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Posts posted by Birdtalon


    I thought that perhaps a small post would have been enough, however since you have quoted my post directly. Kindly allow me to address the points in yours to reply.


    Wholeheartedly against this, it seems I am in the minority of forum/discord users as normal. All sensible names should be allowed unless they are offensive and the current rule as it stands is harsh enough in my opinion.


    Pop-culture/video game protagonist names are not sensible and never have been. Most people do in fact mind having people named Blastoise, Sauron and Megaman running around on the station.


    Perhaps I should have been clearer, however even I fall into the trap of not being explicit at all times. When I say sensible names, I mean names which are plausible for the species which is being played. I don't want to see a human male named Blastoise or Sauron at the HoP line claiming to be conquering middle earth or looking for Ash. However I have no problems with seeing a Gordon Freeman or Adam Jensen as long as they are not playing that character itself, which I think you'll find is what the current rule actually entails.


    There is nothing to be lost by preventing people from using cheap reference names, especially in a game where changing the name of a character has absolutely no ramifications.



    I would accept that the other side had a valid argument if SS13 featured a persistent world, where the loss of your name would have mechanical ramifications that resulted in you having to start from scratch. This is not the case and never will be, it's as easy as changing the words in a textbox and carrying on playing your character.


    Yes you are correct, changing the name of a character loses nothing mechanically. However my ire is not complaining that we will lose character levels, experience and long nights at the Friendly Arm Inn. It is merely to defend the right of people to be able to name their character how they please.


    If you are well-established as a character and you are concerned about losing your character history/relations with people it's literally as simple as looc'ing people that you had to change your name.


    It's more the point of the matter, how far down the rabbit hole do we want to go towards telling players how they should be playing the game. This change won't actually affect me as I play only a single character with a randomised name, however I see it more as a point of principle and arguing for what I enjoy about this server.


    The only scenario here where you couldn't continue playing your character is if you were playing a literal reference, in which case it's not your character in the first place (ergo, you still lose nothing). For the amount of laughs and finger pointing I see in this community regarding "fan fiction" (I even write crappy fanfics in part to poke fun at this and get some groans), it baffles me that some people want to promote the fanficy behaviour of shoe horning existing characters into another universe.


    That is the literal anathema to quality roleplay. It promotes a genuine lack of creativity and leads to uninteresting one-dimensional characters who exist only as a symbol of a player's undying devotion to a crapshoot meme or a franchise. I will concede that using the name of and acting as and existing character are two different things, but they are not worlds apart.


    Reasonable naming rules and an expectation that people aren't playing crapshoot meme characters are solid steps toward raising the RP level on this server back to medium. It's not an overnight magical change that will make Paradise's RP levels suddenly jump, but it is conducive to an appropriate atmosphere that can be taken seriously.


    Rules and mechanics are in fact entities which can support or degrade the level of RP on a server. This is not something you can argue against. If Polaris/Bay started introducing meme jokes enmasse, ass-blast USA costumes, 40 foot botany giants and let everyone run around as James Bond and Benito Mussolini the RP levels on those servers would take a serious nosedive over the course of a week or two, if even that.


    Actually I can and will argue against it. Cast yourself back to the days of IRC chats where people would roleplay using text alone, where rules were merely created in the back of the host's mind and anything was possible. That roleplay was not limited by any mechanics or rules per se, however the quality of the roleplay there was produced by the group of participants of it.


    I would very much like to see your experiment, however impossible it would be to do, as I believe that if you were to take a group of people who adhere to a high standard of roleplay and put them into a game which wacky and silly mechanics then they would still be able to experience a high quality of roleplay regardless of the mechanics and rules of their environment.


    My point being, it's all about the players and not about the mechanics and rules. I agree that mechanics and rules can help to shape a server down a certain path, however you cannot force a fish to live outside water. The more you try to force this way of playing the game onto players who do not want to play it thus, the more players will shift away. Maybe that's what you want, but I am not going to assume to know your viewpoint.


    You don't have to look very hard on this server to see people openly deriding any sort of roleplay whatsoever and going "lol baystation" at these sorts of suggestions (And I do mean people literally going "lol baystation" as a defense/argument against implementing changes). This is a good first step that will modify player behaviour, something that will eventually sort itself out given time and reasonable expectations.


    As usual, any person who stands up for what they believe and how they want to see the server is immediately classified into the lowest common denominator. As someone who openly values gameplay and mechanics over roleplay but enjoys both in balanced measure; I refute your moral high horse and ask that you kindly stop assuming you are somehow superior because of your gameplay preference.



    Personally I think that suiciding as an antagonist who has been caught is not a big deal. If you suicide after getting sentenced to permabrig then as far as security is concerned you're one less antagonist for them to bother with.


    I think anything that forces someone to hypothetically sit in permabrig for over an hour with nothing to do would be bad. Suicide as someone caught by security only denies security a certain satisfaction which they may or may not need. Whereas suicide as a shadowling thrall when you are caught immediately and negatively affects the shadowlings - to quote a single example.


