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Posts posted by FoS

  1. 1 hour ago, CPTCoffee said:

    So...question. Were you that one diona that the chef got into a spat with? 

    I was playing on Cody Ward and there was this Diona that kept chirping and coming into the kitchen to bite me.  I broke into botany to try and kill it but it disappeared into the vents and stole my knife and bit me enough times to seriously hurt. My assistant killed one thinking it was this diona, but it wasn't. 

    That doesn't sound like something I'd do. Usually i try and get my nymph renamed to Tea (so if the nymph isn't named tea then it probably isn't me) and I dont go out of my way to bite people or cause destruction. Generally the only time Tea bites people is if they hit her first or are actively trying to kill her and she's more likely to run away and bites as a last resort. I don't seek people out to attack, Tea isn't that kind of nymph.


    I think the only recent time i've been in the kitchen as Tea was a round where the chef kept telling her to "shoo" and kept calling her a cat. Sorry you had a bad nymph experience though, not everyone who plays them is a bitey jerk.

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  2. Civilian slots shouldn't be limited. There is already a very obvious issue with people not doing the jobs they signed up for and sometimes you just want to relax and hang out/chat with people without any real responsibility as a civilian. If civilian slots are more limited that just means more people will join as actual jobs and either not do them or get demoted and you'll be left shorthanded anyways.

    From what I've been told civilian slots scale with security but I feel it would make more sense to have civilian slots unlimited but have a select handful of jobs scale with civilian population and not the other way around. Having Security and Medical at the very least scale up with civilian population would make more sense. Maybe even having a few more janitors and engineers around would be helpful too.

  3. I don't think you should be able to buy antag status. I've seen plenty of people complain that they don't often get antag status and adding in something that either increases the odds of antag status or guarantees it just means that many people will have a harder time getting to antag.

    Having something like that as an optional karma purchase also would likely increase the number of people who try to cheat the karma system because it'd be a repeatable/consumable purchase so basically....you're just giving people the best incentive to cheat their way into more karma.

    I do think that we need more things to spend karma on and I'd like some more higher priced things. Many of the prices in the shop now are very low for the amount of players we actually have so it's really not too difficult to accumulate karma to unlock things if you're playing in a way that makes the round enjoyable for others.

  4. Vox absolutely should not be able to be cloned. It's already a little bit silly that SR is easy to come by and sure it sucks if you get killed and everyone leaves your body there for too long and you cant be defibbed but that's the risk you take when you play vox. That's one of their major downsides and one of the things a vox player should think about before they decide to do something risky.

    If you want to get into lore and things then technically it would be impossible for vox to be cloned, not because of their cortical stacks, but because the station/crew lack the technology/knowledge to do so. A quote from vox-lore "The molecular complexity of Primalis skin suggests that extensive engineering has been undertaken to adapt it to low-pressure environments. So far attempts at lab-grown samples have produced no results, such efforts often producing highly acidic compounds that commonly burn through the equipment used in the process."

  5. 14 minutes ago, Allfd said:

    It is, however the people who walk this line are very, very good at it.

    We honestly just need a rule against people who constantly toe the line. If the only way someone can enjoy the game is by making sure others don't then that's probably not the sort of behavior that should be allowed or...protected by a lack of rules.

  6. 3 hours ago, owenowen101 said:

    I appreciate that but I feel like if someone is breaking the rules they should be dealt with in an official capacity, definitely not allowing another player permission to temporarily break the rules, by beating them into crit for example, as some sort of punitive action.

    Sometimes some of the things people choose to do aren't technically against the rules but are certainly detrimental to the game. There are plenty of people who get enjoyment from ruining other players enjoyment of the game and are aware of where the line is and deliberately do not cross it to avoid IC/OOC punishment.

    I've had a few instances in which i attempted to jump through IC hoops to get a player's behavior delt with but was ultimately brushed off by security/command/iaa/nt rep because they didn't really think (and have no way of verifying) that what continue to happen for over an hour was happening or even "illegal". I even pda'd them and politely asked that they'd stop doing what they were doing which of course they ignored. Eventually I got tired of it and ahelped and was told that technically what they were doing wasn't against the rules but the admins gave me permission to kill the individual if they continued and of course they continued. ( I did get the impression they were asked not to continue though.)

    It'd be nice if people had a bit more situational awareness and were more willing to keep in mind we're all just trying to enjoy a game. There's nothing enjoyable about being stalked around the station while someone insults you, throws things, constantly disarms you and dedicates their time to pushing your buttons just enough while making sure to avoid crossing a line just to avoid IC/OOC punishment. There also isn't anything enjoyable about being silently tased/cuffed/dragged into a cell while the person doing so ignores any explanation, refuses evidence and witness accounts and insists that just because <insert person/borg/ai/etc> said you did something that it MUST be true.

