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Posts posted by Vivalas

  1. I like the idea of increased access, and like the sound of increased lethal powers, but I really feel like it would be abused. I main security but recently have taken a break for my sanity and seeing the opposite end of the baton is an eye-opener. 

    Increased access is neat since it would really help get around during emergencies. Makes sense IC too since NT wants their station intact and threats dealt with. Privacy has gone out the window at this point.

    For lethal force I think there still needs to be clear objective guidelines to application during red. Maybe one or two VERBAL warnings (hailers count), while pointing, etc? Unless the person is already a threat in which case current guidelines already allow lethal force.

    On a side note yellow alert sounds silly to me, if we do split red into combat / confirmed threat or whatever, amber alert sounds more ominous and official.

    • Like 2
  2. Ahhh I don't care about accessories but please don't go full uniform bloat. We don't need 20 different sec uniforms that makes it impossible to distingush security from.. say.. the paramedic or bartender / detective etc.

  3. This is an issue I have had for a long time with the current system. Lack of feedback and lack of transparency are currently large problems.

    First off calling your community entitled when they want more feedback and control of the direction of server development is absurd. The community pays for the server, plays the server, and is the only reason staff members have any sort of relevance or power to begin with. I fully realize that public voting and discussion can stall development to a sloth's pace, but we're not asking for log dumps or public hearings or grand juries. We're asking for at the very least even minimal feedback from those in charge of the codebase. For there to be a basic requirement that disapproving of a PR includes feedback and constructive criticism and is not just a "nope" or even worse, a kneejerk insult. Maintainers should be held to the same standards as admins and other staff, and asinine comments from them have no place in the Git. If admins had some of the same responses I've seen maintainers have with PRs in their ahelps, they would probably be punished.

    Seeing perfectly good PRs shot down because of the nebulous reasoning of "we discussed it" is to be quite frank, shitty. Server development and the direction of the game's design and improvement affect players just as much as they do staff, and players have zero input in the process.

    Should players have input about important code decisions? No, but most of the decisions reached by "internal discussions" don't appear to have anything to do with code quality and stability. Quality and stability are objective, easy to judge and comment on in a PR and don't require internal discussion and PR authors are just as conscious of quality / stability as maintainers are. The decisions reached seem to always be about completely subjective views and opinions about aestheticism, design, and balance that only get to be made by a select few but rather should be made by the community as a whole or at least be influenced by what the community thinks.

    So yes, it is a very broken system. Totalitarian systems do tend to break down over time.

    • Like 2

    And as a coder, in regards to your code, I suppose I can comment.


    First off I'm assuming "cult viewpoint" is a verb container that is part of the cult gamemode already, and not something you added.


    If you copied those snippets you have questions about from the communication verb, then they probably have a use. The one that iterates through the minds and checks to see if they have a cult role enabled is indeed the one that sends the message. The first log is probably an admin log so they can see that cult is saying and cult_log is most likely logs cult events in a separate file for easy reference.


    Suggestion 1 seems easy to implement, making things available to certain people is generally trivial.


    Suggestion 2 would also be easy, only slightly harder than the first suggestion. I don't know how I feel about scalable cult however, the point of cult is to grow your numbers with something. If cult is competent extra roundstart manpower could be a guaranteen win, although I also agree highpop / meta and validhunting can sometimes end cult rounds before they begin, especially if cult lacks competence.



    Alright kinda confused here, are you proposing changes or something?


    Cause if you already know what github is and how to use it, might as well make a PR so that coders can see your changes and comment on them, if that's what you're looking for.



    Explanation of the mechanica behind how disposals works if you're interested (at least on Bay, this might be slightly different for para).


