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Posts posted by EldritchSigma

  1. 11 minutes ago, Vargh said:


    In a more serious note, research should not need minning reward items or botany help, botany is already a pain in the ass for the chef. Research should need the work of xenobio and robotics to achieve is levels, with certain robot parts and some slime cores, you can add a tech crate from cargo if you feel it needs to be delayed a bit more. Co-op with miners can be hard enough sometimes, giving it more problems can't end well, more in a med RP server when people EXPECT research to be done to help the station.

    That is actually a very good suggestion. Cargo could order a crate like they do for robotics anyways and RnD can start working while waiting for the crate. Slime cores while being RnG reliant are fine too considering you get them sooner or later anyways and then xenobio gets atleast done I guess. Still though... add the experimentor tech levels back. The device is useless now as it is except for strange items. Also the fact that its impossible to do Illegals now without any form of traitorous activity shows pretty much the intention of this update... just as a sidenote.

  2. 4 minutes ago, ProperPants said:

    I really dislike the arguments of "It should take a long time to do RnD" because if it takes too long (like one and a half hours), then nobody cares about upgrades. If I'm an engineer 3/4ths of the way into a shift with multiple bombings, I've done so much repair work that I don't really care about power tools at that point. Similarly for medbay, if the shift is well over halfway done, I've been treating people using the drugs provided by chemistry, so upgraded sleepers are too little too late. I agree that RnD shouldn't take 10 minutes, but I feel it should be able to be normally maxed before 13:00.

    I also dislike the implementation of interdepartment cooperation. Medical doesn't need people outside of medical to treat patients. Engineering doesn't need people outside of engineering to fix the station. Security doesn't need non-officers to make arrests. I don't see why RnD should need other departments to do their job. Yeah it's a research station, but the other departments exist as more supportive roles, not as critical functions behind the research.

    The actually researching of RnD has never been fun or engaging, but now it is even less so. Additionally, the PR doesn't really solve any problems. RnD is still a grocery list, and within a week or two, there will be a new guide up on how to max tech in 10 minutes.

    The only remotely decent idea I've heard to improve RnD is to turn it into a minigame or something. I think @Da Dman234 has had ideas for alternate RnD.

    This PR has put me off from playing RnD for a while. I know you can say "boo hoo cry me a river" but that's a rude response. I play this game to have fun, and right now, RnD is less fun than it's ever been.

    My thoughts exactly, it wont change a thing. Just talked to someone on the server who is already able to MAX it completly within 20 minutes with a little bit more effort (yes illegals included). It wont change much but that it takes a little bit longer... which is annoying at best. There are always ways arround interdepartment cooperation and people will always pick that route because its the path of least resistance. Pretty good argument about Engineers not needing anyone else to do their job as for medbay. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, Master_Exploder said:

    Science is by it's very idea the most "broken" part of the station. The point of science is to make cool shit and upgrade things, and no other department has that role, which is why it's "broken" to other players that don't like science. People don't play science to finish R&D by the time the shuttle arrives for a crew transfer. the department itself is built around creating things for the crew to use, whether it's upgrades for medbay, parts for engineering, the station project, or items for a traitor abusing science for their own nefarious purposes. Removing or making it so tedious it's not worth the effort is not a fix. You might as well remove the department as a whole and replace it with a piece of paper that says "no fun allowed SRS ROLEPLAY ONLY!!11!". if you want to fix science, fix the items, not make the items unobtainable, and hurt the department as a whole.

    As for "not doing the job" there is PLENTY of work that goes into R&D, but people have naturally found the quickest way to do that. That's people for you. As i mentioned in the first post, i'm even all for changes to the tech levels. I dont think R&D should be do-able with mats and one dude running the protolathe, I really like the departmental co-ordination now required, for science at least. You need Xenobio, Genetics (if that actually worked), and robotics working with you, and that's great! What's dumb is having to go to cargo to beg the QM to let you use 160 points on two machine prototypes, and then go to the captain and HOS, and beg them for riot shotguns, or the chain of command, and then go to botany and BEG them to stop making weed for just a second.

