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Posts posted by TheClosetMailman

  1. 1 hour ago, Purpose2 said:

    I was pointed at this thread, I won't normally check it tbh.


    Maintainence could be dirtier - thats interesting feedback, I thought it was, but I'm very happy to do more of it!

    I'm planning to PR magboots being available in the storage unit. RE: only 3 suits... this is sort of intended, to reduce the amount that Engineers sit in void suits. There are however 5, not 3. Two of them are in Secure Storage (just like on Cyberiad). (Atmos was also just given an extra one)

    Public autolathe I find an interesting design decision. I'm happy to remove this - but not without several weeks/months of testing how it works out in practice.

    No psych office, whoops I think I missed that. I'll need to find a way to map that in.... RE: the second operating room... I agree - normally - a second OR is considered /REQUIRED/ however all tests I've seen so far have been absolutely fine with only one. THERE IS HOWEVER, a second operating room that is derelict in the maint next to it. Engineering/MEdical/Janitorial can fix this up and add it to the main body of medbay if they like. They did this one round, and it was fantastic. NOT ALL ROUNDS SHOULD BE THE SAME!

    Map: 28164238-675d2108-67c6-11e7-910b-b8910b8


    This is MOSTLY - up to date, there are differences though, but it should give you a good idea.

    Tech storage -should- have the RND stuff at the back? I can double check later, or you can and confirm...




    I will take a second to say, this took me over 500 hours to get this far. I placed everything manually by hand. I super super super welcome constructive feedback and bug reports, but trolls looking to shittalk can go sit and spin.

    Looking at the map, everything is alot easier to navigate now.

    The major problem is the lack of updated maps for this.

  2. My first impression was WHERE THE HONK IS EVERYTHING?


    The station has some odd pathing, departments lie in an unusual pattern and there is very little signs to help guide you.

    Along with that, the medical department has several rooms with no clear purpose, a overly spacious OR room and a lack of a secondary OR.

    For the glory of Nar`Sie, please see if you can at least get the map on the wiki or hell, better ingame signage.

  3. 16 hours ago, Calecute said:

    Fuck mate, that's sad. 

    Not as sad watching a converted seccie march towards you in a gygax through the cameras.


    And knowing the HOS had the e-gun

    • stunbaton 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Raven171 said:

    Ya know, Nav, I do give you a lot of crap but I genuinely respect your overwhelming violence approach to problem solving. I might have to disagree with it as AI, beep boop laws, but damn it a warden should be entitled to shotgun down the greytide trespassing, right?

    And hell, I'd rather have an excessively violent sec force than a bunch who just get murdered five minutes in.

    I´ve sat as the warden, in S-ling rounds, watch how my whole crew (HOS included) disappear on my monitors.

    Violence IS the only answer in those situations.

  5. 15 hours ago, GutTC said:

    you start reading the book "How to No-Hulk professionally 101" carefully

    Step one: Syringe of Ether.

    Step two: Syringe Gun.

    Step three: Clean SE.

    Step Four: Cable cuff.

    Step Five: Confront Hulk.

    Step Six: Shoot the Syringe gun with Syringe of Ether loaded.

    Step Seven: Step Five again.

    Step Eight: Apply clean SE on the neutralized Hulk.

    Step Nine:  Apply Cable cuffs.

    Step Ten: Drag them here.


    Five credits one of the seccies will arrest you despite you obviously doing good, only to get lynched by every member of malpracticebay.

  6. On 9/29/2018 at 1:26 AM, bryanayalalugo said:

    This will most likely be very controversial, but...

    I think the hulk gene should be removed (or at least disabled so it can't be acquired via number means, such as through genetics).

    Hulk gene is so overpowered, it resists almost all forms of stuns, and it can be used to break through almost everything (walls, reinforced walls, anything that can be destroyed).

    Not only that, if it's coupled with any other equipment (hard suits, science garbage meme chems, traitor/antag abilities) it ends up even MORE overpowered. Hulk gene is also notoriously also abused by non-antags at times.

    Even though the hulk gene makes the user end up having with their DNA very unstable, it's still very strong.

    I`m pretty dang sure the buckshot, slugs and tranq shells are effective hulk countermeasures.

    I mean, i`ve stopped bigger, stronger antags with those type of rounds.


    In a pinch, tech shells loaded with mutadone should do it.

  7. Yeah! Down with the vulp menace!


    But seriously, this post, my pain.

    When someone gets dragged to the brig, i try to understand their crime, reason for it and severity before doing a verdict.

    One time, my seccies dogpiled the clown for checking door wires, on his own honk door.

    I sighed, uncuffed them and gave them a parole notice.

    Safe to say, the ComDom crew consisting of the HOS, Cap and HOP were not happy, despite the fact i just did my job, being the fair judge in absence of a magistrate.

    • honk 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Kryson said:

    I have sprited an ornate box, originally intended as a snuffbox(I would like to see nasal or oral snuff be added at some point, but that is for another thread.) What could it contain? I just know i would steal it if i had the chance.


    I would love a box like that as a fluff item, personalized and all, just dedicated to holding slugs in all sizes and uses.


    Then again, i`m a shotgun addict and probably should`nt waltz around with one in the brig on green

  9. 1 hour ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    Salicylic acid is coded to have a 'shock reduction' value of 25 and then to set a 'shock' variable to 0 if that variable is under 100.  I don't really know how 'shock' is calculated. Just from my own experience I know that after recovering from critical damage sometimes you're still slowed, and taking Salicylic acid gets rid of that slowdown.

    MedChem basically never makes it There's a pill bottle of it that spawns in Medical that the Brig Phys might be able to swipe for you.  Otherwise, you can find a pill of it in Brute and Burn kits and carry a couple around.  You can also try to ask for Hydrocodone, which is far more likely to be made by MedChem and lets you ignore pain completely. Surgeons often carry it to speed up surgery as you can just inject someone with it and then do surgery on them while they're awake.

    So i just gotta stunbaton a surgeon then.


    Wait, hold up-

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