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Posts posted by PhantasmicDream


    I would've imagined NTASM a little more... ramshackle, considering he's on his, what, 15th iteration? Probably more than that...


    Yeah? Welp I'll just wait to see what NTASM says.


    I'm...not sure if Medusa ever met Zeke or not.


    I believe I've passed you a few times as Zeke, but we never talked to eachother, but Zeke's not hard to find, just start at the bar.


    i vaguely remember Zeke getting stuck in a airlock as the escape shuttle with a handful of cultists running around in it was leaving, at least i managed to forcefeed a few of them with pistachios, donuts and ramen all filled with holy water.


    Yeah, I totally lagged when I was trying to walk through it, and then the doors shut and I was thinking shit


    Really? RABBIT EARS!? HOW DARE YOU APPLY RABBIT EARS TO THAT SENTI- Eh, looks nice actually.


    Once I get an IPC it's name will be R.A.B.B.I.T and its soul purpose will be being adorable.


    Cute nymph pinup to counteract the scantily clad Detective pinup? I dont mind that idea


    Hmmm, sounds like it could be fun, also, I'm totally going to do a proper Detective Zeke pinup someday. There's no stopping me now!



    It probably would have happened no matter what, because I've always wanted to play a detective as Zeke, but when you made the comment it kinda pushed me to try it sooner.



    - - - - -

    Also, more IPCs I"m not to sure what NTSAM would wear but I did up a quick profile I guess.

    And now drawing all these IPCs makes me want to play as one, but I can't! D: Oh well, maybe someday, but I also drawn up what I would kinda like it to look like.





    Tiny tails can be cute.


    Also, I played the second one a bit, basically I made a character walked around a bit then died then I didn't touch it again, but I have watched HereticChurch play the first and second one.



    Also, why such a tiny tail for the resident Xeno costumed maniac?


    I just kinda cut it off in the drawing because I didn't feel like drawing the whole tail. And I was also running out of time, because it was like past 10:00 and I was like oh shit I have to wake up at 6 to go to work for 7 tomorrow better make this quick.



    Also, curious. Do you actually play Zeke so... promiscuous if you play in game, or is that just a 'When I draw him' thing?


    He wasn't like that when I first started playing as him, mostly because I didn't have a personality for him yet. I also have a hard time figure out how a character is on the spot so I like to develop it through drawings, if that makes sense....


    - - - -






    Granted, but now there's so many new games coming out in a short time span that you can't possibly play them all at once or in time for any of the game's squeals.



    I wish I could draw forever.



    Kinda curious about how you'd do Zeke as a detective, to be quite honest.

    Though let's be honest, you'd probably have him in the normal attire, only instead of the suit, you'd have him in that skimpy thong you like drawing him in


    I have thought about being a detective with Zeke, I just haven't the chance to be, but when I do get to play a detective it'd probably be Zeke harassing some of the officers, and/or hanging out around the bar.




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