    Dont forget the annoying questions of the QM asking you literally every round why you need that like cargo always does. Heck I saw QMs asking an engineer why he needs a multitool...

    The thing is that the mentality of people is just wrong, if we want to make this a station wide effort people should not be forced behind stupid question locks or stupid items which are not handed out anyways. I dont get the change, it was fine as it was. On paper the changes sound ok I guess. But in reality... when does cooperation between Botany, Cargo and Science ensures? Rarely to never...

  4. 20 minutes ago, EvadableMoxie said:

    I'm not sure that's necessarily true.  The changelog states its to make RnD a station wide effort and powergaming isn't mentioned in the PR at all.


    Sorry if this sounds indelicate but... it sounds an awful lot like what you are asking for is to get the benefits of a job without actually having to do the job.

    Maybe mixing 2 chemicals and checking the Pandemic until RNG gives me the right symptoms isn't as fun as handing out my competed virus, but would you argue this means virologists should have completed beneficial viruses at round start? Maybe it isn't fun in Botany to plant things and just sit around waiting, but does this make just giving them mutated max yield plants at the start a good idea?

    I just don't see why should RnD get access to all the best toys on the station, with a far wider selection and range of application and overall power level than any other department, without even having to put in an amount of effort comparable to the reward. RnD should be the hardest thing to do in the station, given that it gives by far the best and most powerful rewards. 

    Having everything handed to you and then playing Science Santa to decide who gets to share in all the toys you are given is hardly a 'job' in my opinion. 

    Well it should be actually hard and challenging then to get it done, I agree it shouldnt come free, but I also want to say that the way RnD is handled now is neither fun, nor engaging nor challenging. I have fun in genetics because the RnG works better there and you get rewards even if some genes are shitty. Even the bad ones can be weaponized for instance. Virology I havent done yet, but considering I see people getting it done in 15 minutes EVERY round... yeah. It shouldnt be science only that gets the nerf club to be quite honest. The thing is if they change RnD to make it a station wide effort sure. Its fine. But then make sure that: Botany actually does their job... Cargo does their job... Mining does their job. Oh and make RnD alot less tedium to progress, not literally giving the toys away but actually making it more engaging. Like someone suggested with a tech tree.

  5. The point is that with these "nerfs" to fix powergaming. The result is that noone is bothering doing RnD. And they are in the right to not bothering doing RnD. The enjoyable part for me in RnD was handing out equipment to security, equipping medbay and upgrading stuff. Not doing this tedious annoying "insert shit into the machine" thing. That is actually the annoying part of science. What happened is that the annoying part got more annoying and the fun part stripped off. Because you dont get to the required tech levels to equip people. Because apparently it requires RNG to be kind to you now... There is nothing enjoyable in RnD right now after the nerf. The enjoyable part was really just equipping people, upgrading and making a silly fortress out of science when you are not antag. 

    Its just not enjoyable as it is right now. Not without that shitty none interactive RND. Make it more fun and interactive, heck make items malfunction or something so RnD doesnt get bored to death... People equipping themself with 30 adrenalin implants as none antag wouldnt be an issue aswell if they would have something engaging to do. Getting Tech Levels is not engaging... And even if you remove that source of "powergaming" they find something else. And continue. And then you remove/nerf that and make it unfun. And then they find something else. That issue cannot be avoided fully. Its human nature sadly...

    • Like 2
  6. The 25 minutes adrenalin implants... yeah those are annoying, havent thought about that. Not sure if its still accomplishable, but probably is if you put enough effort into it.

    Thing is with other departments being required for RnD... Cargo is in most cases extremly uncooperatives and the queus are unbearable quite often. Botany sometimes simply does not exist. Heck know those shifts when RnD got to do the mining themselves? If you really need botany to finish it properly... Science will have to do it themself too. Its just ugh...

    I am just displeased by the general requirement for a department which is rarely occupied or the requirement of a department often staffed with "comdoms" and paperpushers which is not really that pleasing to work or interact with (and which take ages to do their job).

