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Everything posted by sdtwbaj

  1. Perhaps, and the makeshift version will break after maybe 4 or 5 stabs -- enough to screw up one person pretty good.
  2. True, true. The more expense would probably balance it more. Maybe 5u, just enough that would coat the shank, and it's gone as soon as you stab with it.
  3. A new traitor object: the shank. Delivered via uplink for around 3 TC. It'd be an attack where you target the lower body, grab someone passively, and then use the item on them. Immediately you stab them, causing around 25 brute damage, 10 kidney damage, and internal bleeding. You can upgrade it by coating it in any reagent you please, the stab delivering 10u of the reagent. The sprite would be a simple screwdriver, however on examination it'd have added on that it looks particularly sharpened, and if coated, then it also appears to be covered in a liquid. This would be a relatively loud action, and of course you can stab multiple times in succession, around 8 stabs on a healthy person being the lethal attack. I would love to code it, believe me, but I can't code ( (am trying to learn anyway, bughunting ftw)
  4. Already done, thank KasparoVv. I'm spriting the greyscale stuff for all the IPC heads so that we can do that robits, so really, all we need is the hair sprite split into two pieces, one for color 1, another for color 2. Where're the hair sprites located in the files? I can dig them out and split them up.
  5. I like to be a civilian because I love to fuck off and do my own projects a lot. Scientist is easier, but regulated to shiznit, so I just go civilian and scrounge up what I need. If I can't find it, I steal it. If I can't steal it, I buy it. If I can't buy it, well, that's when things get fuuuuuuuuuun.
  6. basically the ability to do that but with any color one half of my hair red the other blue the possibilities are endless we need this
  7. Pharmaceutical Recreation shipment when???
  8. Yes, still unbalanced to add this.
  9. -1 A good Cargonia is swimming in points by about 30min in, this would be so fucking unabalanced.
  10. I want it to be a consistent thing, to make the approach of crew immersion much easier for antags, instead of the meta 'yoU DIDNT LOSE YOUR ID you r syndicate!'
  11. yes, this. or they spawn in a fucked up pod and have to dock with the station
  12. Migrants would be a civilian of sorts, except lacking things like an ID, PDA, etc. This both makes it ideal for a shady activity type of thing, and can help stealthy nuke ops or SIT units infiltrate the station with a valid excuse, that being "oh I'm a migrant" It'd be illegal to fuck with migrants TOO much, they mostly must be taken to be registered as civilians.
  13. plastic has a use if they fix the crossbow smh
  14. I don't really mind being discovered, I was fixing to release the tesla anyway.
  15. This isn't the only context it's usable in, there's also peeking into hiding spots, or using it to locate things that are hidden. It can ruin a lot of gud antagging
  16. This is so easily abusable and quite OP, being able to peek through a wall and see anything on the other side, even if it is locked or has no windows or view. Nano pls. Edit: Handheld cameras, not AI.
  17. Or be plasma man with fire resist.
  18. I like to turn cargo into a shop for the greytide. You want insulated gloves? Bring me an emitter. You want tools? Bring me a weapon.
  19. *Audio Log On* August 11, 2458 This is...still Anya Kusmerich. I'm on Luna, laying on a bed in the central Lurar hospital. I...can't remember what happened. They said they removed some kind of machine from my head, a little implant, they called it? I don't know for sure what's going to happen, there's too much danger to reliably have me on the case. I don't think I'll be making any more audio logs. Someone visited me, said they saw me get attacked. It was Edwin. This is...weird, man. Maybe someone else will take up the investigation, someone will talk to Edwin. Christ. End of log.
  20. making this to keep track of stuff. Made http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Metal
  21. A could have said "Lucy is short for Luca"
  22. No green text until you've completed at least 5 objectives. Yassss.
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