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Kitchi Ikamura

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Posts posted by Kitchi Ikamura

  1. On ‎12‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 9:40 PM, Spacemanspark said:


    Spark apparently likes nymphs

    this is what happens when you let someone like me into botany. at least it wasn't like the time someone crashed the server because the WHOLE station was covered in nymphs

  2. image.png.9d8f24bd3b519b27eee01d2901c678d7.png

    So, I took the pink fluffy cuffs from the hidden room in sec, gave them to the blueshield while Vince was searching for me to take them away, chaos ensued as the captain finds out the Blueshield has the pink fluffy cuffs


    I Love causing anarchy in the morning

  3. First Name: Kitchi

    Last Name: Ikamura

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Bisexual

    Nicknames/Alias: Cottonmouth, The Shadowbroker

    Picture(If Available)


    Age/D.O.B: 24, 27/06/2537

    Place Of Birth: Sol System, ADV (Assembly Diplomatic Vessel) Lance Of Altam (Derelicted)

    Species: Vulpkanin

    Blood Type: O- (Or Gourmet Blood to vampires) 

    Alignment: True Neutral

    Affiliation: Shellguard Munitions, Marsilona Crime Family

    Religious Beliefs: Athiest


    Childhood: Sole Survivor

    Adulthood: Bounty Hunter



    Iron Willed- Kitchi's Will is a shield, He keeps going through thick and thin, where others broke down long before.

    Nimble - Kitchi has remarkable kinesthetic intelligence. They seem to dance around danger with preternatural grace.

    Chemical Interest - Kitchi has an unusual interest in chemical sources of enjoyment. He will consume more of them, and is more likely to go on binges.

    (Traits From Rimworld)


    Detailed Information


    6'2'' Tall Vulpkanin with Light redish coat, sporting a Short brown sideswept hair, A Athletic body build, not so muscular but Fit. His eyes are a dark purple.

    Has a Tattoo on his Right arm depicting a Revolver surrounded in roses


    Character Voice:

    A Somewhat western accent. (Revolver Ocelot)


    Normally Bold and Outgoing


    Medical Record:

    Large slash scar across the back (Permanent)

    PTSD (Survivor Syndrome) (Recovered)

    Gunshot Scar on chest (Permanent)

    Gunshot Scar To The Right Ear (Permanent, piece of ear missing)

    Ominous Red Markings (Right Arm)


    Criminal Record:

    Sector Based Crimes:

    Wanted In Vezzend for crimes against the State for the attempted kidnapping of Councilor Takas Einlich

    Wanted In Most sectors for Involvement in the Snake Eye Bounty Gang

    Anti-Honk Number one on Clown Planet and Clown Space


    General Crimes: (Not Related to SolGov/Nanotrasen Records)

    Multiple Counts of Armed Robbery

    Multiple Counts of Abduction

    Multiple Counts of Grievous Bodily Harm

    Multiple counts of Piloting under the influence

    Many Counts of Assault


    Character Biography


    Kitchi is a former bounty hunter from the Snake Eye Bounty Gang


    Kitchi was born on a Vessel known as the ADV Lance Of Altam, a Diplomatic Class Cruiser used for Diplomancy between SolGov and The Assembly that was stationed in the Sol System


    Spending his first eleven years on the Lance Of Altam, he was in general good care and had a high standard education. this was cut short when Spider Clan ninja's boarded the Lance Of Altam, killing all the known crew onboard leaving Kitchi as the known sole survivor...


    After a week scrounging for food and water on board the Derelict Lance of Altam, He was eventually found by a human Bounty Hunter known as Richard Cain , his mentor and eventually foster father.


    Eventually reaching his teens, he was taught of the harsh reality of the life he is now in, learning how to survive, handle weapons and explosives at his young age.


    Reaching the age of Eighteen He completed his first contract successfully, many bounties and contracts that followed was the same until..


    At the age of twenty one, He accepted a contract to protect a Automated Nanotrasen mining station in a unknown sector, the outcome was catastrophic as a stray round hit a fuel tank, causing a chain reaction that destroyed the whole station entirely..


