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Posts posted by Bigtimetripod


    It'd be nice if there was something else you could shoot the crazies with syringe guns with, other than a bar drink Neuro-toxin.


    Normal neurotoxin works well also. Its not insta-stun, but has like 20-30 second delay. Also makes target stagger so i cannot run away well.




    Also gives brain damage. Strait jacket the loones cause they will get loonier.




    Maybe have the disable module thing not be a disable function, but an emergency decoupler.


    When used, it forces mech to deattach any attached modules and dropping them at mech feet. It would not out right kill mech ability to fight, but just hinder it and it forces the pilot to come out of the mech or have someone reattach modules.


    Also maybe add like a 3-5 second delay to attach modules? So the pilot would have to find a secluded place to attach em, not ninja out, attach 3 guns, back in and fight another day.



    Chem is this... iffy thing to really balance and make everything work out.


    I really want to make Initropidril, but some stuff do not exist on station naturally and are hard to get. I don't even think Paradise has Initropidril recipe in code. ( tried making it once... round ended before i was able to finish last component of 6 so cannot even confirm it doesn't exist )


    I have gone thru chem code fowards and backward dozens of times and it really interesting... but yeah looking code wise, every change can be made easy, its just the gameplay aspect that gains/suffers from it. I wish we added goon deathchems but thats never gonna happen so yeah... Talking to Fox about chems might get ye a better understanding code wise.



    PS. Fox, if reading this, add goon deathchems, monkeys need new ways to die. Stealth merge and husshuss. ;) Thank you




    Calomel is insane useful, mate...


    Time to make calomel - depending on how fast ye are and how far from sweden, 10-30 seconds, purges system of any chemicals very fast, but deals toxin damage, if yer healthy, fair trade off in my opinion. Some ass shot ye full of nanomachines/sarin? Run to chemist, scream CALOMEL and ye can be saved. Scream pententic acid and yer long dead before chemist mixes half the stuff.


    SGS is fine in my opinion i has a change to not heal and if RNG jesus hates you, then ye might get rid of Brute or burn in a while.


    Salbutamol- yes, make it easier! If i know im going to take oxygen damage or someone else is, i always go for Perfluorodecalin.



    -Somehow restrict the availability of sci-chem- Possibly remove scichem as something multiple scientists have access to; make scichemist a new job, who's there to supply science with the chems they need for whatever reason. This would bottleneck solo scientists making huge arsenals of just about everything, encourage more interaction between scientists, and add a bigger paper trail for antags.


    I have a suggestion for this: replace the current roundstart chem machines (the ones in science, at least) with the ones that can be actually assembled. For example, the roundstart chem machine is called a Chem Dispenser, while the buildable one is called a Portable Chem Dispenser. A similar discrepancy exists between Chem Masters (one is 3000 and one is 2999 or something). The machines that can be built start off worse than the roundstart ones with basic stock parts, but by the time they have bluespace parts, they end up being slightly better. This would make chems slow to create early on, but convenient and simple to make if R&D does their job well.



    THIS! +1X100...


    Lets get rid of the old Chem machines and replace em with the ones ye can print out of RnD. Why is this good? As stated above, it starts with lower amount of chems and low battery. Cannot fart out Space lube in industrial amounts. As RnD goes along, more chems are unlocked and then Science chemistry has somekind of a "Tech-Tree" it has to progress along, not make death chems from the start.


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    That shift was so stressful, I had, what, two officers who understood the job? Some prat was running around with a taser out and kept doing so after I disarmed him and took it to prove a point, I kept shouting "DISABLERS!" when I was downed but no-one seemed to understand basic English, then to top it off in the shuttle all the prisoners were saying shit like "sec suck in this game" which is always nice to hear. Y'know, fun to know everyone hates you for trying to teach some new players the game AND run security.

    (Rant over)


    Gud antag play, 10/10. Was funny to watch the newbies get frustrated when they kept missing.


    I think ye and the vox were the only ones that knew what they were doing.


    That brat... Jona or Joba or whatever the fuck his name is yeah... he was the very low level newb. After i released the gas, he started to harmbaton me to death, which help with my objective. I wasen't even mad, i was amazed and kept laughing to my self how perfect i pulled it off. He got cuffed later i saw as a ghost.


    I also had 2 crossbows, i got sad to fire at only ye, so i fired at you only when ye got up. Could have spammed rads for ye. :P In my opinion ye did great, people scream Shitcurity for funs nowadays.



