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Everything posted by SomanB

  1. I wouldn't care about cryo in perma. I've always seen cryo as an effectively OOC move to remove yourself from the round anyway. plus, the new way Cryo works, it's not that big a deal to drag someone over from perma and cram them in. If they ghost, they instantly store, so good news. If they don't ghost promptly, snatch em back out and re-perma.
  2. And THIS sums up the gripe a lot of people have about sec borgs. Nowhere is mentioned "follow my laws", and any time laws get brought up, it's always a twisting explanation on why Law X justifies relentless validhunting. "Oh yah I'm on corporate well antags might damage the station ergo I must validhunt my cyborg butt off." I mean, if we wanted to go with a hard interpretation of Corporate, the last thing a sec borg would be doing is hunting due to the following logic: "I am more expensive to replace than crew. Ergo, crew should hunt down the antags, while I remain safe from harm." Thing is, playing a sec borg that DOES stick to it's laws is a great way to, at best, be locked down, and at worst, blown. On Crewmisov, prevent the cap from killing what is nominally a crewmember....it's easier to lockdown/blow the borg, than to make that run to an ID console to terminate an ID.
  3. Just to get this out the way....I think you are one of the VERY few people who consider Vox rounds fun. The vast majoirty of the playerbase considers Vox rounds to be one of the worst roundtypes, because "hihi we is tradies" is amazingly BORING. As for the rest, I personally don't find "chair RP" to be much fun. It comes off as very stilted and forced, the vast majority of the time. I'd go so far as to say cringeworthy. I avoid it, because, if anything, that's not how you'd realistically interact with your co-workers. If I wanted that level of role-playing, I would play a game that caters to it. Using SS13 as a glorified chat room just isn't much fun. As for new people, the vast majority of the jobs on station are covered on the wiki, under "guide to", or job pages themselves. when newbies run up and say "teeech me dis!", it comes off more as "I'm too lazy to wiki", than "I want to arrrrpeee you." Trying to get someone to IC teach you the mechanics of a job, in-game, in-character is brutally, brutally slow. I have little time, or inclination to do such things, because *I* logged in with the goal of playing the job I was assigned, not be a teacher. And yes, for some jobs, you will get kicked out/replaced if you are super slow. Upgrades need to go out promptly, the engine needs set up fast, and the worst place to learn surgery is on someone who's depending on you to get them back into the game.I'm not going to spend 45 minutes watching a newbie bumble through an engine setup (while likely screwing it up), just so they can learn how. I'm going to tell them to back up and watch me while I get the job done.
  4. Restricting someone's ability to do something they know how to do because job role is a little bit silly. With some outlying exceptions, most people stay within job unless lack of crew or incompetence are preventing a vital station job from being done. Think like this...let's say you've finally rolled an antag you really want to play. There's only one engineer, and they promptly run off to maint to chill with their buddies rather than set up the engine. 15-20 minutes into the round shuttle gets called for lack of power, and the fun gimmick you were going to pull is over. It would suck even more so if you saw, say "Nova Z., Roboticist" on the manifest, when you know Nova is an extremely good engineer who can have power up in less than 5 minutes. Paradise is medium RP at best. We don't do HRP things.That means that RP type things like "restrict job knowledge" take a backseat to "maintain fun for the most people". It sounds fun in abstract, but trust me, it'd be annoying as all get out to have it happen in reality. "Hay man, sorry you died in medbay lobby where I dragged you but I'm just a mime lel I'm not allowed to do medicine. Yah I know I normally play CMO and fixing you to keep you in the round would have taken me 5 minutes of surgery but ~just a mime~. Enjoy dchat."
  5. I agree 100% with this statement. The department, in and of itself, is the problem. The RD just has access to every part of it. combat mechs, gund, bombs, gentics, a secret base, and a simple mob army, all at the tips of his fingertips. I've personally gotten to the point that I tell people to just let the tator RD HAVE his greentext if they're powergaming it to the max. Woo, you won the round with what was effectively god mode. Good job. If that makes you proud, rock on. Now, here's my (admittedly drastic) fixes to science, to bring the RD in line with other head antags (and buff those other head antags a smidge too). Take Robotics away from science. They're not doing SCIENCE, they're BUILDING things. Put them under the King and/or Queen of Building, the CE. Take Genetics away from science. Give it to the CMO. Finding the RD off in his hideyhole with genetics machines should spark huge suspicion, not "whelp". Take the GUNS away from R and D. Give that to, gasp, Sec! Maybe even make "Gunsmith/Armorer" a karma style job. Leave everything else to Sci. Leave the CAPABILITY to pull the Big Three listed above with sci, via circuit imprinters and building the gear. Where Sci, and the RD specifically have an issue, is with "suspect level". Yes, as CE, I can build me a genetics system and get all the powers, boards are right there in tech storage. Same for mechs, R and D guns, TTVs, subverting the AI, you name it. Thing is, unless I'm really good at hiding it, stepping outside my "world" as CE will net a ton of suspicion, if not outright firing and validsalad if caught. Sci should face the same levels of "suspect" for certain things. As is, their world is so broad (and the RD having access to all of it), that noone will blink
  6. There is a not-zero percentage of players who WANT the same old routine. Discover round type, deal with antags, deal with whatever rando even pops up. call the shuttle. And they are vocal. And they will admin complaint ANY silly thing an admin does, if it remotely impacts them. I'm also going to step on toes, but some of those same types are in the admin staff. "We can't interfere with the round" is something I hear a lot from admins, and to me, it's sort of silly. To me, interfering with the round is like, the second job admins have, after handling ahelps.