    With no option to pay the Billions of credits worth of damages he caused, he was forced into a Contract with nanotrasen.. Spending three years in a crappy cargo technician job, until the day he was relocated to the Epsilon Eridani sector..



    Gecbaram Einlich (Father) - Deceased

    Sarah Ikamura (Mother) - Alive

    Astral Ikamura (Half-Brother) - Alive

    Richard Cain - (Foster Father/Guardian) - Deceased

    Takas Einlich (Uncle) - Alive

    Emerson Hawker/Ikamura (Former Husband) - Unknown

    Attala Watson (Ex Girlfriend) - Alive

    Baram Watson (Son) - Alive

    (More will possibly be added as the story goes on!)



    27/06/2537 - Kitchi Was Born


    12/09/2548 - Spider Clan attacks ADV Lance Of Altam, all entire known crew killed, leaving Kitchi the Sole Survivor


    19/09/2548 - Richard Cain finds Kitchi onboard the derelict ADV Lance Of Altam


    30/06/2555 - Kitchi Completes his first Contract, protecting a Skrellian Emissary


    14/11/2558 - Kitchi Accidentally destroys a Automated Mining Station belonging to Nanotrasen, Forcing him to repay damages via signing a contract with Nanotrasen.


    13/10/2561 (Present times) - Kitchi is Relocated to the Epsilon Eridani Sector.


    2/1/2562 - Kitchi Sneaks into a private residence owned by Takas Einlich, stealing a letter regarding a firearms deal.


    5/1/2562 - Kitchi recovers encrypted messages regarding the firearms deal sent to multiple outer reach Vulpkanin colonies.


    6/1/2562 - Kitchi files for divorce.


    10/1/2562 - Kitchi And several unknowns raid a cybersun industries lab producing unknown clones, Kidnapping facility Director Elin Frambaram.


    19/1/2562 - Kitchi Attempts to capture his uncle Takas Einlich with the snake eye bounty association, Resulting conflict caused Kitchi to have a piece of his right ear shot off, Takas Escapes to a unknown location. majority of casualties was snake eye bounty association's own.


    22/1/2562 - Kitchi boards the derelicted Lance Of Altam, recovering family belongings and Gecbaram Einlich's body, Kitchi buries his fathers body on Mars.


    24/1/2562 - Kitchi finds The Grand Temple of The Children Of The Stars, Greeted warmly and welcomed by the religions grand monk, a Diona named Walks On The Event Horizon


    25/1/2562 - Kitchi discovers he has a son while visiting the IAA Josephus Mulhane.


    26/1/2562 - Kitchi discovers a strange pin in his scarf after a accident that ripped his scarf open, related to the trurl's laundry rooms cactus


    27/1/2562 - Kitchi Encounters Oswald Hunt on the cyberiad and manages to evade security forces.


    28/1/2562 - Kitchi Visits cain and shows him the pin, Cain reveals he was friends with his mother, whom both was part of a Group known as the UCSA

    (United Coalition Systems Alliance)


    28/1/2562 - Kitchi Wins Jackpot, money oddly goes missing after shift. . . Kitchi moves into a new home


    29/1/2562 - Kitchi nearly manages to catch Takas Einlich, Takas is splashed with acid in the face, scarring his face permanently, Kitchi blows up Takas' flagship that was in construction.


    2/2/2562 - Kitchi tries to save Orphans being abducted by ENTROPY, in the resulting attempt Kitchi is sucked into a Mixed Space vortex of ENTROPY's doing, going missing..

