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Posts posted by Birdtalon

  1. I think emagged drones should just be able to be blown using the console which would force them to go stealth and not just blatenty act with few repercussions considering they can sit in vents and electrify doors all day with virtually no risk whatsoever.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Spacemanspark said:

    You seem to be missing my point.

    The item itself is not ultrapowerful. You'll note I said "list".

    The butt stock on a rifle is not what fires the deadly bullets. The entire rifle put together is.

    Well whatever you change, be it the topic of this thread or any other change for that matter will not change this. As a member of the armed forces you would want the best equipment to handle a situation that you are put in and it's no different in this video game. People will naturally gravitate towards whatever is the perceived "best" setup in terms of equipment in order to take on whatever challenges they face, combat or otherwise.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Spacemanspark said:

    The item itself isn't powergaming, it's moreso that immediately rushing to get everything on your "top ten items to become ultrapowerful for the shift" list is.

    It's function is identical to welding helmets which is something which are a dime a dozen. I would hardly call it an item which will make you ultra powerful in the slightest. When you have things like RCDs which are much more powerful if you want to become "ultrapowerful." The only reason I like the welding goggles is because it means I don't have to give up my top hat which is a functionless item.

  4. 12 hours ago, FPK said:

    Rushing the assembly line has become a tactic, a minor case of powergaming. 

    Why is something power gaming because it's a useful item?

    I would also like to see these added to the pool of loot, also they should be able to be printed from autolaithes. In the grand scheme of things welding helmets are actually more useful because you can still have the benefit of wearing a HUD.

  5. Your English is already very impressive for a non-native speaker. I have rewritten some parts of your story with explanations as to why I have done so. As with all these things there are many ways to achieve the same goal. I have tried to keep the order of your story as similar to the original as possible. This is by no means the "best" way to write it, I have just picked up the things I can see.


    At 26 years old, Alexander was kind and sympathetic guy with a pregnant wife.

    Saying that Alexander is married is unnecessary as his wife being pregnant implies he is married due to the fact that she is his wife. You can also shorten this to a single sentence with Alexander being the subject.


    Life in Russia was very difficult at the time, so he had to work at several jobs at once. By day he worked in the docks or factories, carrying boxes and other heavy stuff. It was a normal job, but paid too little to feed him and his wife. 

    You would usually use the verb "paid" when referring to money in this way. Also the sentence structure is slightly incorrect, you would write.
    "It was a normal job, but the money given was not enough to feed a pregnant wife and himself. by money given from factories was not enough."


    So at night he had to work at a local club which was visited by the criminals of his town.

    You need a determiner such as "a" or "the" to define the club. Saying "work at local club" is incorrect.

    "The local club" would mean it is the only local club or at least the only one of any significance. "A local club" would mean that it is one of many local clubs.

    I have reworded the second part of the sentence. You do not need a comma between "at local club, where usually went all criminal people of his town" because there is no need to separate this sentence as you are still talking about the club. Also the structure is slightly muddled also. If I maintain your wording the correct structure would be;
    "Where all the criminal people of his town usually went."


    Alexander's life went on as usual until he met Ivan, his school friend and now leader of a new but already well-known gang of arms dealers.

    The comma between "usual" and "until" is unnecessary. You can write "The life of Alexander" as "Alexander's life."


    After knowing discovering Alexander's situation, Ivan offered him a job where he could earn a good money and provide everything for his wife.

    I have replaced "knowing" with "discovering" because that implies that Ivan found out about Alexander's situation. I have also replaced "the situation Alexander was" with "Alexander's situation" meaning the situation belongs to Alexander. If you wished to maintain "the situation Alexander was" you would need to add something like "the situation Alexander was in" otherwise you would be describing Alexander himself as a situation.

    "Ivan offered him a job where he could earn a good money" - "a" is not required here. You would use "a" if the money was singular. 


    Alexander needed that money. After talking with his wife, he left the country for Los Santos with a shipment of arms for Ivan's new client.

    I have reworded this quite significantly. The sentence runs on for too long and it is easier to break it apart.

    "Alexander needed that money." can stand alone. The second sentence has only a single comma to separate Alexander's two actions. He talked with his wife and then he left the country.  

    "he had to give to a new Ivan's client's"

    You would say "Ivan's new clients" because the clients belong to Ivan.


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  6. Thank you for looking into this complaint for me. This outcome serves to add clarification for all involved and as such I see it as a positive outcome. You may consider this resolved as far as I am concerned. Many thanks.

  7. Admin Key: scrubmcnoob

    Your Discord name (if applicable): Birdtalon

    Complaint: Devaluing the wording of the rules.