    Disposals more or less forms a large loop that starts in cargo and loops around clockwise around the station until it comes back. The disposals units around the station are separated from this main line by a sorting junction. This junction checks the tag on a package, and if it has a matching tag, it routes it off the line and out the unit. When a package is sent from cargo, it routes around the station clockwise until (and if) it finds a junction. If the package makes it back to cargo, a half-tag gets applied for cargo. This is where it gets kinda complicated. All arriving items in cargo go through a bulk sorting junction. This junction routes off all untagged items (trash, etc.), and tagged parcels continue to another junction (checks for packages marked for cargo as a destination), and finally, a half-tagger, then it is sent out the loop again. This means if a parcel is sent from somewhere else on the station, and doesn't reach its destination before reaching cargo, it gets sent out again (meaning if you send a parcel from medbay that is marked for science, it will go through cargo once and hit science the next time around.). Packages that go through cargo twice will get a full tag (because two half-tags = full), and will go through once more, and then they will get sent to cargo (so packages don't loop forever). I might have gotten the order off slightly, and the half-tagger could be before the cargo junction, which would mean packages only circulate twice.


    Oh yeah, and items sent from the sorting office (where trash is sorted and packages are mailed by cargo.) go through another bulk sorter, which sends untagged items to disposals and merges tagged items into the main disposals line.



    A lot of valid points here, and I'm gonna chip in.


    Hugbox. Before listing the server was literal hugbox. Badguys make their move, sec makes theirs, and one of the two win. If sec wins the round becomes boring, if the antags win it descends into salt-laced chaos. Either way the average crew member is usually in minimal danger. Atmos is a prime example of this. I really hate our current atmos, although I realize ZAS isn't much better. I love ZAS because I am hardcore, but it has a lot of issues and is extremely buggy. Bay has been refining it a bit as it's their monstrosity, and it has gotten better, but even still I prefer the stability of LINDA over the FUN of ZAS. Now, that being said, if we increased the tickrate of LINDA like tg did, it somewhat emulates ZAS without being laggy and buggy. I was surprised at the lethality of atmos on tg after playing a round there recently, and despite being a veteran SS13 player still got cucked because Paradise blinded me.


    However after listing I feel we actually have a decent balance of danger. There is some grief and chaos, but at least things are interesting.


    Rant about hugbox aside, I think the quality argument is very legitimate, and has a very good gating solution being proposed on Github, but has been shot down for nebulous reasons, which brings me to my major beef: lack of transparency.


    Not everything the staff does has to be in the eyes of the players, and I agree that it is perhaps beneficial that most of the stuff that goes on behind the curtains stays behind the curtains, but I agree to the theory of a rift forming between community and staff, and this is one of the reasons.


    Let's not forget the reason we are here: to play a game, and while the dedicated volunteer work of the admins and maintainers is VERY appreciated, I think they often forget that the players are the lifeblood of the game. Without players, a multiplayer game is just an empty skeleton of code and tears. And I feel that players should be part of the loop in major decisions that affect the server. I personally agree with listing, and I think it has been beneficial, but players didn't have a voice in the decision. And yes it achieved results, but it pissed people off, and so they left. Same with the feature freeze, or any major decision ever made in the history of online gaming communities. The people that get pissed off leave, especially if they don't have a voice or don't think that what goes on behind the curtains is of benefit to them.


    I'm going to extend this to server development, where I think transparency and player feedback are severely lacking. Sure the maintainers are great, and sure they have a much greater understanding of the limitations of the engine and various performance issues it has, but it seems they often forget games are made to have fun playing. And lack of transparency doesn't help. I feel extemely discouraged to develop content for the game, when, often my own PRs or those PRs of other developers are shot down by maintainers even with overwhelming community support, or shot down with little feedback other than a nebulous "it was discussed", or at worst even a literal "lol nope". I've seen many great PRs that have died recently and in the past few months due to similar reasons, and I honestly don't feel like committing to hours of work to create a feature only to have it briefly and vitriolicly shot down. Open source games revolve around the community and while the maintainers do a great job of maintaining quality and performance, you have the look at the bigger picture and wonder if you're maintaining a healthy development cycle. The development of the game is for the betterment of the players, and I feel it should not be controlled solely by a handful of people, but rather be influenced by the community as a whole. And sure it's not reasonable to involve the community in every discussion on that subject, and that players don't have the technical knowledge to be involved in all code discussions, but it is way more hush-hush than it ought to be currently. And again I realize this is part of that "rift" where the average player is misinformed, but I feel as if even just basic justification should be required when denying features and such.


