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Posts posted by Benjaminfallout

  1. It's at the point that I'm happy with it. Even if the tank needs to be bigger and the proportions are awful, That and the scarf is bad and it's hard to tell the arm is under it.


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    • angryeyes 1
  2. 1. What does a mask look like on a vox? In game it looks like it covers everything but I have been told it only covers the nose/beak holes.

    2. Do they have a cloaca like other bird like creatures, or do they lack privates? I'm just curious.

    3. The wiki says "The skin of the Primalis is thick, reinforced with keratin scales, and appears to act as both an insulator and pressure-suit." So do they have feathers all over or is it just scales?

  3. It was just a normal workday on the station. The clown was honking, the mime was talking, and the Hop line was full of people wanting to become gateway explorers. They didn't care that some gal from RnD had busted in and looked it and neither did I. I walked out of the line with a fancy new ID with the words Junk Collected printed on it. Walking around I find a jacket and toss it on, still picking up shoes, boxes, and other what nots that are messy crew left about. It turns out that we needed to build a DNA vault and engineering sure as hell did. They had it built at 12:20 And I was quite impressed. In fact I decided to help them afterwards, DNA thing in hand I hunted down 37 new human samples pushing us well above what we needed. An IPC named Zed came up to me and asked me to handle plants since he was taking care of the animal samples. I kindly accept and spend the next quarter of my shift and botany eating peppers and corn. Plants are done and all we needed is 3 more animal samples so I walked over to RnD to see if they had any slimes in the back. Mid-conversation I was shot and cuffed, my mouth taped closed. I was pulled into a room full of bodies and when teeth entered my neck I knew it was the end. Out off all the people it had killed it decided to spare me, making me one of its servants. I was given a gun and told to keep security out. An army of Mechs Rush the bridge as I wait alone in RnD until out of nowhere the captain runs in. I shoot at him from across the room and he falls to the ground with that familiar electric sound. I switch my guns mode to lethal and end is life before he can even stand. I take his bag off and toss it on my back just as his BlueShield rushes in. I fire and I'm covering my retreat. I wait a moment before rushing him, taking two buckshots to the chest. I quickly do to him what I did the captain. Luckily for me the captain had stuffed some medical supplies in his backpack. That and the NAD and a hand teleporter. The shuttle arrives in a rush up to the  security pod, my master was inside. Dying at his feet I hand him the disk, asking if he was proud of me. He drops it on the floor and asks me what I had done. I stare blankly at him not knowing what I had done was wrong. I lose Consciousness as the pod launches and I later wake up on an operating table.

  4. 1. Make having your mask off as vox an actual threat. I have going nearly a full round without a mask by drinking the toxic healing tea from the vendors.

    (Note: I do not play as an IPC. This is all coming from things I have both seen and done in game.)

    2. Lower the IPCs extra brute and burn damage. From my knowledge IPC was made to be a easily repairable and easily destroyed race. Over time internal organ where added making repairing more difficult. So in turn damaging then should be made slightly harder. I'd say lower it from 50% to 30%.

    3. Have EMPs not instantly kill IPCs and (not instantly) people with robotic parts. Make then do heavy damage to the organ and limb. Have it knock them unconscious. Any and everything that instantly kills a player is no fun. That and how long it takes to fully repair an EMPed IPC (compared to SR or cloning) is in lack of a better term, poo poo.

    That's my two cents.

  5. [Name] Suicide.

    [description] Now are you need is some Space Burger!

    [taste] Fruit Baskets and Stomach Pain.

    [Ingredients] Makes 5 units of Suicide.

    1 unit of Space Cola.

    1 unit of Space Mountain Wind.

    1 unit of Dr. Gibb.

    1 unit of Star-kist.

    1 unit of Space-Up.


    [Name] Salt Water.

    [description] Often served to inmates.

    [taste] Dehydration.

    [Ingredients] Makes 10 units of Salt Water.

    10 units of water.

    1 unit of salt.

  6. 2 hours ago, RobinFox said:

    From Bonnie, putting it here cuz they didn't actually post it:


    Bonnie-Today at 12:51 AM

    Let's see.

    Drink: Hawking Radiation

    Description: The result of dividing the square root of a singularity by Zero.

    Taste: You can taste a brief history of time.


    10 parts Singulo,

    5 parts Manhattan Project,

    5 parts Brown Star


    It'd look like the Singulo, but possibly with the green sheen the radioactive drinks have (like the atomic bomb, or the Manhatten project) Maybe it could give the Spacedrugs effect, the way Nukacola does. I dunno how ridiculous that is, it's 6am, I'm just trying to think of something cool people would actually care to drink at the bar.

    Yes please.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Pennwick said:

    Don't forget the unspecified surgical tools accidentally left somewhere in your chest/head cavity.

    I have been wanting to put slips of paper into people when I put them under. Have things like "Jessica was here" written on them.

    • stunbaton 1
    • clown 2
  8. 6 hours ago, rb303 said:

    Surgeons in general

    I mean it's just a title change. I do see why someone claiming the OR can be frustrating or the evil people who walk about with the surgical tools. That and how having the title of surgeon can influence that. "YOU ARE A MEDICAL DOCTOR! GET OUT OF MY OR!" Overall I'd agree even if I'm playing a lot surgeon. (Just share the OR and help your department.)

  9. First just some small quality of life changes.

    1. Have Players using the Blind disability spawn with a cane.
    2. Have players using the Mute disability spawn with 1-3 sheets of paper.
    3. Have players using the Needs Glasses disability spawn with a rag.

    And now for a bigger change.

    1. Add a disability called Crippled. It will cause the player to spawn in a wheelchair and make their legs not work. from what I know the only way to spawn with wheelchairs to have both legs amputated.

    Overall I have no experience with coding in the Beyond engine, but I'd assume the quality of life changes would simple to add. When it comes to the addition of a disability I have no idea.

    When it comes to balance I can't see anything that will effect the round overall.
    1. The cane may be used as a melee weapon, but you need to be blind to spawn with it so I guess that's not a problem.
    2. The paper can be used to make paper airplanes or be worn as a hat. That and get you a paper bag faster. Overall I don't think that's a problem.
    3. The rag is the only one I'd see being used poorly. Due to the fact that it can be used to make Molotov cocktails.

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