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Posts posted by LightFire53






    Hyperion dealt with the hauntings on the bridge one shift as NT Rep. Sacrifices included a goat, Runtime, Renault, Commander Clucky, Ian, two bowel issued wolpin, and the humanized monkey.


    Central did not respond to Hyperion's request to join Paranormal ERT.



    Monkey Dispenser: nice idea, as I am tired of chasing monkeys around before I can feed them to their slimey overlords. However, as Kero said, it does take a big chunk out of xenobio's work.


    Slime fridge: Yes. A set order would be nice, though I imagine the same argument has been made for the chem fridge at some point.


    Gold Slime Spawn Ratio: I suggest making the plasma injection one, but also keeping the blood injection one. Just keeps things less crowded. Extract injection flash OP, pls nerf


    Slime Slayer: I never really have an issue with the fire extinguisher. You pull your desired slime into the mini airlock system, spray them down with the fire extinguisher. 98% of the time I find, the slime is dead. Proceed to grinding the little bastards up. If you aren't a fan, as Kero also said, the temp gun is your new weapon of choice then.


    Advanced Mutagen: Isn't this what we already do with some of the slime extracts? If you added this, it would pretty much nullify a couple of the current extract abilities. Now, if it RNG changed the slime species (limited to once per slime), this could be an idea.


    TLDR: I could be down with some of these changes.





    I like the idea of a new map redesign. It would actually be nice if we could have the maps rotate every once in a while.


    My idea I would like: A CENTERED STATION TITLE.


    If you notice, the NSS Cyberiad above the bridge is off center, and has driven me crazy forever. RIP Captain me.


  4. I have always thought xenobio should be kept off station. Maybe the science outpost could work for that? I mean, you can easily clean up space down there, and have a much larger xenobio than the one on the station.YOU COULD ACTUALLY DISCOVER ALL AND BREED ALL THE SLIMES AT THE SAME TIME


    I am against this, personally.


    This would make Malf AI a lot harder to do, when it is already a challenge to take out an AI that knows what they are doing. The fix to that is if one or two AI mainframes died, it would be completely kaput. AI = dead.


    As for traitors taking out the AI, this also makes this harder significantly, as well as making it harder for the AI. One of the ways an AI can tell it is being hunted is that it can hear what is going on around it's sat. It can hear people welding in, it can hear explosions, it has camera alarms all over the place. Splitting it up in to four pieces removes that completely. You could be helping security open a door, get a camera alarm and be significantly damaged, because the camera alarms don't activate instantly. Repeat and, following the earlier suggestion, you are kaput.


    Overheating. Hm. HMMMMM. I can see how this is true, but I think a better way to address this IC is to just have it set to Server Coldroom and make it so the AI HAS to have it set to coldroom, like the RnD servers.


    However, an interesting idea pops up. If you have 4 AI mainframes, what if they were linked to a sector of the station? If you lost that mainframe, you loose control over the equipment and APC's over there? (You can still open doors, though.) Or a mainframe for each department, including one that is just door controls for the entire station that could be stored in the Central Block?


    Again, I am against this, but I am one person, and I can/will learn to live with change.





    I think this is going to, ironically, result in the geneticist being even less involved with helping out at the cloner, as there's even less justification for him to fulfill that roll when anyone who can remotely enter medbay can access+used+activate the cloner (chaplain, chef, detective, etc).


    Fox, those people have Morgue access, not standard medbay access. Morgue is it's own button, I believe. Thus, they wouldn't have access to cloning/cryotubes.


    I think this is a good idea. More open space, in a commonly cramped area? Boo ya! The chem fridge does seem a little out of place though. What if you had a stash of manitol locked up behind a pill cabinet (like the one in exam) instead? As for mutadone, that should still be in the standard chem fridge.



    They would be given a modified CMA menu with the spell that would have a heavy cooldown and would require the Grey's to stand still for a solid minute so they can focus their mental ability to form this illusion. They would be able to alter their racial appearance(WITH LIMITS TO WHAT SORT OF RACES THEY CAN PICK, NO SKELETONS OR SHADOWLINGS) as well as customize their appearance just as a CMA would allow you to. What would separate this ability to the normal admin triggered CMA would be they could not change their DNA, fingerprints, name, or stats with this ability, only giving them the appearance of a different being.