  7. 14 hours ago, Keos said:

    Another example would be to allow for some more racial cosmetics for Vox, getting to make them look perhaps different than just a Primalis, in essence letting you create one of the other castes at least cosmetically.

    Absolutely No. It would make no sense for any vox besides primalis being on station. Armalis shouldn't be played by players in general and they shouldn't ever become a common sight on station. Nevermind the fact that Armalis are huge and nothing would fit them they also have abilities that would inevitably be terrible in the hands of players.

    • Like 1
  8. I don't mind the forums so far but i did notice that we don't seem to have the ability to be anonymously logged in anymore. Either that or I just haven't found where that option is.

  9. Another concern would be people using these bubbles to pinpoint where hiding/invisible/sneaky people are located. Hiding in a locker/etc and taunting someone for not being able to find you seems impossible if they can just use a speech bubble to locate your hiding spot.

  10. Table-crafting just takes too long and you get little out of it compared to using upgraded machines. Most of the sushi recipes use table-crafting and the amount of ingredients you need paired up with how long the process is seems to make sushi something that few people ever really make. I think we'd just end up seeing even less food being crafted if it involved table crafting.

  11. The new maintenance tunnels feel really chaotic and random to me.

    Maintenance tunnels, in my opinion, should primarily be straightforward passages to various departments intended for engineering to easily get to so they can fix any problems that might arise. It should also be fairly easy to travel along the main hallway of a maintenance tunnel since another likely function would be the crew using them in an emergency situation to detour around danger or conflict.

    But doing that now in the new maintenance is almost impossible. You're far more likely to hit a dead end or wall where you wouldn't expect there to be one. I don't mind if there are hallways off the main maintenance tunnel that leads into a decent amount of hidey holes and 'abandoned' rooms. I just don't think we really need a honeycomb of rooms that obstruct the flow of the primary travel route. The layout doesn't really scream 'abandoned' to me. I doubt NT would design things in a haphazard Tetris-style pattern with hallways and rooms that intersect each other excessively. I just don't see how some of the new areas could have truly been functional parts of the station with the way they're laid out.


    A few particular things I dislike:

    The old arrivals surgery room is now crammed near the old bar. It felt more appropriate in arrivals since it's a low traffic area which is great for illegal surgery...or murder.

    There's a little too much going on in bar and science maintenance and nothing really touched when it comes to engineering/mining and disposals maintenance. Where was the love for these areas that actually were lacking?

    Excessive amounts of one-tile windows to nothing. Not only do they tend to look tacky they look randomly placed and let too much light into a place that seems to be trying to be spooky.

    Many "rooms" that path through one another. If it's to help antags then having people constantly trekking through everything because it's a labyrinth seems counter productive. If it isn't the case then lots of tiny rooms meant to be revamped just makes extra work with all those airlocks you'd have to remove to get a functional space.

    Excessive barricades, why? Some of them are even blocking off controls to some new blast doors that were added to arrivals maintenance.

    Some of the areas look very poorly copy-pasted into their new locations. For example the airlock near security and the haphazard windows/walls?


  12. 7 hours ago, Tykenn said:

    for the green fade out of the "left" hand was actually four pixels(2x2), and honestly if it were the case no-one holds their hands out like that. it's like how FPS' handle weapons, realistically you don't always have your weapon in front of you. And the same goes with the left hand thing.

    Do I think it changes gameplay? Not really, most items that would extend out from the character are related with ill intent.(except for a few small cases) but at the same time you wouldn't be able to see what someone held in their hand anyway if they were standing to the side of you.

    My mistake. You altered the 'before' picture and slimmed that down a little bit as well for some reason. At which point yes, the part i highlighted /is/ the abdomen because you removed the hand entirely in the before sprite. Which .dmi are you editing anyways? is it the one located in icons > mobs > human_races> r_human.dmi ?

    8 hours ago, Tykenn said:

    Also the head is moved one pixel back to line up with the spine correctly(even in the default version the head is misplaced.) which I'm sure not many of you have noticed, but as soon as I did, I couldn't stop looking at it.

    I understand what you're all saying but the sprites are fundamentally broken somewhat when it comes to proper anatomy, and yes in my opinion  the boobs look slightly too big but again those "giant breasts" are sticking out by one pixel. if the game allowed higher resolution sprites I could have made them better but we're limited.

