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Posts posted by Jguytriple5


    Name: Robert Van Dijck (R.V.D.)

    Age: 85

    Gender: Male

    Race: Independent Positronic Chassis

    Blood Type: n/a

    General Occupational Role(s): Journalist, Coronor, Detective, Magistrate, Blueshield, Quartermaster.


    Biography: He was the leader of an organised crime group hidden under the company name Van Dijck Shipping and Recieving. But as time went on his son didn't want to come into the family buisiness and instead went to work for nanotrasen. So as time went on Robert got older and after a while his son got a grandson, Jim Van Dijck. As soon as Robert could he got Jim into the family buisness and apointed him as his succesor. Ofcourse Robert's son didn't like this and so he attempted to assassinate by a mercenary hidden as a rival organised crime group member. He failed to kill him but it did cause Robert and Jim to create a backup plan in case Robert would die. They copied Robert's brain and memories onto a positronic brain and put it inside a stolen IPC Chassis. They never had to activate this IPC untill Robert died in a fight with a vox gang, wich R.V.D. doesn't remember because his memories were copied before that. As the whole operation and company were compromised by the vox attack, Jim and R.V.D. started working for nanotrasen to earn some money and for various other reasons.


    Qualifications: Medical Doctorate, including surgery.

    Space law study.

    10 minute journalism workshop.

    Seen all of NCIS (Nanotrasen Crime Investation Spacestations)


    Employment Records: Former CEO of Van Dijck Shipping and Recieving


    Security Records: Former Leader of Organised Crime Group


    Medical Records: 100% metal


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): An IPC that has a lot of scratches on it. the NT logo on the side of it's head is (poorly) scraped of and the letters VD are painted in black over the logo.

    hastily drawn pictures in paint



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:



    What if we replace our current AI core to multiple AI mainframes.

    We could have like 4 mainframes scattered across the station that each represent 25% of system integrety

    One in the vault, one on the current AI sattelite, one in the AI upload and one in the science server room.

    This way it's harder to kill the AI but it can still be carded from any of the four AI mainframes.

    If science would like to make a second AI they can still just use the way an AI core is build to create an AI. But to create an additional mainframe for the current or new AI just finish the AI core without a brain in it. and then have a little prompt where you can select wich AI it should be bound to.


    And now for the really obscure part of my suggestion




    What if each of the mainframes, or the current AI core, generate heat? I mean, it's a big supercomputer, it should get pretty hot up in there right? And then the really, really weird part. What if the mainframes only start heating up when 2 of the 4 mainframes are destroyed? That would be pretty cool. And then have a max temperature for the mainframe so it'll overheat at a certain point, destroying it. This way you need to quickly convince science to make more mainframes or survive only on the cooled mainframe in the science server room.



    Okay now it's been a while and i'm like 99 percent sure nobody is wanting to code this stuff, so i read around in the code a bit and saw how fucking hard this stuff is. I looked around for the virus code and barely understood anything that was in the file. I guess it's readable if you know the language but i only know java.


    BUT i think that if you remove the bit of code that allows curing



    if(stage <= 1 && clicks == 0) // with a certain chance, the mob may become immune to the disease before it starts properly


    mob.antibodies |= antigen


    //Space antibiotics stop disease completely


    if(stage == 1 && prob(20))




    if (prob(5))

    var/oldAntigen = antigen

    antigen = text2num(pick(ANTIGENS))

    antigen |= text2num(pick(ANTIGENS))

    log_admin("Stamm #[oldID] ([oldAntigen]) mutated antigens in [mob.name] to Stamm #[uniqueID] ([antigen])")

    message_admins("Stamm #[oldID] ([oldAntigen]) mutated antigens in [mob.name] to Stamm #[uniqueID] ([antigen])")

    else if (prob(10) && all_species.len)

    var/old_species = affected_species

    affected_species = get_infectable_species()

    log_admin("Stamm #[oldID] ([old_species]) mutated affected species in [mob.name] to Stamm #[uniqueID] ([affected_species])")

    message_admins("Stamm #[oldID] ([old_species]) mutated affected species in [mob.name] to Stamm #[uniqueID] ([affected_species])")


    log_admin("Stamm #[oldID] mutated in [mob.name] to Stamm #[uniqueID] ([antigen])")

    message_admins("Stamm #[oldID] mutated in a [mob.name] to Stamm #[uniqueID] ([antigen])")

    if (antigen != disease.antigen)

    equal = 0

    return equal


    antigen |= text2num(pick(ANTIGENS))

    antigen |= text2num(pick(ANTIGENS))



    I think that if those lines are removed the virus isn't curable, but now we just need one of those shuffle commands i've seen in the code somewhere to pick a player who carries the virus onto the ship.

    And ofcourse all the dificult bits, we already have codes for virusses, but not for zombies, and definelty not zombies with special abilities. I'll see if i can whip up any more code pieces and please let me know if the things i said up untill now are complete bullshit and utter nonsense because i don't have a clue what most of the code means.



