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Posts posted by Jguytriple5


    well yeah, when we have low populaiton people get bored so they RP as much as they can in the round to entertain themselves. But high population allows for more absurd things to happen, as there are more people reacting to a single thing.


    But this also changes from person to person. With the high population rounds the chance is the same to get a person who dislikes roleplaying, but 15 percent of 15 players is something else than 15 percent of 90 players.


    But yeah i hope that you still enjoy the server and stick around for a while, i can promise that the learning process of this game is one of the most fun things you'll ever experience and with some good roleplaying on your part you'll have the time of your life here.



    Small thing here, on the "What to do" Section, a bit saying something like this

    4.5 Get a list of all witnesses both defense and prosecution want to call upon in the trial and inform them (the witnesses) of their need in the trial
    could be added so you don't have to stop mid trial to track down that one greytider who saw it all in maintenance but has since run off.
  3. I really liked owlman and corgiman or whatever the other guy was called back then. So i think it would be great to add the wishgranter back into the event rotation. So that it won't just spawn every round, but just sometimes. This will make superheroes a semi-regular thing again and i think that will be cool.


    I mean, it doesn't have to be said, but the paradise community is the best community i've ever been part of.

    From the admins to the coders to the regular players to the once-a-weeker's, you're all awesome.

    I read all the ban appeals, both accepted and declined ones, and i cannot express how professional and awesome the staffmembers are.


    A happy once-a-weeker signing off.



    Here's a quick sprite for the stamping press, i'm not to great with dream maker coding so making it an actual object that takes metal and makes it into stuff that is worth cargo points is still going to be a big challenge for me, but i'm trying to do it. And giving it a GUI is basicly black magic for me, so i guess it's not going to be as cool as this thread wants it to be. i'm also working on remapping the labour camp to accompany some of the ideas on this thread. but if it's actually going to be put into the server when i'm done making it, no clue.




    on the old server i played on (which was three full years ago now, wow i've been here for a long time) They had fully modular pods and motherships. The motherships were just pods that created a new z-level which was basicly bigger on the inside than on the outside. I've even seen them put a fully working singularity engine in one of those things that was just 3x3 in the "actual" world. So that would be cool to see here too, and would surely add to things a mechanic has to do. Plus the fact that the on that other server all research had to be maxed and a certain special ore that was super rare had to be obtained to create this spacecraft made it a great sight to see one of these ships. We once made an entire station inside the other z-level in which we made another ship, that killed the server for a solid 2 days. good times... but i guess that the reason we could do that was because it was a low-rp server with rounds that lasted 7 hours average.


    but yeah i agree with you, this was just a way to tell a cool story.



    We need more races so we can all be snowflaky as fuck. Here are some of my suggestions,



    These guys are litteraly made out of paper and can resist all damage except for burn damage. They are held together by a special bluespace crystal called a bluespace core. When these guys touch the slightest bit of fire they are dead and turn to ashes with only their bluespace core remaining. When these guys burn down just add 10 sheets of paper onto the bluespace core to rebuild them. They look like creepy mummy fellas and their backstory is that some scientist once put so many sticky notes on a bluespace crystal that it came to life.



    These guys are basicly on fire all the time and die when not on fire. They do not actually breath oxygen but need it to keep their fire burning. They don't take burn damage but do take all other damages. When they die of oxygen deprivition just make sure they are in an oxygen filled space and light them with a lighter to resuciate them. All other damages can be treated the normal way. They deal burn damage when punching people. Their organs are the same as human, but on fire. It's unknown where these guys came from but story goes someone was inspecting the emergency shuttle the moment it was send, and the fire was so hot it even changed his DNA so his kids were on fire too. And the rest is incest i guess.



    These guys do not have legs but instead have a little device underneath their torso, where a human's loins would be, called a flurper. This flurper allows them to float like that villian from marvel with the big head and tiny legs. They do not have legs their flurper is a part that requires robotic repair when damaged. Their perk is that the do not need gravity to move freely, so they can move when the gravity generator is down and without propulsion in space. They are are purple-ish creatures with bright blue eyes. They live on a planet previously not tought to contain life due to it having so little mass and thus little gravity, but when NT went there to mine they found these weird looking dudes. They were great engineers and scientists and NT started hiring them for that, but they are now willing to take other jobs as well.



    These rat like creatures first started appearing on a NT research station after they went trough a record holding radiation wave that took three whole weeks. When the researchers came back abourd the rats in the vault had mutated to man size creatures that had invented their own language and had developed basic tools to get out of the vault to search for food. So because NT hires anyone and anything sentient and man-sized they hired these guys too.

    Mechanics wise they have no buffs except that they heal a little when they eat cheese. And they do less damage against tajaran and vulpakin while they do more bare hand damage against them than to other species.



    This race is a teeny tiny race that lives on micro-solar systems. These micro-systems are about the size of regular human. These race is so technologicly advanced that they can control the way the planets and their moons move around this solar center. They have build telescopes so that they can see our way of living. So basicly this species is a bunch of orbiting balls that is unable to wear any clothing except a headset and a hat. But it has an internal backpack, it basicly puts things on one of the planets. So every specimen that acts as a crewmember for nanotrasen is actually about 10 billion of these little guys. So think about that when you're bashing their head planet in while in maintenance. Each limb and limb part is represented by a planet and the torso is a small sun. They do not require to breath and can go EVA without problems. These guys only repairable by putting metal sheets on the brute damaged places and water, yes regular water, on the burned places.



    [spoiler2]In case you didn't notice this is a joking shitpost, but if you actually like one of these races i cannot blame you[/spoiler2]



    The first team to perform 6 successful experiments will then trigger a shuttle call---now the clock is ticking; the other team now has until the shuttle docks at CentComm to finish completing their objectives; they still have the chance to win, as well, if they can complete their objectives, in time.


    Teams? So how many of these duos are there kidnapping crew at one time? And can they kidnap eachother if you're robust enough?



    I don't think the law needs a change, but i agree with both of you kind of. let me explain.


    GelatinousGlob is right because he just picked it up from the ground and didn't actually steal it. Thus it is not really grand theft, but still posession of a restricted item.


    And i agree with Keroman because as security you cannot suddenly know if a person stole something or if they picked it up from the ground. As security you should protect the station, and in the situation described i would open taser fire at you too. But i would ask how you got it, then you could've explained it and maybe one or two wtinesses can be found that saw you just pick it up.


    So all with all, you're both right. But also both wrong. And the law is fine.


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