    Brig after my most glorius death yet!




    As a Syndicate operative, i got 2 objectives.


    1. Protect the Chaplain Hesus

    2. Die a glorius death.


    1. I kept checking on Hesus many times, had a crew monitor with me juat in case he was missing and i could see his vitals... he turned sensors off. To check up on him, dragged a water tank from maint. With me to have him bless it. He blessed it and i returned to science, left water tank back in maint. Where i found it.


    2. Now this is a good one. After multiple tests on monkeys, i was able to weaponize acid without a direct output to distribute it.


    I made 4 voice activated bombs and the phrase was "FOR THE SYNDICATE!". I'm not going to publish details to my bombs (super easy btw) but all combined held 300 units of FluoroSuphuric Acid. After making bombs i out em in my backpack for later. As a operative i had access to illegal tech. I used 2 TC to up RnD a bit and was ablt to print energy crossbows. I also had an Storage implant and hid 2 crossbows in my bluespace pocket.


    It was near the end of the shift and time was 13.40. It was my time to act. I grabbed some metal and bolted to Security wing. I used natural formation of corridors and made 6 table parts. I assembled tables and flipped em so i would be protected from both sides. I reach into my subspace pocket and drew my 2 crossbows. My objective was to just stun, not kill. After downing HoS and security officers multiple times. HoS (Rynnt) was only one smart enough to use disabler, i kept dodging em electrodes like there was no tomorrow. HoS downed me, i was cuffed and dragged to brig, but my smile kept getting larger. I yell "NANOTRASEN PIGS, YER ALL GONNA DIE!". Seems no one believed me. They buckle me to the chair in brig and take off my satchel. I scream as hard as i can" FOR THE SYNDICATE!" and unleash the acid clouds!


    Oh, ye might be thinking that its easy yo survive acid bombs... yes if there is only 1..

    I had 4! Idea was the one melts mask, others will melt skin and get into yer system. You know how hard is it to get rid of Fluoro acid in system? Hard... even gave Vox sec karma, since he worked soo hard to bring me back to life..

    But i had a Glorius death! And was not planning to enter my body.


    Rynnt, do not feel bad, yer not bad HoS. I abused the thung security always does, bring prisoner to brig without search and if its a bigger event, people flock to the brig!




    Science shouldn't be grinded down to a shitty job either as it can be an extremely usefull department that can make the lives of other departments so much easier. It would be a shame since science is fun to play and experiment with.


    My suggestion is to combine RnD scientist with Robotics. They can share resources, have one big workshop and after RnD is done, they have something to do. Would be only logical. Often if there arent scientists, roboticist run to HoP to get access to RnD. If no robotics, scientist just builds a new exosuit manufacturer and makes the parts he need. Combining em also works out for implants. Once ye unlocked em in RnD, just print em out and have subject lay on the table. This branch could be.. Mechanical science? Research & Robotics? The R&R? I like the R&R.


    Other branch could be Biological Science.


    Study of chemicals, bombs and aliens. Hmm.. maybe not just biological? Xeno & Chemical Research Wing? X&C? Calling it plain toxins is just... blehh, doesnt include chemicals or xenobiology in any way. Maybe have this "wing" seperated from the station somehow. Maybe not make it in science outpost, but lil off from the station since bombs and hostile aliens are present on that wing.


    The idea is to maybe seperate science into 2 differebt main "topics". Research & Robotics work on making the station better and be the mechanical side of the science. Then we have the "treehuggers", The Pacifists in science, Xeno & Biochemical Research, X&BR. Focus is more on how different lifeform work and main study are the slimes. Some exotic plants here and there and then maybe combine chemicals lab and toxins somehow. Since the base is almost the same, one uses liquid chemicals, other gas chemicals, then having a same lab room might make sense(would also make harder for bomb ninjas to make maxcaps since almost all the time someone is there mixing chems just few tables away.)


    My 2 cents how science should evolve in the future.




    Dividing access would however cause some things to potentially be more annoying, for example: running out of supplies in test lab and having to ask a RnD scientist to make some instead of just making them by yourself.


    I will make things much more annoying. Maybe its a good thing. Xenobio needs plasma? Either run to RnD and hope they spare some or run to the mineral machine. Want to build a sleeper in yer test lab, so ye can keep test monkeys alive? Hope to god RnD has a minute to spare. Im thinking that maybe have the autolathe in more public place in science cause all departments depends on it one way or the other. Oo an idea maybe have it like this.






