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Fox McCloud

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Posts posted by Fox McCloud


    It'd be nice if the tazing on sight thing wasn't a thing, it's to be expected when there's a known danger or it's red alert and there's s-lings running around or something but the whole "he's criminal scum? light 'em up without saying anything!" regardless of circumstances is getting really annoying.


    People will always run, if this is a forced requirement security MUST adhere to.


    While I agree that it's annoying when sec just lights people up, there's a reason for it. The times I've seen even the more robust security players lose someone they need to arrest, purely because they took the time to tell them to "halt, stop, you're under arrest for...." is very high.



    Anyone that knows me knows that I'm not the biggest fan of security----that said, security did absolutely nothing wrong, and you caused 99% of the trouble for yourself.


    As someone who witnessed the majority of this round, I feel you're leaving out a few important details and skewing things strongly in your favor.


    First off, there were already known traitors on station---one of them was caught by security relatively early on. Secondly, you decided to shut down all of cargo, by yourself, and seal it off from the station. On top of this, you trespassed into science and grabbed the reactive teleport armor that was (IIRC) still within the RD's office.


    You did the lattermost action while there were spiders still about who had wrecked quite a bit of havoc (which is the reason the RD's office was even accessible) during code red.


    The AI spotted you and reported it to security that you had grabbed the armor and immediately put it on---multiple people were dispatched because of this; the borg gave chase and tracked you down to the bar where it proceeded to disable you. The borg then started to take you to security, but you managed to break free (someone bumped into the borg, I believe). You responded with, not co-operation, but inciting a full scale manhunt for the next 10-15 minutes, made all the more difficult because you turned on the teleporter armor, ensuring any shots from taser/disablers (or even batons) would teleport you away.


    Many teleports later you wound up in a grill, where you intentionally kept hitting a grill to shock yourself---worth pointing out that the borg made its first priority to get you healed up after you were arrested and downed from these actions.


    After multiple officers, the borg, and the AI managed to finally bring you in and take you to the brig, you started shouting about how security and the borg were breaking space law and threatened to "decomission" the borg.


    While in the cell the magistrate accidentally created a way to let you out of the cell---you immediately grabbed your backpack and grabbed the RCD from it then made a bee-line straight for the brig exit where you created a wall with the RCD before attempting to create another one and RCD the brig doors down.


    For the rest of the shift you complained about how you couldn't be permabrigged over your actions. When the shuttle arrived and you were taken to the shuttle brig you promptly committed suicide.


    Also, I have a problem with this statement here:


    by getting me teleported behind gravity generator into space.


    This was a result of YOUR actions, not theirs. Lethal force was never utilized against you; it was the result of your stealing the reactive teleport armor and turning it on. Furthermore, it was YOUR action that placed you in space. The teleport armor is literally incapable of placing you on a tile that is space---it could place you in a wall next to space, but you'd still have to move away from that wall onto the space tile for you to end up spaced.



    If you act like an antag, and do antaggy things, expect to get treated like an antag.


    And you most definitely acted like an antag would.



    Paul Blart Spess Cop


    Honestly, if you've ever been to a shopping centre that hold their own executions, well, I'd stop going there.


    What about malls...in deep space?


    The majority of TG's sprites were designed to make sec more approachable in terms of players---priority #1 was getting rid of "faceless security"---which is what we still have, thanks to the helmets (which are from 4407).



    I question the motives of someone who seriously suggests that pAI controlled secbots are on not more powerful than borgs...Especially when ED-209 secbots have 0 energy uses, more effective health, are easier to repair, can fire instant-stun taser shots just about as fast as they can click (borgs don't even have tasers), and have unlimited charge on their stun batons....oh, and they can climb over tables and are literally impossible to stun in any way, shape, or form. It'd have to test it myself, but I'd willing to be they're also faster than borgs, as well. I'd also wager you can't disable their radios either, so they're always going to get to scream for help even if telecomms is down/they're ambushed out of the blue.


    It's a validhunters dream-bot to play as, and even if the taser shot is nerfed to have an increased cooldown, they're still going to be superior to secborgs for making arrests and tanking shots---not to mention if they're emagged they get free unlimited laser shots to boot.