    I kind of have a neutral stance towards the way administration is handled really. My experience with Paradise staff has led me to believe with certainty that they are the most objective and most understanding of any admins in the SS13 community, and certainly the least overbearing or powertrippy, but they are still regular people and can and do burn out, and they are still admins so they can still be threatening, due to the absolute authority and power they wield.


    As an example, I think Tully is an amazing example of what an admin should be, and have had nothing but positive experiences with them, but I was still miffed and terrified after coming back to being AFK as Warden to huge font 30 bold red italic text screaming at me to answer a seemingly trivial question. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I was still terrified I was going to be banned for not being able to answer a question due to being AFK. And I totally get there were probably hundreds of factors behind it, such as extreme multitasking and burn out, but it still scared me shitless. So yes admins come off as a bit overbearing at times. It's kinda like the police, I love the police and fully support them, and totally get the shit they go through every day only to be hated by everyone, with the sole intention only of protecting people, but even the most polite officer will scare the shit out of me if they're questioning me or treating me as if I might be in trouble or something. Even just talking to officers gives me an adrenaline rush, although most of that is due to media hysteria. Same with admins, most of them mean well but whenever one bwoinks you you can only assume the worst.



    It would be good if every idcard has a unique intern code. So the HOP / ID Console could remotly give them access rights or remove them if needed.



    Hos to Hop: I fired Mr. X because he was incompentend and lost all his ID cards in maintainance.

    HOP looks at his console Mr X has ID Card # 124-235 --> click remove access

    ID Computer : ID 1124-235 is not longer valid --> automatic prints a copy of this access removal on all id computers... ( grief block )


    If now anybody tries to use this card --> access denied



    HOS to Hop: Mr. X (detective) needs temporary access to toxin lab for investigation

    Hop console : ID 123-456 change access level --> prints out a copy of the change



    As a security measure you could add a timer to this change like the job slots (5 minutes). So nobody can quickly strip command from all access. If that dosnt work the ai can help them to restore it.


    While this seems like something a state of the art research station should be able to do with its access control systems (we see this type of thing in movies all the time), this would be way too hard on antags, and crew in general if a powertripping shitter lands in a command sport. Either way it seems like a bad idea.


    Streamlining demotions would be a huge help to security.


    Finding a way to surpress greytide more easily without fucking over antags is really hard. Although it sucks because in theory if all of security's very numerous tools were utilized by competent people, greytide would be dead.



    Keep in mind most of these ideas aren't mine, and I really wasn't supporting the "no-slip" jackboots thing.


    The two things I think out of all of these that would make security 100x better is a brig officer job (which helps avoid security processing backlog which makes people super salty and helps to keeps order in brig), and the streamlined crime reporting / record system.


    Abuse of the system is a very real threat, and so I think being able to group crimes by their reporter (for mass deletion of crimes reported by a certain person), and being able to blacklist people from reporting crimes would fix this. You could even go so far as pre-emptively blacklisting assistants if you wanted.



    Who said the singularity was worse than the tesla?!



    Stuff and things in toxins



    Jesus without bombcap that bomb would have damn near destroyed the whole station, even from the testing range.


    Learning from Cuban Pete, are we?



    Alright, so today I came across an interesting post on /r/ss13 asking the reddit what kind of changes could be made to make security better. And a few of the responses I read were really interesting.


    I've rolled security almost exclusively on all the servers I've played on during my spessman career, ranging from LRP to HRP, and each was a different experience. Security can be fun and rewarding with a competent and cohesive team, and.... downright cancerous to the crew and competent security players with a bad team. Nevertheless, I think Paradise security is the most rewarding and engaging out of all the servers I've played on, and I really like our system.


    On legacy Paradise before the relist, the system worked pretty damn well. It could get overworked at times, but with a competent team that was communicative and helpful, the workload was manageable and the station maintained a semblance of order. The brig remap just streamlined the process even more. However, the relist has stressed security and its players to the limit, which has highlighted a few issues with the system, mostly the inability for security to respond to threats or acknowledge reports of crime at best, and the complete break down of law and order at worst.