  7. Trying to nudge people towards roleplay with strictly IC rules will never work. I'll sum up some quotes and mentality I've seen, from people the community professes to be "good". "SoP is IC, if it gets in the way I'm ignoring it. Nobody will fire me, and if they try, I have all the guns." "Change the AI's laws, it's on crewmisov, if it resists blow it." "Yeah I know the cook dragged a vampire to the chapel to burn, let em go it was just a vamp killed" "Changelings commit murder to board the station so it's OK to go straight lethals and murder them if you think you caught them" "I don't care if the admins seed traitor items on the station if I catch non-sec with them their EoC. They don't want an EoC charge they don't touch the emag in maint."
  8. I'm going to add these in, as a change from the "CODE DELTA" stuff. ON arming: Public Station Announcement : Self-Destruct System Activated - Attention Crew: The Internal Bluespace Implosion Device is now active. The station will self-destruct in T-10 minutes. The option to override will expire in T-5 minutes. Please reach minimum safe distance. And, at 5 minutes: ATTENTION CREW - Bluespace Implosion Device has reached supercritical state. The option to override has expired. Please reach minimum safe distance. And at 10 seconds, just for giggles: ATTENTION CREW - Bluespace Implosion Event imminent. All crew within implosion radius are reminded, as per employment contract, Nanotrasen cannot be held responsible for death, disability, or dismemberment due to Bluespace Implosion Events. All Nanotrasen based Life Insurance Policies have been canceled. Have a nice day. Now, if the crew cancels within 5 minutes: ATTENTION CREW - Bluespace Implosion Override accepted. Phase-shift cyclotrons spinning down. Implosion core byproducts venting to space. Estimated cost of abort sequence, 5.2 million credits. Crew payroll reductions for expense reimbursement active.
  9. Slightly wrong. The test for a sleepypen is "rightclick-examine". You see a reagent list, sleepypen totes busted. Edagger, just try to turn it on. AI detector, as you said, just have the AI come take a peek. For stealth antag items like that, I think it'd be more than reasonable to do a "traitor check" before activating. Sleepypen held by a sec guy, it's just a pen. They want to verify it, forensic scan it for stuff. AI detector...works like a multitool in anything but a traitors hands. You want to verify it, call R and D to decon the thing. Same with an edagger. Stealth items should be just that, totally stealth. Unless you put some effort into discovering it, you don't know what it does.
  10. Here's how I would do it (and how I DO run things on my server) HoS: All antag knowledge, all the time. Literally his job. Cap: Knows MOST antag knowledge. Knows the physical gear, basics of supernatural antags Detective: same as Cap, he's the detective! Basic sec: They know the obvious gear. They know to consult with HoS/Detective if they find someone with obvious gear, for further investigation. CE: Knows all engineer antag items. Basic knowledge of loud (chainsaws, eswords) antag gear. CMO: Anything medical antag, he knows. Implants, changeling stuff, poisons, the like. RD: Well, he knows the AI, and what to look for re: subversion/malf. HoP: least knowledge of the heads. Maybe agent cards and voice changers. As for crew, they know the loud gear for traitors. Nothing about the supernatural,with the exception of the Chaplain. Chappie knows all about anything from bluespace, filtered through his religion. The important thing is, this is ROUND START knowledge. Should vampires be discovered, there's nothing stopping HoS from briefing the crew on what vampires do.
