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Everything posted by davidchan

  1. Doesn't asteroid make it ridiculously hard for nukes and vox to get on the station since they don't start with picks and shit so it's super easy to tell if they are around?
  2. I would love a underwater map or at least partly. Like a huge tank of water for research or maybe just for station use, since water is so important for all races except greys. Or maybe a random chance of being an underwater station but I don't think a 100% permanently underwater map is a good idea. Make barotrauma canon, aquatic stations below the ice of europa ftw
  3. Donut station made a lot of sense to me, as circular stations in general have good flow and make for amusing benny hill chases of the clown running loops as sec is to dense to cut him off. Dead ends on a station that aren't maint are kind bleh to me. As for sabatoge, most antags don't have the freedom to do serious damage to the station anyways and a station built for 100+ pop should have redundant pathways anyways. The few antags allowed to poke holes in the station and commit mass murder should at least have a few high traffic choke points for easy sabatoge and kills (like the glass skywalks that are basically carp feeding tanksf I don't want a donut rip off, but a somewhat symmetrical and modular feel on a space station is something id like to see
  4. I generally never cared for the transit/off station spawn but it does have it's merits. The arrivals shuttle isn't always safe for entry, especially on meteor modes or bad carp spawns, so that would be a minor way to help to prevent early round spawn deaths and anyone attacking someone else on the spawn point is an obvious griefer/noob who needs to be set straight. If in theory we WERE making our own map and customizing it to the needs of the community, I would actually poll for something like Donut used to be with a multi-ring station with outer, middle and inner rings, and maint tunnels connecting the rings. From the transit/spawn area there could be one way transit tubes or teleporters that could drop players onto the station at one of a few public areas. If we split the station into 4 wings; security, engineering, medical and science, with civilian departments and jobs strewn about between those wings, you could have 4 checkpoints or transit hubs that drop players between two departments. Command or engineering being in the center of the station and the other departments placed in the outer rings. Long term, the transit loop itself could be made an option with 1 or 2 loops going around the station allowing for reasonably quick travel across the station (Futurama style) and sabotaging these loops could be a decent way for a traitor to hamper the crew, isolate their target or make their escape alone objective easier if they happen to break a tube in maint closet and filled the room with plasma.
  5. Botany: Literally nothing to explain how bees work, how to get more of them or how to mutate them and generally the benefits and responsibilities of raising bees. Bartender: The still.
  6. Heisenbee is botany thing, why would RD get it? If anything RD should get a slime or trained monkey that responds to specific emote commands.
  7. Doesn't the bottom right cell still have the blast doors to space? You can literally make a kill room by just putting grills down there and opening the doors?
  8. I question who the heck thought dogs should get darkvision, dogs have terrible eyesight and function even worse in darkness. That said, what if we make it so darkvision as a racial trait confers a vulnerbility to hand flashes actually stun instead of confuse and flashlighting someone would confuse if they had darkvision. Flash protection would prevent this but also disable darkvision Also @icyv thinking IPCs are human+ or OP... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Like have you even played ipcs recently? When's the last time you died through a wall because a tator? Or a ventcralwing changling emp'd you? The number of debuffs and restrictions on IPCs only make them op to people who don't fucking understand how they work and what they give up.
  9. Isn't the entire point of the toys to confuse and kickback false positives? Capguns make the same sound as revolvers, and toy e-swords mimic the sounds of drawing and attacking as their actually lethal inspiration. Heck even laser tag guns do the misty screen overlay and make you THINK you've been shot when you don't actually take damage (I just watched an assistant get x-ray'd into crit a few days ago because he laser tagged a sec officer.) Really just adds another reason these weapons should be offset blue so you have to actually examine the weapon to know what it is. I'd suggest adding an NT Blue option to the poll, as it seems people are voting Confusing Blue and there are two variants that it could be.
  10. To be hundred percent honest I could care less if we are bay or not. Non-human species SHOULD feel like you are taking on a disadvantage in some form or another, Vulps are straight upgrades which only goes more into why wouldn't you just play them? Obviously Skrell need some kind of rework to make them more than just humans with tentacles for hair, but given how vulps always try to deflect criticism by saying other species are power gamers because they get x buffs, and come to realize the supposed debuffs they got didn't take place at all? I can't say I'm surprised, just disappointed.
  11. Id prefer NT blue for the crew variant foam guns, particularly because I can totally see amber erts being set up with these things. Orange would be fine as well, but keep syndired to actual syndi items
  12. Plasma tanks aren't exceptionally rare and it doesn't even have to be a plasma tank. Oxygen tanks work just as well and if you can get ahold of a plasma canister you can fill up any old oxygen tank (such as those in EVA or the Firefighter closets, among other places) with any gas. Plasma gas is the only one that makes fire though.