  7. So recently (today) a PR got merged which apparently had a pretty bad reputation or was not quite liked by many. I havent heard of that PR and to be quite frank I was upset that this kind of stuff got even included. So I would like people to discuss their opinion on this and maybe voice it somehow. Try to keep it civil and dont bite eachother or something though please. Also everything below this has some bias in it since I used to like doing RnD and actually not doing it as antag.

    So what it does is: Throws all about RnD out of the window and removes the Autolathe. So now you got to relearn it from scratch. Also something along the lines of cheaper RnD items resources wise so now you too can make 40 AEGs which probably never will get used because sec almost never arms crew except in case of Terrorspiders (and even then more often they wont) or War-Ops (again had cases where sec wont arm people...).

    What it is supposed to do is stop blatant "powergaming" antags in science. I see that this wont change a damn thing other then the regular science goers not doing RnD at all and instead, to be quite frank, really go with meta (as in most efficient tactic aviable) to kill people which usually is either a deathpen or a nice good old fashioned maxcap or a simple revolver to the face while wearing a disguise while under meth. Heck from what I have seen and heard is that it will put off people from playing science entirely, it makes Science even more unfriendly to new players because they need to go everywhere now and loot the station for "dem techlevels". The fun part of RnD is not RnD itself (oh what a big suprise) but more the upgrading and the delivery of items and outfitting security. Provided you dont have certain methods to aqquire those techlevels fast (and there are very certain methods requiring breaking and entering the secure tech storage for certain items for instance) you get to do the more boring and tedious part for much longer without getting any joy out of it. Sure you could say you can play any other role... but yeah other roles need the upgrades from RnD to run efficiently and nice. Also this PR seems to be a blatant copy of TG-Stations RnD... heck even their guide translates sorta good into our current RnD...

    Anyways what should have been done is nerfing certain items aviable through RnD: Like the reverse engineered stuff from illegals. Make the E-Crossbows stun for 2 or 3 seconds only or give them a charge. Make Adrenalin implants from RnD malfunction and poison the user after each use (light toxin damage) or make it be bustable by electromagnetic pulses. Make Freedom implants take a second to arm up and giving off a subtle message when used. That kind of stuff. Those items are used by powergaming antags... Or add malfunctions to more advanced items... a Advanced Energy Gun for instance is powered by a small nuclear reactor. Make it give off radiation on say every 3rd gun and sec got to come with their guns and get them fixed by putting them into the experimentor and doing something with them. That would increase interactions between RnD and other departments too and would provide a nice RP base aswell as in "Hey I got sick from using your prototype, you sure its not malfunctioning in any way?" Just anything but making the BORING and GRINDY process of actually doing RnD even more antifun then it is currently. Personally I cant be bothered with running to cargo, waiting in a line, to ask for certain items to get asked "Why do you need a healthscanner" or something like that because either cargo doesnt know how science currently works or is completly absent. 

    Last thing I would like to say... the lack of Autolathe and dependency on Botany... yeah guess what... people will build an autolathe as soon as possible. You wont see anyone actually going to cargo and asking for parts. Same for requiring botany. For the most part botany is doing nothing but growing "meme plants" and "dank ass weed". I have barely seen any botanists on the server doing their job good. Heck I am glad if Gloria, Ares and Nat Green do botany cause then the Chef gets food and they do their meme shit. But they do their job. Science is requiring now plants from botany to do RnD well is not going to help that. "I need deathnettles." "Why?" "Like always, sec needs guns and I need deathnettles to make guns." "Nope you wont get them." see the point? The items required to reach techlevels seem to have become very sketchy to say the least which will probably end up in catching suspicion while just wanting to help, and while that can be fun for a whille it probably annoys more people then it will bring joy to because to be quite frank: I am not quite fond of explaining the same matter to the same person over and over again... Its like when engineer asks for a multitool and gets questioned why he needs a multitool... by the same cargo tech... every... damn... time...

    Very well... thats it for my opinion... what do you guys think about this merge?
    Like it? Dislike it? Why? 


