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Everything posted by KingPhilipIII

  1. Too bad Pye, all two of us already decided you don't count so you might as well just go away.
  2. I personally think midround antagonists should be griefy. They're supposed to cause chaos and challenge the crew, but this? I love this. Full support so far. Looks fun to be, looks like it has a lot of potential for actual interaction that's not outright hunting, and just generally cool.
  3. Alright. Just a quick note with regards to the high risk items list. We should consider removing the RCD from the list, seeing as they are now easily obtainable from a hacked autolathe. They are neither highrisk, nor something the Syndicate sends agents to steal anymore. Second. We should either remove the jetpack item, since it's no longer an antagonist target, or change it accordingly to be the Captain's jetpack(Which is a new target.)
  4. As our third order of business, I propose we add an amendment that Trialmins don't count. They're just admin-wannabes.
  5. Aight, duly noted. I'll mostly post anything that requires major formatting here going forward, since these pages give me headaches when I look at all those symbols. Otherwise I'll try to cut out the middleman.
  6. Pye ain't shit. He's not even a real admin. Back to one. Shove off fun police.
  7. Wait did Light count as an admin in terms of ruining everything? In any case, the eight cultists panicked when they realized the shuttle was leaving in fifteen seconds and they were one short. (If he does count.)
  8. After harmbatoning the clown five times, the officer discovered that clown blood was extremely useful for getting stains out of his jumpsuit.
  9. @Bobalobdob I haven't lately, but I'm aware that when 4chan gets annoyed, the resulting collaboration between angry people (That identifies as Anonymous) can cause some serious damage. Like the massive DDOS attack they executed against SendGrid over that whole dongle bullshit. four.
  10. Rally /pol/ and /b/, it's time to take over Paradise. Down with the admins. Long live freedom. Two.
  11. I'm a meme wizard that goes around with a staff of change. Staff of change, ethereal jaunt, blink, wand belt, charge, a bottle of tickles and instant recall. Just go around turning the crew into stuff and skidaddling. You'll have a lot of angry people who got gibbed because the game can be stupid with change stuff, especially for monkeys changing, but then you also have glorious moments like Syndie-Assault borg conga lines that are hunting you down. I find it fun, and my chaos is VERY far reaching and very noticable. I generally get positive feedback to this kind of style.
  12. @Shadeykins Should I refrain from reporting any issues I find with pages that are already marked as needing to be updated? I personally would find it helpful for someone to do a quick preview so I could hop straight into those issues faster myself, but I'd rather not poke my nose where I'm not needed.
  13. The descriptions actually specify turning the abductee into a cocoon/causing them to explode into a cloud of plasma. They explicitly say they're going to kill you in those particular cases. Also, further problems with abductor page, just as a quick note here. You should mention new vests can be linked to the console by smacking the console with the vest. This has given me and other teams trouble before. Plus, it's not grafted to the agent. It can be remotely locked and unlocked from the console. IPC experimental surgery should get it's note there as well. Maybe mention how aliens can no longer use the crew's weapons, so either remove the bit about stealing weapons from the armory, or change the reason to just 'To fuck with the crew.' Gear points and experimentation points are done seperately on our server. Spending points does not detract from your total goal. This is small but it's mentioned in the first section. Ayyylien sprites in the tables. They have a unique teleporter sprite as well as a special ayylien surgical table. Also. Ayyylien tools for whatever reason don't need stuff like hardsuits or other surgery blocking clothing removed. Might be handy dandy to note. Slight grammatical changes, I can tell a lot of this was taken from TG, as it explicitly states only human disguises or human/lizards (They don't have a bunch of snowflakes like we do.) Add the abductor helmet to the ayylien table, as it prevents AI tracking and is covered in stylish spikes.
  14. Right. Shadowling page needs a few changes, and these are minor, but worth noting. It specifies the need for shadowlings to reach 15 thralls to ascend. this was changed and is now completely variable depending on the amount of crew present. Shadowling ascendant powers have no cooldowns, you filthy liars. It might be smart to add in a note about what life is like as a lesser shadowling. The Destroy Engines power actually slows the shuttle by twenty minutes, and prevents it from being recalled. The blurb about ascended shadowlings mentions being able to rip holes in spacetime. They can no longer do this. Ascendant shadowlings need a sprite update on the wikipage, seeing as Dreamy provided us with much more appealing looking ones. In the section detailing thralls, it says thrall dark sight isn't as powerful, requiring a light. This is false. Also Alright, I'll keep poking around. I'm supremely lazy though and probably won't use discord though so.
  15. The cyborg page needs a few updates, I did a brief once over and may edit this post with more issues, but what I've noticed thusfar comes as such: The cyborg pictures need new sprites added, such as the NOBLE varients of the borgs. The Absolute best module of all time peacekeeper module needs an entry added. In the same vein with synthetics, the AI malfunction page is in HUGE need of updates, as the information included within is almost completely worthless, and while I know the malfunctioning AI mode has been removed, we can still have Syndicate AIs that function mostly the same, and so the page should still be kept recent and useful for the terrified AI player that found himself with an objective to detonate the station.
  16. Right. I'm just gonna condense further complaints about maintenance here. When jumping to Genetics maintenance in the map section, it brings you to the maintenance directly south of the brig. For some fucking reason. Plus we no longer have a genetics maintenance in light of recent map updates. Bar/ chapel maintenance does not reflect new changes as well on the map, such as the fact the tunnels can now be accessed from the holodeck. Plus there are other small little changes were done as well. To prevent tiny posts, there is no longer a podbay attachment on the mining station, contrary to what the wiki map says.
  17. Central Command's map, although minor also requires some slight updates, such as that the Gamma Armory is now a ship, and that the mech section is now seperated into teleporters and mechs. The arcade needs to be added to the general map as well. The holodeck map link needs an update too.
  18. The map, in relation to medbay requires an update, considering our recent renovation of the medbay. When you go into the locations section is where it most immediately becomes apparent, but if there are pictures in various guides that may need updating as well. In relation, relevant maintenence tunnels also require updating in the map section.
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