    This is a psudo-complaint regarding an incident which occurred several days ago, as it took me that long to decide whether to make this complaint or not. I still wouldn't hasten to call it a "complaint" as I have nothing against scrubmcnoob or his actions - this is more directed at the general attitude of the incident and seeking an explanation as to why it is acceptable.

    Firstly, I shall set the scene. I was playing on my character "Kahkiri," as a scientist and it was the start of the round "maint rush" where everyone had piled into maintenance looking for loot.

    The Janitor on this round had decided to take the Janicart into maintenance and block my way with it, to which I responded by unbuckling him from it and dragging it behind me while I ran through maintenance. The Janitor followed me through maint to the Central Primary Corridor, where I tried to head into science to get away from him. Unfortunately he was too quick and followed me inside, beginning to spam disarm me to push me down. At this point I may have retaliated in kind whilst attempting to put a door between myself and him. Soon after he began attacking me in harm intent, to which I believe I would not have responded other than to try and disarm him and escape. However he began attacking me with an oxygen tank which put me quickly into critical before any security could arrive to break it up.

    I decided to admin help it as I believe I was quite correct in thinking that the rules quite specifically state that putting someone into critical as a non-antagonist is not allowed.


    Violence capable of inflicting serious damage to someone, especially anything that places them into a critical state, is reserved for Antagonists. Outside Self-Defense, this kind of violence is not permitted;

    Now, it may be the case that he was an antagonist all along and of course I do not expect scrubmcnoob to release that kind of information, if this is the case then please resolve this. However if it is not the case I would rather like an slightly more detailed explanation.

    Unfortunately I cannot quote the pm I received from scrubmcnoob verbatim as I did not think to save it at the time, as I was not entirely that bothered until I discussed this at length with a friend of mine. However it was along the lines of; "you antagonised him first, therefore deal with your injuries IC as they are not life threatening." At the time I was fine with waiting for the doctor to repair my broken bones and just took it at face value and replied with "Okay I'm not that bothered."

    The problem I have with this situation really is that the rules are quite clear that beating someone into critical is not allowed yet I expect if the roles were reversed I would have expected a harsh punishment. I feel that if the player in question was not an antagonist then this somewhat devalues the statement I quoted directly from the rules if administrators are allowed to disregard them over what I see as an over escalation. 

    I am not going to jump to any conclusions and, as I said earlier this is less of a complaint about scrubmcnoob personally but more of the policy in general and how it is applied.

    Thank you for your time.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    How about people during any rounds that are a station wide emergency who don't care about what's happening? OOC, you are obviously bored of the game because this is your 50th nukie round you've experienced. IC you should be genuinely worried and/or terrified that there are well armed soldiers attempting to blow up the station, instead of fucking off and getting in the way, or not helping at all.


    Edit: By "you" I don't mean you specifically @Birdtalon, your quote just led me to what I'm talking about. "You" targets whoever fits this description.

    Haha don't worry I didn't think you did. Nor would I be bothered. I think in these circumstances if someone is really that bored them they should just go to cryo. As much as I support more relaxed rules on "greytide;" in a situation such as Nukies then people really should not be deliberately getting in the way. As for "not helping;" nobody is under any obligation to help if they don't want to, as long as they aren't actively working against the crew.

  9. 4 minutes ago, FoS said:

    We honestly just need a rule against people who constantly toe the line. If the only way someone can enjoy the game is by making sure others don't then that's probably not the sort of behavior that should be allowed or...protected by a lack of rules.

    The line has to be drawn somewhere, you have to move the line if it's inadequate.

  10. 38 minutes ago, Allfd said:

    Another good example is people actively working against the crew on things like nuke rounds or blob.  If you are trying to work against the crew on a nukie round for fun, and you are not a nukie,  security could be given permission by an admin to treat you as one.

    I thought this is just considered basic self antagging if it's known that it's a nukie round and a player is deliberately hampering the crew.

  11. 15 hours ago, Fruerlund said:

    Aid @Twinmold, finish his station. 

    Finish Metastation. 

    Port map change system(depending on player numbers) 

    New jobs

    More Security

    Increase brig times by 5 minutes pr. Standard

    Minor map edits, add more trashed areas like old bar or old cafe for people to work with 

    This. I also despise the auto delister.

  12. I was playing the IAA (Yes this is something I don't usually do) and actually trying to play a more RP centred role for once.

    My story is thus, I joined the round at about 12:10 with a friend (Also IAA) and we pottered around for a moment before we both headed down to Medbay to inspect the department. This is something I thought falls under the roles of an Internal Affairs Agent, quoth the wiki:


    It is your job to make sure that the station's staff is working efficiently and following the Standard Operating Procedure at all times.


    Q: Exactly which departments/positions is IA allowed to investigate?