    As I was browsing through reddit I read some interesting ideas that I feel we should consider, if not put to the test, and the purpose of this thread was to try to create a healthy and contention free zone to try to discuss and brainstorm to develop an even more efficient and capable security system that is able to withstand insanely high workloads that are common during listing.



    1. Close off the Security wing, specifically the brig section. Having glass-and-grille barriers for cells facing the main hall means your poor brig is a toolbox away from The Great Escape at all times.


    (For the record I think jailbreaks are cool: I just wish they were more complicated than "CLICK WINDOW 4 SMASH" to pull off.)


    2. Slip-resistant jackboots. Security should not be completely unslipable, but tripping over every wet floor tile mid-chase is hella obnoxious.


    3. More than one warden slot and/or jail guards. Between updating logs, processing many criminals at once (because criminals don't take turns getting caught,) managing the armoury and a ton of other little tasks, the warden is easily the most overwhelming and thankless security job. Having a second warden or a couple of jail guards to process criminals and maintain order would be amazing.


    4. More than one detective slot. Similar to the warden, the detective can be stretched thin just by reporting 2 crimes at the same time. A second detective means pursuing more than one case and/or forming a buddy-cop crimefighting duo.



    Really the 3rd point here is the one I am referencing, but number 1 is also worth considering as well.


    Since I started playing security again, I played two rounds as warden, and both rounds quickly became overwhelmed with requests in processing, rowdy prisoners, perma prisoners robusting newbie officers, armory break ins, and a whole bunch of shit that stacks up and leaves you salty and leads to shitty treatment of prisoners. I think having a few "brig officer" or other job subordinate to the warden might accomplish this well. They could help in processing, help the brig medic with treating prisoners, watch perma, handle requests in the lobby, and in general act as a second hand to the warden. This would greatly streamline processing and help increase the efficiency of warden related tasks as described above.


    Needs better comms. Something like cargos order manifest system. I want to be able to walk up to a computer, see potential threats, who entered it, leads, last seen etc.


    Oooh boy, I actually have lotta thoughts about security. Here goes:


    Add the full functionality of security console to sec glasses, including the proper interface.


    Streamline the security console interface to make it piss easy to report crimes and keep a record of ne'er-do-wells.


    Connect the systems of reporting crimes and wanted status together, rather than having them be totally separate.


    Build the Warden into the system more officially - make it so effectively using the system REQUIRES a warden/HoS. Ideas for doing this:


    Only the warden can change wanted status

    Editing security records require access to specifically the warden's console. All other consoles can only add notes or suggestions, which the warden must approve.

    The warden's console can be used to directly send orders to, and receive messages from, a security officer, regardless of the status of tcomms.

    All functionality of the warden's console is anonymous. A crafty traitor with the warden's ID could give officers false orders, and use a pAI to bring the functionality of the warden's console with them.

    Everything the warden can do, the Head of Security, Captain, and AI can do if they aren't fucking eachother busy.

    The prison wing should be removed or reworked entirely. Ideas:


    Rather than putting a perma prisoner in the brig for the rest of the round, they are put in cryo tubes, to be left on the station. (and picked up between shifts by a maintenance team or some lore shit like that). While cryo'd they may ghost and observe the round.

    If someone tries to unfreeze a cryo'd prisoner, they may return to their body and wake back up.

    If a full cryo tube is destroyed or sabotaged, its occupant dies and their corpse is ejected. They may return to it if they are revived in any way.

    If a traitor is being held in a cryo tube, existing/midround traitors may receive a bonus objective to rescue them, in exchange for extra telecrystals or bragging rights.

    They may also receive an objective to sabotage the cryo tube, killing the captured traitor and stopping them from revealing any secrets.

    All long-ranged security weapons should be dangerous bordering on lethal. The only options for subduing someone should be Lethal and Short Range. In particular, Tasers should have about as much range as pepper spray, and very limited ammo.


