environments while filling the rooms with plasma. Then he can light himself on fire which will cause all the plasma he has pumped into the room to light too and go *boom* | Do you know the sprite for fat humans? Yeah that, but purple



    The reason they change into cool people with special abilities is because the virus unlocks powers that the species secretly have had for generations, but the virus learns to master the powers.



    There have been rounds in which i said, welcome to NCS Cyberiad when i was told: Mate, it's NSS.

    And when i say, Welcome to NSS Cyberiad i'm told: Mate, it's NCS.


    So here's a poll, NSS or NCS.



    Chapter 0: First contact


    Our story starts at the moment a certain security officer arrives at the station. You are part of the Fortress of Brig, is suddenly displayed in the textbox.

    "How are we going to do this Supreme Leader Tristan?" was the first thing our security officer asked.

    "We are going to truly create a true fortress RVD." Tristan responded.


    Chapter 1: Drawing the iron curtain


    First thing i (RVD) did was scavenge for supplies, i got most of the tools avaible on the station and some misc. items like some fire suits, metal sheets etc.

    After that i began building our fort, it came togheter very fast. I quickly build an additional checkpoint when entereing the brig, removed some of the doors so there were less ways to get in, and added mounted flashes to finish the ordeal.

    My radio headset started relaying some words that i didn't think would matter "Science might be building warmechs" I heard Cy Roberts say.

    "Just keep reinforcing the fort! and build some windoors in the checkpoint" My supreme leader Tristan said.

    "Ofcourse supreme leader" I responded.


    Chapter 2: The trade


    "Go connect the solars to the Fortress so we can live without engineering Paladin!" I heard my supreme leader say.

    "Yes sir!" I responded ofcourse.

    One problem, our insulated gloves weren't exactly made out of rubber. I knew cargonia had been ordering some crates full of the real stuff.

    I went over to cargonia and on my way there i found an empty toolbox. I put the gloves in them and came up to the window of cargonia.

    "How can YOU help cargonia?" A gritty voice told me.

    "I'm here on an official trading mission from the Fortress" I responded

    "What have you got?" His dark voice asked

    "Toolbox with insulated gloves in them, i'dd like a pair of insulated gloves and a multitool from you"

    "Ofcourse we'll make that happen!" He said in a suddenly less gritty voice as if he tought HE was getting the better deal.

    After swapping the items i made my way to the solars.


    Chapter 3: Prematurely Sabotaged


    After i had picked up a security hardsuit i went out of a broken window near the solars.

    I wired all the solars up untill i came to the solar tracker, There was no tracker.

    I soon remembered something i heard earlier that shift coming from an engineer. It was something along the lines of "Darn voxes are messing with our space stuff"

    I knew i wasn't going to give up, The Fortress needed this!

    I headed to another solar array and borrowed a solar tracker from that one.

    Once i had dissassembled that tracker i was on my way back trough space, back to the solar array.

    After i installed this brand new tracker i broke into the solar array control room, when that was all set up i went ahead and cut all wires that lead to other places than the Fortress. When i had set this up we were running on our own power source, no need for engineering to step in.


    Chapter 4: Sudden Promotion


    After about an hour of nothing happening and me just patrolling the new checkpoint, something horrible happened.

    *boom* Half the checkpoint exploded. I hear mechs stomping around the hallways. *boom* Second explosion, they could get into the Fortress now.

    At this point everything started to go in slowmotion in my mind, I saw a durand staring at me. He fired a machine gun at our supreme leader, when suddenly

    I saw a missile, it headed straight towards me. And i got hit, directly. With a leg less and dents everywhere i managed to survive this direct hit from the missile. Collin Bastille dragged me away and said i couldn't fight anymore because i wouldn't stand a chance. Although i knew he was right, i wanted to protect the Fortress, the thing i had created. After bickering a while and me not being able to get up because i had no leg i gave in, collin WAS right and i WAS stupid for trying to go back there.