    Is it a lot of work? Yes, do we need it? No. But do we need anything new added to the server? That would also be no. All of the alien races aren't needed either, but it's extra content. Just because it isn't needed doesn't mean it isn't welcomed. League of legends for example has an excellent framework, it's always evolving and it never changes core gameplay elements, the developers don't need to change anything in league at all. Yet they do it anyway, to refresh the game so it doesn't become dull and repetitive. I know comparing those two games isn't the best analogy, but think why you came to the server in the first place. Was it because it wasn't like the others? You can only set up the solars; make pills, or physically abuse the clown so many times before it becomes too repetitive to continue.

    I understand the points you're trying to make. You're approaching it from an artistic point of view and you're right that ss13 sprites in general do not make sense when it comes to realism or perspective but that isn't the point I am trying to make.

    While things may not be realistic and while ss13 might be a mishmash of weird perspective choices there are reasons those choices benefit the players as a whole. When nearly every player mob uses the same base-human shape it means that our player sprites are essentially compatible with any past and future content from any other server (since...most servers use the same human sprites.).

    Not everyone is an artist and not everyone wants to devote the time to change literally thousands of sprites. Vox are currently the most dramatically different bodyshape and they've been here for as long as the server has and yet hardly any of the numerous worn sprites that other player mobs can wear even fit vox.

    For a sprite to be altered so much from the standard base model you essentially have to edit and make new versions of everything located in  belt.dmi/ears.dmi/eyes.dmi/hands.dmi/human_face.dmi/mask/suit.dmi/underwear.dmi/uniform.dmi. There are 330 items in uniform.dmi alone and four directions for every sprite. Even if we assume that most outfits are symmetrical and that you merely flip the east/west sprite and use the north sprite as the base for the south sprite that's still 165 sprites to make to cover that one .dmi and we're not even touching on how long that would take. There's a lot of unique outfits that are not just recolors and some outfits are terribly complicated.

    You have to stop and consider that currently when people add/port new clothing/hair/worn items it generally is for the standard human shape and those people are probably not going to make versions that fit an altered female model (this is what currently happens with vox). You're going to hit a point then where human females wont be able to wear new things. This isn't the same as a game adding new content to spice things up. This is a purely cosmetic change that essentially breaks existing content and increases the workload for anyone who wants to add in new worn sprites.


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  13. 3 hours ago, Sothangel said:

    Making certain species allergic to certain chems would be interesting, but would lead to a lot of accidental poisonings

    Honestly i miss that aspect of being a vox. It sucked for sure but it did mean people had to pay a bit more attention instead of just mindlessly injecting all the things ever. I'd like to see some actual use to medical records. Would be kinda nice to have optional allergies/reactions to reagents.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, PokeMoney said:

    I would also like to be allowed into the morgue, with the higher numbers of players we need more meat.

    You can totally feed chickens wheat to get them to lay eggs. Leave the eggs alone for a bit and eventually you'll get a bunch of chicks. Repeat this process for a surplus of meat? You could also bother genetics for a monkey. People getting into the morgue and using bodies is always kinda sad because not many people seem to understand how tray lights work. :P

  15. I think a little bit of confusion stems from people not understanding that ss13 mob sprite have a really strange perspective in general. What you're seeing isn't part of the hip/side/abdomen/belly it's actually the opposite hand. It's the first three pixels of the hand that stick out and it absolutely does make sense if you consider the intent behind allowing players to see at a glance both of a players hands/legs/feet when facing East/West.



    One thing that concerns me is it looks like the East/West sprites have been changed really drastically and that's going to cause plenty of problems everytime anyone wants to add or port new sprites from anywhere else that are meant to fit humans. It's an overwhelming amount of work to refit even existing outfits but it complicates anything added in the future and truthfully it seems unlikely that any one person is always going to be around to alter every sprite to fit a new bodyshape.


    I did an overlay of your example images since it was hard to tell initially how much change was made. The thing i'm concerned with is that there is significant changes to the east/west sprites and even the head position there. That means every hair/mask accessory has to be repositioned for that as well. That is..quite honestly an absurd amount of work for something that really isn't even needed. At 32 x 32 pixels i don't really think we need this.

  16. Teafile.png?raw=1


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    Other Notes: Tea is Tea!

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    PDA's should honestly just get an overhaul to be able to read news on them. It would also be nice to be able to check entertainment feeds via pda as well.


    People would probably abuse that by communicating on news channels when the coms network goes down, but possibly a purchasable PDA cartridge could give newscaster access. It would also make newspapers and newscasters obsolete.


    Oh. I didn't mean pdas should be able to be used as newscasters. Just reading things, not submitting or creating news. You'd still need to use a newscaster to submit stories and stuff.


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