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Posts posted by Habalabam

  1. Maybe my confusion reveals my lack of robustness, but how would gag help? Will you not face the same predicament? Do you expect that applying a gag will be quicker than removing a headset? Do you expect to apply a gag simultaneously with cuffing?


    Just want to add in my five cents that an Xray gun make short works of a malf AI, too. And the AI core starting location is known, so you just have to measure out a strategic tile once and then fire from there.


    Maybe the xray gun should pass over AI core and BLOB core.


    Or implement the feature I've been asking for for a while. RnD should not reach the top science tiers without seizing some sort of round depending or random opportunity. Maxing out to insta-win without ever looking up from the table doesn't encourage much interaction.


  3. I have mentioned elsewhere that I would like xeno aggressive grab to happen substantially quicker than for other mobs. Combined with the adjustment/bugfix proposed in this thread, it would make being abducted by a xeno a decent nightmarish experience.


    Witness statements should be easy to relate to the actual arrest.


    I think names of all persons of interest should be possible to list on the (one) arrest report.

    Victims, Suspects, Witnesses and accuser (which often is just "victim") should have a slot.


    Witnesses and victim can supplement with own statements, of course, but the one paper filled out by the arresting officer should have as much compact information as possible. It will give the magistrate one paper to quickly give an overview of the case and witnesses can be called.



    To me, running off with security tactical equipment and starting a firefight with the security force is miles beyond the discretion of a clown.


    A clown is an entertainer. The clown should care about safety as much as the next person.

    An antag clown would typically approach like this, but the game would be up the moment he starts taking the tactical gear. Grand theft is not a gig. Shooting it out with security is not a gig.


    To me it's an a-help. Either self-antagging or clown job ban.



    I'm not saying that I don't want them illegal to carry. I'm not saying that I do. I'm saying that that it is not what this thread is about.

    The in-game confrontation today between players who are on different sides on this issue is a reality, confirmed by this thread, and unfortunate for the community.

    To some, including me, it's a "no, duh!"-thing as to whether such items, if placed in this manner on such an installation, would be left there for the purpose of free pickings for civilians, tourists or any casual passer-by.

    The personal protection equipment is already in your backpack at round start.


    The main reason I'm speaking so much in this thread is due to the concern that security would talk to people about having taken tools if it isn't an emergency and the player in question is not any form of engineering profession or in a science position that would require tools.

    ...nor is this thread about whether or not security officers should spend time on it or not. I would expect HoS to be upset with an officer dragging a hoarder into brig while the rest of the security force is out hunting a pair of shadowlings. Some rounds the officers have time to focus on minor stuff, but most of the time they don't.


    Also note the toolboxes in the locker room are right on the table, which isn't exactly an area that's under construction

    I have no strong opinion about what, specifically, the two toolboxes in the locker room are supposed to be. To me, they look like tools from two workers from the previous shift who changed out of their working clothes in that room. But you would expect the actual construction work to take place in the locker room in order for the tool boxes left in the locker room to be construction work related....? I don't follow your thought process at all, but feel free to disregard those two if they bother you. The issue should be clearer with rooms such as "Primary tool storage" and "secondary tool storage". Or the maintenance area.



    Wait a second.. where in the? I'll go re-read space law, but I'm fairly certain I've not seen anybody arrested for having a full toolset. It would also make primary tool storage, which is completely accessible, a crime hotspot for so much as an assistant picking up a toolbox.


    Not for having, but for the act of taking, which is the reason I suggested that the items in question should be tagged. Both for facilitating enforcement, but also to indicate to the greytide that it isn't just for the taking. At least not hassle free if officers have time on their hands to quibble about it.


    Just like you don't just grab a fire extinguisher off from a wall of a hotel you're staying at.

    It doesn't mean that fire extinguishers are in short supply (there is another down the hall). It doesn't mean that fire extinguishers in general are illegal to carry.

