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Everything posted by Psyentific

  1. I can't do it alone. Get your ass over here, I can't do it alone Player issue - If Command doesn't have their head up their ass, they'll send Priority/Desk announcements and call Red Alert as soon as a blob is confirmed. Command's job is to organize their department, having increased access and better gear is a tool to do that. Rechargers (At least, non-wall mounted ones) can be unwrenched and pulled around, then re-wrenched to make them functional. Bring them on-scene to the rear lines, treat them like fuel tanks. Welderbombing, in baycode. Yeah, no. Speaking as someone who's played as the blob, fuel tanks are an -amazing- target of opportunity. Don't let the blob get near them. If you're going for AoE, flashbangs. Problem with that is that it'll down everyone without ear and eye protection for a good 20s, which is more than enough for an attentive blob to eat the,, so it's more helpful if you're lone-wolfing. Flashbangs work wonders if you're flanking, though. Not really. The Chief Engineer and all of Engineering should be bringing emitters to the scene, then pointing them at the blob core. Emitters fill the role of suppressive artillery - Even one pointed at the blob core can make me put a -lot- of resources towards blocking and fighting it, especially if it's far away, to say nothing of four in Engineering Secure Storage, to say nothing of shitting them out like bad chinese if cargo orders emitter crates or Cargonia brings their emitters to bear. Using Emitters, it's entirely possible for the Chief Engineer (Or one competent engineer, if the CE left storage open) to solo a blob, especially if that blob has poor placement. To address that properly, though, Space Law is something that every security officer should know not to blindly follow. Security's job is to keep the crew safe, above all, it just so happens that Space Law is usually the best way to do that. If you're confiscating my spear in a nuke ops round, then brigging me for 15m for possession of a weapon, you're shit sec. Once the shit hits the fan, space law goes out the window in favor of trying to keep everyone alive and safe. Y-yeah? Well fuck you! Nyeh!
  2. So what about blobs isn't fun to you? Personally, I've found that blob creep is incredibly OP in melee - To the point where both myself and the Chief Engineer have gone from full to crit before we could react while in our hardsuits. I'm not sure what caused that - Whether it was the blob overmind attack-spamming on us, or being almost-enveloped by five blob tiles.
  3. I dunno - I enjoy it. Yeah, light a welder, click blob, but the blob being a player actually adds a lot of difficulty and challenge to it.
  4. Here's a crackpot idea! Every time the round ends due to nuclear device detonation, the server shuts down for forty five minutes.
  5. What, bludgeon their skulls in with "FIGHT DAT BLOB"? Quickest way to do that is Centcomm announcements to the tune of "KILL THE BLOB OR YOU ALL DIE IN NUCLEAR FIRE" and mass admin pms - "Why aren't you fighting the blob?" once Code Gamma is triggered. Back it up with three-hour bans for gross out-of-character actions and bad gameplay detrimental to the fun of the majority of server population, why not. Prod, Hard Prod, Browbeat. Once people start associating strong negative consequences with an action, they won't do that anymore.
  6. Then it's a player issue, not a code issue. Player issues should never be addressed by code - Down that road lies all-manual-valved no-plasma-output N2O-starts-unwrenched atmos. Down that road lies removing the Captains Spare ID and Captains Laser because powergaming assistants always steal them.
  7. My point stands. Blob rounds are "unfun" because the only people doing blobfighting are getting dunked because nobody else is backing them up. I've seen blobs pop in Tool Storage, of all the common, undefensible, in-the-way, impossible-to-miss places, screamed on the radio about it for five minutes straight, gave clear and concise instructions on what to do, and had a handful of people show up on a round with Forty People. Considering that the entire point of a blob round is "Fight that blob", and that the station AI is directed to detonate the nuclear device if the blob cannot be contained, considering that the entire crews lives are in immediate and severe danger, that is abysmal. I'd make the arguement that not fighting the blob is both bad RP and bad gameplay, and thus "Very Bad" from the point of view of any SS13 playstyle that isn't "lol i grif u". And now you post on the forums about "improving" blob rounds, like you want to enable that sort of play? Fuck you. Fuck you very much.
  8. Didn't they outlaw the timeless classic Woody's Got Wood?
  9. ^This The reason blob rounds are "Unfun" is because a good 75% of the station just curls up in a ball and cries, another 15% goes to the blob and mills around, and the remaining 10% can't do it alone. To quote every Dark Souls player ever, Git Gud
  10. Sure, we can say that high-level or otherwise unique items are made with Adamantine or Mithril or whatever. Captain's Battle Armor - Made of solid Adamantium.
  11. Military firewall? Where do you even work?
  12. The more I read this thread, the more I think this would be great as a replacement for space ninjas.
  13. You'd be surprised just how much security hates fun. I mean, if you caught Batman, what would you do? Let's say you and your buddies are out there doing their best, workin' the beat, getting the beat, and this hopped up assistant with a shiny gubbin just waltzes on in, nabs your perp, steals all the glory and makes you and your buddies look like halfwit tools. What now?
