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Posts posted by tastyfish


    Meant to respond to this earlier:


    Well, actually science can make digital cameras in their autolathe, which keeps a list of photos like the AI camera. One gameplay issue with this is that if everyone could easily take a photo from roundstart, then there would be even more evidence in circulation against antags, many antag types already having trouble early in the round.



    No Law Changes are to be performed without full approval from the Captain,


    Edit: Some of the AI maintenance laws seem to be for the AI, which seems silly; the AI is of course not bound by SoP and thus defining what turrets should be set to, etc seems useless.





    Admin Key: necaladun




    For multiple weeks in a row, Necaladun has abused their power as a head of staff by politely asking us doing things, reporting problems, and keeping the community in check. I demand that Necaladun add to the game and then give everybody traitor tokens over this injustice. TIA







    I personally use the backpack tank and put everything in the janitor belt; although, that's more because I hate making slipping hazards than laziness. Also regarding the chemist, I hope people are aware there's also a space cleaner refiller in the custodial closet with 1000 units of it.


    I'm somewhat curious as to people's stance on trash. I always pick up every little thing, even cigg butts, although that might be due to extra free time from using the backpack sprayer.



    Missing word: "The Bartender is not permitted to carry their shotgun outside the bar. However, they may obtain permission from the Head of Security to shorten the barrel for easier transportation. Shortening the barrel without authorization is grounds for confiscation of the Bartender's shotgun;"



    "The Mime is permitted to use written words to communicate, but only during emergency situations or during official testimonials;"

    There's plenty of other situations where it's impossible or problematic to mime what you need without writing, such as requesting something highly specific from the bar or R&D. Also, the only way to get people's attention remotely without miming is via PDA. I'm not sure how a better version would be phrased to still encourage minimizing that, though.



    If you mean the kind of button which is used in head offices to let people in and to toggle shutters and pod bay doors (/obj/machinery/door_control), then match the id of the button to the id_tag of the door(s). You might want to also set the req_access_txt of the button if it's not intended to be usable by everyone.


    If you mean an internal/external airlock's access button (/obj/machinery/access_button), then you first plop down a /obj/machinery/embedded_controller/radio/airlock/access_controller inside the airlock chamber, set it's id_tag to something unique, and its tag_interior_door and tag_exterior_door to the id_tag of the interior and exterior door.

    You then put down a /obj/machinery/access_button next to each of the 2 doors, and set both of their master_tag's to the id_tag of the access controller you made earlier. The interior button's command should be set to "cycle_interior" and the exterior button's command set to "cycle_exterior"


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