  8. I would appreciate this too, I havet this strange mentality of always going stealth on my "snoflek" cause else people will search her more often and all that nonesense. I went loud yesterday cause I had to and it was fun, but I dont want Thali to go loud everytime because that doesnt fit her and its muh snoflek. So uh yeah I totally agree to that if it would be a character option.

    • Like 1
  9. 39 minutes ago, Jared12100 said:


    Other Changes:

    The tele-gun, which can only be gotten by the RD, would now be available to scientists at the price of 16 TC. 

    >>Something about Shadowlings beeing removed

    >> War mode for wizards 

    >> More Restrictions for antags

    >>  If there is a major threat to the station and you are breaking space law to an extent that requires security take action you are self antagging. (unless, obviously, you are the threat or a antagonist)


    Excuse my rather emotionally infused reply but here we go...

    So I got this right? You want to remove an entire gamemode because you dont like it and not even bother attempting to balance it but WANT to add the singlehandingly most broken item into the list of traitor items for one of the most common roles? I saw entire stations cleared out with this bullshit item and you want MORE people to have access to it? Heck no... Removing shadowlings because they are "not balanced" and keeping wizards in and even giving them a declare war mode? It doesnt matter that much for a wizard if they know that the Crew knows of them. Sure there are gimmicky stealth builds but a war wizard results in the same like war ops... people rushing to cryo because they do not like wizard. Yeah... we could remove all the antags because they have balancing issues sure and just play with traitors and maybe vamps and maybe lings. Wait... some people dont like lings either because of their shitty retrovirus sting and the permadeath by absorption cause medbay mostly doesnt transfer the brain. We might want to remove changelings, ops and wizards aswell. Especially wizards cause its unbalanced and antifun for anyone but the wizards and dchat. And rarely security. Alot of people dont like to get horseheaded by wizards. And I mean by alot actually quite alot. Yet this spell is still ingame cause some people like it... cant we uh just get along with the gamemodes we have now and as they are?

    Back to the telegun:

    Seriously... telegun aviable for more people... even if it would cost 20 TC it would still be broken as fuck considering how easy it is to use... and how anti fun it is if you are target of a Telegun user. Heck I had more fun getting blown up by a maxcap plasmabomb. Atleast that leaves a crater and showed some effort of the person by either getting up fast, throwing it and getting the hell out or by hiding it somewhere very well and waiting for me. Telegun is just: Zap... gone. Permadead. Its not fun whatsoever for anyone but the telegun user. Oh and explosives give Engineering something to do atleast... Telegun doesnt do that either. Sure you can setup the beacon into the burning chamber of the plasmalab... and then after its disabled the Telegunner just switches to abadoned druglab filled with hot N2O and either waits for the targets to die from suffocation or from burns while not being able to do anything if they are not wearing a spacesuit and got gear to get out of the lab fast. Have seen that actually happen once... not fun...

    About more Antag Restrictions: Its really fine as it is I believe. Sure it sucks to be killed 10 minutes into the round but rarely those bodies dont get recovered. We should instead crack down on the single individuals doing that by using inavoidable methods (Telegun, Gibsmoke) instead of punishing everyone including the Clown named Chainsaw Wielding Idiot who just saws down the 2 targets, takes their heads as trophies and never disposes them but rather keeps them when he gets inevadeably caught by Sec. A Chainsaw Wielding Idiot is more fun than someone telegunning you or revolvering you and using a microbomb on you 3 minutes in. But still I feel restrictions are hard enough and well enough enforced.

    About the last thing I have in the quote ... all of my yes I hate janiborgs slipping everyone on a wizard round... or janitors doing the same on fucking purpose...

    • Like 3
  10. I totally agree to this. 

    This speed update is the worst thing that has happened in a couple months. You get one gene from genetics and you are godlike if your opponent doesnt have that gene either. There is virtually no way arround this currently and this cannot be intended to be like that. Please revert the change or fix that...

  11. On 6.5.2017 at 11:20 PM, PhantasmicDream said:

    Is he spooky enough  

    Oh damn that one looks nice. I like the glow effect on his eyes. I kinda imagine Thalis eyes glow like this whenever one of the shadowlings possess her to talk through her.