    X=Empty space




    Maybe this is a better solution? Have the Autolathe replace a piece if an wall between science hallway and RND/robotics lab. Everyone access to science has access to it and RnD doesnt have monopoly over it. Even now, roboticist can use it in RnD lab for some easier stuff like tools or med equipment.


    I dunno, i don't play that much science anyways. I just have as a sec player witnessed the fact that scientist antag is a killing machine if the player knows anything about chemistry and toxins.


    To kill someone "with science" per say must have knowlegde of how the thing yer killing with works. I love science and i know almost all chems inside and out, but i still find intresting ways to kill/heal people with chems. Saying that all killing machines come from science is not true, science sticks out cause of the "special" ways its able to kill. Some one hears a bomb go off on station, common is filled with "Oh its science, do not worry". Some one is using chems, science. Floor is wet, science. The thing is, ye need to know stuff in science to kill. Yes, ye can throw an antag in toxin and think he will walk out with an bomb in 15 minutes, but that is not true. If ita his first time, he will just bang signallers together and hope for a spark. If you throw me into toxins for instance, i can make a maxcap bomb in 4-7 minutes(multitasking). Killing machines boil down to experience.



    To there will no longer be roboticist, but a Tech. Specialist aka combining normal scientist and roboticist.


    All my years of SS 13, about 75% of my time i have been in science so i hold this topic close to mu heart.


    Make RnD more challenging and interesting? Didn't say a word, but now the topic has shifted into removing access and dividing up science.


    I love science cause i can experiment with all kinds of stuff SS 13 has to offer. Most importantly i can do every thing by my self. I do not have to go run around ask/beg/threaten someone for something cause i can get everything i need. Ran out of beakers in test lab? Pop over to RnD print a few out, if yer in luck, ye can mess around with bluespace ones if RnD has diamonds. Experimenting with new drinks? Heck, ill just build my own booze-a-mat. Missing something important? Head over to cargo, sign some stuff and there ya go, no one usually askes what yer gonna do with the stuff ye order unless it combat shotguns or something. QM denied yer bees? Head over to HoP and give him a ear full of what a chucklefuck QM is and ask why is he preventing Nanotrasen certified scientist experimenting with things. Usually that lands ye a permission slip or HoP just runs to Cargo and orders it for you.


    Getting off topic, but im kinda for both. I would like to see new science, cause after all them years, i could run them corridors blindfolded (try to tell me i havent) and a change would do some good.


    What im not liking is dividing science up. Yes, that would give RD reason to do his damn job and watch over science, but at the same time it kinda removes the "i can do everything without murdeing someone for access to RnD". The thing i fear what will happen and most of the time happens that sone grumoy chuclefuck is RnD and when ye ask him something he says no without a reason (work science and you will see a lot of people like this). Even when im working my own projects, i pop by RnD to give out stuff to people that ask em, im do not say "hey, not my problem, go find someone who gives a fuck" ( people like this is why i carry around fluoro acid nades as antag labeled, "Happy gas").


    All and all, lets see map changes and then divide up science. You could just say that be RD and yer fine, the thing is, RD gets no respect usually and is considered a "Scientist". I have tried to break this stereotype, but them grumpy chucklefucks piss me off the most. Im starting to think i should carry along "You are fired" papers instead of "Happy gas".



    When i had the white ship "period" i always was a scientist. Round started and i ran to science outpost to get a space suit and drift the vastness of space until i got to tcomms or derelict. Deconstructed old teleporters, got crystals and materials for telepad. Grabbed white ship board and headed to the ship. Rebuilt the navigation console, stealth on and away i go! (When ship had stealth, now it has stealth always on and cannot be turned off.)


    Usually from there i had a space pod. R-walled the airlocks in back of the ship so people could not get in. I had a space pod by this point and i usually parked it so only i could get in and out. After walling ship up i went to RnD, printed spare RnD computer board, circuit imprinter, protolathe and autolathe. If usually by this point RnD was quite far, if not then i usually grabbed the abandoned teleporter boards with me and deconstructed them to get enough levels for telepad and its computer.


    I would then head back to the ship, set up telepad and "borrow" few materials around the station. Build up my lil autism fort and live a good life. If people do come in by force, then ye have the retro laser from the table. I usually borrow one taser from the armory aswell just in case.