    If you're forced into permabrig and then commit suicide so you can observe the game, you're not affecting anyone's round to any real extent other than maybe a small clean up for security.



    The rules state here;


    While the Escape Shuttle is in transit, Shuttle Grief is not allowed. Attacking people on the shuttle for any reason other than self-defense may lead to a Ban for Shuttle Griefing, with the exception of Antagonists completing their objectives. Violence is allowed once the shuttle has docked and end round statistics are displayed;


    To me this is implying that combat is allowed for Self Defense on the shuttle, however this is directly contradictory to FreeStylaLT's post in this unban request. Which states that combat on the shuttle shouldn't happen even in self defense.


    Greetings! My apologies for the prompt ban, at the time it was a rather busy round in terms of rulebreakers. The ban has been lifted! Do keep in mind, though, that any violence on the shuttle, even in self-defense, shouldn't happen if you're a non-antag, as our logs cannot discern self-defense very clearly, especially in the 2-3 minutes that the shuttle is in transit / is docked.



    A question regarding this section under Self Antagging:


    Actively diverting Security personnel and resources away from an active and direct Antagonist threat in order to deal with you and your actions will be considered Self-Antagging;


    Does this only apply if the fact that antags are around is widely known and accepted. For example if you are running away from security as a non-antagonist and it is not a known fact that security are currently engaging an antagonist? As if you don't know that security are engaging antags then you can't Actively divert their attention.


  5. I have added the steps regarding the circular saw and retracting the rib cage. After adding the gland you can't seem to retract the ribs back and the only thing is to use the cautery as far as I remember, although clarity on that would be nice.

  6. OOC is good for discussing things and usually discussion of the previous round spills over into the next. I would rather just see stronger sanctions on IC on OOC such as long OOC mutes of the specific offenders. Most people are able to use OOC chat just fine so I don't see why we should all lose out because of a small number of people who think talking about the current round is acceptable.


    I have been keeping an eye on this thread for the last couple of weeks or so and by the looks of it, as most of these things go, there is no particular direction that every person is pulling in. Some specific issues perhaps there is a fairly unanimous feeling that things have to be chanced, however there seems to be varying degrees of accord about how to go about them. I cannot claim to have a deep knowledge and understanding of Space Station 13 as I have only known and played the game for two months at the time of writing this; however I have played in these sorts of communities for many years, and therefore I have seen many threads like this.


    I am going to try and keep this post as impartial as possible as I do not feel that I have enough experience of this game and indeed this server to start dictating how things -should- work. But, and there is always a but - I would like to make a specific point based on my past experience with role-playing servers of various seriousness on games including but not limited to Freelancer and Neverwinter Nights for example.


    The point is formatted as a question to consider and is thus; how accessible do you want your server to be?


    Let me expand on this:


    To give some perspective to my post and why I am making it, first you must appreciate something about me as a person. The reasons why I play this server are simple: it's the biggest, the level of role-play is tolerable and I fun and accessible.


    The first is fairly self explanatory - things that are popular tend to be good.


    The second - I am not a massive fan of role-playing, despite the fact that I have played many role-playing servers. I like the blend of Role-play and game-play that this server currently offers. Feel free to disagree with me, and I'm sure many of you will, when I say that I actually like the fact that a random civilian can break into surgery and start doing an operation on their friend, or that the Captain can go and start setting up the engine. The reason is I just find it downright funny; and is that not the reason why we all play? Of course we all find different things fun and I personally do not find heavy or hardcore role-play fun, I am not saying that it doesn't have a place as I am sure many people do enjoy more serious role-play. However if we were locked into playing the jobs we chose at the start of the round without having the skills to do anything else, well that is very limiting from a game-play perspective, even if it make sense from a role-playing one. This links into my final point.


    Thirdly - fun and accessibility. Throughout my years of playing games and participating in online communities I have always found a spectrum of accessibility to popularity. Imagine a horizontal number line if you will from 0 - 10. 0 equals no rules and anarchy with no expectation of role-play or conformity and 10 equals serious role-play that is strictly enforced by a rigid and unforgiving sever ruleset.


    The closer you get to each side of the spectrum is where less players are interested in your server and no doubt you have seen it yourself. The majority of people are not interested in super-serious restrictive role-play, likewise they are not interested in a rule-less server where you live and die based on your ability to play the game better than others. I am not saying either end of this spectrum is bad as I am talking in terms of popularity.


    The point where there is the best blend of role-play and game-play at 4-6 on the spectrum is where I find the best place is which can appeal to the most players. In my opinion.


    So the punchline of my post really is this - when you post about restricting things and disallowing people from doing things because of role-play reasons you head more and more towards the 10. Is that really the best place for the server to be? Well that can only be answered by whoever is in-charge of development and their vision. The reason why I play this server is the blend of RP and action as stated in the server's description and I enjoy the blend that exists currently.


    ~ Birdtalon


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