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Everything posted by sdtwbaj

  1. Basically give people something to do with credits. Shop keep, stick the shop centrally in the station, by the bar etc. They're part of service, two of them operate and they sell shit. Tools, food, whatever you need. Maybe they work out deals with botany and the chef to sell those types of wares. It could be karma locked, but really it's a good newbie job.
  2. Yeah, that says nothing regarding outside of the genetics lab.
  3. Nobody needs a brain borging. You do not under any circumstances (for about the 100th time) borg a dead body that you can't reasonably get confirmation from. Borging an unwilling person (which includes dead bodies, who can't consent) is murder and you deserve to be charged over it. You don't enact a punishment on par with an execution simply because it's easier. For spare limbs, medbay doesn't need robotic parts either, we have humanized monkeys and farwahumans we can use for limbs. Medbay however could use MMI's for keeping brains preserved whilst prepping for surgery to PROPERLY revive a person (not as a borg) I have never, ever known how to transplant a limb.
  4. Think of it this way. It isn't a job that is vital or necessary to the station, yet it is a job that produces large amounts of power and powerful/easily abusable abilities. Newbies will tend to go it, get every power, then run amok and cause a bunch of unneeded self-antaggy shit. We really should pull them away from the RD and give them to the CMO. Science already has power, give something for medical to run
  5. Geneticist isn't a vital role, yet it can absolutely break a round. A rogue/greytide/self-antagging geneticist can really fuck up a round and cause a superb headache for the CMO, Security, and the station in general. I suggest it be turned into a 10-karma job, and have more strict rules enforced around it to prevent Genetics from being abused, a la pre-lockbox Science.
  6. You imply there's a karma 'economy' when really there isn't. You don't have to double prices, because no player is getting double karma'd by the same person. And it isn't an economy because there is no circulation, because karma trading between players isn't a thing. This just makes it both more accessible and makes it so that people that do good aren't looked over just because they didn't get there first.
  7. I'd say make pods a square faster, but stick delays on them every once and awhile where you have to let it charge for 5-6 seconds of that speed, otherwise it's slow.
  8. too much. That's funny. People hardly spend karma anyway. and no that isn't me not getting any, that's people forgetting to give it out.
  9. They take your head so I don't think you can get cloned either way. Could give medbay something to do, and encourage people to get DNA backups.
  10. Maybe my example was poor, but the point I was trying to make still stands. If the captain believes something would improve productivity/help the station, he should be allowed to tell SoP to take a hike, within reason.
  11. Not /all/ of SoP. Just some of it. Things that don't matter a lot. Punishments (within reason) and the like.
  12. rude. Allowing the captain to circumvent SoP if they believe it will keep order and productivity on the station should be written into sop.
  13. I want a modification of general SoP that allows the Captain to circumvent/choose to ignore a few parts of SoP, specifically those dealing with punishments. I kinda think a fearsome captain who has security make a makeshift crossbow and execute people by firing bolts into them and pinning them to the walls in front of the bridge could be interesting.
  14. Then hard-code a cloak to deactivate if you put a weapon in hand.
  15. Traitors and vox raiders me thinks more. I kind of like this idea but it seems to fall short of gamemode status. I might be wrong in that case but by itself it might not be as exciting. I don't see it working out. There's going to be too many complaints against it for reasons, murderboning already being one of them. It's sad because this would be interesting to see played Maybe. What could be added to make it a more compatible full game mode?
  16. I'd like to think of them as a combination of nuke ops and traitors. Powerful and well equipped, but they must remain on the down-low and complete objectives.
  17. We'll see. and I didn't even look at CM's code of honor. As for the round size, maybe. I think an ideal thing for the predator would be 3-4 predators on a ~25 person round. Mind you, they're extremely well-damaging and durable. I should add victory conditions.
  18. As can racism, homophobia, other bigotry, poop, and ERP. Just because it can, doesn't mean it will be used for RP a majority of the time. Or even 1% of the time. And if your characters concept revolves around using netspeak so heavily that you can't play that character without it, then no great loss. There's a bittersweet line here. Racism, homophobia, bigotry, and ERP are all either offensive, not used correctly, or not rated PG13. Net speak is harmless. Saying a simple 'Kek' should be fine, or saying 'Lol' or, if you prefer, el-oh-el. I say 'Oh-Em-Gee' regularly, it isn't harmful whatsoever.