  14. Plasma spears - As normal spears, but with more toxin damage. Adamantine/Mythril can be applied to any tool or mining implement on the spot (Or perhaps prepared with a welder?) to make it better. Adamantine welders deal more damage and hold more fuel. Mithril tools work faster than normal tools. Adamantine wirecutters and multitools act as insulated gloves. Mithril picks pick faster (Diamond drill fast), adamantine picks can pick through standard walls. Mithril hardsuits lose all movement penalties, Adamantine hardsuits buff the hardsuit to riot-armor levels of protection. Mithril eyewear of any sort provides welding goggle level eye protection at all times, without sight penalties. It also retains the original properties of this eyewear. Outside of mining, Mithril and Adamantine can be applied to various semi-restricted non-consumables to make them Better, with the theme of Adamantine being "More" and Mithril being "Faster". Mithril and Adamantine cannot be applied to the same item at the same time - Pick one, not both. Examples: Mithril Riot Suit has no movement penalties, while Adamantine Riot Suit provides 1/2 the reflection/absorbation of Ablative and Bulletproof vests and retains movement penalties. Mithril Spacesuit has no movement penalties, while Adamantine Spacesuit provides hardsuit level protection. Mithril applied to a taser or stun revolver will double your shots per recharge, while Adamantine applied to a taser or stun revolver will double holodamage inflicted (Oldstyle one-shot stuns) Mithril applied to a spear will remove the requirement to two-hand for maximum damage, while adamantine applied to the spear will multiply maximum (But not one-hand) damage by 2 (1.5?). Boom - Adamantine and Mythril are now coveted, rare resources on par with diamonds. Notes - Yes, these are overpowered. They're intended to be - They're balanced by the extreme rarity of the materials involved, and that they don't show up as terrain on an optical meson scanner. Par for the course is to go entire rounds mining without encountering mithril or adamantine, even after finding 30 diamonds. Mithril and Adamantine should be a super-rare treasure, used to create superpowered items, horded greedily and used sparingly. Typically, they're found in stacks of 5-7, so different item types may cost different amounts to augment - Exosuit five, tool one, weapon three, and so forth.
  15. He is the shadow that lurks in maintainence He is the hero the station needs, and the one it never deserved Some say he's the pinnacle of Assistantkind, wielding the fabled stungloves Others say he's an ex-deathsquad, fighting the wrongs of the galaxy More say he's funded by Nanotrasen to test new gear Some note that he's never seen in the same room as the HoP All we know is that he calls himself The Owl, and he says he's here to help.
  16. Not really, no. If you want pure action, go to /tg/ 1 and get your powergame on. If you want pure RP, Baystation's thataways. There's RP here - Less than dedicated RP servers, but enough of each to keep most of both crowds satisfied. There's robustness here - Less than powergame servers, but more than most RP servers. A Robust playstyle necessitates at least some knowledge of antagonists. If you don't say flat-out in the rules, you'll wind up with people circumventing it through character backstories. Ex-Deathsquad mercs, hard-boiled seen-it-all types, et cetera. The generally accepted convention is that everyone knows all antagonists, however they may or may not know their capabilities, goals, methods, and numbers. If you see ghosts flying around the station, you might assume there's some occult "Weird Shit" going on, but you may or may not know that a cultist has used a See Invisible rune to see a ghost, then hit that ghost with his tome to make him always-visible. Not because your character doesn't know that, but because most players don't know that and so you probably didn't know that. The safest assumption, and what I've been going off of, is that if you know it, your character also knows it. When the shit hits the fan and we need to thermite into the AI Core, I'm not going to say that I don't know the recipe by heart, because I know it in real life, in SS13, and in character. Roleplay, but don't handicap yourself to it.
  17. *surrender emote - drops what s/he's holding and raises his hands above his head! There's so many times I wish I had this.
  18. In the words of the great wise man IVAN CHESNOKOV, Every time I'm a traitor and someone asks me "Why?", the answer is simple - "Seven figures". They haven't paid me yet, so if it's in my best interests to double-defect then that's exactly what I'll do.
  19. Can you add the Skeleton race to the karma shop, instead?
  20. Exploding Butts - Causes brute damage to the groin of all non-casters in range. 50/50 chance for the butt of an affected entity to be removed. 50/50 chance of a removed butt exploding into gibs. Robeless spell. Summon Meat - As Fireball, creates a projectile and sends it in the direction the caster is facing. Instead of exploding, the projectile deals brute damage to the first thing it hits, then explodes into blood, gibs, meat, and bones with a wet, squelching sound. If it hits a person, everything that person is wearing is now covered in the maximum amount of blood and cannot be cleaned. Robeless spell.
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