    Tasers could even have a chance to fail at a range of 3 or 4 tiles.


    Energy guns are dumb. "its a lethal weapon with a stun mode!" no. If you want a stun mode get close and start whacking the greytider with your baton. Guns are for killing people. The armoury should contain lasers and lethal bullet weapons only.


    Enough of this kiddie "you get 9 minutes timeout" shit. If someone is breaking the law they should get fired from their position. Give the HoS the ability to strip people of rank or demote them to a menial job like janitor, shaft miner, cargo tech, or cook. America uses its legal system to force people into slave labour, so can NT!


    Streamline the system to open new jobslots when someone leaves/dies/gets demoted.


    Streamline the process for equipping demoted people. Dangerously low-tier mining suits or shitty janitorial equipment should be on-hand in security or cargo, and more should be cheaply available from the cargo system.


    Now that security doesn't have long-range harmless stun guns, there is a lot more weight behind their decisions to use deadly force to apprehend criminals. Surely this would mean admins would have to be way more attentive of security, leading to even more frustrating BWOINKS and red tape, right?


    Wrong. Now that you can go up against security and not get harmlessly and easily stunned at long range, rebellious activity is way easier. If security is being dicks, the station can actually fight back. Laser weapons aren't great against even a handful of angry greytiders, especially if chemistry has slipped them some burn patches. Admins can take a much more hands-off approach to asshole civilians and shitcurity, because each side has the actual power to fight the other. And if everything falls apart and the station descends into chaos? Congrats, the game is going exactly as it should!





    In the last quote here, everything leading up to the part about perma is my focus here, but the rest is interesting.


    You might see my point if you see the relations between these two quotes. Sure, crime reporting is decent and keeping records updated is streamlined when there are idle people around able to do that, or officers able to listen. But often in the chaos of a typical game mid-late round, petty crimes start to go unnoticed, or if things get really bad, anything that's not related to security's current backwash of petty crime and accusations of antags.


    Let's face it, relying on humans to keep records up to date and keep track of all crimes during a security overload period is unreliable even at best. Trying to filter out screams for help in the convoluted mess the chatlog is when everyone is screaming over security and general channels at the same time is nigh impossible, so what if we had a better solution?


    Well, we already have the underused request consoles that have an even more unused "report anonymous information" feature, so what if we expanded on this system? The idea of tying together records, automated record updating / easy crime entry, and crime reporting is every officer's dream, and if tied into radio chat / PDA messenging, would probably increase security's efficiency by at least double in high stress situations. An idea that came to mind was adding "crime kiosks" to hallways and major places that allow crew to report crimes, and maybe even add pictures or add witnesses that would be able to verify the credibility of the accusation. Perhaps even a PDA app that could be used to similar utility would be life changing. Tie this together with records and we have something coming together already. Another thing that fits in with connecting crime reporting with records is itemized crimes, meaning every crime is available as "objects" you can add or remove to people's records, or even add to crime reports. Add on metadata, such as time of infraction, location, status of crime, time served / sentence, arresting officer, and we have a database approaching a professional level. Of course we would have to verify and process these entries, but that would be something the aforementioned brig officers could help with.


    To try to show the utility of a system like this, let's use an example.


