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Posts posted by PhantasmicDream


    So this wasn't how I was planning on drawing this (they were just going to be switching ties with each other) until I talked with my other art friends about it and one of them was like Make them shirtless they'es not quite.



    So fun fact and the reason for this, every time I've been drawing Zeke and Jonah in their detective outfits I've been switching their tie colour.



    For oneof my classes *cringes* I have to do up a self portrait -Sarcastically- and the best part of it I have to do one self portrait every day for 20 days and the even better part it's gotta have a theme and a reason why,-even more starcastically- yay!


    So for my horrific project I'm drawing my self in 20 different fantasy races which has been alright so far but I've been doing them up quickly, so far Day 1 I'm an orc, Day 2 I'm an Eladrian, and currently today (day 3) I'm a Tiefling.





    I'm currently going through the races of D&D but if you have any other suggestions of race I should draw myself into you can always leave a comment.


    *Sighs* This is going to be a huge pain in the butt



    I'm noticing a lack of tasteful ballgag here, perhaps Zeke would be willing to oblige?




    [spoiler2]I don't like facial hair in general and the making out drawings with it is ehhhhhhh[/spoiler2]



    [spoiler2]I personally have a huge love for facial hair, I like touching it and I've never had a issues making out with someone how has it, though there's been a the odd time I get a bit of the hair in my mouth.[/spoiler2]



    Hah, and yeah Zeke normally avoids other Skrell.


    Also, going along with my steampunking everything, here's Ashley Williams rocking the plague doctor outfit, and I feel like most of the doctors would be wearing something like this and probably not always with the mask on.



    Did up some Invader Zim styled art (something I have to do for one of my classes) so I drew myself, I feel like I should of added a witch hat to it, but of well maybe next time.



    And lastly, who doesn't love seeing aliens preform human plays? Here we have Zeke preforming Hamlet.




    To truly understand the art of wearing skirts you must first try on skirts, or something...


    - - - -

    I was feeling bored, and like I could have been working on my art projects for school but then I remembered a conversation in the OOC chat about Earcuffs, and I felt like I'd draw a picture to show what earcuffs are, starting Human Zeke Varloss and Jonah Bright.





    Name: Edward Anderson O’Connell

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: B+

    General Occupational Role(s):







    Edward was born on the moon in Kings Landing, growing up in a rather wealthy family that owns several small mining companies. In his younger years he didn’t see his parents that often, mostly during dinners, or when they were hosting an event at their house. So he was raised up by his nanny, and some of the other caretakers that worked/lived in the house.


    By the time Edward turned 14 his parents started becoming more involved in his life, setting high standards for him in his schooling and what he does at home. When he finished his schooling at age 18 his father started making Edward go to work with him to see what it was that he does and to prepare him to take over the family business.


    When Edward turned 20 he was starting to feel more isolated from the world around him, he would see and learn only the things that his parents would let him. This started to make Edward fed-up with parents, so he decided to run off and tried to explore, work, and live on his own. For the first few months he had a hard time doing it, to make money he sold some of his old things he had, and tried being a waiter. When he was about to give up a go back home, he heard about Nanotrasen was recruiting people on NSS Cyberiad so he quickly joined up, hoping to pick up any job they give him.




    Employment Records:

    No past employments.


    Security Records:


    Medical Records:


    Personnel Photo:



    Other Notes:

    • Hates really controlling people

    • Is kinda clumsy

    • Likes being an ass by throwing facehugger plushies at people.

    • Has a British accent

    • Has a tattoo on his left shoulder


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:


    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:



    I drew this up on Friday and Never posted it.



    And I don't know why I don't listen to myself when I say I should stop drawing late, I feel like everything's kinda going Disney in this one. And I don't know why I wanted to have fun making Zeke human, but he's like a pretty princess.




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