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Posts posted by Vivalas

  1. Cryo in perma has always seemed to me like a low RP thing that detracts from the atmosphere of the game. Sure I understand the point, but it defeats the purpose of perma if they jump in a cryosleeper and logout when caught. I don't really want to see cryosleepers anywhere but the dorm.

  2. For one thing I see security as probably the most teamwork oriented department on station. Communication and synergy is probably more important than anything else for a successful security shift, which means the loss of you is distressing. For this reason anyways I try to avoid playing the "security hero" role. If shit is turning south and the security department is unexperienced and uncommunicative, I usually stop trying to clean up after everyone and start trying just to maintain order and survive, as nothing you do as an individual will help anyways.


    +1 to this. As someone who has played engineering extensively on Bay and who knows the ins and outs of the SM where that is the primary power source, I fully support this. (Yes, I know there is a slight difference between SM on different codebases). And no, the explosion is nowhere near as disruptive as a loose singulo. Shuttle is usually only called upon SM delamination in my experience due to the impending power failure unless engineering sets up solars, but most of the engineers are dead afterwards anyways.


    I also like the complexity and how fun it is to actually try to control it / cool it down / push it to the limit.


    When set up where the singulo usually is, it really only destroys engineering. When set up somewhere in engineering it would probably only damage medbay and cargo. Saying no "because it destroys 1/6th of the station" is not only false but also moot since all engines do significant damage to the station or crew and failure almost always leads to a shuttle call anyways unless command has enough balls to try again.



    Actually having a job to do as security when not waiting for big bad antag? Yes please.


    Actually having to fix shit as an engineer? Yes please.


    Actually fixing people up as medical? Yes please.


    It overall makes the game more enjoyable. And sure there is tide, and sure there is incompetence, and sure there is abhorrent command, but SS13 wasn't supposed to be an easy hugbox and get-drunk-in-the-bar-simulator. And no matter how you look at it the RP and quality of the community is still better than tg, with just as much action. I love it.


  5. You really should only be in processing for major or capital crimes. As warden I get tired when officers drag petty assault and theft to processing. I usually throw them straight in a cell, since they get searched anyways over their cell locker by (competent) wardens anyways. If processing is overwhelmed because greytide, well usually greytide is small enough shit to where they shouldn't be there anyways.

  6. I think they were like, "Yo, the only notable major war of the modern age we haven't covered yet is WW1. Let's create a game based off of WW1 that is entirely unlike WW1, and market it to a bunch of idiots who know nothing about WW1". The audience they targetted is probably the reason why people call it sexist, since they don't actually know anything about the war, so they just assume that the lack of females in the game is sexist. Indeed, the time period the game was set in is sexist, which is why there were little women in the war, but the game itself isn't.


    I was being very very sarcastic and rude at the same time Vivalas is most certainly new here and i already said i want constructive critique not just "fuck off"


    Personal attacks aren't very constructive either nor do they help your cause. I wouldn't really call myself "new" here either.


    This is literally to encourage 'tide, you said yourself that greytide needs to be buffed to make them have a "chance" against security. I gave you plenty of constructive criticism in my first post, but if you want me to break down the parts I don't like:


    Flashbang protection: Nerfing security's only effective area stun weapon is a very bad idea, especially when it is a very effective tool for stopping / controlling large amounts of greytide. Also you need both ear + eye protection to be completely immune, so this will only reduce the duration of the stun (still a bad idea)


    And as for 100% disarm gloves, that sounds like a bad idea as well, considering disarm is already a bitch to security officers. This isn't so much "empower" the tide as it is "turn the tide into a god damn armed militia". So yes, I stand by my opinion that designing a set of gear to make greytide more powerful (when greytide doesn't need to be more powerful or encouraged) is not a good idea.



    Slimes should just have their karma cost reduced. At best the ability to squeeze through unbolted doors t-1000 style. Giving slimes the ability to vent crawl will make them sec proof.


    This sounds even worse to be honest.


  9. The only way I would possibly be for this is if the "waterproof" vents / scrubbers as discussed on the PR were added and put in secure areas (captain's office, brig, etc.) otherwise it'll be Revenge of the Tide.


    That's pretty much my thoughts whenever someone complains about sec being "OP" when they're not an antag. They're supposed to be OP vs. normal crew. If they can't even handle simple shitters easily, it defeats the purpose of them existing entirely. Nerfing security will just cause officers to find even more drastic measures to defend themselves.


    I do like the heart attack/ brute damage idea though. Both as incentive for officers to not use tazers as a first option, and as an incentive for people not to greytide. It should be made VERY clear though that if someone suffers a heart attack due to a tazer after being given ample warning and other nonlethal options have been employed, it is entirely the fault of the offender, not the officer.


  11. Pretty much what Sigholt said. I haven't seen much of the game and personally don't follow (or like) FPSs, but even though the game doesn't seem very historically accurate in the first place (all I've seen is 12 year olds running around in cities knifing and noscoping each other, little to no trench warfare, not to mention airplanes), it would seem even more off if I suddenly saw a female soldier doing the same thing. They really didn't have that big of a role in WW1. It's like me calling a softball game sexist for not featuring men.


    1. Makeshift Armor (two floor tile piece sewn togheter with wire)


    Recipe: 2 floor tiles + 15 pieces of cable Tool: Wirecutters


    Has half the defensive value of sec armor. Protects only upper body.


