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Posts posted by Vivalas


    I've been there exactly twice, both times it was laggy as hell and I barely saw anything.

    First time lasted around a minute before I decided I'd rather be back on Paradise, I went through all of ten minutes the second time before everyone bumrushing each other in the briefing room got a little much.


    This was like 6 months ago or something though, the juicy drama that comes out of there kinda puts me off trying again, what I've seen of the codebase is rather fancy though (those turrets in particular).



    I played pre-alpha and most of the fancy stuff like that is gone. Turrets and motion scanners for one thing.


    Pre-alpha was the best, the current version is decent but somewhat dry, and there isn't much lag anymore.


    I usually play as a squad medic or MP, by the name of Jonathon Sommer.



    People keep forgetting people can already break lights with their shoes, than break out. So sec already should be taking off their shoes. It's not that well known of a thing and I didn't even really know about that trick until a few weeks ago, but I agree, this would probably make them start.


    And honestly I don't think shitters need to have an easier time escaping.



    Why, exactly, can reinforced windows be broken without tools?


    They’re reinforced. They have metal rods running through them. Even if you completely destroyed the glass, to the point there was no glass left at all, congratulations, you’re left with what is effectively a mounted set of metal bars. How are you going to get past those, without tools, or at the very least, something capable of bending metal? You aren’t. Or, well, you shouldn’t be able to.


    It is somewhat ridiculous that prisoners can break a light in their cell, then use the light to break a *reinforced window*. I’d argue less that shoes need throwforce added, and more that light bulbs need throwforce removed. Or better yet, rglass needs a force threshold added that prevents it being damaged by anything less heavy than a wrench.


    Ideally yes, but prisoners need some way to escape for whatever reason. There is a lot of salt against removing the whole "break lightbulbs to escape" method and so my solution is to make shoes break windows, since then at least prisoners would leave lights alone. Although I'm having second thoughts now as to if it is really that good of an idea to empower shitters with this ability.


    At least I'm not the only sane person here who thinks it is retarded as all hell to be able to break reinforced glass by tossing a shattered lightbulb at it until it blows apart.




    It also brings up the coding nightmare of how do we handle sign language if you aren't fully able to use your hands? What if a hand is broken or missing? Handcuffed? Straight Jacket? What if you're stunned or grappled? Buckled to a bed or chair? Do objects you are holding interfere with what you can say? What if you are using both hands to hold an object, like a fire axe or gibonite chunk?


    I don't believe this would be that much of a nightmare, most of these checks already exist.



    I'm not sure what the OP is suggesting here. Based on the fact he states it becomes more of a challenge to Unathi, I'm assuming he means to not add something to Space Law regarding it.


    If you're suggesting making some species ineligible for command roles than I would see this as a posibility depending on what the lore is. As HoP I already discriminate against Vox anyways just for laughs (i.e. Vox greyshirt asks to be transferred to medical, I make him medical custodian), but I don't think this should be forced on people. More of an RP thing.



    Why not just make it like a normal language, you have to pick it in character setup to use it. It wouldn't be too powerful then, since you can only communicate with the people who know it. This has its nice uses, like being to communicate in vacuum or through windows in space.


    Bonus points if ot displays webdings to those that don't know it.



    This wouldn't solve anything. Security already metagames away your PDA, if shoes become weapons they'll metagame them away too or make orange shoes unable to do damage and make you wear those.



    They already could do this if they wanted to, since you need shoes to break lights. Security taking your PDA is against SOP and is a separate problem.





    For the billionth time there is no salt, "i ded", or hugbox about this. You brought up an issue with my reinforced lights that I thought was silly and agreed on by adding this. There is no reason for shattered lightbulbs to be anymore effective than shoes. This is getting quite silly and almost toxic to be honest.



    Okay, so, prisoners can break out of their cells by smashing the lights with their shoes, then throwing the shattered light bulb at the window until it breaks. This is very dumb and illogical and they should be able to just do it by throwing their shoes at the windows.


    And as for balance "but now shitter can break into everywhere with their shoes" they already could. By using the trick mentioned above. And breaking reinforced windows was never that hard to begin with.


    The only reason I can see lightbulbs breaking windows is because they have throwforce so they do damage when thrown, which makes sense, but seems like more of an oversight than anything.