    A: All departments fall under the purview of Internal Affairs. That is the point of Internal Affairs, to act as a check and balance system, as well as a non-partisan investigator into departmental and inter-departmental issues.

    So, we proceeded to potter into medbay, at which point the CMO at the time tried to kick us out immediately due to the fact. After a brief chat with the CMO we proceeded to Genetics to begin the inspection at which point it was discovered that they were giving out powers without the approval of the CMO. So we went to the CMO and tried to ask them about the issue. They were having none of it and demanded we leave medbay immediately for "causing trouble" and even called the Head of Security to remove us.

    I have pasted a chatlog below, I have replaced all the names apart from my own as this is not a dig at how any of the players acted in this.

    Other IAA says, "Good afternoon"
    Other IAA shows you: Other IAA's ID Card (Internal Affairs Agent). The assignment on the card: Internal Affairs Agent
    Abu Al-hamad Mugrahe says, "Nobody on the front desk"
    You flash your ID card: Abu Al-hamad Mugrahe's ID Card (Internal Affairs Agent). The assignment on the card: Internal Affairs Agent
    Doctor Man points to Osmund Mary
    Other IAA says, "We have come to investigate your department"
    Doctor Man says, "Hes right there"
    CHIEF MED OFFICER asks, "You expect me to take you seriously?"
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "Stop."
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "Now."
    Other IAA asks, "I beg your pardon?"
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "You listen to me."
    CHIEF MED OFFICER asks, "What reason have you to be here?"
    Other IAA asks, "Whats the problem?"
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "Dressed up like fools."
    Other IAA says, "We have recieved certain reports"
    Abu Al-hamad Mugrahe says, "Ahem"
    Other IAA says, "I take offense"
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "You should."
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "Now elaborate before i have you removed."
    Doctor Man says, "I am sorry, but I can not take someone in a chicken suit seriously."
    Other IAA says, "I dare say I could make a few remarks about your own appearance"
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "10 seconds to explain."
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "Or its trespassing."
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "1."
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "2."
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "3."
    CHIEF MED OFFICER says, "4."
    Abu Al-hamad Mugrahe says, "We are making a review of your department"
    Other IAA says, "Regardless, we will not get in your way, but we must examine a few things."
    Other IAA says, "We will report our findings to you when we're done."

    Good Afternoon Central Command,

    I am writing to report of an incident which occured at approximately 12:25 (Station Time) involving the Chief Medical Officer, [REDACTED].


    [br][br]Myself and my colleague proceeded to attempt a routine inspection of the Station's Medical Facilities, however we were greeted upon arrival by a rather rude and aggressive Chief Medical Officer who immediately took a hostile and defensive stance.

    We attempted to begin our investigation, in Genetics which were found wanting - as Genetics powers had been distributed without the consent of the Chief Medical Officer.[br][br]Unfortunately whilst attempting to investigate this further by speaking directly to the Chief Medical Officer he once again became incredibly aggressive and defensive and demanded that we leave Medical; even going so far as to report us to Security for, in his words; "Causing Trouble". This resulted in the Head of Security, [REDACTED] no less demanding that we leave Medical at once. I find this incredibly counter productive as we were merely conducting an routine inspection on a department.

    I find it suspect that the aforementioned Chief Medical Officer would be so robustly adverse to a routine inspection if everything were indeed clear and above board. To even find the Head of Security unsupportive was rather discouraging and we are somewhat lacking in the confidence of this staff. [br][br]Therefore, I hereby humbly request written authorisation to conduct a full investigation into the behaviour of these members and their relevant departments.

    Yours sincerely and in service,

    Abu Al-hamad Mugrahe
    [br]Other IAA

    To which I received this response;

    We have received reports prior about your behavior from the Head of Security, and this only confirms such behavior. Please understand that your legal power is limited by the Magistrate and, if not available, the Captain or Head of Security. Please leave 'routine inspection' to the allocated NanoTrasen Representative, whose job it is to inspect departments and ensure that proper protocols are underway. If you have legitimate need to intervene beaureucratically, please do contact the available Magistrate or respective entrusted head. We would also like to advise more professional attire when conducting business, as, while entertaining, you are agents of Nanotrasen, not clowns nor professional actors. Best of luck, and have a productive and efficient shift.

    Now, with that explained I can honestly say that neither of us was causing any mischief apart from wearing clothes from the costume vendor. Let me also note that there was no Nanotrasen Representative or Magistrate on the station at the time.

    So, can someone please explain exactly what the purview of the IAA is because I feel like my investigation of Medbay basically got shut down before it had even begun when there was breaches of SOP happening at the time.

