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Posts posted by Stephanov


    As the title suggests, this is what I'd like to have some time. A full shift marathon, lasting 8-10 hours.


    It would cause the station and its crew to go through every level of god awful scenario before the shift ends. Everyone joining in would have to show off every bit of skill and effort they have at SS13.


    I'm talking about:

    -Fixing up massive hull breaches?

    -A massive fleet of robotic helpers to deal with the excess amount of cleaning and medical help required

    -Botany pretty much being forced to employ the highest of quality of fertilizer to deal with the demand for food

    -Massive viral outbreaks that need to be dealt with

    -Glorious high-tech applications due to the level of research

    -Mining's finest hour (1m+ ore at least!)

    -The actual ability to have jail-related roleplay seeing a shift this long is going to inevitably have people in the permabrig.

    -Massive mandatory pizza and booze party

    -Engineering/atmospherics expanding the station to deal with the influx of assistants

    -People given random traitor objectives so there's shit going down


    In short, a massive shift with massive victory conditions (if any?).

    What do you guys think, is this doable? ;o



    So I noticed there being a popup for when you smell a body, which is foul and makes you throw up.


    But how about something pleasant too?


    What about a message for the NT-soap, freshly baked bread /other stuff the chef makes, a burnt mess, drinks?

    "Ahhh, the small of fresh bread"

    "You can tell how strong this liquor really is when its strong scent reaches your nostrils"

    "I think somebody messed up a recipe there."

    Just an idea! :)


    The other thing I thought up with is more disabilities; allergies.

    Maybe some selectable, maybe a "random allergy" button for those who feel like a challenge. The first showing up in your notes, the latter only if you've ran into it. Triggering a "Uh-oh, you feel a rash crawling over your skin" or something like that.



    Don't do this to another head; it's just plain rude. Unless the CMO is ordering shotguns, don't make him grovel to the HoS for it; he's a head and doesn't answer to the HoS; divert the request to the Captain and let HIM decide, not the HoS.



    Also, always give the RD what he wants, no matter how crazy--he's going to end up getting it anyway, one way or another =p


    Actually, I don't think that's appropriate at all. Bureaucracy exists partially so one could track down who did what and who approved it. To answer the question "who is responsible".


    If heads want some more people under their command, they can request me recruiting and sign/stomp a document after I approved it at my desk. Double and trifold copying is the way to go, seeing it always ensures a copy at every appropriate station. HoP desk, section, person who requested something for their personal administration.


    In short it just depends on what sort of HoP you wanna be. Mine is just generally tidy, law-abiding and bureaucratic. But if you want to be the sort of HoP that gives clowns all-access that should be possible as long as you're willing to deal with the consequences: demotion and/or imprisonment for failure. :P


    I've got a split opinion on the whole thing anyway. I would love to have station-wide documentation and all, on the other hand it's meant to be a rp-action mix and I don't expect everyone to feel like it.... Hmm.



    What I would find cool is if there were some sort of jobs that make a character only speak a certain language. This would give more of a bonus to picking a certain language and make languages more useful.


    Two languages in particular. Tradeband and gutter.


    Now obviously tradeband would be spoken by some sort of trader. What if such a character existed, similar to the QM, except for he uses currency to order stuff instead of points. This would give an incentive for characters to make money. (One way or the other)


    Then for gutter would be more of a shady figure. What he could do is be more of a blackmarketish fellow. Now what this guy could do is buy illegal commodities such as space drugs, weed, shrooms, etc. Might even consider selling crystals to agents for a ton of cash. He should probably be on the station illegally and has to move all the time.


    In short: On-station legal and illegal trade, more uses for languages, more use for IC money!


    Now due to the nature of these powerful jobs, they should cost a ton of karma.



    After playing some botany, I had a few suggestions for it.


    Special cigarettes!

    For one, I found there was not much incentive to make cigarettes there, seeing they show up under exactly the same name as regular ones. Maybe it would be nice to specifically mention they are handmade in either the name / description


    Cigar rolling

    Dried tobacco leaf on dried tobacco leaf: "You start rolling a cigar" ---- [insert name] has rolled a handmade cigar!


    Dumping dryable objects directly from the plant bag onto the drying rack

    As it is now, you have to manually take every object that is dryable out of the bag and insert it onto a drying rack, it would just be a little more comfortable if you could just click the plant bag onto the drying rack and it automatically inserts any available objects that can be dried.


    UV lights?

    The little buggers like the sun don't they? Maybe something researchable like that could increase the yield if placed on a tray.





    After having been HoP for a while, I found it extremely fun to push people's buttons when it comes to having the right papers.


    What is you guys' opinion on bureaucracy (or mostly the lack thereof)?


    Ever had my HoP Maxwell Lancaster make you get a document together with signature and stamp in trifold?


    In my opinion there's waaaaay too little paperwork going on. Think about it. What would a company think if their employees are out there and there's not a single mention of their technological progress or the amount of ores they mined?


    Bureaucracy <3




      The Pathogenic incubator pings

    The Pathogenic incubator pings



    So I like to keep one PI cooking up pathogens, and one growing cells so I can analyze them. The problem is... it pings the moment it's ready to add to blood. What happens? While I'm cooking up strings of DNA, I can't tell whether the machine I'm readying cells with is ready cause they have an identical message.



    In short; I'd like the two pathogenic incubators be marked with numbers for a more comprehensive environment.

    Pathogenic incubator #1 pings!

    Pathogenic incubator #2 pings!


    Sorry if my explanation seems somewhat vague :P


  8. The thing I've noticed is them taking blood from everyone without permission, I don't really know these creatures or what they do, but certainly they shouldn't just be allowed to take bloody from everyone just cause they're a certain creature. Unless this is already illegal and I'm not aware of it....

  9. Well hello guys, I'm Stephanov, ICly known as Maxwell Lancaster. I kinda stumbled into this station by sheer luck. It wasn't until a few days I found out there's a lot of people here that I know from previous stations :)

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