    Johanne Bach is assaulted by Mozart BallSacxz in the dormitory. He is punched a few times, tablestunned, and his ID is stolen. Having occured in the dormitory, there is a crime kiosk nearby. Had he just screamed "HELP IN DORMITORY ASSAULT BY MOZART BALLSACKS!!!" he would probably be ignored, but not because of this new revolutionary technology. He reports a case of assault and robbery, by Mozart Ballsacks in the dormitory using the device, adding on details of his ID being stolen, with the computer automatically adding the time of infraction (appending a "reported" to the end of the timestamp).After he submits this, a radio message is automatically sent over the security channel notifying officers of this, as well as PDA messages to the warden and HoS, as well as anyone in the chatroom the warden linked the announcer to. On the security records, under "Mozart Ballsacks", two new crime objects show up in his records with the status "pending". Additionally, every officer who sees Mozart will see a beige "I" above him on their HUD, for "Investigate". After processing a criminal, a brig officer gets a request over security comms for any crimes that need investigating. He finds his nearest records console, signs in, and uses the "pending" and "at large" filters. Mozart shows up with two pending crimes. Now, say Bach added a few witnesses in his report, these would show up under the crimes in Mozart's records, and after the brig officer talks with the witnesses and PDAs Bach himself, decides the crime is valid. He presses the big red "validate" button next to both crimes in Mozart's record, and he is automatically set to arrest, and the status of the crimes changes to "at large". Additonally the system notifies Mozart via PDA of the crimes he is now charged with and advises him to turn himself in if he wishes for possible reduced punishment, or to contest the charges. Okay, so Mozart was drinking in the bar, when an officer a few stools over got the radio message also sent over security comms by the system stating the new suspect with "at large" status and the details of the crime. The officer sees Mozart and the red "W" above his head, and detains him and brings him to the brig. (This next part about cuffs is optional) Due to the smartcuffs the officer has, the system automatically sets him to incarcerated and notifies over comms of his arrest, and the alleged crimes. If he had no crimes, it would give a warning that the arrest was made with no stated reason, leaving the officer to explain. The status of Mozart's crimes are now "arrested - awaiting processing". Now he brings him to the brig, and another brig officer drags him to a cell, searches him, and puts his name in the cell timer. The cell timer finds the two crimes in Mozart's records and automatically sets the timer, stating the minimum and maximum sentences to the officer (choosing the middle one by default), and clarifying the charges to the prisoner. Then, Mozart's status for his crimes is updated to "arrested - serving time", and the time served metadata for both crimes is updated according to his sentence. Finally, after serving time, Mozart is released (automatically updating records of course), and he is given a stern message by the cell timer to obey the law and work hard for Nanotrasen.


    Does this sound too badass to be true? Really it's well within what is possible if we decided to give it a shot and update our security records a bit to something other than Microsoft Excel. This system coordinates officers, makes them justify arrests, keeps records up to date, and keeps the legal team in the loop at all times. What more could you want? This could be expanded in a billion ways, such as making it easy to issue wanted notices on newscasters with a click of the button. Really the possibilities are endless.


    There are a few other honorable mentions I want to post here too that stood out a bit.


    Some sort of security Ai/silicon who's primary job it is to set arrest levels,assist sec officers,and lockdown the brig if needed. It would also br able to take direct control of security bots like beepsky and the EDs.


    Don't have much narrative for this, interesting idea worth discussing.


    Security needs panic buttons on their suit or as an individual item. To many new players travel solo into the tunnels and get Honk/cult/ling/sling stomped, and the force on the station is severely depleted because of it. If an officer were able to press a button, or toggle an item to report their coordinate case of an emergency, I think it would help out a lot.


    This could be contentious for obvious reasons and might make it too hard on antags, but a watered down verson might be worth discussing.


    Finally there was something I wanted to add that I thought of myself. Whitelisting security has been suggested numerous times, and is often shot down. I can understand why, as it takss time and could deter new blood from entering thr security field. However, I thought about karma-locking it, and the idea grew on me. Now don't get me wrong, nothing outrageous, just a mere 1 or 2 karma points, maybe even that they don't get used in the purchase, just as a requirement to play the job.


    Security is always held to the highest standard, and understandably so, because they can make or break a round and really ruin the fun of other players because of the extra powers they have over other players as necessary to fufill their duties. Karma points are rewarded by other players, and generally as a result of positive interactions among players. Putting an arbitrarily small karma price on security would act as a sort of dynamic lock that new players could lift by themselves by having positive interactions with other players, something all security players should definitely be able to do. At the very least it would stop complete newbies from playing security until they learn the game and prevent griefers from taking the job. By ensuring players are able to interact positively with other players before allowing them to assume the responsibility and authority of security or command jobs (could maybe be extended to command as well), you go a long way towards increasing the quality of the players in those roles. And in my opinion, unless you have at least 1 karma point, you have no business playing command or security anyways.


