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Posts posted by Purpose2

  1. @EvadableMoxie Yup. I didn't include pop size in my reasoning above. There is still a good bit of work to be done.

    Also, you were a big opponent of the original meta medbay which helped spur me to redo it on Meta. But I don't think I heard your feedback on the new design. Did you get a chance to see it on the playtest? Otherwise there are images on the Git. Nobody actually gave me any feedback on it - other than it looks better, which makes me nervous.

  2. I guess I should weigh in here as I've been a key (only? :( ) element in the drive for a map rotation within the coders Github contributors.

    Multiple distinct maps do a few things from a gameplay perspective:

    • Alters the balance of departments slightly, and enables new strategies
    • Freshens rounds providing a new feeling. This novelty will wear off eventually - but it'll still go a good way to making rounds feel less samey.
    • Provides new opportunities for bored civilians
    • Reduces the ability somewhat to know if a single hair is out of place in maintenance, like people do currently.

    I'm a big fan of having multiple maps to keep things feeling fresh and interesting. Its also interesting to watch different strategies get imployed by antags.


    "We should add a map rotation like /tg/" I don't want paradise station to become like any other server, because if I wanted a map rotation then I would just play on /tg/.

    I don't think anyone thinks that way, and thats certainly not the objective. If we wanted to be like TG we'd rebase to TG. This seems more like a petty comment that a legitimate grievance so I'll gloss over it.

    It does indeed add more things to maintain - but - Metastation, which is what is causing your complaints in the first place, has been in our code (just left to rot and be poorly maintained) for years. I've been taking it upon myself to update it and get it to live-quality. However its already been the case for the last year that changes had to go on both Meta and Box. Ultimately if Meta (or Delta) and subsequently a rotation results in attracting one or two additional contributors its even a net gain.

    Ultimately we're a community that trends higher than average with people that do not like change - and as such people get really defensive and even often vitriolic over change... change agents need to be able to progress, and people need to be more patient and give things a chance.

  3. 100%+ more fun.

    Sneaky little operations can be fun, but not for a massive round ending event... Stealth ops is just giving 5 traitors who start off station one objective, and told to work together on it... And really when they fail they have only themselves to blame because its the easiest thing.

    Nuclear Operations should always be war in my opinion... it enables the crew to form a militia and all the fun things associated with that.

  4. So I know that not everyone reads Github, but Delta Station has now gone up on there. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/7770

    Your feedback is appreciated - there is a Redpen.io link on the Github for those to contribute thoughts in a more collaborative way, which I won't link here - but if you're up for helping go have a look!

    http://i.imgur.com/qirvKKo.jpg ---- HOWEVER IS YOUR LINK For those of you just looking to have a nosey around :)

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  5. (NTSL is the Telecomms scripting language)

    You're thinking of DM code, DM is actually surprisingly easy to pick up.

    My recommendation is to learn how to do it yourself, but feel free to ask questions on the #coder_chat, myself or if you're lucky, someone from the actual coding team will help. :) 

  6. Black gloves should be scarce similar to Insulated, due to their ability to hide prints, aka why you can't just have them in loadouts etc.

    But, it makes sense to be able to order them somehow. Is the firefighting crate the right place? I'm not certain.


    edit: Also I just put up a PR enabling those to be printed now, @tzo - so thats more we can tick off the list. 

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