    "̢̻͉̘͖̝̥ͅḒ̴̗͞ơ͔͈͟͡ḛ̩͈̀͡s͇͇̫̲͞ͅ ͏̹t̻̯̜͕̜h̛̝̲̗͇̦̥̫̺i̸̴̺̳͠s̩͖̖̖͉͉͈͟ ̢͖͉̦͢D̟͚̺͙̣͇͝ą̷̦͇͉̯̭ͅŕ̶̗̝͓k̛̞͙̝̬̲͜n͔͖͙͈̣̦̺͟ͅȩ̢͙̠̭͙͡s̨͘҉̱͖͕̠͇ͅṣ̮͕̪̘̜̫͟ͅ ̖̳͜͜h͚͍̤́a̷̴̜͉͍̮̪͞ͅv̷̨̡͙̣̜è̶̤͙̼̞͇̬͔ ̵̶̦̹̖̗̤̦́a̙̗̙̯̩̠͓̕ͅ ͙̻̮̗̣͈̦̝̤n̸̼̥͙a̵̰̜͘͞m̷̡҉̣̮̠̬͉͚͎̩ͅe̥̖̠͓̮̝?͏̼̦͕̜̰̪̘̙"̠̠̘̙̟̖̳̯ ̥̠̲̩-̷̩̞̟̫̻͉̹͖͝T̴̛̺͓̲̱̕h̩̖̩̻̲͍e͍̭̱̬̼̬͕̖͙ ̸̤̬̲͓̟̰̪͖͟ͅM̖̮͡a̷̡̲̦̦͔̥̹̥̤n̦̺̻̘͟ ̡̖̫͡Ẃ̨͓̠͔̝͈̫͉̲͞i͕͉͙̲̞t͉̠͖̠̻̼́ͅh̀͏͙̙͇ ̠̳̤̠̙̱̠̤͢N҉̡̻̰̞͝o͖̠͝ ҉̨̼͔͎͜N͟҉̤͇̩̦a̮̙̤̠͈̦̮̠͓͡m̧̡̢͎̜͎͎̪͉̳é̬͚̳̩͓̺͈




    6/2/2562 - Reappears out of the blue In the Vezzend System piloting a Anvil Class Heavy Fighter, Branded "The Seer", Heading towards the apparent location of The Rusty Spigot




    21/2/2562 - Kitchi follows a Lead regarding his mothers whereabouts, confirming she is still alive. whilst searching he is ambushed by a Unknown vulp in a white combat hard suit and knocked out with a tranquiliser. strangely waking up untouched...


    25/2/2562 - Strange Markings begin to appear on Kitchi's Right arm... cause is unknown.




    5/3/2562 - Kitchi is seen on the NSS Cyberiad Talking to Kennard Rose and Slade, then disappear and is sighted on the NAS Trurl


    19/3/2562 - Kitchi is seen taking his son Baram to some sort of amusement park on Mars.


    11/4/2562 - Kitchi goes missing, presumed KIA by NT officials.


    25/05/2562 - Kit'Chi has risen!


    27/05/2562 - Kitchi returns to the Cyberiad. "Its good to be back... lets see what hell I can stir up."


    23/7/2562 - Kitchi is reported to have robbed wealth from a high ranking Assembly councilor, further increasing his current bounty within Assembly controlled colony spaces.


    22/8/2562 - Kitchi falls from grace, becoming Neutral Evil. rumours of him massacring his former gang begin to spread. Richard Cain perishes and is found laying to rest.

    "I tried.. I have tried, I tried to be better but I cannot help myself. people cause me so much pain.. so much hate... to me they will always see the dark side of me.. well I have stopped trying now.. im letting the beast out of its cage.. I love my friends. family.. but anyone else? I share little care for what pain I will cause them.. if they choose to get in my way. fate has shown no mercy, so no mercy I shall give in return... Vida La Syndicates"


    11/10/2562 - Kitchi wins 1 million credits again on the cyberiad, the money oddly goes missing when Nanotrasen officials attempt to audit the credits from his account, rumours of Kitchi accessing the black market echo in the underworld. He also on the road to recovering his Morality. True neutral for now..


    12/10/2562 - Kitchi is reunited with his Mother, Sarah Ikamura. Meets his Younger Half Brother

    "Finally.. the pain is going away.."


    5/11/2562 - Kitchi forms The Dead Howl gang. composed of Notorious Vulpkanin criminals from across the universe. reports of them robbing a bank begins to spread alongside the news of a large sum of money being donated to a Vulpkanin majority orphanage


    22/1/2563 - Ikamura founds and funds the black market in his local area of residence. causing a increase of crime within the area


    Personal Relationships


    Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear


    Takas Einlich (Despise) - "A Evil Man, The Wolf In Sheep's clothing..."

