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Posts posted by Bigtimetripod


    In short, unless ye have 3 door airlock, that cold air will be turning warm soon. 3 doors cause people like to run and not close doors, removing timing helps to resolve this problem.


    It will not turn warm fast and atleast a minor cold healing effect will remain for quite a bit.


  2. Hmm... interesting idea.... Question is, does it function the same as internals would or it is just an atmos effect/cold debuff on normal races. Something to try, but im guessing cool a canister to something like -215c (-55k) for maximum healing effect (-4 burn and brute per 4 seconds), suck out all gasses/open tile to space in the room, mix super cooled o2 with same temp level n2 with 1:5 oxygen-nitrogen mix ( to get the "air" mixture) release canister at 120 kPa. Drag canister over every tile while waiting on one for 10 seconds to be sure its filled with the mixture ( LINDA is takes her sweet time getting anything done)


    Port Memes!





    Or am i?



    On a serious note, we need goon genetics bad... would stop alot of the "I gots hulk! Ill look for strange objects in maintenance :wink: :wink:"



    ... you still have darkness obscuring people with Xray ...


    Xray completely negates darkness as far as I know. Maybe it wasn't like that in the past?

    Defiantly isnt how it used to be, before you needed to have Mesons on to attain that. I'm guessing this was buffed when we changed our lighting. I haven't played genetics for a long time due to how boring the job is and I felt bad for having the potential to ruin an antags round just by existing.



    As of right now, getting x-ray means night vision, thermal and materials vision aka as vision that has no limit except screen border and lighting does not exist. This pretty much covers atleast 12 TC worth of tator if there was such things as "x-ray" glasses (thermal glasses are already 6 or 8 TC). Maybe make it so that light is not removed as in it does not give night vision. This would force people to wear mesons or night vision glasses/huds.



    As game development inches foward, there are multiple ways to gain night vision now.


    Main source is genetics ofcourse. Difficulty: RNG/easy


    X-ray implants Difficulty: Medium (high levels of research and high material cost)


    Wiznerd orb thingy Difficulty: Rare


  5. I say give the "refueling" task to mechanic... hes still an MECHANIC... not some greytider who hauls boxes. Yes, mechanic is not 100% every round, but then go bug CE.


    Ye really have a thing with belts, don't ye?


    To a limited extent, single use grenades can be used to mimic some of the sensor triggers. Install health sensor with critical detect, load "bomb" full of SGS, get to 0, saline is applied and ye recover.


    While its an interesting idea, it kinda is powergamers wet dream. Depending on how many syringes it fits, ye can have that sucker shoot ye full of chems just by yelling "Greytide".



    Stunpaper be robust. Nothing says ye support NarNar like beating a person with a piece of paper for him to collapse and not be able to open his mouth.


    Cult... cult never changes... also they suck, it either crew murderboning cult or cult murderboning crew.



    Hmm... not sure if trolling or hinting at my ending contract....






    When the hos gives you the traitor words and you're like o.O


    But nah, the potential collaboratiors are only those with a negative opinion against NT in their profiles



    Yeah, them people who are listed there usually doesnt do jackshit for the syndicate.


    Gotta admit, it was quite the fight at the armory space part. When ye first went MIA i was happy that i do not have to hunt ye down with EMP nades, but by the twist of fate, ye ran up to me in space and i had an EMP implant. :P



    Most secure Tesla containment i made few round ago.


    Even if station power fails, the Tesla Coil in the middle will keep containment powered thanks to the Tesla always feeding power to emitters thru the Tesla Coil. Containment will fail when Tesla dies.





    SO!... an interesting Topic!


    But yeah! I have done it.. finally have made a video in Paradise... of me failing horribly...


    Also have a few more things lined up in the future so made a whole topic about it!


    Also... yes.. i was an idiot and missed a sound check... i sound really quiet at times and them Midis and game sounds are loud as eff... New video will have improvments (TradeMark)


    So here is the first one... was a tator with 1 quite painful objective and other quite easy one... failed both... hard... but see for yer self. This is about 100 minutes of footage compressed into highlights and more important events in 15 minute package!


    Hopefully ye enjoy!





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    . It's not that well known of a thing and I didn't even really know about that trick until a few weeks ago.


    SS 13 in a nutshell... someone learns a new powerful tactic or a way to use a feature a bit differenty, they wanna either nerf/change/abuse it.


    Believe me... there are a tons of things in SS 13 that not everyone knows about... there are A LOT of things only a handful of people know to do. Its just the way game is...







    Why bother to bring em in... just laser em on sight, space body and done, no more crimes cause even takin a pen, penalty is death!

    why stop there? cut off all of their limbs after lazering them, and then cook them and feed the rest of the crew soylent green and brain burgers!



    Also, why stop there, throw soylent green out the airlock along with food vendors and only serve brain and robo burgers. Can also kill off any future criminals also, be them the person dying or the potentsial offspring.


    Or! Super stealth option... serve food, but lace em with prions and nanomachines, people will have no idea what hit em!



    Or while your just saying FUCK SOP you can just bedcuff them to a bed then put up walls around the bed.

    Or just break their legs.


    They don't need those.


    Why stop there? Break arms also, they cannot use shoes to break glass then if they get legs splinted somehow.


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