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Everything posted by DaveTheHeadcrab

  1. Actually, I counted it correctly, giving the maximum possible sentence for each crime. And if you read Space Law (http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Space_Lawhere) in the commentaries and clarifications section it is clearly states that any time over 60 minutes is to be changed to a life sentence. Also known as a Permabrig. EDIT: Antagonists would, under the new system, serve a penalizing time as well. The 'Enemy of the Corporation' charge is a capitol crime and may be punished by any of the appropriate methods so long as it's authorized. And if the antagonist only committed a minor crime, and security doesn't know they're an antag or cannot prove it they should not be serving more time than anyone else who committed that crime, because the instant sec knows you're an Enemy of the Corporation you get the crime slapped on you and punished summarily. As for punishing non-antags, this isn't about nerfing security or making greytiders more powerful. It's about giving fair sentences to criminals where our current times are absurdly long because they come from a server where charges can be disputed and go through a trial, and where IAA holds power over security. Granted, the proposed system comes from a server where there is even less RP than ours, and where lawyers are generally laughed out of the brig. This is why I've modified the times to fit our server. Processing takes sixty seconds for a good officer to do, probably even less, and I fail to see how this has a bearing on how efficient security is. I also do not believe that this will have an effect on how much serious self-antag criminal activity will occur, but that is why the question in the poll is 'Would you be willing to try it?' and not 'Do you want this implemented'. It would be on an experimental basis just incase we saw a serious spike in serious non-antag criminal activity.
  2. I dislike how Baystation's spacelaw works for a number of reasons, the primary one being the ability for officers to stack overlapping charges and the extremely long times that tend to come out of this. A good portion of the minor crimes can result in a fifteen minute sentence not including processing, not to mention the medium crimes. Criminal sentences get very large very quickly due to this, and take upwards of 1/4th of a player's round away. Allow me to give an example: A player goes behind the bar, and attacks Pun Pun. He disarms the officer attempting to arrest him a few times, but is subdued. He then insults the officer over public radio multiple times on the way to the brig. This reflects poorly on the player, but are not crimes that I would deem worthy of a sentence over fifteen minutes. And yet, under Baystation's law, watch: Trespass: 10 minutes Animal Cruelty: 15 minutes Insulting an Officer on Duty: 15 minutes Battery: 8 minutes Resisting Arrest: 15 minutes Misuse of Public Radio Channels: 3 minutes The offender has just racked up a 66 minute sentence, permabrig is now authorized according to Space Law. This is absurd. My suggestion is to replace our current Space Law system with /TG/ space law with the following modifications: Space Law is not a suggestion as it is on /TG/. Times might be flexible depending on circumstance, but outright ignoring the guidelines would get you in serious trouble. Permanent sentences cannot be authorized by the Warden. All sentences under our law would be tripled, because I believe their brig times are too low to work properly on our server. After modification, the brig times would look like this: (Labor camp points may need to be modified further, we would monitor this for abuse and change point goals if it became problematic) Minor Crimes: 3 minutes Medium Crimes: 6 minutes or 300 point labor camp sentence Major Crimes: 15 minutes or a 1500 point labor camp sentence Capitol Crimes: Execution, Cyborgification, Permanent labor camp sentence, permabrig. Only the Captain or HoS would be able to authorize permabrig. Only the Captain would be able to authorize execution. Let's re-examine the crime I mentioned above under the modified /TG/ law (/TG/ space law guide for reference: http://www.ss13.eu/wiki/index.php/Space_law): Trespass: 3 minutes Resisting Arrest: 3 minutes Assault of an Officer: 15 minutes A total sentence of 19 minutes. Much more reasonable, I'd claim. Please leave your thoughts on the suggestion or ideas for further modification for Space Law below.
  3. Dead people dont process reagents, you give them the chems so that they start processing them AS SOON as they come back to life.
  4. What are your general opinions on melee weapons sticking in wounds? What I would like to see happen is this only occur when an object is thrown at a person, and not when you slice someone with the weapon. I generally find this confusing as an addition. because all it does is put someone's attacks through an RNG to see if they lose their weapon arbitrarily or not, and it otherwise serves no real gameplay purpose I can think of. Thoughts?
  5. You are mistaken. The autodrobe was the ONLY thing left. They took out the regular clothing machines. The autodrobe is also no longer in the clothing room, but in the dressing room of a secluded maintenance bar.
  6. That is a pretty subjective opinion. People said the exact same thing when we changed from the to the 'old' energy weapon icons months ago.