    Shoes should be given a very small amount of throwforce so they can break windows, like shattered lightbulbs can. If you throw a shoe at someone anyways it would probably hurt if you threw it hard enough.



    This is a terrible idea.

    Just no.


    Much constructive.




    I don't think this is that bad of an idea as long as there is a hilariously low chance of it working. So you can't kill someone by throwing a box of syinges at them but once in a while someone gets lucky in a holy grail moment.


    Also this would make people less prone to throwing syringes at each other to pass them as that is obviously a bad idea.



    If the sec person that upsets you actually runs the line of criminal charges, of course, you can take it to another sec officer, since they have a say there. Also you can talk to the HoS, and get them demoted. When I play HoS or sec officer I'm more than happy to listen to complaints and will step in when I see actual shitlery happening. The problem is when security is really busy we really don't have time to investigate every cry of SHITCUR!ty HaLP! and it ends up going unpunished, which is why IA is there.


    Additionally you could take it to the Captain, since they're probably not doing all that much even when security is busy.



    I'm really glad this thread was created because I agree with a lot of the points here.


    I've often said that, to me, Paradise is like a mixture of /tg/ and Bay. You get all the craziness and fun that /tg/ has, but the occasional downtime and little moments of RP, and overall more competence across the board. I really like this balance and don't want it to change. That said, I agree the game has become too baby-proofed. Medical for one thing is almost a dead job. The only reason they exist is for surgery, literally anything and everything can almost always be healed by heading into cryogenics, and if that wasn't enough, we had to add an auto-eject, so that doctors don't even get to eject the patients who run in through an open door, jump into cryo, and run out.


    I used to play Baystation exclusively, and while it was fun back in 2012, it gradually got more and more hugboxy and cliquey. One of the things I missed when I came here was Baymed. Baymed is love. Baymed is life. There aren't a billion fucking medicines you have to memorize, the recipes are easy to remember, and it's actually fun for the doctors. One of the reasons I play CM is solely to play a medic so I can relish in the days of Baymed. Seriously. Here, stumps don't bleed, your leg gets blown off and you're fine, someone can reattach it like no big deal, there's no internal bleeding, there's nothing. Even death was nerfed when defibrillators were added, and out of all the hugbox and baby-proofing done over the years, surely it has to be the medical system.


    And sure, our medical system is based off of /tg/, but it doesn't really suit our playstyle.


    And also ZAS. Fuck yes. Please go back. I hate being able to just run through breached areas without any care in the world. The only thing I didn't like about ZAS was the whole "you pass out after 10 seconds becuz depressurization", suffocating and being tossed around everytime someone opened a door was enough.



    With regards to balance and round-length, I thing we have a perfect mixture currently. I like our current round length and progression. It's not too long, but it allows for science to actually do things and for the plot to develop. Not just " OH GOD MURDERBONE MURDERBONE KILL KILL ALERT ALERT CALL SHUTTLE". Sure, chaotic rounds can be fun once and while, but all the time, and, well, it's good stress relief, but that's what /tg/ is built around.



    Edit: regarding furries and Vulp, yes it's a problem. I personally dislike furries, but I don't think the problem is that bad here. I see more humans than other races.



    Adding a wrist slot might be a bit contentious with some of the coders, you'd have to justify what you have to gain by adding that extra bloat.


    I really like the dispatch radio, don't understand what the military flashlight is, what you're basing it off of, or how it would be any different from a seclite, a blood type patch is okay but redundant since blood type is on your ID, name badges are redundant for the same reason, and the departmental back patch seems okay.



    Indeed it is hard to come up with a nice economy system while still retaining the fact that the players are all employees on a space station.


    I like crazypilot's idea regarding insurance. NT pays your medical bills and a few hundred credits for fines from security, as part of your employment contract. If you worked at a hospital you wouldn't get free medical care. Additionally these funds come from CC, so they benefit the station as well as the crew. (Insurance fraud anyone?). We don't want medical bills to be exorbitantly high, just enough to support medical's expenses and help fund the payroll. Medical bills should be moderate 20-50 credits depending on severity of treatment, since lots of people get hurt.