    It means that you simply took something that wasn't yours and that you removed a piece of forwarded emergency equipment without you being in an emergency situation or a hotel employee.

    The area does not need to be locked off. There is construction work continuously in progress on the station. In addition, the station is in a state of readiness for eventualities that may require tools to be available at short notice. Forward placed equipment that people can get to in an emergency may save lives.

    If the hotel you're staying at is getting renovated, it's completely irrelevant that you were able to get at tools without picking locks. You don't just take it.


    The items on the station aren't in the hallway. They aren't in the bar. You need to enter what is clearly a workshop area or technical room and maybe open a cabinet.


    I don't understand what is so incomprehensible with this concept. You can agree or disagree whether this is the proper way to consider the equipment stored in accessible areas in SS13, but how can this simple distinction be so elusive to so many people on this forum? What magic word must be spoken for people to realize that this is not about making tools illegal to carry....?


    I haven't read a single reply in this thread. But the answer to OP is simple.


    Yes, it is illegal if you're not an engineer.


    And to super-clarify: No, it is not against server rules.

    Did you actually read the OP and read the actual question to which he answered "yes"? The OP wasn't particularly long, FYI.



    It's redundant, you might say? The laws for assault/murder are already there to punish vigilantes if we wish? Well, then what prevents someone from screaming on ahelp "BUT MUH VALIDS!" If we codified it in space law, admins can simply sit back, type "deal with it IC" and move on.


    I did not understand that. If I'm a security officer and you cripple another person for trespass, stealing your pAI or whatever. I arrest him for trespass/theft and I arrest you for assault. You a-help the butthurt. What do you think happens today without this addition to space law? What would change in this scenario?



    What people do when security force is scarce or incapacitated? Well, sign up as security officers.

    Security officers going to SSD cryo in full tactical gear get a job ban warning.


    Separating vigilantes from good samaritans sounds like the in-game responsibility of the security force. Not an admin job unless the means are unrealistically excessive. In terms of eg lings, I don't know if you can ever call a response excessive. The point would be much more about the "hunting" part of "validhunting", not what they did after locating it.


    To me, the thing is that most other jobs (except as department head) come with very little strings attached (as we are a "medium" RP server), and are thus, from a practical POV, the more convenient platform from which to hunt for antags than as a security officer.


    If you are geneticist, you expect to unlock abiilties and then putting them to use however you see fit. I rarely see a geneticist unlocking abilities, making a clear report to CMO and then stick around to cure disabilities, clone DOA's and make a restricted set of SE injectors for the CoC to manage.



    I did, about a week ago, when stepping aboard the mining shuttle, step into empty space because the shuttle disappeared exactly as I was moving onto the tile.


    I think that the shuttle should not leave before the outermost station door is bolted shut and it would require QM access level to press "override". Would this detail, if implemented, satisfy both sides in this thread? AI can withhold the shuttle by bolting a door open, but the potential for abuse would be limited.



    I do think items, such as an emag, is evidence of intent of hacking. It is also evidence that you are somehow connected to contacts allowing you to obtain it. I see no foundation for the idea that you found syndicate items by accident. These are used by trained enemy operatives. They are not commonly found.

    IRL, posession of a drug is evidence of habit of use and a larger amount is evidence of intent to sell.


    I do think people on a space station would react to what is a clear threat to the station. They are directly affected by a malfunctioning AI, Syndicate operatives, a predatorial species such as a changeling etc. This is not comparable to IRL police. Besides, they have signed up with NT and it's not unreasonable that they swallowed the company cool-aid. I think it is OK that they respond to threats, but their initial diligence at round start before the first alert or PA message cannot be explained.


    To me, this is about people who would better off playing the free form role as security officers, but find it too hard, disdains the required discipline and/or wants to opt out of the abuse. It's much easier being the chemist, hoarding up tactical recipes and go out looking without the restrictions of a member of the security team.