    The amount of extra stuff we'd have to add to get these to even be remotely balanced is crazy---all for something that is a role not meant to have a heavy impact on the round and to be nothing more than a companion. There's literally only two purposes pAI secbots have---to validhunt, or be someone's own personal bodyguard 24/7.





    I also like this because server rules (minus ERP, racism, that sorta thing) don't apply in the VR---it's a great outlet to just grief the shit out of people if you so desire, legally, without negatively impacting people's rounds....andddd if you do get griefed? Big deal, you suicide, succumb, then rejoin.



    One of the big things about cybernetic limbs is that reagents explicitly do not work on them.


    They're far more damage resistant to regular limbs and far easier to repair (welder/cable coil), but are prone to malfunction, when damaged.



    Limitless traitor objectives or "press button, receive additional objectives" is effectively just "Goon/TG style antags"...which is well...more of an administrative thing, than coding thing.

    Well do you think they would get more objectives if they ask? Honest question and I'd imagine the answer to be no or depends. If you have a good traitor on board and they want a bigger challenge I'd like to see how far they can go


    Depends on the admins. Some admins change objectives if you ahelp it or just request some--others will deny it ever time and insist you emag a console or fax machine.


    As for getting additional objectives? Depends on the admins, again--some will just ignore every single fax, others will jump on it and be sure to give you additional objectives---it just depends.



    The problem is that mobs cannot die instantly, more or less.


    The mob's death is handled whenever its next life process happens (which occurs once every 2 seconds) instead of when it takes damage.


    Ideally, this should all update after a mob receives any kind of damage---then, once its receives the damage, the health is instantly updated and the mob is killed if the proper threshold has been passed.


    This is a problem inherent for all mobs (human or otherwise).



    Crazylemon made a PR to do just this--at that point in time I gave it a thumbs down because there wasn't a reason.


    These days though, I do support this change being made---Robotics has very little to do outside of making the first borg and RIPLEY.





    The Bartender is not permitted to make Gin and Sonic, unless the customer specifically asks for it


    Really dumb. It's not ok to make it, but if they ask for it, it's suddenly ok? It's not even that dangerous compared to some of the other things the bartender can make. The whole "it's a drug!" route, I don't buy either, when 95% of what the batender serves is, well, a drug in liquid form.



    Botanists are not permitted to harvest Amanitin or other such plant/fungi-derived poisons, unless specifically requested by the Head of Security and/or Captain


    Dumb. There's a number of dishes that use amanita mushrooms--there's far far more deadly things that can be produced in botany that are (rightfully) ignored.




    The Mime is not permitted to talk, under any circumstance whatsoever. A Mime who breaks the Vow of Silence is to be stripped of their rank post haste


    If this is a black and white rule, it's going to lead to retarded scenarios where the mime decided to speak, to save his life (changeling abduction or otherwise), and some rule lawyer with a grudge is still going to demote them for speaking because "SoP says so.





    If in possession of the Holy Sword, the Chaplain is to keep it sheathed at all times. Drawing the sword on any personnel is grounds to have the sword confiscated;


    The Chaplain may, however, freely conduct funerals for non-cloneable personnel. All funerals must be concluded with the use of the Mass Driver


    I don't see why making a special ruling for the sword is necessary, when it's just a reskinned nullrod.


    Also there's really nothing wrong with a cremation funeral either.





    The Janitor may not deploy bear traps anywhere, unless there are actually bears


    Bear traps work on all living things, ya know, including other hostile mobs.



    You should feel however you feel--if it upsets you and you're disappointed you didn't greentext, then that's ok. If you're perfectly happy with not greentexting, that's ok too.


    People play antag for different reasons--some just enjoy killing others--some enjoy the challenge or thrill of it---others, still, like making narratives; none of htese are objectively "wrong", and there's a good number of objective types that fit these various playstyles (though you may not be allowed to engage in them, all the time).



