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Everything posted by Sheakhan

  1. It seems unintuitive that Player Complaints are private, yet Admin Complaints are not. Allowing Admin Complaints to receive better visibility of course means that anyone who has complaints to add, or defenses to offer for the Admin in question can do so which is great. But why aren't the same opportunities made available for Player Complaints? It feels like our complaints are being treated less thoroughly, at initial glance. So I guess I'm looking for either a change in this disparity or a satisfactory explanation as to why it is so.
  2. NO! Bike horn for life.
  3. So, crazy idea here. But I've been playing Paradise for about a year now, and I've noticed two things: 1. Lots of places get dirty or dangerous. 2. Janitors and Security don't have access to those locations. So, here's a suggestion: Give security members access to every non-head, non-secure location on the station from spawn. They were hired by NT to keep the peace and uphold space law, they should be trusted enough to be given the access necessary to do their jobs, especially in the areas most likely to require security intervention like Medbay, Science, and the Kitchen. Janitors, while not upheld to the same standards need some access. The areas that usually need cleaning? Science, Medbay, Disposals, the Kitchen. Areas they can't get into without A) An active HoP or B) someone who gives a shit about cleanliness enough to stop what they're doing and open the doors. It's nuts. NT hired some poor schmuck to come out and keep things nice and tidy but didn't bother to permit them access to the dirtiest areas on the station? I've seen people die or catch diseases in areas neglected by security or the janitor because they weren't given proper access, and I think we should fix that.
  4. I'm like, 98% certain that the labor camp is ringed with a reinforced wall.
  5. Mortician should have kitchen access. <.
  6. Maybe have a UI option for the sensor that makes it a signal-able item itself. When signalled by itself it becomes inactive so it can't be triggered?
  7. Should lit cigars/cigarettes/pipes/spleefs prevent puking as well, considering they'd drown out thesmell?
  8. I'm in, space permitting. I have years of experience with TT, so if you need anything hit me up. Haven't even looked at 5th ed yet though.
  9. 1. Either allow ALL animals when spawned into to suicide (in case of them being trapped) or allow all animals access to the rooms they are in/vent crawl to allow players who spawn into them to actually do something other than mope about being bored. 2. Make SyndiCat immune to the vacuum of space so if you spawn into it, you can get to the station Z-level and wander about menacingly for the lulz. 3. Allow cigarettes to be tucked behind the ear. Likely as a wearable item. 4. Publicly accessible PDA modifier, allow color changes, design changes, job-specific module vending, and if it's hacked allow for Slip-PDA and weak Exploding PDAs. Because of course you should.
  10. In a world where nobody performs autopsies or pays respects to the deceased due to the miracles of cloning, the morgue is an empty room in a space station full of death. Honestly, if we're not going to try adding some features to make dead bodies worth keeping around, we should try removing the morgue and using that space for something that will get used.
  11. Actually, this is genius. I mean, for starters it'll give the Chef more responsibility, especially if you have a system in place for cross-contamination between dead folks and food. Secondly, on many naval vessels during times of war, the dead are stored in with the food and respected/looked over by the cooking staff, hence why aboard a ship you remove your hat/cover when entering the galley, so as to pay respect to the departed who may be stored within. It'd give a cool little nod to actual nautical history much like the act of having a Captain as the boss, or the station naming conventions, or the NT officer's uniforms. Plus, it'd be cool to actually have to lynch a cannibal chef more than once in a blue moon. I'd suggest giving the Chef job a toggle-able job title like several other jobs have: Chef, Mortician, Meat-Handler. You know, something that works for the system.
  12. I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to list the server during non-peak hours, even when it is normally not being listed. Nothing more troublesome than playing a traitor round with only three players on.
  13. What? So you can puke inside of your space helmet when you have to take off a sterile mask to survive the vacuum created by the same explosion that made the puke-worthy bodies in the first place? Puking sucks right now, and should be either job dependent, or squeamishness should be an adjustable character trait in Character Setup.
