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Everything posted by counterfeitguise

  1. HAHAH THAT'S ADORABLE! Thank your friend sooo much! This is based on a round that happened today. RISSA got her first distinguished conduct medal while playing Sec! She's having doubts about whether or not she should accept, though.
  2. Yeeeahhh, okay. +1, this is kinda silly. Though honestly, I'd normally say that anyone who stands around touching lightbulbs kinda deserves it.
  3. AW! That comic's so lovely...I'd love to see more like that, actually. The emotion on Zeke's face was gorgeous.
  4. "You're going to arrest me in an outfit like that? Oh, darling, I'd rather die."
  5. Don't feel bad, you said "back up" and didn't immediately assblast me, you had no way of knowing I was desynced.
  6. Ahaha, yes, I DO play floor wizard. He is the alternative to door lizard in that he's an over aggressive piece of shit that round would have gone completely different had I not been unsynced from SHODAN due to the laws getting fucked
  7. Zao plushie! New forum siggy of all my most played characters. A bunch of RISSA emojis for Discord.
  8. I saw an old picture from years ago and started drawing plushies again. Forgot how bloody difficult they were to do, though. RISSA! Dar'konr! Tristen Edwards!
  9. Never been an issue for me. Doesn't mean it never happens to other people, dude.
  10. I have to admit, it feels like barely anyone uses the bathrooms; even as a contraband stash, they're rarely used. Making it a safe place for people who have to rush off quickly would be a good idea (I have had this problem far too many times than I care to admit) - although I do have concerns that people will simply use them as a place to hide from antags the entire round. Maybe a cell-like timer so that it opens after a while? I dunno.
  11. You were a GREAT Chaplain, dude. I actually hope to see you on that role more often, to be honest.
  12. I just wanted to express a HUGE thank you to the Security team that played on 12/13-04-2016. They were a quirky, amazing force to be contended with, and I'm so, SO happy I helped more than hindered in that round. It may have been a regular shift for you guys, but that one will stay in my mind for a while. Extra shout-outs to Tristen Edwards, for willing to take RISSA on board in the first place (as well as that wonderful movie-esque holobadge gift at the end); SHIP, for the simple and effective laptop co-ordination (and for retrieving my ID card); Rasheke Burman for being a willing participant; SOPHIE for being a sassy as fuck and damn quick-responding AI; that fucking rad as hell Chaplain - Renomaki Story, I believe? - that service was inspired, and I wish more Chaplains would do stuff like that; and lastly, the rest of the force. You were a rad little family together, and it was good fun. I was behind the desk the entire time (and intend to do so in the future, I'm not terribly robust) - so any highlights in particular you want to share that were memorable and fun? I quite liked that literally ALL of the people that turned off their sensors were actually cultists, and the uncertainty of the showdown in Bar Maint was quite a tense moment.
  13. You're all wrong! It was on the beach, he was wearing swimshorts. He was, however, wearing it on his belt, yes.
  14. Also drew my Vox. He's very bored and irritable.
  15. Entchtut Cenein and Laskorreshkor Ssesiskaklas! Being a cute little couple.
  16. Congrats on an entire year! So many improvements have been made, too! Goddamn Jenkins pictures never fail to make me snort, you draw him so adorkable.
  17. Sure! I can do Entchtut, too. Mind giving some deets?
  18. Did a little warm-up sketch of my Unathi, might doodle around some more before I give it a proper try.
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