  12. I am not sure on borers relaying information about Antags... Thats kind of a dickish move to do to be honest, especially if said antag has done his deed and just needs to escape alive. Have observed that multiple times now. Also There are so often borers who just kill their host or bring them in exceedingly dangerous situations which does not help the borer nor the host.

    From what I understand borers are more or less symbiotic or at the very least parasites with benefits. They use you to breed, yes. They use you to live. But they keep you alive whenever you are in danger by excreting chems. I think its more an issue with the player mentality than with the borers themself. I have had 6 borers so far. 3 were utter assholes who did following: 

    In Sec:

    - Stunned people when me being sec to "propagate", 

    - Set me on fire

    - Set other people on fire

    - Detonated random Welding Fuel tanks

    - Pulled my flashbangs and threw them in a crowd

    -Flashed random borgs.

    - And assuming they know the resist timer they moved as far away from surgery and vendors as physical possible to avoid removal and start the whole deed again. Its not fun. Not at all. Its fun for the borer on cost of other people.


    In Science:

    - Hitting people with my stunprod, cuffing people with cable cuffs

    - Printing a Sonic Jackhammer and disintegrating walls

    - Making bad grenades. Really bad ones. As in they didnt even work.



    Good experiences with borers involved:

    - Getting them to help me out in dangerous situations

    - Advising me on how to handle things

    - Keeping an eye out for slippery spots

    - Keeping an eye out for people who stalk me

    - Rping (One made Thali think that Stuart is a clown, that was fun)

    - And even making Thalis Retard Repellant and Stunprod obsolete due to ultra meth speed at will.

    - Assuming control and subverting Thali in a none silly way.


    So borers who actually do what they are supposed to do are fun.

    People need to get out of that hunter seeker mentality of borers. If thats restricted by rules or something they will get better hopefully.

    • Like 1
  13. On 3.5.2017 at 1:14 AM, Bxil said:


    • Thali Kukeck as NT rep (If you don't drop by at the beginning of the shift saying hi then something's wrong)


    I knew paralell universes exist and I have shifted into one. Damn it I think it happens way too frequent, I seriously thought it was friday today albeit its thursday.

    On a more serious note: Think you meant Scientist, Thali never does NT Rep or command jobs unless forced to (e.g Head of Shitcurity nominates her).


    Also here is my list of people I consider part of a "NT Family" (from the view of Thali Kukeck, the cringy shadowling hybrid vulp):


    Sorry in advance if I butchered some names.

    Stuart Atreides : If Thali and him are together in a shift and I dont get shit on by Dchat in looc for "ERPing" I know I did something wrong. Also got to spawn the anti ERP walrus due to dchat salt already twice... in one shift..., oh for those not knowing context: They are a couple, the lewd kind.


    R.O.sE:  That stuttering is so memorable and overall a lovely character. 


    L.A.D.Y :  Did multiple times some kind of "excorcism" when Thali was possessed by a Shadowling ascendant. Always hugging Thali each round. Also getting emped on the shuttle is a common theme of her.


    Reyes :  Warning people when he is about to fart cause he is a plasmaman, very memorable

    Jebedyah (for fuck sake I cant spell that name) :  Got Thali a medal for doing her job in RnD. Also always fun to talk to and implant eachother with shitty implants


    Terry Watson : Yelled at the ascendant for making Thali do shit (that round when she got mindslaved by her BF) over comms in a very ferrouscious way. Also shares the mentality of always carrying some sort of defensive weapon.

    Mike Murdock :  Always trying to lure Thali into maint to talk. Not going to happen Mike. Thali was told not to go to the weird man in a trenchcoat who offers candy. Except said man is pitchblack... and has glowing red eyes... and stuns her by glaring at her, silencing her headset and then cuffing her to a comfy chair (oh the horror, not the comfy chair) and then enthralling her.