    I have even been given karma if i have had impressive enough autisim fort.


    Tips for fort builders.

    *Someone breaking in? Head the navigation console and jump to deep space. This is most if the time considered "no-law" zone and if ye have any doubts about someone, stun, cuff and use the telepad to teleport him into the singu... derelict. Jump to a new place and rebuild defences. Do not forget to RP first, just blasting people is bad.

    *Do not get greedy!!! This is very important if you are using telepad. Only take what you need and do not take high-value items. Do not hoard weapons and empty out the armory. If non antag, this is a clear breach of powergaming rule... hmm... news update... seems there has not been this rule or was changed... AHAH, self antaging, stealing high-value items without reason gets ye banned soo stay away from hoarding all kinds of goodies.

    *Need to leave for extended period of time? Deconstruct navigation console and take the board with you. This insures noone can steal your ship and ye can safely run round without worry that yer fancy home is gone.

    * Player who gets white ship up and running during a cult round and has knowledge how to use the telepad is a god-send(heh) to the cultists. Having a mobile untrackable base with ability to teleport people in and out at will is more powerful then some people believe. Quick strike team on bridge? Have 5 people go on the telepad (4 are resting so people can walk on them), everyone get up and they will remain on the same tile, scream FOR NARNAR and press send. Enjoy 5 men strike team to take the command down and capture the station.



    There has to be a lot of changes to Genetics to make an tier system. As of now, the Mayor and not so mayor powers are kinda unbalanced in my opinion.


    If we can come up with and fleshed out tier system, then it would be good to have one or two powers per tier. Build yer own genetic code per say like the old Virology had, stages.



    Each department having their own substation or mini-SMES would be a epic idea.


    Having a power substation ( in this case SMES for each department ) would not only be better, but logical.


    IRL you cannot plug powerplant right into the grid cause electronics are sensitive and will burn or blow. Thats why there are sub stations that convert the power into more suitable levels allowing electronics to function normaly.


    You can say that as of now tesla/singulo is the power plant, SMES units as battery/ substations (4 engineering SMES for the whole station are iffy) and APC are the wireless power sockets that feed power in the room.


    What i thinking is this.


    Tesla/singulo makes raw power, this gets feed into a 3x3 or 2x2 converter/SMES that handles the raw power. Then from there, wires feed power to department SMES and each department APC gets their juice from department SMES.


    This would not only make it more better and a bit easier, it would make it harder to take out power for the whole station. SMES units carry quite a bit and APC units also have their own battery before going dark.



    I say, just make a PR.


    I, for one like the new gateway. Its connected to security and if people go to gateway to powergame, they can meet resistance soon as they exit the gate. Makes it more fleshed out and like it has a meaning, not just random room that does something.



    I am the one who really hates that i have to fill out form to get access to one non-important part of the station.


    BUT wiki has this to say.


    Once you've determined someone is a potential candidate for a job transfer, it's a good idea to grab one of several versions of job transfer form. Pick out one that you like and give the form to the guy waiting for his job change; ask him to fill it out. Keeping a record of all of the access changes you give out is key to keeping everyone else informed about what you're doing and keeping you out of the brig.

    Here comes the hard part. Now that you have a filled out form, you should get it signed and stamped by an appropriate head of staff. Usually, this involves getting the department head's attention in one way or another, be it talking to them over the radio or sending your man to the department itself. Again, keeping a record of a department head's consent on file is usually one of the best ways to prove that your access change wasn't completely illegal. The shorthand version of this process would be to inform the head of staff in question about the transfer over the Command radio channel and get quick consent from there.

    Finally, when everything is signed, stamped, and filled out, you can sign the form yourself. Ask the man for his Identification Card so that you can officially give them the requested job title and access. Unless someone would like a specific job title, make sure to use the generic job titles near the top of the screen so that Security can identify that person much more easily with their fancy SecHUDs


    This says that ye can do one or the other. Give him a form or just ask via command.


    BUT again and this is important.


    Handing out unapproved and unjustifiable access is one of the fastest ways to get you demoted.


    You can say HoP does paperwork to cover his own ass and has full right to ask ye to fill out a paper. But if the access is somewhere like... tech storage as scientist then why extend the wait? Almost everything in there he/she/it can print out.



    It considers the first 20-30 minutes of the shift where all of the medicine is speed-runned out, so that there are meds available for mid round disasters such as Nuke Ops, Wizard, etc.



