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Posts posted by Landerlow

  1. Another idea is, REVERT the previous medbay nerf so that the extra chemicals DO become available, and THEN use the new pain-crit system, this would still give more use to the extra chemicals in the sleepers, wouldn't make them too OP and it would still make chemistry (perhaps) make extra medicines.

  2. Seriously, the posts on the 'guide to new crit' thread should give the maintainers an idea of what to do, that is to say, NOT implement this system. Just as with the medbay nerf, it has more downvotes than upvotes, people don't want it, or want it in a different way. This PR will also not give the desired effect, it will just kill medical and chemistry even further, and will just have everyone thrown in the cloner.

    What you COULD do, and what has more support but was downvoted because then still-here tigercat didn't like it, is modify or remove the current cloning system. Farie made an excellent PR, but just because some maintainers didn't like it, it was said that it would 'never feasibly pass'. 

    I was mistaken, that's not the PR I meant.

  3. So do you mean, sometimes we have xray, sometimes we don't? That *would* be awesome if that was possible, it would also help (not always, I admit) with x-ray OP'ness, etc.  So not all of these are available every shift, and not all at once, that would be grand.


    Science has to be more RnG, otherwise there is no *science* to it.

    • Like 1
  4. After the recent nerf of medbay (which the majority downvoted but got merged anyway), RnD has even less of a job to do during rounds, with one of the most critical departments almost not in need of updates. They should have just instead of this nerf, removed cloning entirely, but that's neither here nor there.



    The thing is, with this nerf, RnD has even less of a job to do. After maxing RnD levels, the 'scientists' usually just fuck about doing telescience, some xenobio or just print all cool shit and do nothing much else. Sometimes give departments stuff, if they even actually staff the desk.


    But the NSS Cyberiad is a science station. So we should really have some more actual science to do.



    We should have (IMO) more RnG based-content, things to discover. Or overhaul the current RnD process entirely. Now you can literally do 'RnD in ten minutes or less'.


    I'll be thinking of things.


    Post your ideas!

    • Like 1
  5. If you dismantle the cargo supply console, and take out the console board, use a multitool on  the board to change its mode ...

    then rebuild the console.



    You can now order a 'contraband crate' in the miscellaneous options. This can contain contraband posters, ??? pill bottles (including nanite pills), and contraband cigarette packs!

    • Like 2
  6. Make shadow a selectable 'race', perhaps as a role for ghosts. Make them able to ventcrawl. They will of course die quite quickly and will have no other powers than just to 'be'.  



    Make it so they can't even talk, just make scary sounds? To 'haunt' maintenance? 



    I think that would be cool.


    I'd make a PR if I knew how to script it.




  7. I ws looking at the /tg/  wiki, and well, I could not help but notice that they have a lot more chemicals/more variation. 


    I would like to add the following to Paradise:

    --modafinil -- 

    1 part Diethylamine
    1 part Ammonia
    1 part Phenol
    1 part Acetone
    1 part Sulphuric acid
    1 unit Bromine (catalyst

    Slowly-metabolizing compound with similar effects to cafe latte. If overdosed causes jitteriness, stuttering, rapid oxygen damage and eventually puts you to a lethal sleep.

    --Morphine-- (recipe)

    2 parts Carbon
    2 parts Hydrogen
    1 part Ethanol
    1 part Oxygen
    Temperature 480K

    I have never understood why we can't make morphine, it would make sense to be able to make it. Both for medical or nefarious reasons.



    1 part Oxygen
    1 part Potassium
    1 part Sugar

    Causes confusion and dizziness. This is essential to make Spaceacillin.


    --Royal Bee Jelly--

    10 parts Unstable Mutagen
    40 parts Hone

    Causes a Queen Bee to split in two when injected. (Results in 5 units instead of 50)


    --Chloral Hydrate--

    3 parts Chlorine
    1 part Ethanol
    1 part Water

    A powerful sedative which dizzies, confuses and eventually puts the victim to sleep. Becomes deadly if left in the system for a long time. (Results in 1 units instead of 5)



    1 part Mercury
    1 part Oxygen
    1 part Sugar

    A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. Causes massive brain damage. (Results in 2 units instead of 3)

    --Mute Toxin--

    2 parts Uranium
    1 part Water
    1 part Carbon

    Makes the subject unable to speak for some time.


    1 part Hydrogen
    1 part Oxygen
    1 part Plasma

    Temporarily stops respiration and causes oxyloss damage. Large doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out quickly.



    1 part neurotoxin (Changed a bit from /tg/'s version)
    Temperature 674K

    Will deal Toxin and Brain damage up to around 60 points of damage total, if the drug is not removed after around 17 cycles it will knock the user unconscious.

    --Pax--- (Need this for prisoners!)

    1 part Mindbreaker Toxin
    1 part Synaptizine
    1 part Water

    Suppresses violence by preventing the victim from using anything but the help intent and passive grabs.


    1 part Sugar
    1 part Lithium
    1 part Water

    Helps Hallucinations go away much faster, and helps you recover from stuns faster. Also Purges Mindbreaker Toxin very quickly. Mildly toxic.


    Recipe: TBD

    After 11 ticks, has up to a 50% chance of causing strong vomiting while purging other toxins each tick. After 33 ticks, there is a chance to eject an organ each tick if overdosing. Requires very high doses.

    (Would be fun to use at monkeys to get organs)







    • Like 1
  8. Recently I've been playing Warden a lot, I love it. (Alfred Keitel is the name, by the way). While I have generated salt (which is hilarious in some cases) I've also been lenient and given some karma and all that. I just would like to know if you guys have some tips to improve my warden gameplay.


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