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Fox McCloud

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Posts posted by Fox McCloud


    Not going to ever happen.


    No, denied.


    This was removed because the job was essentially this:


    Pay karma to intentionally inconvenience/frustrate people.


    The job served no mechanical purpose, and it forced RP on people, unlike some other other RP jobs (like librarian/bartender/chaplain/etc). You ended up having to wait, to get to do your job, just because someone paid karma. During high-pop rounds, this would be incredibly frustrating, as wait times (even if everyone doesn't make a fuss) are going to be high (5+ minutes)----if someone wants to make a fuss, then wait times are going to be 10+ minutes.


    The concept for the job is just plain bad.






    If you don't feel like being an antag, ahelp it and give it up.


    This isn't a rule, by any stretch; if people want to be antags and not do much of anything, then they reserve that right to. I know a good many people actively refuse to do specific types of objectives---and some will only antag if they get a particular objective, as well. Likewise, people change their minds; maybe they weren't initially interested in going for their particular objective, but changed their mind, later on.



    First? None. Last? none.


    Like Earth, I've not spent a single point.


    And no, it's not just because "you're admin"; it's because I don't like any of the karma unlocks or think they're that meaningful or fit my playstyle; even when I wasn't admin and didn't have the unlocks, automatically, I still didn't spend a single karma point.


    I generally stick to this when I actually play the game, too---the only karma job I've ever played (and even then, IIRC), is barber, and that was because civilian was full.


    If there were ever a time I wasn't admin, again, I may purchase barber, if only to have a job with zero responsibilities where I can do whatever the heck I want with no consequences.



    The way EoC is really irks me; while I understand the problem that's attempted to be corrected, it's really hypocritical and non-sensical from an IC perspective.


    and it goes like this:


    Tator-tot A turns himself in, willingly, and lets sec know he's a tator, but has no intention of hurting anyone. Sec arrests and permabrigs him because they're allowed to.


    Tator-tot B accidentally gets discovered (or "accidentally"), but hasn't committed any crimes. He lets sec know he's peaceful when he gets brought in; he loses his job and gets a tracking implant, at absolute worst.



    So the person who who caused less panic and damage gets treated like shit, while Mr. Sucks-at-traitoring gets better treatment---it doesn't make any sense, ICly.



    I get what's attempted to be gone for here (antags validing other antags with sec approval), but the way this is, reallyyyy rubs me the wrong way, personally.



    The Research Director must make sure Research is being done. Research must be completed by the end of the shift


    This is bad for the same reason TZO stated; this requires co-operation from multiple departments for this to happen; not to mention this focuses on one aspects of science--maybe the RD wants to focus on chemical/bomb/xenobio research one shift instead of R&D; from an RP perspective, it seems a bit forced to intentionally make them focus on R&D.


    The Research Director is not permitted to carry their Reactive Teleport Armour on their person


    No offense, here, and this is going to be harsh..but are you crazy? This is like saying that the HoP isn't allow to use his energy gun, the CE isn't allowed to use his magboots or unique suit, or the HoS isn't allowed to use his unique laser gun. The whole point of the tele-armor is that it's risky protection. I realize you stipulate that this is ok blue and up, but really, this is adding in an artificial "can't do this" for no good reason---especially for an item that RD's already avoid, like the plague, because of how incredibly finicky it is.


    The Research Director is permitted to change the AI Unit’s lawset, provided they receive general approval from the Captain and Chief Engineer. If a Chief Engineer is not available, another Head of Staff can fill in;


    CE has zero authority on non-repair AI issues; only the HoP, RD, and Captain have access to enter the AI upload, and only the RD and Captain have access to enter the AI inner core. The boards inside the chamber are properly gated so that the RD can fiddle with laws all he likes, but he doesn't have access to the really nasty ones (which are locked to captain's access).


    This is a BIGGGG reason why the RD is the de-facto acting captain if Cap+HoP are killed or not present. HoS is considered to important to station integrity+security to step down from his position, and RD has access to the most powerful piece of equipment on the station, so it's a fairllyyy logical leap.



    The Research Director is permitted to carry a single weapon created in the Protolathe, provided they receive authorization from the Head of Security and/or Captain


    Good luck enforcing this one when there's Shadowlings/Xenos/Wizards/Revolutionarys/etc. around--while I haven't read your other stuff, isn't the Captain and HoS allowed to issue weapons permits to whoever they want?