    Emerson Ikamura (Neutral/Unsure) - "A Shame about my former husband..."

    Isthel Eisenwald (Close Friend/Admired) - "Someone I can trust, She helped me quit smoking after all"

    Ipsum Bellus Crinitis (Friend) - "I Mainly know them through Isthel, I know him a bit but I'd like to know more."

    Kennard Rose (Friend/Admired) - "I think I made a friend, This man is determined if anything."

    Shina And Klees Hoonkins (Good Friends) - "The two never cease to amaze"

    John Shick (Dislike) - "I don't know what he is playing at, your average xenophobe."

    Ryan Xovr (Acquaintance/Unsure/Fear) - I know him a bit, I know he is a frequent Fluffyvulps viewer.. but the way he looks at me.. unsettles me.."

    Lucretia Aletmagne (Romantically Involved/Admire) - "I Cherish every waking moment with her.. She makes me happy.. Im going to buy her so many things. maybe a new necklace!"

    Kerri Mendy (Good Friend) - "We have our occasional chat, a warm and friendly face amongst the cold void of space"

    Dan Rodney (Death Wish) - "So... when can I fire him? Out of a airlock into a school of space megacarp?"

    Kaori Ianson (Unsure) - "I'm unsure now... I'm hearing cree is upset..."

    Attala Watson (Neutral) - "My Ex... But we have come to terms.. I can see my son now.."

    Josephus Mulhane (Aquintaince/Respected) - "The guy who does my paperwork, and the only paper pusher I actually respect"

    Kask (Unsure) - "I am not so sure nowadays.. his behavior has changed.. I best watch out.. just in case."

    Oswald Hunt (Deathwish) - "Each day. I scheme and plot, soon I will make you a example you overly glorified paper pushing aristocrat."

    E.N.T.R.O.P.Y. (Fear/Deathwish) - "You may be the devil herself.. but I will be the one to decommission and haul you to the scrapyard"

    The Man With No Name (Unsure) - "What Is He.. how does he know my name..? He looks like.. me.. but.. not me.."

    B.E.E.R. (Good Friend) - "I work to keep his bar ship safe with The Seer, place is my favourite drinking place"

    Slade (Acquaintance/Respected) - "A Redspace Entity, sure. But a good one, station would be BORING if they didn't show up from time to time, must ask them about the strange markings on my arm."

    Fox McCloud (Friend) - "A pretty chill dude indeed"

    Gerhard Van Lutz (Friend) - "Hmmmm.. He once was formerly human. maybe I can help him through his pain. he is a good guy after all."

    Merciatta Haliber-Lauge (Friend/Romantic Interest?) - "The adopted daughter of the boss, and a pretty one for sure.. trying to keep ourselves out of trouble is like trying to shave oswalds monobrow off with wirecutters"


    Kit'Chi (Winning Battle) - "You. Do. Not. OWN. ME!!

    Sarah Ikamura (Unbreaking Bond) - "Mother.. there is so much I need to tell you.. so much.. but your finally here.... my search has come to its conclusion.."

    Astral Ikamura (Acquaintance) - "Huh, I seem to have a brother.. Howdy!"

    Faction Relations

    Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy

    Nanotrasen - Hate "They give more reasons to dislike them, not the whole company is bad but I am beginning to see its true face..."

    The Syndicate - Like "They pay me better then Nanotrasen, and they know business well. its good to have sources within the network."

    Cybersun Industries - Hate "How about you leave me alone before I actively blow up another of your facilities."

    Shellguard Munitions - Love "My main syndicate employers. damn I love their shit!"

    Changeling Hivemind -  Hate "These fuckers are disgusting and freaky, I will give them no chance in hell at touching me."

    Wizards Federation - Dislike "Space.. Wizards?.. more like crazy old people who play dress up and wave a big stick around."