  14. For what it's worth, I've been harassing Neca (up until he took some time off) about mentoring and admin for the bulk of the last year or so. If it's determined that additional admins/pylons are required I am still very much interested and willing to serve as an admin/pylon. I currently don't play a lot during the normal peak traffic hours so I can't say for sure how the server being unlisted has affect the majority of the player base, nor can I attest to whether the admin shortage or player influx is responsible ultimately for the server being unlisted. I can say that we are now operating under a mostly different set of staff members from when I started which indicates that there are at least new admins about, filling in gaps where they arise.
  15. This is one of the least helpful responses I could have anticipated. You get fewer admins coming on if they are treated as incompetent or ineffectual wastes of space, not acknowledging player communication makes YOU as an admin, appear to be doing nothing or outright ignoring the player base. Even if I agreed that it was a luxury, you'd be a fool not to see the importance of keeping up appearances as a useful member of the admin team. It's self defeatist, and frankly unjustifiably selfish to actively choose not to offer even a "Yea, got it!" in response to an Adminhelp. As Wintermote said, AFK is fine so long as you at least check in once in awhile and keep up on the responsibility that YOU signed up for. If you, as an administrator, cannot be relied upon to do the job you chose to do than you should chose not to do the job as being unhelpful and ignoring the playerbase ruins the credibility of others who take the job more seriously. That being said, playing the "I volunteered for this so give me some respect and don't expect anything out of me" card hits an especially sour note with me. I'm a volunteer as well, I volunteered to join the damn Navy. How well do you think it would go over with the department of defense if I decided to just... not maintain public relations because it's a civilian luxury, not a right? Or If I opted to maybe ignore issues in my operating theater or on an aircraft I was responsible for just because I'm a volunteer and I don't have to hold myself to any standard of conduct? I took this job because I wanted to, same as you. But I did so knowing I have a responsibility, hell, an obligation to perform the job to the best of my ability, and that at the end of the day it's a thankless customer service position. The major difference in our volunteer positions is that you can quit if you so choose, and I would suggest to any admin that feels like responding to player messages and questions, even if just to say "I'm busy" or "I can't do that" is too much to ask ought reconsider their attitude or perhaps consider relinquishing the position. I don't harbor any ill will or disrespect for someone trying to do their best job, nor do I have anything negative to say about someone who can't fulfill their obligations and chooses to step down, but if your opinion is reflected amongst the bulk of the admin community I feel that the issue is even more worthy of addressing than I had initially anticipated. Ignoring your players is a great way of losing players. Lose players, your admins you've kept around will be pointless. That's hardly an ideal outcome, so I suggest we consider a better alternative.
  16. This one should be fairly easy to implement. I've noticed, and had issue with using adminhelp on occasion, where admins simply never respond or acknowledge my question or issue. I understand of course that admins are busy folk, I discussed the responsibilities of the position when I was bugging neca about working towards doing the job myself. That being said, there are two things I don't understand: 1. Never getting around to acknowledging the player request. Gripe: It's not hard even when you're busy, and if you're busy playing your character it bears mention that your responsibility is not to your own enjoyment first but rather to other players. That's part of the responsibility you accept as admin. All I ever look for is a simple "Got it, working on it." or "Sorry, one moment." when things are hectic. But not receiving even this acknowledgement leaves me to conclude that either my message isn't received or that my message was deliberately ignored. Solution: Copy pasta. If you expect to be busy, just have a copy-pasted response ready to go. Don't just say: "I'll get back to you" and never do it though. Concern yourself with the enjoyment of others and return to them as soon as you're able in roughly the order they had issue so that you don't cause players to lose a little faith in the admin system as a whole. 2. AFKing as Admin. Gripe: I understand things happen and you have to leave the computer. Not much can be done about those occasions. I likewise get that leaving an admin AFK might deter griefers. But it also leads your players to believe that they have backup, someone to question about issues with the round. When they attempt to use adminhelp and receive no reply, they'll end up assuming the same things as if you were simply too busy for them and didn't respond. Solution: Don't go AFK, or at the very least don't go AFK without telling the playerbase on at the time. Admins are hardly useful if they aren't actually around, and with the server unlisted theres little point to using your AFK presence to deter... the normal playerbase. I'd like to see this issue addressed, as it has occurred far too often to both myself and other players and makes it difficult to fully trust administration to perform their job. If I, or another player has an issue I would like to see a reply, even if that reply is "No, can't do that, sorry." as opposed to what appears to be some admin's current policy of: If I'm not going to help, I just wont respond. or I ain't got time fo' that! Something, something, closing statement.