    Seems cool but sec armor is already pretty useless without its defense halved, especially after it was nerfed into the ground.


    3. Makeshift bandage.


    Recipe: paper + 2 pieces of tape Tool: none


    I also like this. Bleeding can fuck you over if you don't get medical care fast.


    4. Street Fighter Gloves.


    Recipe: Whole tape + any gloves Tool: none


    Has two moves:

    1. Kick: Does kick for 10 damage with a little more chance to knock down then punch. But takes far longer to repeat that punch.

    2. Disarm Punch: No damage 100% disarm chance (BIG RED TEXT notifying about preparation)


    Tentative. Disarm punch should have a really long cooldown/ warmup period. Otherwise this is just no.


    5. Greytiders Belt


    Recipe: 2 Rolls of tape + metal rod Tool: Welding Tool


    Can hold 4 items. It can hold: Almost all makeshift weapons + all tiny things


    Like this, as like the anti-secbelt.


    6. Makeshift Helmet:


    Recipe: 1 reinforced glass sheet + any cap + 10 pieces of cable coil Tool: Wirecutters


    Offers half of the protection of security helmet.


    See above.


    7. Makeshift Bowman headset


    Recipe: grenade casing + Headset + candle Tool: Surgical Drill


    offers protection from flashbangs.



    Dear god no.



    If this happens, antags should lose ranged instastun as well.

    I think the only thing that fits into that category is the mini e-bow, unless you count revolver-groin shots.

    Is it long ranged though? I've never actually seen it being fired down any hallways.


    Have you ever seen a changeling/shadowling/wizard/cultist before?


    I mean honestly this won't change much. If this gets passed I'm just gonna start lobbing flashbangs at everything that moves.



    Tasers have a limited range to compensate for instastun, and honestly?


    They're arguably one of the least powerful tools in the security's armoury at this point.


    Disablers are infinite arrange, and even one successful hit slows a target down and makes them hilariously easy to paincrit.


    This isn't even to bring up the might of the largely underused flashbang, which can be primed, held, and then thrown 7 tiles to instantly pop, stunning everything in a large radius for no small amount of time.


    Many enemies who are immune to instastun can still be easily taken down with disablers, and kept down quite efficiently.

    Disablers are nice and all but they're inferior outside certain situations, flahsbangs are mostly used for actual crowd control as they should be.

    What gets me all sodium'd up the sheer betterness of the taser compared to everything else, it doesn't matter how it's balanced a golden bolt of sheer win will always come out on top unless syndie chems are involved.


    This really isn't even remotely true though. It is most definitely not a "sheer bolt of pure win". I don't know if you've ever played security, but if you have you're either insanely robust or really damn lucky. What I hate about security nerfs is that they make security susceptible to the tide (which is not at all the direction we should be going, and the fact that they always use a victimizing tone. Sorry you can't steal gloves from tech storage then yakety sax around when sec comes, and then your metabuddy can't break you out. Because this happens all the time. I'm not targetting you but the general population of the people who have the most issues with security - the ones who constantly break the rules.


    I usually ask those who want to nerf security to actually play it though, which is why I respect Spark's opnion. They are indeed a bit anticlimatic when you taze all the traitors than get drunk in the bar the rest of the round, but I think that they are definitely NOT overpowered.


    The majority of security nerfs are spawned by people who are on the "recieving" end of the baton, or electrode, with little consideration for those who actually play the most unforgiving, most stressful, and most hated job on the station.


  15. Ohhhhhhh. Okay. I remember you asking this but couldn't figure it out myself. This was part of that awful spectrometry lab thing with the 20 different machines and the snowflake bunsen burner and a shit. Basically you had to prepare a sample by taking a rock sample, grinding it up, and adding chemicals to it, then heating it up. This would create sample fluid and a bunch of "waste" that you needed to skim out using a chemmaster. Then there were like a bajillion machines you could put it in to test with. It was a lot better when they got condensed into one.


    As much as I hate the sec nerfcreep, I can probably drop my bias and get behind this. I agree disablers are more fun than tazers.


    I don't think tazers are at all overpowered, mind you, they can't shoot through windows and have a very limited range, but for most cases when catching antags offguard it can be anticlimatic. However, I'm still more of a believer of buffing antags rather than nerfing sec, because buffing antags makes the game more interesting and helps antags out, while nerfing sec makes it easier for antags, but also for shitters and self antags who shouldn't be doing what they're doing anyways.


    I honestly hate the mentality that created this suggestion, but like the suggestion itself. But it will probably get buried in a shitstorm of salt and drama.


  17. It's kinda weird a major change like this doesn't have much discussion or contention. I'm going to put up a poll then, to gather a more formal opinion. I'm kinda weary of doing so though because some people who see polls immediately vote without actually reading.

  18. Condenscending attitude aside, this is something I would support. The only issue I see is antags playing sec purely to roll security antag and if they don't just cryoing out. That said I've always been in opposition of denying features because people would use them improperly, so tentative +1.


    Karma locking this will make it unused, as nobody (or maybe just me) would be okay with spending karma on something like this, unless it's like 1 karma or something.


    I think a player age limit and the ability to jobban people from this would be enough.


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