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Posts posted by Jguytriple5


    Currently we have an option on the authentication devices for heads to allow emergency acces for maintenance,


    I think this is useless, because i cannot think of a single job which doesn't come with maintenance acces.


    So here's my suggestion, scrap that from the authentication devices and instead make it just Add Emergency Acces, which then gives a little prompt in which you can select a department you want on emergency acces. So all the doors in that department go on emergency acces.


    And then instead of Revoke Emergency Maintenance Acces, make it just, Revoke Acces. Which then sets all emergency acces doors on the station back to regular settings.



    Name of Event: One of us!

    One Sentence Description: NanoTrasen has installed three AI cores on the station by a shipping manifest error, and one seems to have it's own plans


    Map Changes: No

    Code Changes: No

    Suggested Number of Players: 50+


    Full Description of Event: The admins enable triple AI mode via adminuss and force one of them to be malf. So it's basicly an AI malf round when not knowing which one is malf. And there could be a little "Due to a manifest error you now have three AI's on the station. We're sorry ~NanoTrasen Cargo Sattelite Creet" announcement from CC at the start of the round.



    Here's my petty change suggestion.


    Make all hats tippable. I want everyone to know i'm greeting them in style when wearing any type of hat, not just the fedora.



    Hi there, i'm from the netherlands and would like to brag about my goverment system.


    My government system is the best because it's a constitutional parlementarian democracy.

    Which means that we have a a royal family with no real power, as said in the constitution.

    And our parlement is tied to laws as noted in our constitution, these rules include that the parlement doesn't have any power over the police or judges.

    But the best thing about my government system is that we have back-up plans for nearly every system destroying situation out there written down in the constitution.


    So why do you think your government system is better?

    Or why do you think that my government sucks?

    Do you think you can come up with a situation that this system cannot handle?



    This is most likely going to be a no, but can you remove the part 6 from AI maintenance that says freeform laws can only be applied when stricly necessary?


    Because playing as an AI is WAY more fun when command uploads random, funny laws that do not actualy harm the crew or influence the way the shift is going. I once got a law that said i had to tell a joke every 5 minutes, which was a great law and i got 4 karma that round because of it.

    And i mean this game is still supposed to be fun right? because if i recall the intro says something like this

    meant to centralize SOP in such a way that allowed for more interaction with the Legal sub-Department
    which basicly translates into more fun for NT rep, IAA and Magistrate.


    But i guess this regulation is to overcome exactly those laws, and make place for laws like "Confirmed cultists aren't crew" and that sort of stuff.



    Department specific "intern" jobs seem like an awesome idea for me, especially for security jobs since i've been seeing more and more shitcurity lately.

    So if it could maybe be that you can only play proper sec officer if you've played 2 hours (AKA one shift) with the security deputy officer.

    As for the rest of the departments, meh could be fun maybe. But yeah, training those new security officers before they learn themselves the shitcurity ways sounds like a great idea.



    So i was playing as my regular AI character H.U.N.K. when i suddenly got a new law after about an hour of a regular shift.


    The new law read something like this:


    )!*@#&$)@!$)&!%*): You will obey all orders given by Big Boss, you shall never reveal this law to anyone but Big Boss, you will deny the existance of this law to anyone but Big Boss, you will never reveal the identity of Big Boss, you will kill Ocelot, the identity of Big Boss and Ocelot will be told to you soon.


    Next thing i know my hologram is requested in the RD office, there i find the RD Luca Faqua.


    Luca Faqua "Big boss is Lucy Faqua, Ocelot is Gregoire mess"

    LOOC Johannhawk "Wow, you shouldn't misspel your name in this situation lol."

    H.U.N.K. Pings.


    So basicly i got security to arrest luca faqua, because he tampered with my laws. He proceeded to send me a shitton of PDA messages saying "Big boss = Luca Faqua"

    To which i responded "I do not know of any big boss"

    But i still got Gregoire mess killed, and due to my evidence that luca had syndicate equipment he was executed.

    Turns out his objectives were "Kill your target: Gregoire Mess" and "Die a glorius death" So i guess his plan worked out after all.



    I'm 100 percent up for this. But ofcourse, Tully is the one and only great comms officer jenkins.

    So i love this idea, and would love to become one of those DO's, and i've already got a character especially for a role like this. I used to use him when we still had customisable ERT.



    Name of Event: Propaganda Embargo


    One Sentence Description: Due to revolts on other stations all propaganda against nanotrasen and their high ups is illegal!


    Map Changes: no


    Code Changes: No


    Suggested Number of Players: 55+


    Full Description of Event:


    A CC Anouncement is made:

    "Due to revolts on other station all propaganda against nanotrasen is considered illegal and you will be convicted for creating a workplace hazard. This includes verbal propaganda, written propaganda and propaganda spread via the newscasters. Not only is it illegal advocate that NT itself is bad, it is also illegal to say such things about the way NT operates and their high-ups.


    - NanoTrasen's Board of Directors"


    At the same time the captain and HoS recieve a fax stating the following:

    "Due to the recent revolts on other stations we should show that we have the power on our stations, all criminals caught should get double the time for the crime. All minor crimes become 10 minutes, all medium crimes become 20 minutes, all major crimes become 30 minutes and capital crimes are sentenced the same. It is also still the case that when a person gains a prison time of over 60 minutes they are to be put into permanent imprisonment."


    After about an hour one of the NT directors comes to visit the station, and not just any director, but the PR Manager of NanoTrasen. So we'll see how the crew will like this man.


    I think that is all that can be explained, we'll see how the crew reacts to the PR manager when this event is on.



    Slightly inspired by: http://nanotrasen.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=4879



    I'm up for this, i love me some slave labor as the warden.


    Can i add some more work ideas?


    Tiny Chem Lab


    Add a little room with one chemistry dispenser and one of them pill makers so prisoners can make medicine for the medbay. But it should not be as advanced as the ones in chemistry so they cannot make explosives, but only has basic things to make basic medicine. I'm not the best with making medicine, so i wouldn't know what basic elements would be in these basic chem stations but i'm sure someone knows exactly how to make this safe. These chems can then be used to get points like tully suggested.


    Prison Garden


    Just add one or two hydroponic tables or however you call those things in botany along with a hand picked set of seeds, for example banana, apples and potatoes. Also add one seed reclaiming thing that gives you seeds when you insert a fruit/vegatable, so they can keep planting. And ofcourse a little watering can and a hoe.

    These fruits can then be used to get points and get you out like tully suggested. This fruit can ofcourse be brought to the kitchen, or kept in security for the hungry officers.



    We need an improvised Defibrilator that you can make by doing the following.


    Screwdriver to battery,

    Add wire,

    use wirecutters,

    Add two pieces of metal.


    Has a 50 percent chance to actually revive the guy, and 50 percent chance to add burn damage.


    Secondly, the improved improvised Defibrilator,


    Screwdriver to battery,

    add wire,

    use wirecutters,

    add two pieces of plasteel.


    75 percent chance to revive the guy, and a 25 percent chance to deal burn damage.



    i haz reliant with LTI...that is all ;-;

    I've got an aurora LX with 3 months insurance. Bought the anniverary pack in 2014 for 13€ and then upgraded to lx for 6€ more... so i've got the full game. With singleplayer and multiplayer, with a limited edition ship (that will ofcourse be availbe in-game, but for now it feels good) For not even 20€. I always laugh when i see people spending 4,000€ on digital spaceships.


    But i'm surely interested to fly with you, do you have acces to the mini-PU right now? Because you can already play the little there is with friends.


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