    Lastly, I do know that as per point 5 of the IAA SOP itself we should have gone to the Captain first before faxing Centcom, however this wasn't highlighted in the response fax. I just feel like the fax was slightly contradictory with the information on the wiki, specifically "Please leave 'routine inspection' to the allocated NanoTrasen Representative, whose job it is to inspect departments and ensure that proper protocols are underway." when the WIki clearly states "It is your job to make sure that the station's staff is working efficiently and following the Standard Operating Procedure at all times."


    5. Internal Affairs Agents are to attempt to resolve all Standard Operating Procedure issues locally before contacting Central Command. This should be done in tandem with Command and, if possible, personnel in the relevant Department. If a valid report is ignored by the relevant Head of Staff, the Captain is to be contacted. If the Captain ignores the report, then Central Command and/or the NanoTrasen Representative must be contacted.

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  13. May I point out that while experience on the server is greatly appreciated, it's a moot point discussing how long one may or may not have played. An opinion isn't more or less valid based on your playtime or how long you've been around.

    Secondly, regardless of your stance - discussion of the NT Rep's role is fundamentally interlinked with SOP (Or whatever form you want it to take) and while this topic is titled "Standard Operating Procedure Update" it would be unwise to disregard any discussion of the role.

    As I was discussing on Discord, my belief is not that SOP itself is flawed or inadequate and that it does not require a complete overhaul as some people are proposing. The real "problem", if you can call it that is the lack of action which is taken on breaching SOP. I think this is the main area which needs to be cleared up across the board. Such as, at what point does breaching SOP equal job loss and what procedure is to be followed to carry out the demotion. Right now it seems to vary from the Head telebatoning the person repeatedly and stealing their ID to the person being full-on arrested by Security. This needs to be clarified in my mind.

  14. 2 hours ago, Rapidvalj said:

    Thats precisely why I mentioned the secondary antagonists. To keep the round interesting for everyone else. As well as that, a changeling like I've described wouldn't nearly have similar strength to a full on wizard. Most of a changelings abilities are focused on stealth over brute force.

    I did read that, however it seems conditional on parts being removed from the Changeling and for ghosts to take those places instead of round-start rolling. I would disgaree that Changelings are focused on stealth as well. Changelings have a lot of abilities but very few stealth ones which are useful.

    Transform - Bread and butter change your appearance.
    Extract DNA Sting - Bread and butter for achieving your objective #1
    Digital Camouflage - Stops the AI from tracking you - Massively noticeable 
    Mimic Voice - Very niche as whoever you are trying to mimic will tend to notice if it's over the radio. AI can also see through this easily.

    The fundamental mechanic behind changelings is their ability to "Change". However unless you kill someone first in order to take at least their ID, there is no way you will get away with Transforming. The way things stand currently, anyone lacking an ID is viewed with suspicion so the core mechanic of changelings is inherently broken by the fact that everyone is suspicious as shit, requiring that you kill the person you wish to impersonate. This makes stealth very difficult indeed as all it takes is one cry for help from your target or a single slip up and your cover is blown.

    Compare to abilities which compliment a brute force approach;

    Adrenaline Sacs - Anti-stun, obviously useful in our stun-heavy combat
    Fleshmend - On demand healing
    Arm Blade - Decent but obvious and expensive weapon
    Organic Shield - Pretty good with high DNA count
    Resonant Shriek/Dissonant Shriek - Amazing AoE stuns/EMP, excellent for combat
    Strained Muscles - Good in short bursts

    There are obviously other abilities I haven't listed which I feel do not fit solidly into either category, Mute Sting for example is powerful across the board. And does anyone even use the armour which slows you down?

    I don't mind stealth gameplay I just find that Changeling's ability set, combined with existing meta and suspicion makes stealth nearly impossible.

  15. My issue with a singular, more powerful antagonist is that you just replicate the Wizard scenario where the round becomes fun for only a few people. The main reason I dislike Wizard rounds is because they tend to only be interesting for the Wizard and for Security. Everyone else just has to muddle along until the round ends. I wouldn't want to see a replication here of one lucky person being a strong antagonist and everyone else's round may as well be extended.

    Don't get me wrong I would love to play as a super strong changeling and go on a murdering spree and be unstoppable but it's not exactly fair and or interesting for anyone else.

  16. I think the whole "people getting antag always" is more a case of people noticing certain players getting antagonist more often. For whatever reason that may be. Also remember that not everyone has every antagonist option set to on which lowers the sample size. People who have every antagonist option set to On will have more chance.

  17. 3 hours ago, shazbot194 said:

    I do have one thing to complain about. In a lot of the text boxes such as the quotes and to a lesser extent the search bar, its a grey text on dark grey background and at least for me, its very hard to read. 


    This is how making a quote in the quick-poster looks like for me. Impossible to read.


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