    As for charing for repairs, I really don't like that, as NT should pay for station repairs, as responsibility for station damage is NT responsibilty. If there were repair fines they would get charged to the department account, not a specific crewmember (although if AssholeMcGee damaged his department by blowing up a fuel tank by accident, he would probably see his pay get docked).


    I really like my idea regarding cargo, as far as turning them into a pawn shop that buys and sells from the crew, and most purchases would get subtracted feom department budgets. The idea is cargo still does requisitions from CC, but can also buy the various junk assistants bring in to resale to CC for extra money, and sell some odds and ends to independent crew / do personal orders, etc. Yes, employees shouldn't have to pay out of pocket for things they need for work, which is why there are department budgets.


    I think the main thing here is people thinking that players will have to pay for everything. The only real money sinks for crew would be: security, medical, gas tax (engineering), and food. The rest of the money just circulates around the department budgets and is more of a way of department politics than anything else, and politics are fun.



    Right I suppose I won't be working on this then, in hindsight the extra tedium seems to outweigh the added emergence of bathrooms being used and I didn't take into account antags while designing this.


    In fact I really don't think the added burden is really that much, it's just the antags that really gets me. Think of the antags!



    Since this subject was brought up I'm going to copypasta my post from another similar thread on how to completely reform the economy system.





    I actually formulated much of this before I looked at that thread but I may take some cues from that and add it to this plan. This is just a general brainstormy-thing to list things that might make an economy feasible in SS13.


    Starting Wealth: Different occupations start with different amounts of credits at the beginning of the round. A key theme throughout history of creating economy-based drama and conflict is the addition of wealth gaps. I'm imagining there'd be three 'wealth classes' that determine how much money you start with at the beginning of the round.


    "Upper Class": Command, NT Rep, Blueshield, etc. These would start with 2000 credits in their account each shift. They wouldn't really run into may monetary problems over the course of the shift.


    "Middle Class": The "big" three (or four) departments: Engineering, Security, Medical, and Research staff would start with 500 credits in their account. The QM also falls into this class.


    "Lower Class": The largest class, and also the lowest paid. Players in this class would be greyshirts, mime/clown, shaft miners/cargo techs, and the service department. These would start with 100 credits in their account.


    The idea is that the different classes have about a 4-5x seperation in wealth, creating a noticeable gap.


    Accounts: Each department account would start with about 1000 credits in it. There would also be a main station account with 20000 credits in it, a payroll account with 15000 credits in it, and an emergency account with 10000 credits in it.


    Wages: Wages would be paid once every 20 minutes from the payroll account. The base wages for the different classes would be: 50 per cycle for Lower Class, 100 per cycle for Middle Class, and 500 per cycle for Upper Class.


    Take an example station: 5 heads of staff, about 5 in each "middle department", and 20 total lower class workers. This is a mid-to-high pop station. The amount per cycle in the payroll paid to employees would be (5x500) + (20x100) + (50x20) = 4500 per credits per cycle. This would take about an hour usually to deplete the starting payroll budget, so usually, along with other money sinks, there would need to be management.


    Management: The HoP gains the responsibility of managing the station budget and "work orders" which will be explained lower in the post. Various departments would have ways of managing their expenses and generating income, and the HoP is the one in charge of the station accounts and the budget. More on this will be explained lower.


    Money Sinks/Gains (For the station as a whole): First of all, the current method of transferring money (EFTPOS scanners) are inefficient and unwieldy. A simple and quick replacement for EFTPOS scanners will need to be created and made widely available to the crew. However, the current barrier to paying for services (such as food, and medical care) is how loooong it takes to set up transactions, and is generally not fun. There needs to be made faster ways to process these that are almost automatic. Let's call these "work orders".


    Each department would have various ways of acquiring income.


    Service: The kitchen gains a "nanopaste injector" which can inject food with nanobots that mark the price of the food. This price can be seen by examining the food. When food is eaten, the nanobots take the DNA of the consumer and use this to generate a "work order" based on the medical records found by that DNA string. A work order with the price is sent to the HoP and the linked account for processing.