  11. Here's something that MIGHT make Psych docs more fun, least from the immursion side....psychotropic drugs. No, I'm not talking about meth and haldol. Just some new drugs, that mechanically don't do anything aside from displaying the occasional text box message. Hell, we could make a whole mini-medical system around it. Diseases like depression, bipolar, the like. Depression, for example, could start at "just feeling down" messages, go to moping and moving slower, on to suicide procs if untreated. Mania could be hyperactivity to start, on to randomly attacking people if left untreated. Make the mental diseases uncurable, not show up on scanners, and symptoms only suppressed by the psych drugs noted above....and only the psych doc, by SoP, can hand them out. Bam, we've now made what was basically a medical greyshirt role into something with both game, and arrrpeee work to do.
  12. You're facing a thought process I used to deal with in the Army ALL THE TIME. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally not going after YOU, but I've fought this demon and won! I shall do it again! Let's take the health scanner, cuz it's a perfect example. You note the reason for carrying a health scanner is time of death. As a basic sec officer, how does knowing the time of death, at that moment, modify your actions? You're still going to bring the body to medbay. Medbay has people who carry health scanners as a vital part of their job. They can give you the same information without wasting a bag slot. Worst comes to worst, you can grab a scanner in medbay, check, then just leave it there. Finding out ToD on site vs. finding out ToD 2 minutes later in medbay will be an issue in only the rarest of circumstances. In the military, we'd have people who loaded themselves down with 50+ pounds of extra gear "just in case". "I gotta bring these batteries for my personal GPS. What would we do if the truck dies, the vehicle mounted GPS drains the truck battery, it's own backup battery fails, and the batteries I have loaded in my personal GPS are dead!" Same thought process for sec gear. You can't carry it all at all times, so you need to decide: what is absolutely essential, what are things I'll most likely need, what are things I'll maybe need, and what are things I only need in specific instances. You really want to feel backpack hell, come play engineering during a busy engy round. Engys face the problem of not even being able to carry everything on the "must have" and "most likely" list as is, so you quickly learn to prioritize.
  13. I'mma nitpick your list a little bit here. There's a reason you can't pack all the gear you want. Why two flashes? Unless you're specifically hunting rogue borg, the one flash tucked in your internals box you never use is fine. Three restraint options? If you're cuffing someone, you're dragging them back to the brig. Grab another set of cuffs there. Warden should be rotating them anyway, if he's not, yell at him. Health scanner? Why? Brig doc tool, you really don't need it as a sec officer. Right-click examine gives you enough info to decide what needs to be done. Food and drink? Unless you're out patrolling the gateway, there's no reason to not stop someplace and grab a bite without wasting bag space. Needing more space for evidence, here's your secret. Carry 5 sheets of metal. Create locker. Drag locker over evidence, close it. Smack with welder if you're really paranoid.
  14. Here's the magic voodoo for shutting down swarmers. Do this, and you will cripple the swarmer apocalypse. Each department sends one person to cargo/engineering to get welding gear. (I recommend department heads, due to their access). That person welds all the damn vents and scrubbers in their department. Engineering grabs metal/glass stacks across station, stashes them in a locker. Sec patrols areas swarmers like to eat (disposals is a prime target) Sci builds and labels component boxes for commonly eaten things (medbay gear, cloners, etc) Do this before the swarmers eat RD servers. AI CONSTANTLY keeps refreshing it's track list. See swarmer, report swarmer. If crew finds an inactive swarmer core, they destroy it. Crematorium, or eject off station. Swarmers have a bandwagon effect. The more it looks like swarmers are winning, the more ghosts jump on the swarmer train. Be aggressive and deny swarmers mobility and easy resources at first, less people will be willing, and able to jump in.
  15. As we've covered, sec people are annoyed by suicide because they see at as X person "escaping justice". You did the CRIME, you must do the TIME, sitting in a glass box being bored. As Fludd said, turn off suicide, people will just ghost. Turn off ghost, people will just close the client. Prohibit closing the client, alt-tab to netflix is a thing. Think about it, which is easier? Greytide McShitter suicides, I know he's out of the round, cancel the brig timer, cremate corpse, done. If he can't suicide, I have to leave him in the cell, then deal with clearing him and his shit out when the timer ends. Me, I don't suicide anymore when Sec is being SoP breaking power-mad shitcurity. I alt-tab and netflix, read the news, etc. Shitcurity of that type and greytide are after the same thing, a response. Deny the response, win the game as it were.
  16. And this is a prime example of the "hero complex" polluting security these days. Law? Order? Broski, you're a player in a video game. You have absolutely zero authority to punish the person behind the keyboard. If they choose to remove themselves from the round via suicide, who cares? I mean, sure, lets take out suicide. They can still just ghost, and "escape their just punishment". Or they can just log out, go do something else, and pop back in next round. Or just alt-tab and watch Netflix.