    I recieved a cane and started asking about other survivers, there were only 3. Me, Collin and one other officer. I pronounced myself Supreme Leader of The Fortress of Brig and gave orders to get anything of value from the now destroyed brig.


    Chapter 5: Time to go


    They told me everything of value was in fact gone from the brig but i didn't believe them, so they went ahead and ran to the garden area in which we had agreed to make a new base. While i went to the brig. And yes, there were infact loads of goodies in the brig. Sadly, my legless body slipped at one point, which ended in me dying due to the lack of pressure in the breached room.

    Just before my auditory processors failed due to the vacuum of space i heard "An emergency shuttle has been called"




    This was my story of the nations round earlier today. I would love to hear all your stories about how it went down in other departments, i left out loads of parts of the full story on this one but i kind of ran out of time to write. I hope you enjoyed it.


    For the TL:DR guys out there: I build a fort, i got hit by a missile, i died by a stupid thing i did.



    Name of Event: The walking dead

    One Sentence Description: Zombie virus, Shuttle comes in 1.5 hours.


    Map Changes: No


    Code Changes: yes (atleast i think so)


    Suggested Number of Players: atleast 30


    Full Description of Event: An uncurable airborne virus has infiltrated NCS Cyberiad via Pun Pun. After 10 minutes of the regular shift, people start getting symptoms like "you are getting hungry" in red text. After 15 minutes all power on the station fails, IC reason: Virus emits EMP rays. After 20 minutes all infected crew turn into zombies, which the players can control. 25 minutes into the shift NANOTRASEN ANNOUNCEMENT: "an uncurable virus has infiltrated NCS Cyberiad. All crew is to stay calm and avoid all infected. Symptoms include but are not limited to: Getting hungry, cannabalism and rotting skin. An emergency shuttle has been dispatched but because your energy signals are minimal it will take us some time to find you." At this point the whole crew will basicly go full walking dead and make a base and stop trusting all people who might be infected. Zombies win if all survivers are killed (IPC's not included) Survivers win if atleast 2 people get off on the shuttle WITHOUT the virus in their blood.


    • Like 2

    How about all the IPC have their PDA hardwired into them. Make them message like the AI via the menu on the right.

    Make them able to add PDA cartridges into them, using everything via the menu. And maybe the detective cartridge could make it so that the IPC can just use his hands as scanner? Medic cartridge maybe makes them able to use their hand as medical scanner? Bartender internal booze dispenser? Scientist tank scanner? Chemist reagent scanner? Librarian camera? That guy that handles the death and i always forget the name of, an autopsy scanner?


    If this is done they will ofcourse stay the masterrace that they are, but it just sounds unfair to just do this. So maybe grey could have telekinesis? Kidan heat vision?


    So what do you guys think about this? And should the other races get upgrades too if this is done? we will never kn- oh sorry, force of habit.



    Just a plain simple radio channel for the law-sub department. I mean the cargo sub-department has one.

    So why not have an :L law channel for lawyers, IAA and the magistrate. Maybe the NT rep could als join in on this.

    Or just change the service radio to a law radio. I never see anyone using :z anyways.



    I always like events on this server/station, I'm talking about the custom ones here ofcourse. Not that i don't like a good xeno infestation or a nice refreshing meteor shower, but having someone special from nanotrasen come over to inspect the station, have some sort of ambassador from an alien species coming here to visit or having some religious figure spread his NT approved religion around the station are just events that i think are way cooler. I think events like this should get a little more common. And i think i could come up with some good events that can be done by just writing a NT message and giving a person a cool name with an ID with a cool job title.

    So here's me wondering, could i become an event manager for events on the server?

    I'm online for about 6-10 hours each week and i wouldn't even need any rights on the server except for sending Central Command updates and spawning in a character with a cool jobtitle.

    This would make events more common but i understand you already have loads of staff and you don't need another one in the amsterdam/paris timezone, but can you please consider it a bit? You guys might now i'm slightly creative from my in game newspaper "NSS Cyberiad Crime Watch".