    Now, before you say too op, this ability requires them to use tremendous concentration, making them weaker and slower with this ability active. This ability can also only works so long as their form is not touched. Meaning any physical damage while using this ability would double the damage taken to them and also bring them out of the power, returning them to their actual appearance.


    It sounds like you want to make greys a humanoid chameleon projector. Interesting. I like it.


    The balance here seems good. Charge up time, cool down, and debuffs for appearance altering. Were you thinking something along the lines of Diona run speed? Or a little faster than that, like hardsuit run speed?


    This would pose as an interesting mechanic for antags too. Hide your ID, wear a gasmask, change to desired species, commit crime. Again, with the debuffs and such present, being able to hide yourself is really only effective if the AI is the only one around. Not overly OP, I imagine.


    In short: This would get me to buy greys. Sounds like fun.





    Araris Valerian was contracted as a xenobiologist. Naturally, he goes into xenobiology to breed slimes. He finds two of his coworkers, also xenobiologists there, and continues to do his own slime breeding.


    After three slime attacks, resulting in two trips to medbay, Araris quits doing xenobiology. He does some brief work in RnD before the roboticist mentions that the toxins researcher is dead. Being the good Tajara he is, Araris went and rescued Lyn Lovegood's corpse from the now depressurized toxins launch room, and delivers them to medbay.


    After waiting around for a bit, and Lyn's revival, the duo go to robotics to replace Lyn's missing leg. Alas, misfortune has struck yet again! Robotics has been completely destroyed by a bomb! Araris and Lyn, persistent to get Lyn a new leg, travel through the maintenance tunnels in order to get to RnD. What do they find? RnD is also destroyed, by the same bomb!


    Traveling to arrivals in search of a cane, the pair report to the Head of Personnel's office to be reassigned, as now over half of science is destroyed. Now contracted as engineers, Lyn and Araris head off to engineering to grab their new gear and materials to repair science.


    Disaster strikes yet again, and a spider in the Chief Engineer's office breaks free from it's glass constraints, and the two have to fight off the spider. Valiantly, Araris takes all the blows while the two robust the spider with toolboxes. Spider dead, Araris is beginning to feel the poison coursing through his veins. Lyn drags Araris to medical, but he dies before they arrive.


    After Araris's ghost watched the coroner immediately begin an autopsy instead of cloning, it patiently waited until the cloning process began. Upon cloning completion, Araris woke up cold, naked and alone in cryogenics. After requesting help, the CMO responded and began to try and find Araris' gear. Lyn managed to find Araris' patiently awaiting the CMO's arrival, and began to strike up conversation once more. The CMO shortly returned with Araris' gear, and he started to re-equip his gear.


    Our final disaster strikes: Lady Tesla.


    She teleports into medbay, and kills most of the living crew in the department, including our heroic duo. As the tortured souls of the medical victims cry out in pain, the last survivors begin to take action. One such person clones Lyn, and puts her in a cryotube. Another doctor, for an undescernable reason, debrains Araris and runs away with his brain. Lyn, fresh out of cryo for the second time, wakes up.


    To find out Lady Tesla is a cruel god and returned for the kill.


    And so ends our story. A story of slimes, explosions, and giant energy balls shocking Tajara and Human alike.

    Rest in Pieces.



    I agree. If we aren't going to do it anymore, the map should be redone with a new idea for the research outpost. At it is at this point is a science mining station.


    However, if there still is a plan in place, we can continue avoiding going down to cargo for minerals.



    I would have taken that moment to give the shadow ascendant the bird.

    How'd you piss it off in the first place, though?


    Found the shadowling ten minutes in when it tried to pop, and yelled about it.


    Shadowling almost got seriously robusted by an army of greytide immediately after.

    Said Shadowling was also a shadownerd called Tully


    Well done. Piss off the all power immortal beings. You can cross that off of Garoon's bucket list.


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