    Spider Clan - Enemy " . . . . . "

    The Assembly - Like "They are people like me, and My father was a diplomat for them."

    The Elysium Project - Enemy "Space Nazi's, why would I even like them? I'd spit on them"

    Snake Eye Bounty Gang - Enemy "They tried to take my son.. I felt betrayed from this! after all the years! I WILL KILL THEM ALL! "

    Children Of The Stars - Like "A Group of peace loving folk. Oddly welcome me despite being atheist."

    Cult Of Nar'sie - Hate "I know people get brainwashed into this, My beef is with the redspace entity calling themselves Nar'Sie"

    Abductors - Dislike "Oh! Free stuff! comes with a risk of spewing up plasma!"

    Clown Planet - Enemy "I never thought punching bags comes in many variants, also work as target practice, lets see you honk after I swirlie you lot for half the shift!"

    United Coalition Systems Alliance - Like "Cain told me he and my mother was in this group.. Why didn't he tell me sooner..?"



    (In Regards to Kit'Chi)




    Other Information



    Ikamura's home seems to have changed to a lavish looking penthouse in a unknown location


    Kitchi's Heavy Fighter: "The Seer"

    Fighter Class: Anvil Class

    Fighter Make: F8 Lightning Heavy Fighter

    Ship Tier Grade: Military

    Engine: Einstein Engines Plasma TR4 Mk2 Engine

    Thruster: x2 TR4 Thrusters

    Shield: Shellguard Munitions Mk3 Shield generator

    Weapon systems

    x4 Shellguard Munitions Mass Driver Cannons

    2x Shellguard Munitions Gatling Cannons

    1 Shellguard Munitions Swarmer Missile System

    1 Shellguard Munitions Plasma Torpedo System

    1 Shellguard Munitions Automated Point Defence System.


    It seems to be painted Black with purple highlights, when scanned it has no registration marking.




    "Nothing Personal, don't get me wrong but business is business.. and the business is good to me"




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  4. (Note, It is recommended that you follow the Template but you are able to deviate from this)


    First Name:

    Last Name:




    Picture(If Available)


    Place Of Birth:


    Blood Type:



    Religious Beliefs:





    Detailed Information



    Character Voice:




    Medical Record:


    Character Biography







    Personal Relationships


    Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear

    (Use this for Individual Relations)

    (You May also use colour coding, if you wish)

    Faction Relations

    Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy

    (Use this for Characters personal opinion on Paradise stations factions!)


    Other Information



  5. Howdy.

    Ever had trouble making your character look good but it looks like a vox puked out skittles?

    No need to fear! we will be learning about colour palettes!


    So, What is a colour palette?

    Basically, a colour set that goes well together, commonly used by artists to colour their drawings to a certain theme.


    Why use a colour palette?

    Using a colour palette reduces the chance of making a mistake as it provides a base for you to work with.


    Example of a Colour Palette



    As you can see, Some colours stand out and some don't, some even make you squint with how bright they are

    The trick to making a colour palette good is to make it stand out, but also keep it so it doesn't hurt other peoples eyes, no one likes having to stare at a bright neon green tajaran for too long.

    Another good way to make a good colour palette is to use colours that naturally go together well, like Orange and brown.


    How did colour palettes become a thing?

    Well, it is part of a theory known as "Colour Theory", A body of practical guidance on colours, colour mixing and specific colour combinations


    What do you mean by colour science?

    Colour science can be taken in many forms, but the form we will be looking at will be what colours bring out in a emotional sense

    for example Red can mean danger, anger, but also Lust

    Unlike Blue, which can be seen as calm, but also depressive


    If you want to get creative, try to link your characters colours and look to their backstory and personality, do they like to have fun? Yellow can be a good choice for you!


    Now, here is a example of good colour co-ordination using my lovely character, Kitchi Ikamura!


    Using Natural colours and colours that blend into each other, I created Kitchi based from a Red fox, don't be afraid to deviate a bit!


    And now what happens if you slap some colours together willy nilly..


    YIKES! Now I'm going to have nightmares tonight..


    Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading! TATA!



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