    -JguyTriple5 (R.V.D.)



    I've been making loads of newspapers in SS13 but this one actually got attention and people liked it so here is the full thing just copied. With getting attention i mean that Yuki was angry at me, some security officers were angry at me, the AI was angry at me, the HoS was angry at me, but the captain and HoP liked it.


    Newscaster Unit #22

    NSS Cyberiad Crime Watch: [created by: R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]


    -Small war at electrical maint behind the chapel! Multiple officers are fighting against an unkown group of people in electrical maintenance. The group consists of atleast 5 people according to security reports and is highly dangerous. Word goes around that the group has the AI under their control. Who are these people? What is their agenda? We might never know.



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Battle won but war is not over! Security has won this battle in electrical maintenance but suffered heavy losses. Multiple parties have been retrieving bodies and barely alive people from this sight. Who is recovering bodies with a hidden agenda? Are there more groups like this on the station? We might never know. (viewer discretion advised for picture, horrible things are shown in it.)



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Bloodbath not limited to maintenance! Another horrific sight is to be seen at the bar. The story behind this photo is unclear because i was unable to locate any witnesses of the happenings here. The bloodbath in the bar means that crime doesn't only stick to the maintenance corridors, they are not afraid to go out into the public. In other news hallways are being syphoned and the ai is suspected to be subverted by the small army from electrical maintenance now to be seen as cultists. Is the AI subverted? Are criminals going to strike you next? We might never know.



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -HoP Says AI Rogue! I just had a word with the HoP and he told me the following. "the AI may be rogue" -Viktor Grafstrom. The threat to this station by artificial intelligence is getting bigger by the second, and that's coming from an IPC. Is the AI rogue? Does command know things we don't know? We might never know.



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Security Is Using illegal execution formats! There was word going around the security comms that the cultists should be locked up in a cell with plasma. And security officals say "They are in a place of fire and with many heads"- Chris Bunker. The thing is that only Firing squad, the electric chair and lethal injections are lethal ways of execution. Is security not following space law? Have we been calling the wrong people criminals? we might never know

    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -AI Is Loyal or Lieing? THe AI reported faulty wiring in engineering and that the APC's weren't charging. In the photo below you can see they are perfectly fine. In other news the HoP responded to my last report saying "The cultists are mind controlled puppets who work for a dark god, i would say they are the bad guys not us." - Viktor Grafstrom. Is the AI lying? Is the HoP right? We might never know.



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Chaplain Believes in only Kidnapping! The RD was lead into the chaplain's office and then the chaplain flushed the RD down disposals. Is the chaplain crazy? Is he just terrible at killing people? We might never know.



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Medical Killing instead of healing! The CMO has been wanted for some time now and has been confirmed to be on the telecomms sattelite, security is currently going there to detain the CMO. Word is also finding it's way around that Yuki Frost, the head nurse, is a changeling. According to the Chaplain "Yuki froze me, she must be ling". Is there something fishy going on in medical? What is the CMO doing at tele-comms? We might never know.



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Lethal Action Required! The HoS is sending a team armed with lethal weapons to the science outpost because the CMO died there. I do not know why we would send people with lethal weapons there, or why we are suddenly with the CMO. But he's sending them anyway. Are lethals really required? What's going down at the science outpost? We might never know.

    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -HoS is throwing himself into battle! The HoS has decided to join the lethal team to the science outpost. When i asked what was going on i was pushed away. I still managed to snap a photo. What is going on out there? How did the CMO die? We might never know.



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Security Getting Arrested by AI! The security borg is repeatedly setting security officers to arrest and is trying to arrest them. The picture below is of two officers asking him what's going on. The AI responded that the borg is slaved to him. This means they have the same laws. does this mean they are both rogue? Are we to trust AI from now on? We might never know



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Medical Seems is an uncurable disease! According to an inside man in medical, there is something fishy going on in medical. The chaplain was in one room with the head nurse Yuki, whom he claimed was a ling. And then he suddenly was injured. He tried to run but multiple medical team members buckled him to a bed and rushed him to surgery. The New CMO has also been seen doing weird stuff according to my inside man. What does the chaplain know? What is going on in medical? We might never know.