    Just because you have hijack doesn't necessarily mean you HAVE to hijack the shuttle---hijack is a blank check to do whatever you want (barring ERP, racism, etc); it's basically a "TG/Goon style antag" if you roll for it...meaning, if you want to run some crazy gimmick (that might involve hurting people), then you're free to. Want to live out your dreams of being a greytiding shit, just going around toolboxing people in the head? You can do that. Want to become some evil corrupt spymaster who manipulates people? You can do that. Mass bombs/guns? You could that.


    Death Game Show where contestants (whom you capture) who lose are executed? You bet.



    For hijack in particular, just think up creative things you can do---again, you don't have to go for greentext with it, as you can do literally whatever you like--from minor to major; be creative and try out things people usually don't--you might entertain some crewmembers while you're at it.



    Anyone who's remotely suggesting that the janitor is never meant to slip people, ever, hasn't been playing SS13 long enough. While that may be the case on very high RP places (like Polaris/Bay), it's certainly not the case everywhere else.


    The janitor is meant to clean people using numerous way that he sees fit---and, yes, slip people---if he wasn't meant to do the latter, then he wouldn't have things like soap or water at his disposal. He's giving galoshes that have NO_SLIP on them for a reason and it's certainly not roleplay reasons.



    The key thing with janitor is that you're not meant purely to slip people, and using discretion when to stop (ie: emergency, etc)...and the majority of janitor players do maintain this.


    Janitors also save people because of this; the amount of times I've seen a traitor, nukie, or the likes gets slipped by the janitor (and caught) is pretty hilarious.



    There is no correct way to play janitor, from trolly to completely 100% professional at all times.


    How do I play janitor? Depends, really--I vary my style a lot; Sometimes I just run around with space cleaner and soap, on foot. Other times I just run around with a mop and traditional janicart. It really just depends on what kind of shift it is, how I feel, and how people are acting.



    i just wanted to point out the ingame evidence of how much a "unit" of something is.


    based on the ramen cup instructions, 1u = 1ml


    based on doing math from blood scans of people its 1u = 1.5ml


    50u X 1.5ml = 75ml


    75ml = 0.075 liters


    and for americans that dont use this metric system, just google it and google will give you a calculator.


    there has to be something SERIOUSLY wrong with you to pass out from 0.075 liters of beer


    it's pointless to do this---trying to equate units to any real world measurement is...well, again, pointless, because there's no consistency--especially when you start factoring in syringes blood amount on a person, etc.



    No one seems to enjoy them, no one likes dealing with them, and it's a pain in the ass when you get a sheet of paper thrown at you and you have a raging infection that requires full out surgery 30 minutes later.


    Thoughts/input/discussion on just plain removing germs/infections/rotting organs in their entirety? I've seen nothing but complaints about them and how much they suck---and they're, quite frankly, a teeny teeny portion of what medical does (and not even the fun aspect of medical, IMO).


    It also means that that brain you worked so hard to recover is suddenly not viable when you finally attempt to implant it back into a new body because "oh, it rotted, sorry, too late".


    From medical and non-medical players alike. Ya want to see them removed?



    And for antags that don't get emags, it's a giant "fuck you" to anyone that manages to, say, disarm an officer's Egun, because now the antag can't use it against them.


    Actually, after looking into firing pins more, this isn't how it actually works; there ARE firing pins that are locked to having to be loyalty implanted, but they require diamonds and very very high combat tech to get. 99% of the time, it's just going to be regular firing pins that are available (sec starts off with 14--more can be ordered via cargo).


    It does negatively impact non-traitor antags, to a certain degree---as they can't just get a high level ID to unlock guns.



    No. This isn't even medical's domain.


    This is robotics domain; they're the ones that deal with mechanical changes to a person (and/or IPC repair). Yes, sometimes roboticists don't know/don't want to, so medical gets stuck with it, but there's a very specific reason why roboticists have a full surgery table and almost full surgery tools.


    Genetic powers aren't locked behind a lockbox, and those are objectively more powerful than the implants (which have some pretty nasty downsides if you get EMP'd). Which is stronger--a genetic power that makes you literally immune to all stuns or one that just reduces it?


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