  7. Ponies has done more porting from other open source code bases than anything else since the very beginning of the server. I'm not claiming it's a bad thing -- But we've never been 'Unique', as you define it.
  8. Firstly, this is the laser gun icon we were using: Secondly, it's a matter of personal opinion, but I think the energy gun icon we're using right now is far better than the one we were using previously. Thirdly, the only issue I see with the seclights is the in-hand icon, which will be fixed within the next patch.
  9. Note: Jackboots make you move no faster than any other kind of shoe. Other than that, excellent work.
  10. This issue was put to bed a -long- time ago. Nymphs are effectively monkies and have equivalent rights. For the love of god and all things holy, do not revive this debate.
  11. Glancing over it, it doesn't seem like a bad idea. The issue is it would be -alot- of work to make a reality.
  12. This isn't really a 'balance', it's a buff. Save the overheating idea, which has already been shot down, it seems, everything on here empowers the Cyborgs more. They can already take twice the abuse of humans before dieing, and can come back from the brink of death with a welder and 5 minutes in robotics. The fact of the matter is I see you playing mostly cyborg and AI, and believe you opinion in this is biased. The changes suggested here do not make the Cyborgs better at the job they selected, it makes them more powerful as whole.
  13. I wouldn't be opposed to timelocking head positions so you have to have been with us for a week or so before getting a head position, but some people who are good players are Karmabanned, and some people who really shouldn't be in head positions are popular and have alot of Karma.
  14. I disagree with this, as any Head can ORDER the AI to swipe for red, even if the shift has just started, effectively eliminating what the cardswipes for red were meant to create in the first place.
  15. Here's my view on the issues presented here: The armory probably should not be bolted until Red alert. It very strongly hinders emergency response times unless the admins set the red alert (And most of the time we have to), and this is something we don't want to encourage, because it really is something the players should be doing themselves. The only head with any direct incentive to elevate to red alert in any situation that isn't immediately going to be the doom of the ship is the Head of Security, and there are situations that legitimately require armory access but can't be dealt with because all the other heads are off doing their own things and don't recognize the threat yet, or don't care enough to drop what they're doing and swipe for Red. I strongly believe that reverting to Warden and Head of Security access to the armory will be for the best. I rarely, if ever, saw the armory's contents abused before it was locked. And as for rechargers? Security has four, as Regens said. Two in the sec locker area mounted on the wall, one in the Head of Security's office, and one in the Warden's office. Assuming there's six officers on duty (And there are only six security lockers, I believe six is the limit) that means one third of the officers can recharge their tasers/batons/lasers at a time. Assuming the officers aren't firing their tasers into the wall for entertainment, I think the amount of rechargers we have now is enough.
  16. The duration of a stunbaton's stun could, maybe, be inversely proportional to the amount of armor you have on at the time.
  17. Fox's Pun-Pun sacrifice to the gods: Triple AI Malf Round, everyone is malf:
  18. One issue. 'Kill all mutant communist traitors'. The crew could, in theory, be nothing but mutant traitor commies. The truthfulness of that is irrelevant, it is a possibility and since it's at law 0 it overrides the serve law. The AI, under all circumstances, is within its rights to kill the entire crew. Lame as that might be.
  19. The issue is Nymphs. while they do evolve into Diona, are effectively just monkies and usually act as such. My proposed solution: Protect Nymphs under the animal cruelty law, and nothing else unless they Nymphs are EITHER inside of Botany or by a Botanist, because they shouldn't be anywhere else anyway.
  20. Been making a console ( see the suggestions forum for details ). Here's what I've got so far! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rdy8tlkf1a6r4d2/XfHcnPm57w
  21. So -- I mentioned this as a joke in OOC during a round, but it kind of caught on and Ponies asked me to post a formal suggestion here because he thought it was a good idea. The idea goes as follows: The clown must gather enough Bananium to construct a 'Clown Console'. With this clown console you could call in the HONK squad. A squad of highly trained HONK specialists equipped with Clown Hardsuits, Military-Grade bike horns, and highly experimental banana peels, as well as fully outfitted HONK mech suits in a situation HONK levels on the station are critically low. I figure it would work the same was as the ERT, pulling from the pool of dead players to gear up and then deploy the HONK-mobile to the station to assist in getting HONK levels back into acceptable parameters. EDIT: Sprited the console. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rdy8tlkf1a6r4d2/XfHcnPm57w
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