    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Prankster Mocking With security! Some prankster is setting random people to arrest. This could either be someone with HUDglasses or someone who used the not so secret wall door at the checkpoint and is looking at the files. Who is this prankster? Does he think arresting random people is funny? We migth never know.

    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -CMO Mistakes Toy For Xenomorph! The miner the CMO was performing surgery on had a xenomorp toy in his pocket and it jumped at the CMO during surgery. He got scared and informed command of a xenomorph attack. In other news there is a dead body at disposals because not a single cargo tech is working on sorting trash. How did that body get there? Who is the dead body? We might never know.



    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]

    -Big crimes at an all time low! Barely any big crimes have been committed in the last 15 minutes. On the other hand petty crime like pickpocketing, minor assault and B&E are at an all time high for this shift. Is this exchange good? Is 25 picked pockets better than 1 murder? We might never know. This was NSS Cyberiad Crime Watch, RVD Out.

    [story by R.V.D. (Crime Reporter)]



    Disclaimer, this is not a real guide and is to be seen as a joke


    Step 1: Identify the race of your surgery patient. Does it look like a guy with a monitor for a head? not a vox. Does it look like a guy with purple skin? not a vox. Does it look like a catbeast? not a vox. Does it look like a scary giant bird/lizard creature? that's the vox you're looking for.


    Step 2: Remove their nitrogen tank to and add anesthetics.


    Step 3: Cut their head open.


    Step 4: Remove the weird object that is in their head according to the scanner.


    Step 5: Remove anesthetics


    Step 6: Get yelled at by the CMO for removing a vox's cortical stack


    Step 7: Say: "no problémo boss, we'll just shove him into the cloner"


    Step 8: realize you fucked up


    Step 9: Dump the cortical stack in disposals


    Step 10: Become wanted for murder.


    Step 11: Hide in the fire equipment room in escape


    Step 12: Wait untill the shuttle is called


    Step 13: Put on a gasmask and remove your ID


    Step 14: Blend in with the crowd


    Step 15: Get away scott free with manslaughter




    Once upon a time, there was a youngster by the name of Jguytriple5. His parents were rebels. "Fuck normal names" they said, and thus that is what their child's name was. bla bla bla, petty crime. bla bla bla. sentimental crap. bla bla bla more petty crime. bla bla bla life imprisonment. bla bla bla braindead until escape shuttle reference.

    The end.


    So do you like the idea or not?


  17. So my idea was that on a person's Criminal record there is a counter called criminal points. Every person start with 100 points. Every time a crime is commited points get retracted with the amount of points relating to the crime commited (petty theft 10 points, Assault 25, Manslaugter 50 points and so on..). When the counter reaches 0, the person is allowed to be permabrigged. This is an idea to stop repeat offenders and create more fun for the warden and IAA. The normal sentences will still apply, but if the arrest was unlawfull the IAA can make sure points get added to the counter.



    I believe the idea is actually to force someone to become a queen at the beginning so you don't just have the only alien larva evolve into the dead-end castes of sentinel or hunter. Forcing one into the queen role will ensure that you have someone capable of laying eggs to propagate the infestation, as opposed to a hunter who gets themselves wrecked early and ends the event too quickly.





  19. Mark recently told me that alien rounds are no more and that they are going to live on as events or something like that. So i tought, why not have a facehugger with an alien queen egg in it. You know just like in the movie. Since aliens will be more rare as an event i'dd say releasing two regular facehuggers and a queen facehugger would be a great start for the event. What should make the queen facehugger unique? a black color. Just like in the movie. I'dd imagine this wouldn't be an incredibly hard entity to code, since we already have regular facehuggers. And it will make give the event a great kickstart

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