  17. SomanB


    So, got to experience both sides of the abductor fun. Nifty round type, to be honest, and sure to be interesting. Couple minor nitpicks, and suggestions to change. The "you know everything about all antags" takes a little bit of the fun out of abductors. Seems like the second someone got snatched, it was instantly "Bodysnatchers!", and suddenly things got MUCH harder for the teams. I suggest a two-part fix, and even implementing one would fix it up a little. From an IC perspective, we could say NT 100% officially denies the existence of abductors. Someone starts screaming about being grabbed the reaction should be more "call the psych" and less "Go to red alert nao!" Of course, this can evolve during the round, depending on the abductor's actions, but it'd at least make the first few grabs a little easier. Second part is more of an OOC rule. You do not remember being abductored, as part of the teleport back. All you know is you feel funny, you have this odd new compulsion, and something freaky went on. Maybe, via some intense RP with the psych (Yay a job for him!), you might recover some lost memories, but otherwise, nada. Now, I'm not saying that after 10 people get snatched, an agent is seen teleporting in, 3 people gibbed, and there a dude puking slimes that the crew just goes "hummdrumm all is well". Sure, at THAT point, everyone knows.
  18. The argument makes sense in a way, but not how OP is thinking. If you're making decisions about in-character stuff based on your knowledge of server rules, it kind of makes you a shitty player. Example: "Yeah, the crazy Syndie traitor said they'd release the Tesla/unleash a death virus/plasma flood if we don't meet his demands, but I know that's against the rules unless they have hijack. If they had hijack they'd just do it, so charge in with the hambatons!" or "If Sec uses that weapon against this race it's murder and against server rules, so I'mma play this race in order to have an advantage over sec".
  19. Nineteen Percent Rynnt, they call him back at BlueShield Academy. Only man to register an asset loss with no department heads on station. Syndicate Nuclear Operators review footage of Rynnt's protection details, seeing as how he has more Captain kills under his belt than most ops do. Captains don't fear demotion for SoP violations. They fear "Rynnt Oenthe, Blueshield, has arrived on station!"
  20. Ohh yes you can. That atmos control computer is one of the best kept tator atmos tech weapons. That computer gives you AI level control over every air alarm on the station, without having to go near the area. Pressureflood an area, scrub the O2 out, panic syphon, set for coldroom and freeze someone, you name it. Best part? 99.9999% of the time, the AI will get the blame. In the end though, I'd rather just have a merge of engineering and atmos tech as a job, and make atmos tech a subset of engineer, like the electrician title.
  21. Yaknow, I agree with this. Part of the reason loyalty implants got changed was because sec would catch antags like changelings, implant them, and suddenly have a totally obedient killing machine. If anything, giving sentience to antag level creatures like brainslugs, swarmers, xenos etc should be treated the same as an engineer hotwiring the engine....antag only, and you best have a damn good reason for doing it as non-antag.
  22. I'll have to test to see if it works on sprayed spacelube, as the description makes it out as "charcoal for IPCs". Even so, the recipe for degreaser would need tweaking. Lube is three base regents straight from the machine. Degreaser requires a few levels of mixing to make.
  23. Here are the changes I'd make to spray bottles and lube, to make them less...weapony. One tile range, regardless of setting. only thing changing the setting would do is change the amount of reagent supplied. Lube, when sprayed on the floor, is water, and can be defeated the same ways as water. The only time lube does it's massive slip stun, is with a direct hit. Barring those changes, maybe adding a "counter-lube" chem is in order. Same difficulty to make, three chems, and when it hits lube, it removes it. That way, lubing can't be used as much as an area denial weapon.
  24. I'm going to stick with my original idea. If genetics (or any crew really), wants combat genemods like hulk, they aren't permitted to leave the lab unless they have a mutadone chemical implant set. Still give an instant shutdown of gene mods if someone goes shitter, but doesn't restrict genetics and such to being stuck in their lab if they want to experiment.
  25. Here's an idea. Neither too draconian, nor too liberal on either side of the fence, I think. Any geneticist (hell, lets say ANYONE) who wants to have "combat" genemods like Hulk will be required to have a mutadone chem implant installed before they are allowed to leave the lab. Once they have a loaded chem implant installed, they can go where they like on the station. They start acting up, pop the implant, and blam, no more gene mods. I mean, making it SoP to not leave the lab isn't going to stop shitters. It isn't going to slow down the antags. It will cramp the non-antag non-shitters. An implant won't bother the non-antag non-shitter types, and it'll give sec and the crew a warm fuzzy when the green man with TK is running around. (This post was made while.....really high on pain meds. If it doesn't make sense, let me know)
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