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Posts posted by TheClosetMailman

  1. 3 hours ago, PhantasmicDream said:

    I heard all the cool kids genderbend their characters. For the fun of it, here's Joline Bright and Zayna Varloss.

    Not the first time I've drawn them as ladies, and probably won't be the last


    Fun fact, back in 2016ish, Zeke was forced... Turned into a woman a bunch of times. and now you know why he looks so overly feminine...

    Don`t do it Reach, retirement is just five years away


    Do NOT touch the goddamm Skrell Reach


    A bugger


    • fastparrot 1
  2. Quote
    11 minutes ago, davidchan said:

    CorgSpis. Robotic remote control replicas of station pets (unless you examine them closely) that antags can use to infiltrate head of staff offices to steal loose items. pAI compatible for coordinated shenanigans. Mexican stand offs ensue as HoP tries to figure out why he has 2 Ians in his office.

    Inserting a bible into a toilet cistern transmutes all water in the bowl to holy water. Swirlie your cultists and vampires till they repent.





    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, PhantasmicDream said:

    Here's something dramatic;


    And nothing is more dramatic than popping out of the cloning machine nude and on the cold floor, thinking to yourself how you fucked up or how did this happen.  How at this moment and time you're vulnerable and exposed. 

    Considering how messed up Reach on the inside (Cybernetic lungs AND heart), it`s safe to say he`s never been through a cloner.

    Not that he has been far from ending up in one.


    But yeah, the shock of realizing you actually died and noone could save you.


    I think that`s why medical SOP states that the cloner is simply to be referred as a fancy cryotube.



    Goddamm skrells and their stupid tentacle things getting in the way of the vi- You heard nothing

  4. 25 minutes ago, Christasmurf said:

    Let's get down to business
    To defeat the mimes
    Did they send me shitsec?
    When I asked for crimes?
    You're the saddest bunch I ever met
    But you can bet before we're through
    Mister I'll make a clown out of you

    Break in with the chemists
    Get thermite and win
    Once you slip the captain
    Use the spare, break in
    You're a silent, pale, pathetic lot
    And you cannot robust too
    Somehow I'll make a clown out of you

    I'm never gonna slip up Sec
    Say hello to those who'll brig me
    Boy was I a fool in lobby, choosing civ
    This guy's got me in a cell
    Hope he doesn't shoot right through me
    Now I really wish that I knew how to slip

    Be a clown
    You must be swift as a gygax mech now
    Be a clown
    With all the force of a blobbernaut
    Be a clown
    With all the strength of nuclear op
    Mysterious as the dark of side of scimaint

    Time is racing toward us
    Till the mimes arrive
    Heed my every order
    And you might survive
    You're unsuited for the service SOP
    So pack up, go home, you're through
    How could I make a clown out of you?

    Be a clown
    You must be swift as a gygax mech now
    Be a clown
    With all the force of a blobbernaut
    Be a clown
    With all the strength of nuclear op
    Mysterious as the dark of side of scimaint




  5. Name: Navera Reach

    Age: 47 standard sol years

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: B-

    General Occupational Role(s): Warden, Coroner and Paramedic



    Hailing from Terra in the Sol system (Earth, you dummy), Reach`s family belonged to a long line of SolGov servicemen and women.

    Not looking to deviate from that, Reach joined the SolGov forces when he became 18 years, serving there for nine years, learning all the basics he needed to survive throughout his career.

    At twenty-seven, Reach was offered a new job abroad the NDV Brutus, serving abroad as a part of the security personnel, and later on, as a part of the onboard MP personnel.

    During his twenty year long career, Reach picked up a smoking habit, causing widespread cancer in his lungs and heart that required for them to be replaced with new, expensive cybernetic ones.

    For his loyal service, NanoTrasen paid for them, on the condition he moved to the NSS Cyberiad and took up the job of watching the armory and prison cells, something he has dutifully done ever since.




    Ballistic weaponry 

    Intermediate Space law 

    First Aid 

    Riot Control

    Basic forensics



    Employment Records:

    Long-term security personnel, recently moved to the NSS Cyberiad to reinforce the already excellent security force stationed there.

    Aging, but not inactive.


    Security Records:

    Trained in ballistic weaponry, both lethal and non-lethal, but a severe lack of energy weapons knowledge, seeing them as unneccesary.

    Knows a fair share of tricks to get out of sticky situations, great care should be taken if trying to apprehend him.


    Medical Records:

    Cybernetic lungs and heart due to a severe smoking habit, as well as a cybernetic left hand, the original one having been lost to a firing range mishap.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    A somewhat rough looking fellow with an ever so stiff moustache, seemingly in his late forties.

    His face is somewhat obscured by his moustache and his tendency to wear a cap hides his eyes as well.