  19. Something like that. I'll put together a proper code of honor in a bit.
  20. Plus it makes banning a lot easier if they start being racist a-holes over the adminhelps. Anyhow I think the main issue here is puts on his menacing voice the line!!!¡!!¿! There is no way to decide wheter saying lel or kek is any different from saying or rofl. We'd have to compile a list with every single slang term known to man... Just go by a rule of thumb "if it breaks RP or isn't realistically able to be said (you can't pronounce or lmao) then it isn't allowed"
  21. Stealth murder bone. http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Yautja_Honor_Code Is the honor code more or less. Obviously some don't apply.
  22. Basically, we all know the predator, big bad scary guy. In this game mode, 3-4 hunters spawn on a shuttle. They are predators that have not performed their first Hunt yet. Bound by a strict code of honor during the hunt, they are tasked with... Collecting X amount of heads Collect the head of X person. Escape on the Predator Shuttle. Perform honorable suicide if any objective is not possible. The Equipment: Biomask. Acts as a gas mask, hardsuit helmet, and armored helmet all in one. Grants Predators other visions such as NV, or regular optical (They see thermal by default) Hunting Jumpsuit, moderate armor value, worn under everything else. Hunting Belt, able to hold weapons and heads. Hunter Hardsuit, equipped with a plasma cannon which offers the ability to fire a projectile similar to the NanoTrasen Death Squad plasma rifles, but cannot do that much damage to structures. Also affords a chunk more armor and storage. No movement speed penalty. Hunter Armband, this carries small blades that offer an attack similar to a kitchen knife, maybe something like 10 or 15 brute. It also controls the cloaking ability. Vulnerable to EMP, cloaking disables if there is collision. Spear, a more refined version of the makeshift weapon. Offers a good amount brute damage, and can be thrown for good damage. Combat Knife, literally just the tool already in the game. The Abilities: Fast healing. Given a secluded area they can rest for a minute and heal almost all wounds, including broken bones. Organ damage is not healed and blood is not restored. Strength: Decent brute damage per punch. Instead of choking someone, they could be able to rip the head off of the person after about ten seconds of holding them in the killgrab. Speed: Faster than humans on the station, hardsuits and armor don't deter from this. The Counters: The warrior is bound by a code of honor to kill itself when it fails. Sustained damage can result in death if they can't find an isolated area. Too big to fit in disposals. Anything else? I'd be willing to do some spriting for this aswell, if we don't want to nick baystation's spriting. THE CODE OF HONOR.... 1. Hunting Fair Game. All Yautja are bound to hunt fair game, and if necessary to make the battle fair (i.e not using a plasmacaster or other weapon). Yautja are to not kill anyone weakened by disease or SSD. In addition, if the death of the prey would doom another innocent, the death must be avoided (i.e killing the last medical doctor during a surgery). 2. Failing in the Hunt. Yautja, when seeing failure in their Hunt, will usually commit honorable suicide via detonation of their wrist bomb (or microbomb implant?). 3. Claiming Another's Trophy. A Yautja will never claim another hunter's rightful trophy. If another hunter has injured prey, and the prey has no game left, the hunter is to respect the trophy of another. However, if the prey still shows game, as long as it is a fair fight, it will become a joint trophy. 4. Killing another Yautja. Yautja will never kill fellow Yautja outside of self-defense. 5. Killing while Cloaked. It is very dishonorable to kill prey while cloaked, and it shall never be done. The only exceptions to this are if the Yautja is attacked by a species it is not hunting (Vox, Humans, Plasmamen etc. are different species) or if the Yautja must remove anything between itself and it's prey in an emergency (shuttle about to leave, prey leaving station, etc.) 6. Mercy. Those who defeat Yauja in a fair hunt, or who are the victors in a dangerous hunt (like fighting an Alien Queen) and show the Yautja mercy are considered equals with the Yautja, and must either be killed, followed by the Yautja committing suicide, or bestowed with an award. 7. Code Violation A Yautja who breaks this code is considered renegade, and is to be terminated. They are now considered fair game. ROUND CONDITIONS. The Hunt fails and the Yautja do not complete their objectives - Crew Major Victory The Yautja complete all objectives and escape alive and honorably - Yautja Major Victory I'm not that good at round conditions, someone pls adjust.
  23. I'll be perfectly honest, the experience thing is total crap. If people come here to ROLEPLAY and get offended by something a CHARACTER does, they are likely not mature enough to play, period. That, or they're from Tumblr. It's like watching a TV show, do you stop watching a TV show because it has a racist/homophobic/etc. character? Do you scream shit at a play then leave because a character made a joke you are 'offended' by? No. I digress. As for this, I can definitely see it devolving. Just make sure it's in moderation, if people start hippifying their speech, call the admins, but something like "Really dude, do you not know how to build a wall? Like lol." should be fine. People do that IRL, tbh.
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