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Posts posted by Vargh

  1. We need a straight forward law who say no to all all access in nuke wars it just doesn't work, it makes the place a mess and the abuse is insane, yesterday I joined 5 minutes late into a nukies round as security and the armory was already raided and the medical crew had more weapons and gear than me, 2 medical guys where walking around in security hardsuit, it's fucking stupid. And we also need more active mentor/admin help to the nukies about is objective and questions to prevent them for dying for oxyloss in space, no jetpack or buying a macrobomb to kill his entire team 

    • Like 2
  2. I remember, there was a time when EVERYTIME we had nukie ops, an admin would spawn himself as some kind of commander, giving them tips and how to do certain stuffs, reminding them is objective. I believe that needs to be done always, to inform them, same for abductors, because even if you know game mechanics, you don't always get nukies/abductors and i'm sure as hell a lot of people know shit about certain stuffs.

  3. If you get metagrudged just ahelp that, it's against the rules and you should not let that slip from the admins. People who save anger to others from past rounds are idiots and dont actually understand the game.

  4. Rules are easy, you can try and stop an antag as no security if he's right infront of you murdering someone for example.

    I had a situation a few days ago that might come to this topic about self defense, i had a guy who tryed to garrote kill me when first i am a slime person and second i had my heall all virus already working on me, he was unable to kill me so he set me free and tryed to figure out what to do, I took a wrench and we started a long fight with punches, toolboxes and stuff, we even got a security officer who tryed to stop him when he was beating me, he disarmed the officer and start killing him with the baton, i got up, disarmed him and beated the shit out of the traitor. I was acused after for validhunting when i was victim of a failed murder attemp with obvious contraband and saved and officer who was getting killed right next to me.

    One thing is defending yourself and another one is, for example, drag beepsky all around maints waiting to find someone with the wanted tag so the bot will go ape shit to them when you are not security, valid hunting is trying to stun and put cuffs on a guy you know he killed the captain but you where not there in the situation and even if you have a stun prod you should not jump on him to capture it UNLESS he's going on you trying to kill you. You might argue "But then i need to wait for the guy to shoot a shotgun to my face to try and get him", when the reality is "Oh that guy killed the captain, is covered in blood and MIGHT want to fucking shove that shotgun inside my but and paint the walls with my gutts, better run and call to security where he is".

    Trying to be a hero and stop the antag is against the rules (Unless he's valid like a Wizards or Nukie) but defending yourself for someone who's trying to kill you is not.

  5. 1 hour ago, Pawneax said:

    That'd be a cool idea, maybe something along the lines that they unknowingly met but nothing too major. Like, they still only know each other from meeting on the Cyberiad, they don't recognize each other from their time on Luna.

    Also thanks for Luna art compliment!

    Well, it's going to be hard to recognize her with his new hair color and the hat don't you think? ;) Plus Steven became a Slime at the Cyberiad

  6. 3 hours ago, Chronarch said:

    Hey! B.E.E.R here! First off, you mentioned your favorite drink! I will remember that.

    Also, I don't see my name anywhere on there ?

    You remember me I need to update this ?


    Alright, edit it a bit more, if i forgot you in IC friends please let me know, i was never good with names

  7. S.M.O.K.E. Here, he's really new and I play him sometimes, I made him a cigarette vendor IPC who manage to escape but he can't contain his software and scream cigarette propaganda in the middle of conversations. He hate it

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