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Everything posted by Kevak

  1. So! I just played 23 straight hours. And out of the 17some rounds, there were 6 traitor/autotraitor. 3 traitorling, 1 nuke ops. 2 wizard. 1 vampire, 0 purechangeling, 0 cult, 2 vox raiders, and 1 shadowling. Methinks the ratio needs to be changed up. Maybe merging a few types into one. Traitor on its own is rather boring. Involves not much crew interaction and when it does, it involves murdering violently. Could be easily merged with other gamemodes. Traitors can coordinate with encryption keys but rarely do. This is already a midround spawn but it would be nice if one or two could triggerduring other rounds. Vampire is slightly more interesting but should prolly be merged with traitor rounds. Vampires have no way to identify one another and cannot coordinate. This should not be a separate round type. They're not really powerful enough to warrant a legitimate issue, and greytide vampireslayers gather rapidly quite often. Making vampires a midround spawn would be neat. Changeling is definitely more interesting of an antag. Can coordinate via hivemind. Can result in spider gamechanger spawning. Powerful enough to warrent a threat if coordinated. However they rarely coordinate, and they never coordinate when in traitorling rounds due to the lack of multiple lings. Making lings a midround spawn would also be neat. Pure changeling should just be merged. They are basically fancy traitors. Wizard could be fun if there wasn't validhunting. Seriously. Wizard exists purely to make rounds more fun via magic and drama. More of a performer then an antag. They should have peaceful objectives and they should not be Kill on Sight. It's not really possible to be nice to the crew as a wizard due to the whole Kill on Sight bit. Wizard could be merged with another roundtype or maybe done as a midround spawn. It's not enough as it is to warrant its own roundtype as of current. Shadowlings. They warrant their own roundtype. Although it would be fun to mix in xenos or cult. Antag group vs antag group tends to be quite fun. Nuke ops. They warrant their own roundtype but I personally think it would be neat if they were a midround spawn also. Dead players need more ways to enter the game. Maybe tweak the midround nukies to just steal stuff/assassinate/kidnap instead of nuke. Vox raiders could be a midround spawn or merged with another roundtype. They don't interact with enough of the crew to warrant a full round to themselves. And finally the best roundtype: Cult. Cult needs to be way more common. It involves the vast majority of the crew. However it's far too rare for anybody to get a grasp on it. Meaning that whenever we do get culties. Nobody knows what to do. The likelyhood of this and the likelyhood of pure traitor/vamp/changeling should be swapped in my vie. Thoughts?
  2. Prolly could use something along the lines of what Borers use to take control but specifically with suits.
  3. They really should be. The only use is to stop civvies from stealing shit from science.
  4. At the minimum. Lockboxes should have a similar hacking system to secure briefcases.
  5. As a Genericist/Engineer. I have a feeling that the geneticists would be more likely to turn themselves into necromorphs then the Wolfpin would be to hop out with extra arms. I mean, most geneticists just leave the subject in the machine and jab themselves with needles to test.
  6. Well, the brain is in the chest now (I think). Soooo..
  7. Is it plausible to hack together a system along the lines of "If a line can be drawn from a tile of above x pressure to a tile that has below x pressure (10 or lower?), objects and entities in the high pressure tiles fly towards the low pressure? Might simulate depressurization.
  8. Might be good to switch back to ZAS, I have no idea how hard that would be though.
  9. Purrhaps if someone ever gets around to it, we could have it saved as an alt code?
  10. Ah. Would it be plausible to alter ZAS so that it can function with the atmos piping system we have? Prolly would take a lot of work though.
  11. Purrhaps we could swap in Zas for a week and take a poll?
  12. Purrhaps instead of beginning of round camera failures, cameras should have a chance to fail throughout the round? Actually, most electronics should have a tiny chance to fail during the round. Give the engineers something to do instead of faffing off.
  13. Chance of spess prion infection? To be fair though, prion diseases take years to take effect.
  14. I intend to update the Guide to Genetics page sometime within the next few weeks. Something to note before I update, Eat does not let you eat people anymore. No, not even if you have the Fat mutation and Hulk mutation. No you can't bite off people's heads. And sadly no, you cannot eat people's backpacks off their backs.
  15. The nice thing about having an alien foxthing as a character is that they give no fucks about eating humans. I prefer to rp them as a pure carnivore. Only eating not meat when absolutely necessary. (Excluding when I get the Eat genetics power obviously.) Although much less interested in eating other foxthings, it is still meat in the end.
  16. I like the idea. Light doesn't really work as a harming thing however, not really close to lore. However something to note, in most lore relating to Wendigo that I have read, they spread disease. And not just any disease. They spread /All/ the diseases. They gain strength from rot and decay. Not the flesh of the dead. Perhaps they could gain strength from any rotting corpse on the station, making the incinerator more valuable. Strength from those infested with diseases. They don't need to kill things, they need to make them Rot. Living or dead. Perhaps the rotted could be raised by the Wendigo's later stages. A way to keep players in the game and not make it just a murdererryone antag like the Revenant is. Hell, could be used as a way to make Zombiemode functional. The zeds would need some modifying to balance better, but would work well lorewise.
  17. How about all the pets being rideable~?
  18. Kevak


