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Kitchi Ikamura

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Posts posted by Kitchi Ikamura

  1. Engineering Pet Peeves -

    1. forget to turn magboots on when dealing with a hull breach, getting sucked into space

    2. refuse to give the mechanic a hardsuit even though they can play a good role in getting Illegal research up for nice nightvision goggles and such

    3. Atmos turning into a Incinerator after Atmos techs fail hard with plasma

    4. letting the newcomer try doing the tesla/singulo engine, only to have both or one of the engines being set loose to destroy half the station

    5. Forgetting that RPD's make sparks while in a plasma filled room


  2. So, we like giving ourselves some sort of theme to best describe you or your very special snowflake, me being Edgy like everyone else here I decided to start this, starting this with me and my special snowflake Kitchi Ikamura


  3. 12 hours ago, Hawker said:

    This is the British Strikeforce getting geared up by a spooky skeleton who would give us several choices to choose from. I was given a choice between a rocket launcher with 6 rockets or four X4's. Kitchi, who was miraculously also there got a choice between two ARs or two MGL-90's. Other choices included a tommy gun that shot .357 rounds or an LMG that shot shotgun shells, a combat borg or a medical borg, whether to take the ship or the pod, weather to notify the crew and get an extra guy, or go stealth, what type of suits to wear, whether to destroy telecomms or gravity, and a few others that I forgot. Lastly we got to choose our British sounding names. I was Reginald D. Poppycock.

    I think next time I would choose to go silent, because going loud gave them a lot of opportunity to get guns from cargo as well as Durands.

    The second picture is just a small portion of the carnage caused by the first and second wave of Brits, which I was also part of, and during which I fumbled my way through setting up a nuke for the first time.

    All in all, it was a blast. Thanks admins.



    The gasmask in front of the cargo console was where I died, I micro bombed a sec officer who got gibbed, and injured a detective who downed me, wasn't going to get out of the stunlock, HAIL BRITANNIA!

    The ARG is blinking powerful for sure, so much death was a victory on its own


  4. Yes, Flavour text is usually details at a glance, and backstory should really be told by you in person or some of it through IC records like the Crew records page on here.

    I find when RPing that a story not fully told attracts curious people, which allows you to define said character


    And a hint when making a Backstory, try reading up on the wiki's backstory so you can fit in within the supposed lore of Spess Station thirteen

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