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Posts posted by Xyd

  1. 3 hours ago, Nil said:



    I work in security in real life and have a few years under my belt as a personal protection officer, and I can tell you most of what you said can't be applied.

    Simply because this is a game, and people are here to have fun. Here's a tip: applying 'this is what a real cop would do in real life, and this is what I should do in this game' logic like that doesn't really work in the likes of SS13, for many reasons. Also I think you're just being flatout rude to other players here by broadly stating that the thread reveals that some if not many are potentially bad sec players.

    If we didn't have lone-wolf sec officers stumbling into maints to be murder-boned, then just how much of a duller experience would that be? Or the instances when a sec officer witnesses a suspect running into maints, he could either A: Go after him and have some 'fun' or B: Retreat and call for back-up, which 8 times out of 10 will either take 5-10 minutes to happen or not happen at all. Which is more fun to you?

    Fun is subjective after all. But this is a game and it's not a heavy RP server, its a mixture of RP and Action; so the more power to them if they want to play in that fashion.

    I've been murder-boned a few times as a pod pilot - by your logic, I should wait for an officer to accompany me in the pod because this is how it should be in reality, right... Not to mention I'm already affecting the player experience of someone else by requesting that, for good or ill. So yeah - sec officers should follow SoP to the best of their ability, know space law, and at the end of the day have fun and not get too riled up over it.

    • Like 3
  2. The same argument that the OP puts forward could be used for medical/engineering/science depending on what time of day you hop onto the server. Sec numbers is usually only an issue, from what I can tell, during off-peak times, and usually always temporarily at around the start of the shift.

    Numbers tend to fill up quickly. 

  3. Wizard Round -

    Walking down corridor from arrivals, about 5 mins into the shift.

    Pop goes the wizzy who walks past me and fireballs me - first casualty of the round.

    Still alive, but burning and screaming, fading and going into critical. See a sec officer walking up, I think, 'Phew, some help... maybe he can get me to medbay qui... wait, why am I being brought to security...'

    At this point, I'm unable to talk. Still alive though, and on fire. Get brought to processing while the coms are going mad with 'Wizard attack in cargo! Hurry!"

    Sec officer buckles me to a chair in processing - still on fire. At this point, I died.

    Warden comes in, see's the burning corpse strapped to a chair, and after a few seconds of wondering WTF, he puts me out. The other sec officer goes, "O... he's dead."

    It takes a further 5 minutes for me to get dragged to medical...

    • Like 3
  4. Name: Rsik Ugsharki

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    Race: Unathi

    Blood Type: A-

    General Occupational Role(s): Mischievous Ninja, Blueshield, Pod Pilot, Shaft Miner, Mechanic

    Family: Asrair (honorary brother)




    Recent Events:

    Rsik has recently returned from Moghes, after spending over a month there. He has been very quiet about the reasons for his traveling, although the exact nature of his trip is very personal and only remains known to him and his closest friends. 



    Rsik is at times a mischievous playful joker. However if undertaking protection details or departmental responsibilities, Rsik has been known to dial back his playful attitude so it doesn't get in the way.

    While he hates to admit it, he is a soft-hearted endearing lizard who goes out his way to help others, but can be quick to anger if he is crossed and knows how to hold a grudge. Even so, violence doesn't come natural to him, and Rsik only resorts to such measures in self defense.

    If there is one thing he hates above all else however, is clowns. This fear and loathing stems from an incident in which a clown had slipped him up with a bluespace banana peel, causing Rsik to teleport out in space with no EVA suit. The ordeal nearly killed him, and has left him with a deep loathing for clowns ever since.


    Security Pass

    Protection & Bodyguarding




    Employment Records:

    [Restricted to Security or above]

    Alleged Former Spider Clan member. Be watchful of resurgence of ninjaritus...


    Security Records:

    Notorious rabble rouser and opportunistic when it comes to having a 'go' at Nanotrasen command.

    Medical Records:

    Clean bill of health

    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:


    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes: Tends to speak in the third person and usually when he wants something to go his way, he'll finish a sentence with a 'yes'... "Rsik would like all access please, yes."

    Abhors violence, and is reserved even in self defense, often trying to do as little harm as possible. He is no pacifist however, and will go all out to protect those he cares about. Loyalty is important to him, and it is a quality that he respects in others above all else.

    Loves mice.. as in, to eat them!

    Had an odd obsession about stealing fancy hats, although this has lessened somewhat. Given the opportunity though, he'll snatch your hat.



    357010693_Beepskyhavingabadday.thumb.png.b9999b005e6197a8a4ffe943afb77525.png  - Beepsky took on the wrong lizard this time...


    - Asrair & Rsik, hanging out at the bar



    - Revenge of the Mice! Rsik's favourite little snack have gained sentience, much to his misfortune. (Also, little cameo appearance by Kennard Rose, aka, his unique mouse sprite)





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