  13. Supposedly TM Plasmen price was so high because it was in testing phase and nobody was really sure if they'd work and be reasonably balanced. This price was so high because players who could achieve that level of purchase were very well versed on the community and how the server should function, and would understand this wasn't quite finished yet. That was almost 2 years ago now. I'd definitely be supporting a Plasmen price reduction down to to 50kp or in that realm, they are somewhat powerful but they aren't particularly better than species like Vox or Kidan. Maybe set up a petition or system so that people who bought the plasmen since the last time they were updated or tweaked could be reimbursed at least some of those points. Increasing the cost of Kidan though? Pass. They aren't particularly prolific or common among the crew to begin with, making them less appealing and harder to unlock for players seems like a bad idea. If anything Kidan need some kind of tweak or update to make more players want to play them, or some proper lore push to get people interested in them again.
  14. Good god these are Swat 4 paintball guns all over again. GET-GET-GET-GET-GET-POLICE GET ON THE GROUND! They should spawn in the non-secure armory
  15. Yeah you need about 5MW or so last I checked for sparking, keeping the powernet below that means you won't get that lethal. Regular singulo without chilled gas only gets about 2MW at stage 3 stable last I checked. As for the topic of this thread? No. God no. Stun Gloves were cancer, a stun item that couldn't be dropped, disarmed or taken away from a person without first stunning them long enough to strip them, you were better off just cuffing them. Krav gloves are bad enough. Six second stuns are pretty long too for an item with no obvious tell or sprite change that it's about to happen, at least parapens have inhand sprites so you know something is up when they approach.
  16. One of tg's most recent additions was too make stunprods too big to fit in backpacks, making them an exosuit/belt slot item or back slot like spears. Can't fully agree with the change but it's had its results and makes validhunting that much harder and makes full on revollts, revolutions and gangs feel that much more satisifying.
  17. Obviously for the sake of fairness all races should be able to choose the same skin/fur colors
  18. Been requested in the past From my understanding (as a non-coding plebian) it's a planned feature port, but it's not currently applicable because of the difference in piping systems. SoonTM if we are lucky but it doesn't seem this is a priority for any coder up to the task.
  19. Against pepper spray, anything that covers both eyes is going to be leagues better than something that doesn't cover them at all. True, the pepper spray can still drip or flow down from their forehead into their eyes, but the majority of it will hit the eye gas and flow away. Pepperspray works best when most or all of it contacts the skin, so just having residual drip means it will be momentarily painful but otherwise not incapacitating. Really, just wearing glasses and wrapping your head in cloth (jumpsuit, shirt, guaze) would be one of the better ways to ghetto protect yourself against being sprayed, otherwise a splashguard shield that MedChem and SciChem mysteriously lack would also work wonders against PS. As far as CS gas goes, you also want to cover your mouth, usually with a tightly woven fabric thats been lightly drenched in water to create a better seal to catch the gas, if you ever seen videos of people protesting/rioting against police you'll usually see at least one guy dumping a water bottle onto a jacket and wrapping it around his face best he can. Covering your eyes is still the most important if you're looking to avoid pain, but if liberal use of CS gas is being used against you, it can get pretty damn hard to breathe in the cloud.
  20. As someone who'se been hit with CS (Tear) Gas and Pepperspray (Part of training), I can definitely tell you that its the eye irritant that does the most to hamper you over inhaling it. CS Gas is probably the worst of the two and the only one I noticed making it harder to breathe, pepper spray is more of a mist so unless your mouth is open already it's not much of danger to inhale. The main reason it's worse on the eyes is because you can cough up most of the gas quickly and get fresh air unless you are constantly being sprayed, where as once it sticks to you eyes you're basically waiting for your tears to flush it out, rubbing it makes it worse though if you access to fresh water you can reasonably flush it out. Hence, I never understood how a surgical mask protects against it.
  21. Actually kind of like the idea of the HoP having a proper bulletin board/computer screen that they can advertise which job slots are available or which departments have claimed they are seeking more personnel.
  22. Queue the hypersensitive and totally not hypocritical community members declaring that if you had a valid reason to use the RnD Console you'd already have access or an emag.
  23. I feel a better place for epipen production would be protolathes, as they can hold chemical reagents. May have to flag the code so that the upgrades to lathe don't magically reduce the chem cost, and allow higher level of research to make some other chem-pens? It'd have be closely watched and carefully balanced though, but if doctors could bring bottles of medicine they want in pens to RnD and get filled pens, could make a bit more cross over between departments.
  24. Let's be honest. Warden is the LAST person who should take over HoS position in security. His job already has the most responsibility of security and if the station is busy keeping people in the brig (most shifts) then promoting the warden means promoting someone to replace him, so the initial warden will have to spend half their time training someone new into the job while trying to get accustomed to their new post, they will not likely leave the brig much. It's far far better to promote the most stable and experienced Security Officer (when possible) and have the warden act as an advisor to the new HoS and keep things going in the right direction than to throw two people into jobs they may or may not be accustomed to.
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