    Nuke-ops: Eff healing chems, everyones gonna get blown up or filled with bullets. Shoot yer self full of SGL, grab 2 sprays, fill one with lube and other with CTF3, lube, fire spray, lube, fire spray, keep applying to nukeops forehead until explosion.


    Wizard? Syringe gun with 14 units of Neuro-Toxin and 1 unit of phlogiston. Every chemist knows what happens then. Wizard has no protection against syringes aswell as far as i know, only problem is getting close enough.


    Most of the medical problems on SS 13 can be solved with burn/brute patches. If there is a real assault on the station, people with advanced injuries are going to be put aside or handeled enough to keep the problem at bay. ( splints for broken bones, brain transplant faster then cloning if decent surgen does it, charcoal pills and shots for toxins etc.)



    So haya


    Thing that has bothered me for quite some time is, that why aren't the starting chem machines (chemist lab, Science test lab) upgradeable?


    Yes, you can use a multitool on em to enable the " Mad scientist mode" and fart out generic "toxin", but why not screwdriver it open and change components in em?


    If this is thing about being able to "steal" them when they are deconstructable, then there is a work-around to that.


    Since it is extremly annoying to build the portable one all the time, maybe be able to change the manipulator in the ones that are static?


    Maybe have em like the Slime processor, that doesnt have a board and cannot be deconstructed, but can be screwdrivered open to change parts in it.


    Or is this somekind of a controversial thing i have missed all this time?



    If ye can get RnD to cooperate, ye can even get the portable chem machine. Femto in that unlocks tons of stuff and will make chemist life a breeze.



    On the topic of omnizine.


    I never trust anyone with omnizine unless i know that they know what they are doing. I have seen too many chucklefuck doctors that shove people into femto sleepers, pump em to brim with omnizine ( 80 units ) amd then scream why is he dying... hope to god chemist made calomel or that person is fucked.


    The thing with synthflesh is that as a doctor, i never use em as patches. Silver sulf. And stypic acid handle large amounts of burn/brute well. I fill my spray to the brim with synthflesh and set nozzle to 10 units. There are a lot of peole who run into medbay screaming "i got shocked"/"clown hit me in the head with an book when i didnt fart on it". They have low amounts of damage and synthflesh is perfect for em in a spray.


    If i remember correctly then 1 unit of synthflesh heals 1.5 points of brute and burn so a 1:1.5x2 ratio. Spray of 10 units heals 15 brute and 15 burn. Spray with 200 units of synthflesh can heal total of 300 brute, 300 burn damage. ( just adding cause some people love to get confused, that it will heal burn and brute at the same time, not switch between burn and brute.)



    Just to add 2 cents.


    Make yer blood monkey work for you, not just sit around all shift waiting to be drained and feed iron or SLG.


    Sleepers! About 10-20 minutes into the round, run to RND and demand Rapid parts changer with pico (femto if mining went strait for diamond) manipulators. This will unlock oculine as a chem ye can inject to sleeper vic... occupant. Get large beaker, shove monkey into the sleeper, pump full of oculine and suck it all out again into the beaker. Boom! Care free oculine.




    I think every one knows this, but still.

    1. Get beaker and blood monkey

    2. Shove monkey into sleeper and fill beaker with 30 units of carbon (i think it was 30)

    3. Pump monkey full of Styptic Powder (important that this is first)

    4. Insert beaker and start draining monkey.

    5. Synthflesh is created care-free.

    6. Profit with atleast 90 units of synthflesh when beaker full


    I abandoned chemist job cause of the no !¡FUN¡! allowed factor and moved to science chem and thats why i do not remember the right amount top of my head any more.


    Chemists need to make more use of the sleeper as a short-cut to a lot of chems. Cause if RnD does good job, sleeper can be yer greatest friend.



    Wanted to implant the disk in me, but CMO refused.


    Idea was, implant the disk and have Blueshield follow me. When station is in danger and the nuke needs to used, then i would swallow a pill with 1 unit of phlogiston and 49 units of CTF3. It would kill me fast and then have Blueshield make my corpse swallow 0.5 units of Strange reagent. Body would gib and disk would be... extracted the science way. It would be safe, could not be taken away from me easy and disk would be in a moving and fighting safe per say.


    Just imagine the nukies faces when they have stripped me and they cannot still find it. If they still have a mini-bomb, it would be a great time to use it. C4 doesnt gib anymore so it would be hard for outside forces to obtain it.


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