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Posts posted by Bxil

  1. If someone has a code they feel like I should try, then feel free to show me.

    2 hours ago, Vissy said:

    It could be coded in pure Byond, I suppose, but I'm thinking about something like map post-processor application.

    It's not that horrible to code this in BYOND, stuff that is coded in something else here is done so because BYOND was incapable of doing what was needed. It would be very snowflakey to make a separate application for this for no real reason.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Trubus said:

    Doesn't it search for active ckeys first?

    It offers it to all ghosts who have it enabled and are not banned from synthetics.

    41 minutes ago, Trubus said:

    And what happens if a ghost and a non-ghost accepts posibrain request at the same time? Who would it prioritize first?

    What happens right now that everyone who says "yes" gets added to a list then it selects a random person from the list. I would say adding people simply to the current list would be fair.

    42 minutes ago, Trubus said:

    I wonder how difficult it would be to code something like that for PosiBrains.

    Quite tricky, actually.

    I am wondering about picking this up, for I wanted to do this myself actually... But it sounds quite difficult.

  3. 12 hours ago, Xyd said:

    I find mechanic is good when I'm tired or just want a nice relaxing round in which I have zero responsibility and the only job I have is to build a pod, which I can do and then fuck off into space to be forgotten about. It's my favourite hang-over job!

    You mean you don't steal all the bananium and build a H.O.N.K. every round? What kind of blasphemous mechanic are you?

  4. 57 minutes ago, dapocalypse said:

    There should be specific maint areas kept and a large area added on and randomised.

    That's the goal.


    Welp, that's completely different from what I made. That would still be easily meta'd though if we only had that; and nerfing the meta is pretty much the purpose of this PR.

    However I might add something like that to this on the long run, we will see.

  5. @Benjaminfallout

    We pretty much share a vision. Fake walls are already generated, but obviously cannot be seen on the pictures (Most areas that seem blocked actually have a false wall leading into them). But why would doors need access levels?

    Also what premade areas? Did you check the images I posted for example? Those are completely random, not made from templates.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Benjaminfallout said:

    How much of maintenance do you think needs to be randomised?

    For example most of sci-maint. But there would be a premade route below pipes, wires, and to areas like solars.

    7 minutes ago, dapocalypse said:

    Honestly I think we need to handle gateway exploring more like baystatiom does. RP and mechanics wise.

    Honestly, I never did gateway for one, second, out of scope of what I am trying to accomplish here.

  7. @ZN23X

    Changing between several maints is sadly not a solution. On Baystation visiting away sites is a regular and organized activity, with many people moving. They have 15+ randomly selected away sites, and the thing is that all of them get regularly metad. People LEARN them. All of them. Even if they don't want to, it's not that hard.

  8. 49 minutes ago, Benjaminfallout said:

    That and how is all of the piping going to work?

    6 hours ago, Bxil said:

    Keep in mind it does not generate any piping, wiring, [...], thus those should be pre-mapped.


    26 minutes ago, Benjaminfallout said:

    That and we lose the old bar and the other pre-made structures like the restaurant below medic and the 2X5 room with the tinted windows that I love making houses in.

    6 hours ago, Bxil said:

    As per intention, this was not meant to replace current maintenance, but to co-exist with it.

    We would lose the tinted windows, but not the other two. Can you please read the post the next time before you comment? EDIT: Now that I read this twice more, it came through a lot aggressive than it sounded in my head, sorry.


    As a more general response to both of you:

    6 hours ago, Bxil said:

    It can use some fine tuning [...].

    Thus it is not in its final state, the amount of items should probably be lowered, or the chance of them blocking a hallway drastically lowered.


    EDIT: Also please look at the current things that static maintenance cannot provide. Also remember that this is balanced, because both crew and the antagonists will have to explore it (as said, this is somewhat a buff to shadowlings). It also tweaks cult, because now they can do their stuff on the station, instead of being forced to move to off-station every damn round.

  9. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/9019

    Hello, hello!

    So, there is this fun thing I made. To quote the PR:


    Keep in mind it does not generate any piping, wiring, [...], thus those should be pre-mapped. It can use some fine tuning [...].
    I did not touch actual random loot drops! Maintenance contraband is exactly as rare as before.


    • On station cults!
    • Every round is a new adventure!
    • Nerfs metagaming: no longer wandering in maint in the dark because you memorized every route!


    • Easier to hide in.
    • Very easy to get lost.


    • Buffs shadowlings.
    • Most of the time hallways go nowhere, and can feel unnatural.

    As per intention, this was not meant to replace current maintenance, but to co-exist with it. It would be pretty horrible for engineering to get lost forever while looking for the solars, yes?

    Here are examples:




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