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DayZ Me Trolling

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Everything posted by DayZ Me Trolling

  1. Oh man, I can't wait to be three hit by a traitor using a crowbar :>) On a more serious note, if your crowbar was to do 36 damage per hit on implanted crew members, that would take three hits to get them to 0HP and crit them. I don't see that viable my man.
  2. Hey my man, glad you dropped by. We here pride ourselves in having no lives, hope you join us in this pride parade.
  3. Hey, hey, hey! Welcome, welcome to station 17, nice of you to join us! SS13 is an insanely fun game, it is VERY in-depth for a 2dspessman simulator. Hopin' to see you around the station. And if you've got any questions, feel free to ask away!
  4. You mean like the swarms of people that run into maint shafts during Shadowling rounds that "accidentally" get thralled?
  5. I don't understand why people suddenly want to nerf the prod so bad. Just because it's a makeshift weapon does not mean it has to have a major down side like stunning the user. I can make a makeshift shiv and use it with pretty much no downside apart from it probably not being as durable, which is essentially how the prod works as of right now. TL;DR> Prod is a-ok, lets fix broken things.
  6. So the basis of the idea here is to turn stun prod users into clowns...? Why would someone swing and hit themselves because they are using a stunprod? How is it any different than using a actual stunbaton? Apart from the fact that it's a shoddy weapon, the basic idea is still the same. Long stick with some sort of electrical charge at the end. You give an example of taking apart a SMES, however as stated before that would now leave a huge trail of evidence behind just for some batteries for a stunprod. It isn't that good of an argument, since now the quick "wrench and welding tool" heist, turned into B&E, and sabotage. Making it a more of a security issue, and chances are you'll be caught rather quickly.
  7. This literally can be applied to any item of the game. You can pull out many items and quickly use them on a person.(Banana Peels, Soap, Space Lube, Screwdriver to Eye, Table then tie) The questions you should be asking yourself is A. Why are you letting them stand right next to you if they are a sketchy figure. B. Why not call for help if they stun you? C. Why were you in Maint alone(IF you were when they stunned you) Honestly, this notion can be applied to many items in the game. Just because you happened to be a particular target of a stunprod user does not mean it needs to be changed. If you get proded, scream bloody murder and get help. If you are alone in maint and they pull your headset off, turn your suits sensors off, then that is your fault for being alone in maint. Stun prod is much easier to come by then lube, peel or soap. You can make one roundstart as ANYONE. You also can make secbelt in botany with ease and the fill it with 5 stunprods. While traitor weapons like esword, pistol, energy crossbow or revolver have costly tc price. Thats not normal to have weapon which beats traitor/sec weapon with ease availible to be made from crap without serious downsides. I'm sorry I don't really seem to understand what makes you believe that a stun prod is better and beat traitor and sec weapons. Someone charging you with a stun prod is no match for a tazer...
  8. I would of taken you up on the offer, but you're a EUNE casual, it's all about the EUW master race.
  9. Wow, this is really nice. I'd be compelled for a character specific thing honestly, I really dig this.
  10. I think this is a pretty good suggestions. Makes a lot more sense if slimes don't have bones and instead have more fragile limbs.
  11. Walked into shuttle cockpit only to be nuzzled by Mario...
  12. NOVA's got an addictive laugh ICly. gets a ten out of ten from me.
  13. I'd like to point out how odd using a combat chasis for utility purposes sounds... That's like taking a M1 Abrams and slapping a water hose on it and calling it a "Firefighting tank." Not only is it /super/ easy to refit a combat mech if security lets it slip by, do you know how much damage a melee attack does? One smack and you've got a broken bone. No thanks, I'd rather we didn't have the "Exdee Phazon hez nu wepuns so is ok" guys going around being a huge pain in the ass.
  14. Ciao! I'd like to make a deposit of one million dollars onto that card game please! Max bet, lets go.
  15. Make Angela the Magnificent nice to one blueshield and suddenly everyone's starting fanfic! Lets be honest, we both secretly hope someone actually makes a fanfic to be read in a dramatic voice. Hehe... Right? Right... Guys...
  16. Calm down, calm down professional coming through. Que the green text: >Be female >Find other female >Be miner >Drag female friend to mining outpost >Turn off all lights on the outpost >lewd.jpg >Remove chairs from break room >Replace chairs with a double seat sofa facing north >Take lady friend and yourself into sofa to block the view from those pesky ghosts >hug.jpg >Whisper >( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) There, you're all welcome! Now go off and have the banhammer swung at you.
  17. All he needs is a small loan of a million foam grenades.
  18. Which isn't an issue if you ask me, the problem is that if the person is passed your tile range for the taser you can't do anything to try and stun them, you either miss your taser shots, or fire lethals. Or you go bug Security for a normal taser. Plus, disablers are really useful for when you're outside of a head's office for example, and don't have access, unless AI responds and opens you just get to stand outside and watch the head get murdered, or fire lethals for an RNG roll in attempts to crit them.
  19. Yes! So much yes, and if we now add a disabler mode to it we're good, that's all this gun needs to work!
  20. I believe the gun you are talking about is the WT-550. Anyway, so as a frequent Sabre SMG user, (As in, I opt for the SMG whenever a situation that requires lethals arises and R&D has it available) I'd like to throw in my two cents. As stated above, yes we already have AP ammo, which does a pretty good job, however AFAIK the AP ammo we have now also works on other armored things, like a mech or the turrets in the AI core/upload (Since I believe regular rounds just bounce off turrets.) Now, EMP ammo would be a neat gimmick though a little powerful, imagine three bursts of three emp rounds flying in your general direction, chances are you're not going to dodge all of them, so for IPC's that's a nightmare, I propose instead we either add another type of round or buff Toxin rounds, as apart from giving some Toxin damage, they don't really have another effect apart from possibly making you puke once in a while.
  21. Oh sorry, yeah right you weren't the AI. I do still remember that round, was really fun. Security was pretty unorganized that round, so I was doing a lot of the fighting with the help of the Greytide Militia
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