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Posts posted by Benjaminfallout

  1. I personally enjoyed that week more then any other. People seemed to care more about Doing things IC and less about taking about the prior round in OOC/LOOC for the first fourth of the round. I also saw a lot less of the "This shift is so slow." and "I wish something  would happen." Due to the fact that people made their own fun IC rather then complaining about it. (I think.) Overall I think that making it a permanent change is a good idea.

  2. 14 minutes ago, yurivw said:

    I like how you can actually see your skills improve slightly as you draw more art. I wish I could do stuff like that, but I can barely hold a pencil...

    I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?

  3. 1. What are the rules to how the vox talk? From what I know it developed by the community over time.

    2. What kind of Vox can you play as? (Vox Primalis, Vox Armalis, Vox Auralis, and the Vox Apex.) From what I have seen on the wiki Primalis is the only try of Vox that has the ability to be out in space and not die. For all I know I'm wrong on that.

  4. Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom on the PS2. This is one of three games I 100% completed. To this day I have it on an emulator and play it when I'm feeling blue.

    Psychonauts steam and or Xbox. This is also one of the games I have 100% completed. (Not the PC one since it has achievements. I did get all Collectibles and a max level on each platform so I'm going to count it.) I loved this game so much that I've paid for it three times over my life. Great story and writing.

    Stardew Valley. I'm not one for Fast Pace action games. It's good game to play when you're trying to relax. You also get to run a farm.

    Space man's 13. You of all people know what's to like about it.

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/23/2018 at 12:04 AM, EvadableMoxie said:

    There was a blob round that was going badly.  I was the AI (as A.N.G.E.L)

    At first I tried to help crew escape but then CentComm override me to enforce quarantine. The nuke was armed and everyone was going to die. The Vox Chief engineer (Yakikik-something I think?) came to my satellite and I thought they planned to card me so they could escape to the engineering shuttle. I explained I couldn't allow anyone to leave and they said they didn't plan to leave.  I asked why they wanted access to my core, then, and they responded.

    "Is not want to dies alone."

    I let them in. We talked for a bit in the minute or before the nuke went off and A.N.G.E.L confessed that they were afraid to die.  The CE admitted they were as well, but were glad they weren't doing it alone.  We said goodbye to eachother as the nuke detonated.

    Why did this make me tear up?

  6. My tales of incompetence and failed role play.

    1. Being arrested for assaulting an officer. By this I mean walking into one with an intent that makes me push him.

    2. Being arrested for assaulting an officer. By that I mean running up to one and yelling "STOP! RANDO SERCHO!" Then accusing them of being a enemy of the corporation when they start to ask me what the hell I'm doing.

    3. Getting harmed with the stun baton as a mute for taking off my cuffs to point at paper. Not running or even moving, just sitting... pointing at paper.

    4. Going to up the Brig to turn myself in just to be attacked when trying to say "I'm here to turn myself in." I kinda get this one, but it was green and I think standard operating procedures say something about using words.

    5. NO ONE IN SECURITY EVER TALKING. Please just take the time to hear me out. I get it! I just turned the mime into meat and ate him, but I still have my side of the story after all!

    6. Being put in prison for hitting a dead animal with a baseball bat.

    7. Myself any and all times I try to work in the security department.

    8. Being forced off a meat spike when I'm in crit, begging for them to stop.

    9. "SPIDER IN HEAD OF SECURITY'S OFFICE!" I like to hear this since I did the exact thing my first time in the Brig.


    1. Letting me shower when covered in blood.

    2. Respectfully waking up to me in red and asking for me to come to the Brig with them. No cuffs or anything. I get that this one can be a good way to die as a security officer but it made my day when it happened.

    3. Getting me smokes, Food, and drinks when asking for them. Karma for you good sir.

    4. I once asked for 26 hugs and I got all 26.

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, Pennwick said:

    I came close to making a space burger joint. I was pumping power and air to it. Had some atmos trouble right up until the end but once I added those extra windows things worked well. Sadly I wasn't able to get an over for cooking buns so I couldn't make actual burgers. Maybe next time though.

    Love how Titanium looks with Plastanium floors


    I love how this space burger thing is spreading. It makes me happy to see a joke I came up with go somewhere.





  8. About two years back I came out of the closet. For some time after that I was having 2nd thoughts about it. I eventually worked up the courage to ask out a lady. She is a kind and down to earth person unlike most I that go to my school. She cares greatly about me as do I Her, but I have come to the conclusion that I'm not interested in women. How do I leave her without hurting her? After how kind and caring she has been she does not deserve to feel awful after it. Any and all advice is welcome.

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