    The Roboticist is not permitted to transfer personnel MMIs into Cyborgs without express written and stamped consent by the Head of Personnel, in the case of a willing Cyborgization, or verbal consent by the Captain and/or Head of Security, in the case of a Cyborgization sentence. Exception is made for Civilians, who require no stamped permission, but must still fill a consent form;


    This is annoying for the person wishing to get borged, to say the least; the HoP should have ZERO say what people willingly do; the cyborgification form is there purely to document willing borgs so the roboticist doesn't get arrested for murder; the HoP shouldn't have any part of this other than potentially being notified that it occurred.



    Scientists are not permitted to construct weapons (IE, anything that comes in a lockbox, such as firearms and laser weaponry, in addition to the Portal Gun) in the Protolathe without express permission from the Head of Security and/or Captain. Exception is made for the Plasma Pistol, as it useful for completing Research;


    This is retarded. They're in a lockbox for a reason; to prevent access to its contents; this is just adding an arbitrary "don't use lockboxed stuff for research" for no reason at all that has no real impact at the end of the day.


    Scientists are not permitted to create AI Boards without express permission from the Captain and/or Research Director


    Some board have high research levels and you'd need them for this purpose.




    Scientists are permitted to bring Toxins Bombs outside of Science, but only for delivery to the Armory;


    Lol...scientists trusting security to now blow the shit out of everything with a tox bomb. That said, science should always be allowed to hand out tox bombs to miners; its' one of the few legitimate uses for them.



    The Geneticist is not permitted to grant Powers to non-Command Staff without express verbal consent from the Chief Medical Officer and the Research Director;


    CMO handles cloning RD handles the geneticist research side of things; the CMO shouldn't really have a say in this unless the RD is gone.


    The Geneticist must keep Genetic Research recorded in a format of their choosing;


    Tedious as hell; while a lot of them keep track, OOCly, of what blocks do what, forcing them to do this, ICly, is akin to forcing miners to document their ore shipments.



    The Geneticist is not permitted to use sentient humanoids as test subjects without a signed consent form waiving NanoTrasen of liability, approved by the Chief Medical Officer


    Why? If the person is willing and made fully aware of the consequences, why does this matter?





    I mean no offense, but...sommmeeeee of these things here seem to indicate that you've nottttt played science a whole lot



    In support of this for a number of reasons:


    1. It strongly discourages research


    What's the point of doing research when you can just observe one of the more skilled chemists and just mimic what they do? Toxins is secret in part due to this; the inner mechanics are deliberately obscured so toxins bomb makers have to experiment and try for themselves what mixes of gases, temperatures, and ratios works out best and generates a particular result; then then can go back and make tweaks to get better results, in the future. If this were opened up, then it becomes trivial---the stereotypical min-maxer can just observe an experienced bomb-maker, copy their numbers and duplicate it; they don't learn anything in the process of things, mechanics wise, and they just got a free ride to the max-size train without putting a single bit of actual gameplay worth of investment to do so.


    Chemistry is no different in this regard. A complaint leveled against science is that it's not very science-like; R&D is not experimental at all; it's literally shove things in until it hits max level (and not surprisingly, most players don't bother to learn the underpinning of this either, and just copy-paste use a list of what to do based on the few that are willing to give it out). Toxins and chemistry at least have some experimentation about them (even if only initially for toxins).



    2. Metagamers.


    Yes, this is an administrative issue, but quite frankly, it's not something that's particularly easy to pick up on. If so and so gets killed by, say, a traitor chem and suspects it's Joe McSleepypen who did it (but isn't sure), and happens to observe that person and see they have X-traitor chem in their chem-master (or what have you), well...they can act on that and it's going to be very difficult for administration to determine if they are metagaming or not. I'd apply this to Virology equipment as well; if someone dies to a virus, it's pretty easy to go on over to their machines and see what they have loaded to see if it was an event virus or if they're up to no good.



    EVA suits are space suits, not hardsuits.


    They lack flash protection so people don't just go around wearing on 24/7 with partial flashbang/total flash immunity.


    People are free to sprite alternative things for different species, for any clothes, but that's a sprite issue and one that you guys will have to do, yourselves (or convince someone); most of us coders are horrible at sprites.


    Making EVA suits into hardsuits isn't going to magically solve the problem of awkward looking spacesuits; that's 100% a sprite thing.



    I assure you they don't hold remotely close to the same amount of gas, even when filled up to maximum capacity.


    Full size air tanks have ~17.5 moles of oxygen (this is before being filled to maximum capacity)


    Emergency air tanks have ~0.37 moles of oxygen (this is before being filled to maximum capacity)


    If you fill up an emergency tank to max capacity it still only has ~1.24 moles of oxygen.