    Medical: A "medical ticket" dispenser could be added to the lobby. These holographic tickets can be printed out for a small fee, or a diagnostic charge. These will last for 20 minutes and mark the user on medical HUDS. The dispenser can be configured to automatically grant access to medical bay if these tickets are bought (so patients can buy their way in), but this would start off by default and be up to the CMO. This "fast entry" feature can also be configured with whitelists and blacklists so that, for example, crew can buy a ticket to enter medical bay and get treatment, but a certain crew member or profession (clown or mime, for example), that prints the ticket but does not grant access. (So to prevent unwanted entry into medical.) Additionally use of health analyzers on patients can generate seperate work orders based on the severity of the injuries of the patient. Cryotubes and operating tables can also be configured to generate work orders (surgery is expensive, yo!).


    Security: SecHUDS can be used to fine criminals based on infractions on Space Law. The HoS must approve these fines at his request console. The base fines would be "Disturbance": 10 credits (anything that grants a warning from an officer or a very minor infraction that does not end in brig time) Minor Crime: 50 credits, Moderate Crime: 100 credits, and Major Crimes : 500 credits. These stack with multiple offenses. This helps security generate revenue but also discourages self-antagging. Capital Crimes would warrant a "termination" of the convict's account, freezing the account and transferring all credits to the station account.


    Engineering: The CE can choose to instate a "gas tax" or "safety tax" which is a small automated tax on every crew member. The base tax would be 10 credits every 15 minutes.


    Research: Research can generate work orders by upgrading machines with the RPED (which automatically charges the affected department's account), and selling mechs/upgraded equipment.


    Work Orders: All the above things (and possiblly more) generate "work orders" or "payment orders". These must be approved by the HoP, and will collect over time. In short, none of the above things will actually charge the crew's accounts unless the HoP actually processes the orders. This is to prevent abuse by crewmembers spamming RPEDS or health analyzers on other crew to gain money for their department and the station. For things like medical and research, these orders can be "grouped", and an automated algorithm can be useful for doing so. If a doctor scans a patient's vitals multiple times, the HoP can condense these into one charge, not multiple. This process is also completely optional. A HoP might find themselves never approving any payment orders, depending on other income sources they might come across. In this matter they collect over time, so an hour into the round the HoP might be low on funds only to open up the work orders screen to find tons of orders they can process to raise money.


    Balance of Powers: It is important to note that the HoP has no control over, say, the price of the gas tax, the cost of medical treatment, or the fines set by the HoS. The HoP simply has the power to accept/deny these orders and set the "tax amount" (how much of the money goes to the station account and how much goes to the department account. Default 50/50). The different department heads control the various prices of their services, so this introduces some meaningful department politics. Additionally. the HoP cannot transfer money out of department accounts, only in.


    The Captain, however, is the central authority on the station budget, having complete control over all prices and departmental/station funds. As they, of course, are the CO of the Cyberiad. This gives the Captain a lot of political capital to shift around when negotiating/making deals with other heads. Piss off the captain by toe-ing the line and you might find your department's budget mysteriously a few hundred credits short.


    Money Sinks (station): Of course, department and station budgets are useless without money sinks to be worked around. The most obvious and largest money sink of course is the payroll, which will have the largest effect. Faxes to central and such cost money, as well as a small "operating cost" whenever a shuttle is moved (cargo/mining/research/etc.). Another sink is the cost of calling (and recalling) the emergency shuttle, which is a flat 10000 credits to call, 5000 to recall. This is the primary purpose of the emergency budget. Additionally cargo would be moved to a system based on credits rather than supply points, and all items in the game would recieve an arbitrary value so lower-class crew trying to scratch a living to get food and medical treatment could sell stuff to cargo. Another possible money sink from the station would be "audits" from central command, or audits from the NT Rep.


    Crew Side of the Economy: So far all this talk has been about the station and various budgets, but what about the individual? Well, for one, the starting pay of most crew will serve to pay off food and medicine until the first few pay-rounds, but there are various other ways to get money, such as transactions with other crew members.


    A system of bonuses/raises can also be implemented. Heads could give crew bonuses/raises, which come from the department budget, to reward or encourage good work from their staff.


    As for money sinks, this is the fun part. The above systems add plenty of ways to go into debt and become bankrupt. Getting robusted by the clown not only means getting a face full of medical bills, but also a possible fine if security believes (falsely, of course, those fascist skreks) that you were part of the fight. Another spectrum of gameplay is added where crew also have to balance their money as well as the other parts of SS13.


