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Posts posted by Benjaminfallout

  1. 28 minutes ago, BottomQuark said:

    Wait, can you drink slime person? How do they taste? I bet they taste like chicken.

    I always assumed its like Jell-o that what flavored as whatever they just ate. Human meat Jell-o! Spooooky!

  2. Using a mind slave implant to either have my target kill themselves or turn them into borgs. I'm liking Borg more since they still work for me when a robot.


    Edit: with Jess It's at the point that I no longer kill people.

  3. 12 hours ago, Calecute said:

    Already happy to imagine peoples cutting each others hand for a briefcase.

    You say it like it's a bad thing :)

    Wait he used the word happy! OH GODS NOW I'M... I'm embarrassed

    • Like 1
    • honk 1
  4. When people kill sentient animals. That's a player you just ending the round for. Three slabs of corgi meat is not worth it.


    That and when it's two minutes into the round and greytide Jim is walking around with harm intent pushing and stoping people rather then passing.

    • Like 3
  5. My idea: Being able to cuff both the normal briefcase and Locked briefcase to your wrist, to prevent theft and dropping it. While preventing you from using the hand as anything other then the case.

    Coding Difficulty:  I don't know the code whatsoever. I'd assume medium, but on the other hand a lot of sprite work.

    38 in total if I did my math right.
    1. In hand: Normal briefcase cuffed to hand.
    2. In hand: Locked briefcase locked in hand.
    3. In hand: Locked briefcase unlocked in hand.
    4-11. Player view: Briefcase cuffed to wrist up, down, left, and right. (Both left and right hand.)
    12-19. Player view: Locked briefcase cuffed to wrist up, down, left, and right. (Both left and right hand.)
    20-38. All prior but covered in blood.

    Scope: Now that I type it all out it seems like something that may take some time. I'd assume that both the existing briefcase and Locked briefcase sprite can be used to make it a bit easier.

    Balance: I don't see how it in anyway would cause balancing issues. When being cuffed it can fall off. I guess it can be used an a melee weapon you can't drop?

    • Like 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    Good way to RP is to simply just react to stuff appropriately. Alot of people seem to grow "numb" to certain events and happenings in the game cuz "they've seen it so many times"

    Be shocked when you see someone die, freak out about the hallucinations your are having, get scared when you hear there is a mass murderer on station. Could go on and on. Simple things.

    I'll try that out. Thank you.

  7. On 9/8/2017 at 9:29 PM, DayZ Me Trolling said:

    This e-ladies and gentlemen, should be a lesson for every player we have, old or new. This guy actually, genuinely touched me with this little note he wrote to me, even after I had to perma brig him, clearly he's a new-er player and his innocence was really sweet.



    Also, security THOT patrol will always give the antags the boot, medium style.



    It's so good to see this. I had made three drafts of that paper all getting worse as I made them. I miss you Luigi do come back!

    • Like 2
  8. I have gone over the link that is on the wiki and some other things I have found online.

    Some things I'm going for are:

    1. Being somewhat mean to people.

    2. Using terms for races such at mutt, fleabag, and slimeball when fighting with one.

    3. Being willing to help and somewhat caring.

    4. Not being able to read.

    Over all I'm looking for a better was to portray a negative person who deep down is good. Any and all input would be appreciated.

  9. My best antagonist round so far I was an assistant.

    My goal was to kill a station engineer, Clover kit I beleve.

    That and steal the warden's sexy red gloves.

    I used my crystals to buy a Carp-Fu scroll, an agent ID, and a magic stamp.

    I decided to kill Mr. Kit first for his engineering access.

    I ment him in the bar and asked him if we wanted to buy me a drink.

    Making sure I use ~ At the end of every sentence.

    Luckily officer beepsky was after my soon to be victim.

    I told him I'd take him to a safe place, and he followed.

    I took him up to the engineering room under the old bar and asked if he wanted a kiss.

    Using ~ of course.

    I then used my Black Widow perk I got back at level 2 to pull him close.

    Hands around his neck I gave him a parting gift before I did what I was paid to do.

    As he was slowly losing his breath I took the time to take off his headset and turn his suit sensors off.

    I then told him word for word "At least you get to die with a cute girl on top of you.~".

    I later found out I got six karma that round.