    The Geneticist is not permitted to provide body doubles;


    I think they should be able to provide body doubles for important personell like the captain if he's on a kill list. I've been able to stay safe myself by dressing a genetics body double up like the captain and leaving them in the bar. So maybe alter this so it's allowed if the captain/RD/CMO agrees.



    I know what you're going trough, you started a round of SS13 hoping to do all kinds of cool shit like killing aliens and stuff. But then you suddenly see yourself in science without any idea what you're doing boring yourself to death, or in the library without any intent of actually printing any books. Do you want other people not doing anything important to know what is going on around the station while doing something interesting yourself?


    [spoiler2]THEN THIS IS THE GUIDE FOR YOU![/spoiler2]


    First things first

    Okay now, first things first, you need a camera. You can easily get a camera at the artvend machine near arrivals. If you are infact a scientist with nothing better to do, wait for science to be able to develop digital cameras. Next up, you need to actually create your newspaper channel on the newscasters found around the station, there are two types of newspapers, satire and informative ones, i'm only covering the informative ones. A flashlight is also a nice thing to have for when you're exploring maintenance. And if you're the librarian, what are you reading this part for, you're already set up with the stuff in your office you fool!



    No journalist gets a story without any information. If you turn out to be an IAA agent too bored to fill out forms, you already have all the info you need to become a journalist! You have the security channel, the most informative thing on the station. If anything's going down on the station and the security team is only a tad competent, it'll be easy to get good stories from this source alone. Now if you do not have acces to the security channel there is two things you can do, ask a high up for a security headset or get a security member to be your informant. If none of these two work, see paragraph 4. It's rare but gets less rare when your newspaper starts being read by more people, but you can also obtain information by people just telling you. If they think you're a good way of spreading information, or gathering information, they'll tell all they have seen or heard to you without you even asking.



    As a journalist you should always make sure your information is correct, and that you know the whole story. You should do this by investigating the place that your informant tells you you should go. For example, if there's talks of a murderer on the security channel and they tell eachother that the criminal has commited most crimes in science, go to science and see what there is to see. If you for example find a blood trail, follow it, you might find information that was hidden to the rest of the station before this moment. As journalist you ofcourse take photos of everything remotely interesting.

    If you have no information at all you should just explore the station and keep walking around without real aim, take mental notes of everything and everyone you see. If you see two people having an interesting conversation, don't mind to stick close to them and listen in on their valuable information. When you actually have done some investigation and have a remote idea of what's going on it's time for the next step.



    When you are nearly ready to write a story and have all the info you require, ask around a bit. But no aimless questions like "what happened here?" but more direct questions containing info you only know about if you have done some investigation like "So, what do you know about -insert murder suspect-'s buisiness in this department?" Or "Have you heard that -insert victim- was killed?". The latter works mighty fine on Heads of departments that don't know what's going on in their department. If they give you their information you can start doing the fun kind of questioning, the "how are you going to respond to -insert situation-?" kind of questions. Asking this to any head will cause them to give you some fun statements to use in your newspaper. And i end this paragraph on questioning with the golden rule of asking questions, remember they are only going to give the information they want you to know. This is exactly the reason you should investigate before you question, if you know more then they think you know, they can't fool you.



    Ah yes, the only thing that seperates the journalist from the detective. When writing an article you should always remember how a newspaper article looks.



    -Information- + -statements-



    If your article doesn't look like this it isn't an interesting read. As title you should always do something that summarizes the whole story, but makes it sound more dramatic. It should be more interesting than the real story so people read it, but no word of it can be a lie.


    For the middle we have two parts, information and statements. In the information part you will write all the information YOU have gathered and YOU know are true. Because everybody but you can lie, you should always say who stated what. For example, about this the RD said "we're doing everything we can to prevent this in the future". Make sure to only state facts, and statements, but none of your bullshit opinions, nobody wants those in the middle of a good informative story.


    Now to your opinions, these should always be at the ending and leave room for the reader to think about. This is the reason i always end my articles in questions, they make you think about what you just read and you start getting your own ideas about the subject. This is the best part because if you ask the right questions provided that you have enough facts about the subject in the middle bit, the crew might believe you over command. When the crew starts to believe you more than any other source on the station people will give you more information about things they have seen or heard on the station.



    I see you asking yourself, i'm a traitor, my round is already interesting now, i don't want to set up a newspaper. But what if you get converted in the middle of the shift? well that means that people already take your information for fact. This means that you can lie to the crew, but if you lie too often the crew will see that you aren't a reliable source. I once convinced the captain of the station, yes you heard that right, the captain of the station to blow up the AI. I had given nothing but true information the whole round, but at the ending of every article i suggested in a very subtle manner that the AI was behind all the crimes. I had been a traiter from the beginning of the shift and my only objectives were to destroy the AI and leave without getting caught. And i did destroy that precious AI by just being a damn good journalist. There is however one clear unwritten rule that states "Make the real articles and fake articles noticably different in a way" This rule isn't really punishble if not followed but i follow it and nobody has even known my subtle difference between real and fake articles.