    Debt: It's inevitable, and it will eventually happen. The HoP is able to set two thresholds, a "debt cap", and a "debt limit". The debt cap (default -100 credits) is the maximum amount of debt an employee can go into before they are cut off. The station budget automatically pays off the indebted money, up to the limit, unless the money is going to the station budget itself. Accounts in the red will reroute all recieved money into the station budget until they are out of debt. While the debt cap only cuts off spending, it is still possible to accrue extra debt, such as from hospital bills or, probably the most common form, from security fines. When the account's debt reaches the "debt line" (default -1000 credits), the HoP will recieve a message from his PDA or request console, and security will also be notified. If the captain or HoS agree to it, then the HoP can order a crew member past the "debt limit" detained. That crew member will then be forced to work at the labor camp for a certain amount of time at which point the station will pay off the crew member's debt. Alternately, the HoP could also freeze the employee's account to prevent further debt.


    Station Debt: The HoP dun goofed, and now the station is out of money. What happens here is really up to the admins, either CC can leave the station in the rain and politely tell them "you're fucked, you're here to make us money, not cost us money", or bail out the station. In the latter case. the HoP will most likely be demoted for incompetence as this is a breach of SOP on the HoP's end. In the event payroll is not able to be paid, the crew will probably be very pissed off, and CC will send some stern warnings to the station.


    Aggressive Money Making Strategies: If the station is running out of money, the HoP is expected to take more and more vigorous measures to ensure bankruptcy never happens. Such things can involve higher prices and taxes, or more departmental tax (e.g., 95% percent of work order revenue goes to station budget rather than 50), or even sales tax on transactions between crew members (security now gets to enforce these and arrest people who try to conduct under-the-table sales using cash). What happens is really up to the captain/HoP but the more authoritarian command becomes the more likely the crew will get pissed off and simply mutiny or quit altogether.


    Cargo/Accounts: Since cargo would use departmental budgets to order everything, they take on a more active role then sitting around waiting for orders. They can barter and buy things from the crew (like a pawn shop), to sell back to CC. The use of department accounts comes into mind here because various staff can use their department accounts to purchase things like virus crates or sheets of metal.


    Because of the nature of accounts though, getting your head to come authorize all purchases can be painstaking though, so a "permissions system" could be made to allow certain trusted staff to use the department budget in absence of the head/


    The ore-redeemer can also serve as a source of revenue for cargo. And would be the main money sink for research.





    Optional Fun Idea: Traders


    A ghost-join role where people "visitors" can dock with the station and sell goods/services to the crew. They would have a special Z-level where they can use special vendors to buy stuff to sell, and can make multiple trips back and forth.


    Visitors would fall under a special SOP, where space law does not apply to them.


    In the event they cause trouble, they can be politely asked to leave the station, or be permanently detained. In the case they do not wish to leave peacefully, their ship and all it's possessions can be seized and sold/auctioned to the crew, and the ship can be forcefully undocked form the station. Such aggressive manners of conducting business are looked down upon by NT however, and abusing this power to anger traders may result in some unkind CC announcements. Matters regarding visitors fall entirely upon the Captain, and the magistrate has no say in the matter.


    As a rule, about 2-3 traders can be active at any one time, and only about 1 or 2 can join the round every 30 minutes.


    This system would help the economy and allow outside trade for things not normally find able on station. Insulated glove merchants anyone?


    To combat contraband, the warden, HoS, and captain can alter a list of "restricted items", using the newscasters.


    This list falls into two categories: "prohibited items" and "restricted items", and these lists would be available to read from newscasters so to keep traders and the crew update on import/export laws.


    "restricted" covers items like insulated gloves and guns, which only certain jobs are permitted to have


    "prohibited" covers things like explosives and hand teles, that only command or nobody at all is allowed to have.



    Persistence (Optional Fun Rule #2): As the framework for this is already in place thanks to failed earlier attempts, this could be looked at again. An idea I have for this is to make in-game accounts separate from OOC accounts. Mainly, all players have a shared account across their characters that starts with 100 credits. At the end of the round 10% of all money they have in their personal account goes into their OOC account (provided they escape on the shuttle or pods alive and not in the shuttle brig) . All players will start with a special device they can use to withdraw money from their OOC account, when they need it in a round.


