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Everything posted by PhantasmicDream

  1. I've been avoiding class projects again...
  2. I guess I'll have to try harder... He shall also be the cutest of the corgis.
  3. Jonah and Zeke now have a pet corgi, named Sax. Also, during a certain fun round with a bunch of corgis Zeke became a woman and got a comment from Sergey saying "Zeke is pretty princess now" Of course because Zeke already looks feminine I wasn't sure how I'd make him look more like a woman...
  4. Six.... Wait wouldn't we have started over and this would be three...
  5. Well, I'm glad you haven't said any of these horrible things you were thinking.... Anywho, here's a fun gif I made up for my in-class project, look as Anders glides across the screen.
  6. I noticed that after I made my post.... Leading up to horrible things to say is another thing I do.
  7. I'm gunna go with you being a horrible tease.
  8. *Coughs*Or how I like to draw men not wearing much
  9. And so the streaming has ended, here's the rest of the drawings!!
  10. Some streaming pictures. And this image did happen...
  11. Fun fact, sometimes when I'm waiting to serve drinks as the bartender I pull out my candles and start lighting them up and then place them around on the tables in the bar. Because you know... Zeke is always ready to set the mood. *coughs*
  12. Thought I'd bring this picture back up, just because this was originally going to be a comic, but then I got lazy on working on it, and at the time I mostly just wanted to draw the one scene. Then after a while I kinda forgot about it. But then I found it by mistake this morning and thought I would go ahead and finish it after classes and working on some projects. Sadly though it's been a long time since this situation had happened that I don't really remember the conversation we had as clearly anymore. (And this is also a Fuck noses comic)
  13. Here's another fun comic with Churchy, Hawke, and Jonah.
  14. Fun comic time! And Zeke playing the piano.
  15. I personally a get a little heart broken every time I hear someone being hard on themselves about their art. So here's some words of encouragement (maybe), you should not give up on art if you start feeling down when you see someone else's that you may like more, use what you see to inspire you to work harder and to practice more, because no one really becomes an artist over night it takes time, and spending a little bit of time each day to just draw a little because the more you draw the better you'll get. ^- ^
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