  17. Yea, this belongs in the event suggestion thread, or rather would, if it weren't already there.
  18. Two-part suggestion here, title really says it all, but I'll elaborate anyhow. The barber is useless and costs an obscene amount of karma (more than 0). Even if it were completed and could perform actual barber duties. My understanding of the Karma system (and correct me if i'm wrong) is that karma represents playing roles correctly, excellent roleplay, and general contributions to the community and game at large. By extension karma unlock jobs should be jobs that aren't trusted to the general population. Jobs that matter, and can affect the round profoundly enough to restrict their use to more trustworthy players. That, or as rewards for playing excellently long enough to amass the unlock cost. The barber doesn't strike me as either of these things unfinished, and in my humble opinion would still be a waste of karma if it were finished. Jobs likes BlueShield, or NT Recruiter make sense as Karma unlocks as they play an important role that could drastically impact a round if abused. Barber and jobs like it do not. At this point there are several jobs on the karma unlock list, and the only ones that strike me as actually requiring the unlock cost are outnumbered heavily by the others. In addition, many of the threads on job suggestions specify that these jobs should be karma unlocked, and it strikes me as woefully unnecessary. Just spitballing, take it as you will. If I'm missing something vital that ought be considered, let me know. As a side note, I feel like the currently existing jobs should be finished and fixed before adding new ones.
  19. Dj would be cool, if you're into that. Paying Karma for a job without any real responsibilities though? That's silly. Barber is already a waste of karma, whats with all the karma unlocked job suggestions?
  20. I already think karma unlocks for petty station jobs is pretty ridiculous... Explain to me why a job as simple as stuffing bodies in bags and performing autopsies requires a karma unlock? Aside from that, why the hell not? A mortician or coroner SHOULD be available, it's a section of the station that often goes unmanned, perhaps someone would actually want to play a role specifically restricted to that work place.
  21. I've always hated blob rounds, and I likely always will. It's far too ingrained in me now. That being said, Mkenner makes a valid point, perhaps more valid now than it was a few months ago. Last I was around, blob rounds meant guaranteed crew defeat almost invariably, either due to the blob being woefully overpowered, or the crew being skull-fuck retarded. I've played three blob rounds since returning, one as Captain, one as some pudgy little nerd, and one as Chaplain. In the first we won without a hitch, the crew was mobilized and ERT was called before the quarantine was officially instated. The second was a total loss. The third, I died beating the blob core with my Null Rod, but the crew won. Obviously something has already been done about blob rounds to make them winnable, and I agree that actually being able to win makes me personally feel much more trusting of my fellow players, but that does not make it a fun round. I still feel dread, and wonder if I should just go do something else until the next round everytime I hear that telltale quarantine called. I'm not sure if we've done it before but perhaps we should take a server population poll about blob rounds. If this has been done before, either the population majority enjoys them or the admins have no desire to remove the game type regardless. Either way it'd give a good jumping off point in regards to the necessity (or not) of a change.
  22. and when they explode, they cover everything within a few feet in spray paint, including the bomber. hells yea.
  23. I have the most brilliant suggestion of all time. 1.Take every copy of Woody Got Wood in the library and remove it, save for ONE. 2. Replace every "explicit" word in the text with "hulk hogan fighting a dinosaur". Or some other ridiculous text. 3. ????? 4. Profit.
  24. I'll have a more thorough response to follow, but at the moment my largest concern having read your post is this: Is there a way to segment the information fed through chat so that not all admins/mods are being bombarded with all of the information at once? Perhaps sending attack logs to one mod, chat in one area to another, another area being sent to another, so that instead of all admins having to wade through everything, each one has a section to moderate independently? This seems like it would make your jobs infinitely easier, and reduce the occurance of heat-of-the-moment bans.
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