    Thanks ghost peoples!

    My next target was in the Brig doing his job like a good Warden.

    I used my agent ID in Magic stamp to get the warden to talk to me.

    After all I was just an assistant turning in Contraband, he could spare a minute or two.

    I told him I was new and wanted to learn about the security department, and he was more then happy to show me around.

    He even let me process a prisoner or two.

    The AI became Rogue, the warden was going to go help fight the AI.

    I pulled him aside and asked nicely for his gloves.

    Telling him who I was and why i needed them.

    He told me no.

    I followed him into engineering and as he was about to go into the glass pipe to fight the AI I attacked.

    I had asked him to hand them Over, I even used the please word.

    It was now or never so I attacked.

    He didn't stand a chance.

    My first punch knocked him to the floor, and me stomping on his skull kept him down.

    I took his gloves and pulled his body to a pod just south of us.

    A doctor was waiting there and she saw right through my lies.

    She didn't want to fight so I cuffed her to a chair.

    Told her that if she tries to uncuff herself I'm going to do the same to her that I did with the warden.

    She stayed put.

    The Pod launch should I got away scott-free.

    Over all it was super fun using people's trust against then.

    From saying I was going to help Mr. Kit, to turning in some Contraband to chat with the Warden.

    I did feel bad for Mr. Kit since he asked me to stop instead of telling the crew of my actions.

    He had more than enough time to alert the crew over his radio but he used his last words to beg me to stop.

    For the Warden on the other hand I did use the please word two times.


  10. On 10/22/2017 at 4:33 PM, KingPhilipIII said:

    Proud member of the United States Army and hailing from Florida, where despite being one of the flattest states in one of the most geographically diverse countries in the world, it still seems we're a good two hundred miles closer to the sun than any part of the planet.

    We're the land of crotchety old people, tourism, illegal immigrants(You might think I'm taking a jab but people float onto the beaches from Cuba regularly and make a run for it. If the Coast Guard is chasing you down, you only have to reach the beach before they reach you and they'll leave you alone.), incredibly overpriced drugs, and mangroves.

    I both love and hate this state. 

    Thank you for your service. For keeping us safe and such.

  11. I'm from America. Born and raised in Iowa for 14 years of my life. Moved out to Colorado when I was 15 and have lived there ever since. Don't go to Iowa. It's like Nebraska but just a bit more interesting... so not at all.

  12. My list of things that rustle my jimmies.



    1. When the female nurse with cat ears and a tail gives me the wrong type of blood even after she uses a medical scanner on me four times.
    2. When I am put back into the healing tubes over and over, even after I clearly express I have robotic limbs.
    3. When I'm hit with a stun baton, cuffed, and pulled to medical by a security officer as Magistrate for "Needing and refusing medical treatment." In other words, having the stuttering disability and being at 100% blood and health.
    4. Being forced under for surgery. I'd much rather you take me telling you seven times that I want to stay awake into consideration.
    5. Seeing someone who works in genetics with four to five super powers and then seeing not a single person working for security have any.
    6. When people heal me rather then the dying person on the floor. I got punched three times. Save the fucking HoS first.


    1. When I'm in processing and all of security refuses to even talk to me. Vore Station has better RP when it come to putting people in jail.
    2. When I'm shot with a taser on green without a word out of the security officer's mouth. You can ask me to come with you. You can tell me to put my hands up. Role play a little.
    3. When I'm put into Perma and have no integration with security what so ever from that point on. Tell me to make you holsters! Come in and beat me from time to time! The round does not end for someone once there put into Perma.
    4. When the detective shoots you six times, cuffs you, and try to put me in jail after I shoot him once with a laser tag gun.

    All other work places.

    1. When assistance don't talk whatsoever at any point.
    2. When I get treated poorly as assistant.  even after I fix up the bar and got every crate I could find it to Cargo.
    3. When people jump the bartender's counter when he goes SSD for 10 seconds. 
    4. Not knowing what *squish means. Is it lewd? Is it like snapping? Can I as a human go around *squishing?
    5. When asking a Vox what pocket there tank is in and they Don't say anything. Well it's a 50/50 chance your not going to have air for a bit.
    6. The clown and the mime working together...
    7. When people call him zorg and not z0rg.

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