    Not even remotely close. Pressure is not the same as total amount of gas---you can have the same pressure in two different tank sizes, but the total amount of gas will be dramatically different.


    As someone who has used fully filled up emergency oxygen tanks...I can also assure you they don't last very long, in game, at all.



    This comes across as blatantly taking the risk out of mining altogether...for a job that is deliberately set up to be high risk, but high reward. For rounds where miners are competent, the doctor isn't going to have anything to do but run around with (or in) his toys doing goodness know what. For the times where he is needed well...the vast majority of mining accidents are because of lack of skill and poor judgment on the miner's behalf.


    While legit accidents do happen, I can count on a single hand the amount of times where I had to be rescued by someone, and I've played this job a lot--the time I did need help, it was 100% my fault, too, for not paying attention to my environment or what was going on around me.


    Likewise, we already have someone who can retrieve injured people and they have a space suit to boot: the paramedic.



    My thoughts:


    Death is stupidly trivial on Paradise; with strange reagent, defibs, and the likes, you can bring just about anyone back provide their brain hasn't been deleted.


    On another instance: surgeon's jobs are quickly becoming irrelevant outside of bones breaking; this definitely furthers that.



    Chaplain, Chef, LIbrarian, and Virologist.


    Chaplain doesn't have much to do but beat people over the head with his holy book and sometimes get pestered to make holy water (which the chemists can do anyway)


    Chef has literally no point besides providing aesthetically pleasing dishes.


    Librarian is literally pointless.


    Viro is already covered here quite well; this one has always irritated me, more so than most, largely because it was a job I used to "main", so to speak. Finally stopped giving a crap about playing it because it's too time consuming and there's not really anything you can do with it but tator-tot---beneficial viruses are usually rarely built because getting 4 positive symptoms+injection only is difficult.


    While some of these are "RP" jobs, even so, I think that's a poor excuse to keep a job in its current state, nor do I think that's a good selling point of a job (look how many people *actually* play psych).



    Almost every single traitor round I see security rush someone to medbay, scan them ...


    And people said it wasn't ever used to traitor check...


    Fox's tweak has put all implants in the torso; You don't need to check each and every limb.


    Implants are contained in generic "mob contents", but the surgery to remove them only works when targetting the chest, specifically.



    I'm personally against this- There's already a gamemode for Extended, called Extended. Wizards, blob, and malf can all rack up a very large bodycount and damage the station quite heavily before dying; If rounds didn't end after murderbone antags died, there could be upwards of 20 people who have to sit out the next 1.5-2 hours. during which next-to-nothing will happen since there are no antags.


    This is my position, as well; there's also a few times where the mode absolutely needs to end when certain objectives are completed. I know it's not in rotation anymore, but it's an excellent example of this: Rev.


    Revs kill all the heads of staff, but end up patrolling the station endlessly for the next 1.5 hours because they want to be absolutely certain that they really did kill all the heads.


    There's also the case of just how the round is: when you kill a wizard, you know the round is over, even if the round continues--it won't be any different with blob, malf, shadowling, etc.


    With how traitor and changeling work, you never really know, because both heavily rely on stealth--most of the "round ends when antag dies" modes are...well, horrendously obvious when the round really is over or not.



    I see. What are the benefits and downsides of a refactored gun code, apart from the obvious workload it'd put on the coders refactoring/porting it? I assume it wouldn't be a very high priority port at the moment, seeing as gun code works fine right now.


    Not much; we've been wanting to do it for about a year now, but it's just an absolute mess and will require a lot of work.


    Both DZD and myself independently attempted to port it, got goodness knows how many runtimes, then threw up our hands and said "we have more important things to work on at the moment"


    Upsides? More unified code, easier to add in more guns, buckshot lasers, sprites taking up less room, easier to port from TG in the future.


    Downsides: Figuring out how to re-implement pixel projectiles with the new system and aim-mode would be axed (good riddance on the latter, if you ask me).


    It's more a matter of "effort and what we get out of it vs time that could be spend on other projects". On the whole, aside from a few minor things, players wouldn't really notice any differences at all.



    I'd rather not, and I'll explain why:


    (1) It's really annoying

    (2) Some people are really sensitive to color differences and it can give them a headache or cause other visual/migraine related problems

    (3) Goon has this for sunglasses, thermals, and gas masks--some people I knew who had colorblindness (even mild) couldn't see things well because of the colored overlays tinting everything


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