    I suspect that if you ask people on a heavy RP server, that this server is what they consider to be (very) light RP. On a heavy RP server, it's unheard of that a nurse performs surgery as well as a surgeon. On this server roles like a scientist comes, under the guise of being "medium RP", with basically no strings attached.

    Of course it becomes the preferable option to those vetted out by the security force.



    I love playing the NT rep.


    To act out being in charge of protecting the significant investment that is the space station on the shift where everything goes to hell. You're supposed to have NT's back.


    Merely by pulling strings. That is some huge RP potential.


    The IAA makes sure that every department is working internally. The NT Rep considers if the departments are interacting well to achieve the stations' overall productivity goals.


    You should be the filter and not send boring details to NT.

    You are the seasoned field operative, the company guy, the man in black. You are not a clerk.

    If you send a fax, then it should be about a situation that is positively not, or inadequately, dealt with by the CoC.


    I do wish that the NT rep got involved by NT in more situations. The liaison part of the job description is pretty much non-existing.



    I believe you just have to work out when somebody is clearly wasting security's time on non-objective things without attempt at concealement. Antags usually don't try to attract attention and they are usually on the clock to complete their objectives. Antags rarely has a reason to single out an officer. People with a grudge would like to ruin your gaming experience.


    If the person starts off with something petty and then it clearly escalates from there, then I find that this is often the person tilting rather than acting out his role.


    Especially if being dealt the short end of the stick in a he-said-she-said situation or being demoted in a department domestic dispute. Those are grudge-triggers if I ever saw one.



    I kind of regret that my original tagging suggestion also included original location of the item. Partly because it adds hassle to the coding efforts and becomes needlessly verbose from a cost/benefit standpoint, but mainly because it provided the nay-sayers with an OCD strawman and an excuse to derail the thread.


    The main point remains to expedite the interaction with security and the implicit effect from such a tag indicating that the insulated gloves, extinguisher, toolbox, welding torch or multitool weren't for the taking.



    I feel that the uppermost tiers of science should depend on factors not known at round start. Like:


    * findings from xenoarcheology

    * capture of live wizard/ling/vamp/xeno

    * goliath/basilisk.

    * syndicate items.

    * pda with TK.

    * divine trickle onto the chaplain.

    * artifacts found away missions.

    * xenobio products.

    * rare mining produce.

    * Visitor trade.


    These are just some ideas. But if these things, when encountered, presented a science opportunity that science would have to respond to in order to capitalize from, then that would make for some interesting gameplay. It would also allow for the classical adversarial positions of "we must kill/destroy it" vs "we must study it".


    Live stuff would be more valuable than dead stuff. Reaching the absolute top tier stuff should be high risk and borderline irresponsible.


    It would make science care about what happens elsewhere at the station.


    And the means and facilities needed to capturing, containing and interacting with a hostile xeno would be an interesting setup.


    I wrote this in the "Exotic materials" thread, but thought that it should be a separate suggestion.


    I would want for these factors to be cross departments and preferably be at odds with conventional priority. To invite the classical clashes of concerns. "You're not bringing THAT thing onboard!! I don't care about your 'precious' research!!".


    It could be a xenoarch site that hinders some big mining payoff. A greedy miner will wreck the xenoarch find.

    It could be a pathogen that can be grown at xenobio, but so dangerous that armed guards would observe quarantine.

    It could be, my favorite, that a live vamp/ling/xeno should be contained and studied whereas the Captain/HoS would need to quell the lynch mob. It could even be done under the radar (and exposed by IAA) for some mad scientist persona.


    These are classical themes, unlocks considerable RP with lots of pop culture references, and also solves the candy crush'esque nature of Science at SS13.


    I realize that there is some coding challenges here, but it doesn't have to be more than a device that should be pointed at a live changeling on a regular basis (maybe five times with at least a minute interval) for huge gain, autopsy artifacts for medium gain, trace materials for small gain etc.

    How one would go about applying those would be up to regular gameplay.