    Ares :In comms:"I thought we had cultist since a diona is drawing blood red runes in waste disposals maint. But then I figured out: He is a diona, he doesnt have blood therefor cant draw runes", "Thali do you have some meth for me?" Cultist Thali: "Sure this is the best meth in can make." Thali Kukeck hands the Meth 50 units (laced) pill to Ares. Ares takes the Meth 50 units (laced) pill -> It was all ether. Ares is unconcious and gets dragged into maint and converted. Drugs are bad mkay Ares?

    TayMkIV: Always gets in Thalis way when she is traitor and got to steal a damn ablative...

    Tetra Vega: See TayMkIV

    Alice Church: Her dyslexia (I am not sure if thats part of her character) and the jokes people make arround it.

    Lucy Dugmore: "Gravitational anomaly sighted at the bridge, everyone follow me to the outpost!" 

    Vladimir Lukowsky: "Someone rerouted the disposals into my office again!"

    Achiron Duplace: "/me plays with Thali Kukecks long, fluffy, bushy, soft, shadowy [add 3 more descriptors which are borderline lewd] tail", also best greytider

    Bikikarki and Moria: Lewd. But not showing it in public. Always fun sending an emagged drone after them to just watch them in privat. Also both are nice.

    B.E.E.R: Best bartender so far

    Steven Stingray: Top Virus also fun to talk to.

    Sam Aria: "Thali stop spiking cryo, just bomb it."

    Every Ian: Thali Kukeck yells, "LYNCH, PURGE KILL!" Thali Kukeck points to Ian

    Moog: Actually does his job as a miner. And while at it he does it very good

    Dedsec: "Fuck I blew up scichem."

    C.y.t.r.u.s: Always seeing him gibbed mid round.

    Slith-Skarr: Only person Thali talked to ICly about her newfound gods (the shadowlings). Also always gets her out of trouble when things seem dire. 

    Frank Delegado: Robust as fuck, also got killed while announcing that there are no threats.

    Quinton Summer: Actually gives good orders as a HoS and is a good HoS while at it. Love working with him when Thali is sec.

    Space Skeleton Jones: 2spooky4me.

    Slade (Slate whenever Thali sees him): Who doesnt like him.

    Nat Green (I hope I got his name correct): A botanist who fucks arround AND does his job. 

    Flora Fulton in Cargo: Gives gloves for good RP reasons (aka I am working with acid and this latex shit wont protect me at all, got any insulated gloves?)

    Tiki(something): Fuck you and your telegun kills hahaha

    Vichi(something): 2 robust 4 me

    Kra(something): Deus Vulties!

    Red Cell: "Space activated!"

    Pablo Greenwood: Good captain

    Aurora Greenwood: Good NT rep, also lewd, also implanted a certain Posibrain into her groin which was hillarious, also fuck its annoying to kill her with EMP grenades as traitor scientist.

    Every wizard: Thali Kukeck yells, "Fuck it, I go to cryo, good luck with the bullshit wizard guys!"

    Meex Zwichschnur (name butchered): Usually saying nice butt when she is arround since apparently people do that.

    Nova Obszönfuchs: Lewd. Also this: Nova Obszoenfuchs (follow) says, "This station is afraid of me...I have seen its true face. The halls are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their lewd and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores Security and greytide will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No.""

    Jillian Small: Mechanic antag. All the time...

    Joseph King: The one guy going to genetics, staring at the geneticist for a whole 6 minutes. Then putting a pda out messaging someone. Then Thali receives a message from the captain: "Ehm... Joseph King asked me if I can ask you if you can give him Xray.". Do I need to say more?


    Many more I guess, gotta continue this list at some point.




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  14. How much TC is it exactly and how many uses does it have? I know first hand how annoying and powerfull it can be when used on you. At the same time if you have to give up your objective as a traitor to the chaplin traitor just get a pinpointer and let it lock into the item they took (e.g captains laser) for that your character knows he had it, memory loss he doesnt have it. If you see the chaplin then you can RP the memory loss a little, but probably ends in him wololoing you again and telling you to move into the incinerator.