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:

    Regardless of gender and species, refers to people as "Mate" "Lad" or "Buddy"

    His robotic hand occasionally lashes out on its own.

    Favorite weapon is shotguns.

    Constantly tries experimenting in the brig to improve said shotguns.

    Hates the Syndicate but has a pity on their agents.


    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Kitchi Ikamura said:

    You underestimate me, I managed to trick the stations best detective Kennard Rose

    Okay that's pretty frickin scary



    tell me so I can torment him with the knowledge every round-

  7. 3 minutes ago, Kitchi Ikamura said:

    Intense Button mashing of the Chef's Gibber


    I leave No Evidence

    Unlike other wardens, I actually use a detective

    And unless that tail is made of fricking plasma, I'm pretty dang sure it would leave fur everywhere to track

    The gibber would only give the reason to start ingraving my slugs with various spess law innoundos


  8. 5 hours ago, saywat_the_15th said:

    Only, and only if you can grab people from their tail and use them as a weapon, as a hulk.

    Gonna need a whole new section in spess law for that one

  9. Not everyone loves ya!

    Some of us are honest, professional security employees!


    That get stuck against the windows

    Purely to get a better view and make sure no syndies come by and ruin that pr- the station.


    Goddammit, twenty years abroad a warship did not prepare me for the challenges of the skrell people

    • Like 1
  10. I arrived at the station as a mere assistant, quickly getting bored of being that.

    One quick A-help later and i was allowed to steal non-antag items.

    Quickly rushing around, grabbing basic gear, i started checking wires, quickly finding the right one.

    Now to my checklist of items i wanted.

    Wardens Jumpskirt

    A cargonian PDA chip

    Captains bedsheet

    Chaplains Bible

    A fukken multitool

    Now, the very first thing i got my greytidey hands on, was the bible, the "Church of Fortnite", it looked ugly and praised some weird purple guys nethers, but the Chaplain was far too easy to snatch it from either way.

    The multitool was EZ PZ, asked a cargonian IPC for it, also asked for their PDA, got smacked by said IPC.

    Tried my hand at getting the bedsheet, hacking my way through the teleporter and into the office, only to find the blueshield waiting, smiling widely as they believe they`ve caught the syndicate agent roaming the station.

    Tazed and cuffed, i get dragged to the brig.

    They find my note in my duffelbag, listing the items im trying to get.

    The blueshield turns into a redshield and leaves.

    Get a five minute sentence (Actually it was ten, but when noone was looking, the warden not only let me out early, but handed me the jumpskirt as well, nice guy)

    Headed to cargo, asked for the chip, same IPC smacked me.

    Hack my way in, still no gloves on, how am i not dead.

    Get into QMs office, grab PDA chip on table.

    The shuttle has arrived at this point, i`m not planning to get on it, but it`s still a countdown.

    Frantically tries to get into the captains office again, get smacked by the HOS and thrown out.

    Try the teleroom route again, AI notices and bolts.

    Time runs out.

    Four out of five items gotten, not bad for a first time, even if the items were rather petty.

    Show my items to a more friendly IPC at the end of round.

    They congratulate me, then shows me their E-mag and whatnot.





    Im terribly sorry with how the text is set and how short each line is, but i just wanted to tell this nice little tale from my last shift.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  11. Malf AI needs more options.

    Right now, as you said, most of the options are CLEARER THAN THE FRICKING NUKE OPS and create an equally CLEARER response.


    I say some of the abilities should be far more stealthy, or at least far more rewarding for those clear signs.

    Last time i witnessed a malf round, it was not before shuttle call the AI finally showed all its tricks, simply because sec would otherwise have it shut down in seconds.

    Even then, it was EZ PEZ to stop it.

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, EvadableMoxie said:

    Sometimes it's cool to have a trial and the law allows it to happen, but forcing security to take the time and manpower to indulge every EoC in a trial would probably be a disaster.

    I have an IAA scream at me a few times to do exactly that.

    Its one of the few times i love that i`m allowed to stunbaton them and "escort" them out of the brig if they refuse to listen and start pushing their way in.

  13. 6 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    99% of the time security eventually becomes too busy to deal with minor crimes, never mind holding a trial for a Capital Crime that is cut and dry.

    Realistically, Para is too fast paced and the rounds too short to hold a trial unless the round is unusually slow.

    Agreed, when i`ve played Warden, the best i could do was robust the magistrate (Read: They robust me with a baton and let themselves in) and drag them (me) to the accused prisoner, after nursing their (my) wounds im (they) are left to their own devices with the prisoner.


    I don`t know what CC magic the IAAs and Magistrate do, but occasionally i get a stamped and signed paper for someone`s release out of perma, or even salvation from execution.

    Still, none of those times, not even with the violent magistrate, has resulted in the court being used.

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