    This way, OOC accounts are a useful tool if you need money in a pinch and they grow slowly over time. They can withdraw from their OOC accounts over the course of the round, just not put money back in.





    So, in closing this I realize this is a bit hastily typed and may be a bit indecipherable. If you something needs clarification just ask and I can explain it better.


    Tl;dr: HoP gets more stuff to do, cargo gets more stuff to do, departments get a seemless way to charge for services without using clunky EFTPOS scanners, and command politics becomes a thing.


    Another thing I forgot to mention is that all changes to the account of a character or work orders processed in their name will net a notification on their PDA, so that way they know when they are fined, when gas tax is applied, and when the asshole chef just charged them 4000 credits for a donut.




    Since thirst seems popular I'm thinking of implementing that, while leaving showering a pure RP thing with a "this dude smells like ass message" if you don't shower at least once per hour, no slowdown.


    Kind of torn about bathroom need. Without the need to shower it would be less of a hassle, and really wouldn't add that much burden as people seem to claim it would, with the exception of

    TL;DR opinion




    Oh im so gonna get caps laser, i have everything worked out! Everything went well, about to leave and... oh damn i forgot to take a piss, oh damn i cannot hold it... woops... ill just run... 15 minutes later tator i caught thanks to the detective cause of an..

    Accident that happened in middle of robbery...


    Nukie: oke guys, we fly in, blow comms, rush bridge, get cap.... JERRY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING?! Sorry, Sir, i need to take a piss, ill be right back!




    Oh damn... security is everywhere... i must hide out in the shadows... thank god them fools took NV huds and ditched their flashlights, i can easly hide in shadows while they jusy walk past!... oh one is coming, ill just huddle in this maint. Corner... oke his about to pass... wait... oh i cannot hold it.... 5 minutes later vampire is being feed holy water cause its was caught by the security when officer saw a puddle appear out of nowhere...


    .... either way to add my 2 cents... i even forget to eat sometimes and that effes up my antag run, just imagine having 2-4 more things to look out for..


    Oh oh, before i blow this lovely station, let me just spend 5 minutes on the bathroom... This system feels like a... burden, more then a feature.




    Really hadn't thought about how this would affect antagonists.



    Too much hassle.


    This is actually what I was the most worried about. IMHO twice per round to shower/poop isn't much. That's about once per hour. Drinking won't be that much more hassle, some already do it anyways.


    The big problem I see is for people like scientists who never leave their labs usually over the course of the entire round until the end. I'm thinking of adding a bathroom to medbay and science to compensate that, and there are already showers in science, so scientists won't be bothered to go too far out of their way to satisfy their needs.


    I imagine a LOT of people just not giving a damn and peeing themselves. Frankly, I'd love to see a needs/wellness system similar to Lifeweb's, regardless.


    The planned penalty for not using restroom/shower is slowdown. This can possibly be changed to something else, but I'm not sure what community opinion is for adding the ability to go all over yourself. I think a "bodily fluids" regent and a generic blue liquid like in sims would be better than adding shit and piss.


    Do you seriously trust the average player on the server right now with mechanics that let them urinate?


    This was one of the main reasons I made this thread, since I am not sure I want to add this feature. Refer to the above quote. I want to know how okay the community is with that, since even the Goons removed poo.


    I think to find a good balance for needs it just needs some testing on live rounds. Once per hour doesn't seem that intensive and if this is bad enough to the point where people play other servers, it can always be removed. I think this is worth testing/tweaking.


  19. With regards to slowdown, I plan to rework the hunger system and consolidate all needs into a few sets of procs. The slowdowns would be weighted, only using the worst of the slowdowns, so you don't get cumulative slowdown when hungry, dirty, thirsty, and shitsy.


    So yeah a year or so ago Goonstation had an april fool's prank where they added a "needs system" that forced players to do things like shower and use the restrooms. The system I am proposing is similar and I will outline it very thoroughly.


    I plan to fully implement this myself, and have been planning this for a while but didn't want to mess with HUD code but now that we have the neat /tg/ notification system I plan on taking a whack at it. As this is a fairly large change that will affect the flow of gameplay rather drastically I want to know what the community thinks before even embarking on this project.