    Anyways these are just some small ideas that could go a long way towards changing the way security functions on our server, and maybe in the SS13 community as well. Please discuss these ideas, and if you disagree please explain why. This is a brainstorm so constructive criticism is not only welcome but encouraged.



    Like, I hate Vulp and think they should be removed from the game, but even I can get behind keeping them if they become something unique.


    Everything you've said is mostly true. I'll be hearing people talking on the radio, thinking they're human, and then I meet them and they're Vulp. They have no name scheme, no accent, no interesting traits, form metacliques, and are essentially furry humans.


    There only main purpose is to cater to furries, and as a community, we tend to deny and dance around that accusation, but can we be honest? They have no noticable differences from humans other than a special language and a cringy sprite. Bias aside, if we made them something different and unique, well, I'm sure even the most furry-hatemongering players in the community would welcome them.


    They need to be different, they need flavor, they need to have some traits where I can see their name, or hear them talk and say, "Oh! This is a Vulp!". If they just had a PURPOSE other than being a furry race, maybe I would even play them.



    And without a doubt this thread will be flamed and burnt to the ground, and the problem will continue to be a problem until they're removed or reworked.


    But seriously, they have the potential to be a really great gimmicky race. Maybe a "pack mentality" where they go into a ghost-controlled frenzy if they are hurt or they see another Vulp hurt. Maybe a noticable growl when they talk. Maybe they talk in third-person, or can't wear masks because of their snout, but have higher health and go longer without oxygen.


    But yeah, as of now they're resprited humans that just cater to furries. They just blatantly stick out of the fabric of the game and don't contribute anything to the SS13 universe.



    >NV is useless and not game affecting at all.




    First of all this statement is wholly subjective, so we can argue about it all day, but I would much rather have NV over cold / heat resistance and maybe even pressure resistance. I mean, you have almost complete stealth in darkness, especially in maint where you can see people coming from a screen away because of their light source.


    In all games that have multiple species, including humans, the norm is usually that humans are baseline and average. With no drawbacks or advantages. Now, the problem here is Vulp have an advantage with absolutely no drawback. And sure, people cite realism, but that's useless here since if you're basing them off dogs, dogs don't have night vision, and if they're "unique" and not based on anything, then, well, you can't cite realism.


    And even if you did cite realism, realism is a touchy subject in SS13 because we tend to throw it in when necessary. Too much and the game is boring or too difficult, too little and you lose that complexity that makes the game interesting.


    The main argument here is that Vulp are the only race here with an advantage and no drawbacks. This should definitely be changed.



    I think that the quality of security ironically has actually increased. I'm noticing a lot of new and pretty damn competent security regulars who are eager to learn, and they for sure outnumber the bald shitsec officers who just troll. The best part is they're replacing the burnt out old guard of security players. It's neat not seeing literally the same people on the security manifest each round.


    Honestly if you enjoy calm and repetitive rounds, you should probably go play on a HRP server (not that there is anything wrong with that, I used to play Bay exclusively), but if you can't handle a little bit of chaos, greytide, and some trolls, then maybe Paradise isn't for you. I love the balance we have again between low and high RP. Relisting has reawakened my interest in the game.



    Cryo in perma has always seemed to me like a low RP thing that detracts from the atmosphere of the game. Sure I understand the point, but it defeats the purpose of perma if they jump in a cryosleeper and logout when caught. I don't really want to see cryosleepers anywhere but the dorm.

    Tau Ceti is russian High-RP server and it have cryosleepers in prison without any problems.


    And what RP you an even get if you are lone prisoner forgotten in perma by everyone because of some bigger shit happening? Its not fun to sit in four r-walls without any chances to change that. Cryosleeper is for that situations.

    If traitor knows that he will be rescued by his comrades he would never suicide/ghost out or cryo. So I see no problem in giving such opportunity.



    Perma is supposed to actually feel punishing ICly. This almost completely removes that suspension of disbelief. I wouldn't really call cryoing out as soon as you are arrested RP, the notion of adding cryosleepers to perma pretty much encourages that.


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