    Could need a nerf... or specifically say that you still have basic self preservation instincts on it so you dont get to kill your targets for almost free with this thing. Also it should have a message when mindcontrol wears off, its too easy to frame someone for a crime while under the influence of the Wololo. You could tell your target to murder some random jerk and get him executed and never cloned that way...

  15. Describing a characters stats like in Fallout? And its for snowflakes? 

    Well here we go:

    Thali Kukeck the Vulpkanin with that cringy snowflaky shadowling affinity:


    When she is in control:

    S-2 Well she doesnt prefere physical direct confrontation, rather uses poisons and explosives to fight. Also heavy usage of guns preferred. If she needs to actually do direct confrontation (read where the opponent can actually fight back) she uses most of the time an Esword or Dual-Esword. Hates big guns like the combat shotgun.

    P-8 Before that entire mess she got into it was a solid 6. The shadow marks on her seem to make her alot more carefull and aware of her surroundings. Also she actually hits stuff when using guns.

    E-5 Used to run away in case her life is threatened. Due to being hit by mental lances from shadowlings multiple times she got quite resillent to pain and is used to psychoterror.

    C-3 It is alright, some people like her, some dont, some dont have any opinion of her and some just hate her. Only 3 because she looks like a thrall and because she is a vulp and people are racist towards vulps all the time.

    I-10 Well... grenades which have killed the entire security, gasses which knock people out for 10 minutes upwards while masks do nothing... and a bomb being that strong it got nerfed. Also some memesprays for different purposes and shotgun shells which pretty much make energy weapons obsolete (disablers, explosives, single target burn damage, AoE Gibsmoke etc). Not only that... knowing how to use those tools aswell. Also pretty much knows most of the essential things in station like hacking of doors and vendors, location of valueable items (insultated gloves for instance) and even doing some surgeries. She is also fairly eager to learn new things. However RnD gets boring for her to do. ((Not doing RnD most of the time, whenever I do the station is upgraded fully in 20 minutes provided miners brough ores and sec got an arsenal by 30-40 minutes, and every other department got new helpfull toys by 50 minutes at max... takes the fun if its so safe)). Good at manipulation aswell.

    A-4 Occasionally hits herself with her own explosive darts or splashes a beaker of substance on the ground. However still decent at moving through obstacles.

    L-2 A fucking shadowling sorta assimilated her. She is in maint when all the sudden people yell shadowlings/cult/vamps/nuke ops/wizard in maint where she is over comms. And worst of all. Thali moves out of maint directly whenever it is announced and still gets caught. Also the damn teleporter... all the time some idiot greytide came along and yelled about her breaking in requiring her to use the META excuse of the year. Not a person you would consider lucky.


    When the Ascendant controls her:

    S 6 If it is required he pushes Thali to her limit making her fight directly.

    P 10 They know all, they see all, they try to relay all the information into her head ((read as I am actually reading all the comms I got access to and interpretate the course of a round))

    E 1 It is draining to be controlled like that. Really draining. She passes out when under great physical stress while controlled.

    C 1 The Ascendant controlling her is not very nice... he is an asshole to people and tries to manipulate them by threatening and fear. Works sometimes but most of the times he gets yelled at. 

    I 10 Unchanged... everything Thali knows they know.

    A 6  Again the Ascendant pushes Thali to her limit. They do not tolerate insolence and clumsyness.

    L 5 They seem to have some more senses aviable than "lesser creatures". Thali can use them to a certain degree whenever they control her. Mainly some kind of superintuition. Therefor she appears to have more luck whenever they control her.


    Oh well thats about it.

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  16. While in theory this idea sounds good it might turn out bad in practice... for instance behind each character is a person. Most persons tend to get fairly iffy when they have to spent some form of currency... lets say antag tokens are a currency... people will get mad if they get "powergamed" by the "damn powergamey AI" for instance right now... now imagine if people spend tokens on that just to get caught 5 minutes in because some AIs got nothing better to do then watching someone 24/7 for instance. It has quite the potential to cause drama. I think that those tokens would only encourage powergaming. It would also increase the likehood of people doing karma trading or other things to cheat the system. Not quite fond of it with the potential cons buyable Karma Tokens have to them...

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