    And, if a vampire is captured and studied, maybe it should allow construction of a vampire compass or something that would help in locating other vampires. It would create some interesting dynamics. HoS would have to distribute his/her assets to safeguard the research vs safeguarding the public through regular patrols.



    Having these items is not a problem.

    How you acquire them is.

    I'm fairly certain B&E as well as petty theft already constitutes a crime. If there's a break in with your fingerprints all over it and evidence leading directly to you other than "You have tools, that means you did it! Especially because you're nearby!" Then yeah, it's already illegal if you acquired them by breaking in. Even so, what's problematic about acquiring tools in terms of petty theft, as, again, petty theft already happens to be a crime that you can be brigged for and the confiscated items returned.


    I find that the process of enforcing this causes a lot of genuine friction between players. The player is going "f*ck off! None of your business" when the officer enquires about how the items were detained as they are frequently obtained illegally and because the same equipment has been stolen just five minutes ago in the general area.


    I suggested that SS13 placed equipment be tagged to facilitate this process, both for officers and those who have acquired the items in a legal way.


    I think it is evident from that thread that players expect to not be hassled about taking these items. So I feel that this is the key point which the staff should make up their mind at. The player base is clearly divided on this issue (unless you ask Regens, who feels it is only me).


  17. If the person has tools and materials, then it could be a variant of the hidden door. Activated by pressing the wall. No poster needed. The poster, if used, would only serve as a landmark. A "wall hole puncher" traitor item could work on standard wall (not reinforced walls), and offer the opportunity to leave a hidden door/hidden cabinet.


    Thanks for the info. I wasn't really doubting that it was possible to code a "human trait elixir" that, when mixed with a "insta-xeno elixir", would create a xeno with human traits (short version).

    Anything the coders/creators want to be true, you can always implement using some pixie dust hand waving explanation. Even how a xeno could possibly be sentient and act human.


    I could argue that xenobio producing a golem (a primitive construct animated with some fundamental life force) makes more sense than a full fledged xeno jumping out of the microwave with human nervous system and vocal chords with the rest staying the same.

    But the bottom line question is whether this is what we want.


    To me, it detracts from the xeno part of the SS13 universe. It breaks immersion. The operative word on the xeno concept is "alien". To sit beside one attempting small talk on the train ride home is not really playing into that. The whole premise of the alien series is the inability to reproduce the biology in a lab.

    As a species, they're fundamentally different (aka alien). There is nothing to suggest that there is a single switch to be flipped and it's a person.



    I feel that the uppermost tiers of science should depend on factors not known at round start. Like:


    * findings from xenoarcheology

    * capture of live wizard/ling/vamp/xeno

    * goliath/basilisk.

    * syndicate items.

    * pda with TK.

    * divine trickle onto the chaplain.

    * artifacts found away missions.

    * xenobio products.

    * rare mining produce.

    * Visitor trade.


    These are just some ideas. But if these things, when encountered, presented a science opportunity that science would have to respond to in order to capitalize from, then that would make for some interesting gameplay. It would also allow for the classical adversarial positions of "we must kill/destroy it" vs "we must study it".


    Live stuff would be more valuable than dead stuff. Reaching the absolute top tier stuff should be high risk and borderline irresponsible.


    It would make science care about what happens elsewhere at the station.


    And the means and facilities needed to capturing, containing and interacting with a hostile xeno would be an interesting setup.



    I know the wiki is outdated, but is there anything that should be added to the xeno lore?


    I now see xenos regularily on the station as somebodys pet.

    I try to consistently act horrified at it, grab the nearest improvized weapon, but not daring to attack it and instead yelling at the "owner", making it clear that its presence is unacceptable.


    I think this is the proper response consistent with the wiki entry on the xenos. It's the only thing consistent with the alien series universe. Even though its 2d sprite isn't nearly as frightening as the actual xeno, we should act as if it is.


    However, it seems that I'm slowly getting into a minority. People are pointing out that it hasn't committed a crime yet, and shouldn't be discriminated against because of its race.