    So currently we only have one need: hunger. It can be annoying sometimes but is otherwise a small feature that adds a little variety to the game. I've often wondered why there is no requirement for thirst, and as of now drinks are fun RP items that you can use in your spare time to immerse yourself a bit. (I like to sit in conference room and drink coffee as HoP.)


    SS13 is an emergent game, and adding these extra needs will hopefully heighten emergent interactions between crew and allow for extra small bouts of RP and create more hotspots of activity (bathrooms will be much more used), and allowing for, say, killing your assassination target when he goes to take a bathroom break. Another advantage is the fact that there will be a little more to do during downtime to occupy yourself and whatnot.


    The System.

    The needs system will add 3 more needs to the game. These are:



    And -Restroom


    The system will add 3 new "needs" like hunger using the notification system that will need to be addressed from time to time.


    Thirst: This one is the most straightforward, and if nothing else should be the one with the least impact on gameplay. This need basically only requires to, of course, drink something when thirty. It will operate much like hunger but instead of increasing when cold will increase when warm. Reagents will get a variable that affects thirst and can be positive or negative. Water would quench your thirst the most, soda would be less effective, and salt would make you more thirsty, just as examples. I don't expect this to have much of an impact on gameplay as when you stop work to get some food you can also take some extra few seconds to buy a soda, or visit the bar or something for a glass of water. The penalty for this need would be a slow down like hunger.


    Hygiene: This need is also pretty explanatory and requires the player to shower every once and a while. When you have gone for a certain period without showering you will get some messages and also a notification. To satiate this need you only need to go get in the shower and wash yourself off. This need would be independent from things like being covered in blood, and would require standing in the shower for about 10 seconds. The penalty for not saitiating this need would be minor slowdown but also a message telling everyone how horrible you stink.


    Restroom: This will arguably be the most contentious need for obvious reasons. I haven't decided yet on whether or not to open up the can of worms of feces, seeing how even Goon got rid of that, but if implemented it would be similar to vomit. Basically you get the urge to go every once in a while along with a notification. To satiate this need you need to use a toilet (probably by click dragging on to toilet and holding still. This will not be the same as buckling.). Using a toilet will make your hands dirty (for the purposes of surgery, but I may also add possible food poisoning if you eat with dirty hands), so make sure to wash after you go! The penalty for not doing this will probably also just be slowdown, because, ya know, ew. Toilets have a small chance of being clogged after being used, and the janitor will get a plunger to deal with this when it happens. Attempting to flush a clogged toilet will result in it splashing the user with toilet water and (???) whatever else. If the cistern has an object inside it will make a rattling sound when the toilet is used.


    Possible Issues/Additional but optional changes


    Everyone always finds things to get salty about, but some issues with this system I can forsee are:


    -Overflowing bathrooms. Currently there are two bathrooms and if this PR goes through I might propose adding one to escape in place of the rarely used podbay. This can lead to long queue lines for the toilets and showers in combination with:

    -Simultaneous urges. The system may need to be randomized from person to person so not everyone from roundstart gets the urge to wash and shit at the same time, as hilarious as that might be. This isn't really noticable with food since most people wait a little before eating because they are preoccupied and there are lots of places to get food.

    -Security. Just gonna have to hold it while brigged, I guess.

    -Frequency. I don't want frequent urges to overwhelm actual ingame activities, so they will probably need to be balanced. Hunger and thirst might be reduced a bit, and I plan on making it so you only need to shower and shit once or twice per round.


    Possible additions:

    -Escape bathroom. A bathroom in escape to make 3 bathrooms that are evenly spread across the station. I would convert the podbay into a small bathroom as well as a security holding cell for transfers.

    -Bodily fluids. Again, just a thought. A poo reagent might not be well recieved but being the janitor and cleaning poo and plunging toilets sounds fun.

    -Leisure need. A very very far flung and optional need that involves some sort of leisure activity once per round, like drinking alcohol, smoking, playing holodeck, doing drugs, and so forth. This is just a mere thought and would need more planning if actually considered.



    So yeah, please hate/comment/brainstorm as you please.


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