    So folks, there you have it. A real nice guide on how to make proper in game newspapers, and also how to be a good detective, because basicly paragraph 2 and 3 were about being a detective. I hope i won't be getting those civilians every shift trying to piggy back on my fame, they can now make their own newspapers. I hope this guide was helpfull and if it was i hope to see loads of more newspapers on the station other than my trusted NSS Cyberiad Crime Watch.



    Find the truth, ask people specificly about this truth, collect statements about the subject, write articles with facts.



    Okay, i see where i went wrong, let me whip up a little bit less



    Name of Event: Refugee Crisis


    One Sentence Description: A station near NSS Cyberiad has been blown up by the syndicate, all crew of that station has to fled to NSS Cyberiad.


    Map Changes: No


    Code Changes: No


    Suggested Number of Players: 50+


    Full Description of Event: All crew of a station are evacuating any way they can because the syndicate is about to blow up their station. This station however is not NanoTrasen controlled. . So all crew of this non-NT station flees the station and finds the NanoTrasen Cargo Devision, where they manage to hide. Step by step all crew boards these shuttle and heads to NT stations all over the galaxy, one of these stations is Cyberiad.


    So refugees will arrive at Cyberiad via cargo, but how will the crew of Cyberiad respond? Will they imprison them out of fear? Outright kill them because they are not protected by space law? Will the captain say they are fully welcome on the station and are authorized guests so they will become protected by space law? How will CC Respond if they find out non-NT officials have boarded the Cyberiad and the captain has authorized it? Is one of the refugees maybe part of the syndicate himself(One of the refugees is definitly syndicate himself, one of the people will be turned to a traitor by an admin)? These questions will only be awnsered by playing this event.



    I kind of went to far writing this, read the better version 3 comments down


    [spoiler2]Name of Event: Refugee Crisis


    One Sentence Description: The malware program I.S.I.S. has infected another station's AI and all crew of the other station have to flee to NSS Cyberiad.


    Map Changes: No


    Code Changes: No


    Suggested Number of Players: 50+


    Full Description of Event: A malware program called Inter Station Intel Searcher, I.S.I.S. for short, has infected the AI of a station near NSS Cyberiad. This station however is not NanoTrasen controlled. All crew of this non-NT station are evacuating any way they can because after I.S.I.S. has found all there is to find about the station it is on, it will just blow it up because it has no purpose to him anymore. So all crew of this non-NT station flees the station and finds the NanoTrasen Cargo Devision, where they manage to hide. Step by step all crew boards these shuttle and heads to NT stations all over the galaxy, one of these stations is Cyberiad.


    So refugees will arrive at Cyberiad via cargo, but how will the crew of Cyberiad respond? Will they imprison them out of fear? Outright kill them because they are not protected by space law? Will the captain say they are fully welcome on the station and are authorized guests so they will become protected by space law? How will CC Respond if they find out non-NT officials have boarded the Cyberiad and the captain has authorized it? Is one of the refugees maybe taking I.S.I.S. with them and is trying to infect the AI? These questions will only be awnsered by playing this event.[/spoiler2]



    Complete event description part 5 (With your guys' ideas):


    AI director


    This blob like overmind is able to see everything the zombies and patient 0 can see. He can jump from zombie to zombie and place markers. IC reason: The overmind can create a scent the zombies can smell. If he does this the zombies will see in red text "You smell something in [insert location] (Can be the same as the one used in suit sensor scanning thing)"

    As director you can also controll who get's infected. If someone is close enough to either patient 0 or a zombie (alive or regenerating doesn't matter) he can use a command/button to infect that person.


    Patient 0 dies


    if patient 0 dies, his special virus will allow him to turn into a zombie king. So when patient 0 dies, zombies can no longer rise from the place they died, they have to spawn from virus pods. This means that the round isn't over when patient 0 dies, but ofcourse is a massive disadvantage for the zombies because they now only spawn in one place. As for the AI director, he can now actually communicate with the other zombies using words. Now that patient 0 has mutated his brain is fully devoted to the zombies, this means that a hivemind is formed inside the zombie king. But since the AI director basicly is the virus, the zombie king has to take orders from him too.


    Zombie king dies


    The hivemind, AI director and the ability for zombies to respawn vanishes. This is a near victory for the survivors. If this happends all other zombies will be easier to wipe out because they have no way of communicating anymore. It's a major victory for the survivors if they manage to kill all zombies, but a minor one when they escape with the shuttle. Ofcourse if all survivers are killed, except for patient 0 and IPC's, the virus is succesfull.


    wow we really made one hell of a good gamemode here, shame it's going to be super hard to code this so it will probably never happen ;-;


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