    I don't think xeno should enter into the philosophical discussions about its own presence.

    I don't think xeno should act out hurt feelings about being ostracized.


    If you insist on RP'ing the Golem/underling/thrall "I will do as you command, master" as a xeno, please use the mind-whispering spell/thingy.


    Xenos should not default speak common.



    Sounds like you are using a hammer where you should have been using a screwdriver.


    Obviously respiration isn't a net zero process.

    Organisms are consumers, not mere catalysts.


    This may seem like nitpicking, but "transactional" doesn't means what you think it means. If you exchange money for goods, that's a transaction. In computer terms, transaction means that the exchange cannot be done half way. You either complete it as a whole or you roll it back as a whole. In terms of respiration, an example of transactional handling would be that you cannot pull the consumed oxygen back from the person once the person has produced the CO2. Which makes sense, code wise, since (IRL) the oxygen has already been passed as CO2. There is nothing preventing O2->CO2 to be handled transactionally.


    There are many aspects of the game which represent chemical reactions. Chemistry, for one, but also how the body metabolize drugs. It's unexpected to me that respiration would need to be a net zero process. Maybe that will make more sense if I decide to dig into the code base.



    Boron is a gas giant - gas giants are predominately made up of a few (not many) gases.


    Plasma is treated as a particular 'gas' in SS13. Plasmamen breathe plasma from plasma canisters containing only plasma.

    They are therefore, exhaling plasma and only plasma.


    Plasma could be anything. I consider it mere matter that, for some reason, does not condense into distinct atoms.

    The reason could be temperature, could be pressure, could be fundamentally lack of ionizing effect or could be some yet unknown physics.

    As such, there is little problem with them breathing out whatever after inhaling plasma.


    Snowflaked exhalation code is irrelevant in this instance, as Vox (who only breathe N2O, which lacks a carbon component) exhale CO2 (despite never intaking it), and humans wearing O2 internals (containing pure oxygen) also breathe out CO2, despite this being literally impossible in realistic terms.


    Why would this be the case? What do you mean by "Vox never intaking it"? Don't they ever ingest food/beverage containing carbon?

    The net effect of the internals depends on the supposed working of the internals combined with what you assume the Vox metabolism to be.

    Humans breathe out CO2 without carbon being part of what you inhale.

    I see no reason to assume that internals wouldn't be able to accept pure oxygen and emit pure CO2. Nitrogen and oxygen from exhalation being recycled.


    This isn't really an issue, both from a gameplay standpoint or a lore standpoint - it's just how the code works.


    It doesn't have to be needlessly complicated for the sake of realism, as it literally has no impact on the game unless we were running rounds that lasted 3-4 days long with an atmos system that lacks scrubbers.

    I didn't mean to say it was a problem. I'm saying it is a legitimate gameplay element that plasmamen shouldn't breathe directly onto the environment sensors.

    I mean "legitimate" in a positive way.

    I think this discussion is a positive side effect from the game engine emulating the underlying physics rather than hardcoding every single side effect separately, in which case this artifact would never have appeared.



    This is the side effect of computer models.


    We need to expand upon the lore because the running of the simulation actually provides feedback.


    Plasma men inhale plasma, but what gas composition do they exhale and where does it go?


    It appears the present solution is that that they exhale a gas composition still containing plasma. Just like humans inhales 20% oxygen and exhales 17% oxygen, approximately.

    Should we go for a rebreather which filters and expels CO2, replenishes Plasma, but is otherwise a closed loop?


    The present solution poses some legitimate challenges. Plasma is a hazard. Not all areas have sufficient ventilation. Atmo alarms operate on single point sensor (no voting among multiple sensors), so a plasma man breathing directly onto the sensor will, on the part of the system, be treated as if the entire room had the gas composition of the plasma man exhaust.


    It's a cool problem. I don't consider it a bug. I consider it a genuine lore conundrum.


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