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Everything posted by Qinetix

  1. A Tarjan cosplaying as a Diona?
  2. Yeah this would be really nice.
  3. Well Gygaxes can become faster, so I assume there might be a reason, despite having lower resistance.
  4. We could remove all flags tough and leave it up to the admins to declare the winner, depending on how they will rule, after they either murdered off the enemy alliance(s) or united under a single ruler or council. Seriously ,just remove the flags and leave it up to the admins.
  5. Humm why not, sounds better than Xenos anyways.
  6. I wonder if it recognizes mousewheel up and down.
  7. We kinda had the imaginary wall.... it was kind of removed :
  8. If they gave him hair dye and that that would be pretty neato.
  9. Unless you make use of the cryobeakers.
  10. How about we use the newscaster to report crimes.
  11. Stun gloves were really op back then.... sucked that you kind of dropped dead if you were shocked by something.
  12. Because its a pain in the ass and crew members shouldn't have to pay for damn cargo supplies! It was actually for BOOOOZE.
  13. The Chef, Bartender and probably the Librarian have those. I think Cargo also has those , or used to. However when I brought up its usage they either paid or gave me the finger. Bunch of a holes.
  14. Qinetix


    Well to be frank its actually a mix of paper and dried tobacco leaves, so no need to wonder about why its brown.
  15. Qinetix


    To be frank.. Botany should get the ability to make cigars... they do have tobacco after all.
  16. Qinetix


    You have to bash the captains skull in to obtain the sacred Cigar
  17. This sounds like a good idea. (Except the chainsaw wheels) Giving the mechanic the ability to build vehicles ,keys and customize them would be nice. No more clowns breaking in and stealing vehicles.
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