    Tildes are amaaaaazing~
  19. Kevak


    I guess I should prolly make one of these~ I'm Kevak. Or Neri depending on my mood. It's weird. Just arbitrarily pick whichever one you like more~ I play as Neri Nalvi normally. Byond username is literally ancient and is Lukesf, I would quite like to change it at some point but haven't the slightest clue how. Byond prolly has a policy against changing it anyways. Anywho~ Hai~
  20. You can shorten the range of the jump to within the range of Flamethrower and ensure that a Flamethrower can instakill one. Prevent them from ventcrawlling. Can take away hide. Those are the only listed issues. If someone lets themselves facehugged with those in effect, that's their fault. Player skill doesn't matter as much when they have to run so close.
  21. If they were OP then they need to be balanced better.
  22. Maybe just have them be in the "Spawn as NPC" thing that ghosts have?
  23. My thoughts: Double nutrition-Balance: Meat only? I mean, they are carnivores. Maybe chocolate flat out toxic? Nightvision-Balance: Partly Color Blind. Doesn't work in complete darkness. Similar to Eyeshine IRL. Licking Wounds to heal-Balance: Does jack shit against burn damage. Insulated (Cold resistance)-Balance: Susceptible to heat. Maybe make them passively start panting when the temp is above a certain point? Anyone in a few tiles maybe could hear? Good hearing, can hear stuff through nonreinforced walls maybe?-Balance: Loud sounds deafen them easily. Maybe taking blunt damage to the ears with extreme noises. Claws, Decent alternative to a knife. Not particularly powerful but still good in a pinch-Balance: Does jack shit against anyone or anything armored, easily outclassed by a toolbox. They're claws. At most an inch or so. If they were longer they would have a hard time holding stuff. Maybe an option to "clip" the claws of a locked up Vulp. Prolly regrow in about half an hour ingame to prevent that from being permanent. Mechanical hands disable clawing for that hand. Don't need shoes to not be damaged by broken glass-Balance: Can't wear shoes that aren't specially modified. Those boots you just stole from security? Good luck fitting them on your paws. Maybe make a Tailor's Kit for clothing modding in general. I feel like a lot of the races would have difficulties with standard human clothing. What, you think those paws are gonna fit in a human's shoe? Maybe modded pants/hoods/hats for tailed races. Maybe energy races need special clothing, I don't see why Machinepeople even need clothes, they are robots. Scent, maybe since the Vulps will probably be colorblind, they could have a color overlay of smells? Probably could just have the scents of different jobs be set to make it easy. Most jobs would probably have a specific smell after all.. Maybe they can memorize the scents of specific people to tell them apart? (Possibly using "spells" and a minute of sniffing at a recent scent. Could have memorized trails fade after about 10 minutes and non memorized trails fade after 5 to avoid clutter. People don't actually run around that much regardless so it shouldn't get too cluttered. Changelings would mimic professionscent but not personscent. So if a Vulp memorized personscent, they could tell the difference-Balance: Anything that smells rather bad (Fecal matter, rotting corpses, decay, fungus, anything nasty) could blind the Vulp scentwise. So throwing a rotting arm at a Vulp securityguard trying to chase you would be a very valid distraction tactic. As would making a foul smelling chemical concoction and using it as a scentbomb.
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