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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Fj45


    Wouldn't mind some handheld lights being brighter but wall lights seem fine currently.
  2. >tears out every floor tile in atmos >DOESN'T USE THE T-RAY IN ATMOS
  3. Veeery recent PR, don't worry. Fish are (currently) self contained to just fish tanks.
  4. Been throwing around idea of making perma not crap for a while, wouldn't mind keeping a small sec shuttle for transport to the mining base. (On the off chance that they bother, there should be some way for sec to get there) Best way to go about that I can see is giving the perma brig far more things to do, and adding a section of rock that the prisoners can be let into to mine.
  5. Should have lit that place up with lasers.
  6. This one is actually debatable. Volume pumps move more gas, but in the case of the SM using pressure pumps gives your coolers more time to work and cool the gas going into the loop more. But, this does have the problem of the SM gas can heat up and expand above your limit, which is why you should always have a volume pump or 2 to 1 output to input ratio going into your waste/cooling loop. Not really. If you for whatever reason did less effective volume pumps...then you could just turn down the output. Pressure pumps should never be used.
  7. Assuming it is brought back in a non-broken state, it would be great to see it back, even on a trial period.
  8. It will be good to one day play with you.
  9. "Its me I'm the worst" for best flavour text.
  10. Yay for shitcurity that round. (HoS was ok, just overworked.) Also Dread, with that SM, you should only ever use volume pumps like that. Normal pumps are for controlled pressure, not mass movement of gas.
  11. Just wish I could play with you sometime. Get on the IRC and maybe we can organize it.
  12. I never knew that was possible. Apart from the sprite issues, does it work?
  13. Fj45


    Posted before, and the answer is nope.
  14. This is bloody amazing. Thank you so much for doing what I failed to do and properly writing out this guide. Everything here seems to be great. You could always completely tear out the non-airmix gas lines, would make things even simpler and you then have more room to work with. It might be worth showing another setup, showing the simplest possible setup that will do the job. (So just a single line sending waste past the coolers) Maybe even another one using the mixing tank as a relief system and the space loop. (As it works now. And bloody hell that HoS. One day I'll send up just plain beating one to death, I swear. Also yes, if anyone has any questions I am here!
  15. Ok who do I have to threaten to get this thing coded?
  16. Please explain that picture with the janitor borg and all SS13 logic going to hell.
  17. Yeah sure why not. Ape people sound fun. Only problem is coding, I'm not sure more races should be a priority. I'd swear I saw that another server implemented them a while back, not sure.
  18. To clarify Earth a tiny bit... Speed changes (mostly buffs) affect nearly every single aspect of gameplay and balance. It would probably be shorter to name the things it DOESN'T affect.
  19. Err....Wjohnston, Nienhaus...probably enough to go on from there. Both can be found on the TG and Paradise IRC, respectively.
  20. Fj45


    Attempted to suck a screwdriver. ...errhell...lplp...
  21. Wouldn't mind seeing that black wallet (that I saw on some other codebase I can't remember but it looked much better then our current one...) sprite added and ductape wallets.
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