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Mrs Dobbins

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Posts posted by Mrs Dobbins


    I personally like the randomized law sets every round, it means you have to act differently every time.


    On a more technical note, all law sets are inherently broken and don't work, Asimov in particular. We should make the lawyers easier to understand rather then setting it to a single law set that any AI who thinks hard enough can warp to it's own intentions.


    To be honest, Robocop and Paladin are too vague to really be lawsets- they basically both say "Hunt antags and do what command tells you"

    Asimov has a lot more room for maneuver.

    The laws shouldn't be easy to interpret, but they should be able to misinterpreted with ease.



    All non-asimov lawsets are too vague about how much a synthetic can do to stop an antag, meaning that they can do pretty much anything.

    The robocop lawset is really bad for this: What the hell is the public trust anyway?

    The AI would be forced to be more indirect, and sec wouldn't be able to lean on the AI as much.



    Could be worse, could be the challenge map pretty much every time, like it was.

    Because everyone loves powergaming a maze that is lethal if you make a mistake in order to get an LMG and deathsquad armor.

    I would like to see the wild west and the space-battle map added to the rotation though, they look cool.



    I like the idea of this, and anyway, we don't have enough Hitchhiker's references in the game.

    In the books the Babel fish didn't make it possible to speak whatever language, just understand other languages.



    The thing about SS13's general clunkiness is that it adds to the fear and tension, knowing that you could be attacked and wouldn't be able to defend yourself too well.

    This would just give sec more power as they'd be able to have their instastuns on the field in fractions of a second.



    I saw this thread going around bay and /tg/, and its a cool idea, so time to replicate it.

    the idea is simple- imagine Paradise is even more full than usual, and we've expanded the station to compensate.

    Atmosia would resemble a combination of a metal amazon and botany on a bad day- Atmos techs get around in massive pipe-slides. Atmos is such a tangled mess, and not even the wizened pipe-wizards know for sure what is essential to keeping the station from suffocating and what is an aborted pet-project. As Dementia grasps them, who will know what is what?

    Alternatively, atmosia has finally been able to become an independent state, and has turned into a feudal order that is two parts knights of Malta to one part those knights at the end of the third Indiana Jones movie. The knowledge of how to maintain atmos remains a closely guarded secret but the pipe wizards keep a heavily optimized system running. Atmosia guarantees it's independence with the "knights of atmosia" a holy order of knights in greenish armor who light themselves on fire and charge at the enemy with fire axes, whilst venting plasma everywhere. Due to the sheer size of the station, there are several distro loops, one for each department, and atmospherics uses this to ensure that no department becomes too powerful. Atmosia's other duty is gassing maintenance occasionally, in order to remove the degenerate tribes of assistants that live in secluded spots in maintenance, Battlefleet gothic style. Atmos tech still consider themselves better than their feckless brethren next door in engineering.

    Engineering has splintered into a Bedouin-esque tribes who carry around their hardsuits and supplies in closets and camp in maintenance, repairing the hull-breaches that crop up occasionally. Due to the singularity's station destroying tendencies, it has been replaced with a number of Supermatter reactors, the startup procedures of these have long turned into a semi-religious oral tradition, with many holy wars having been fought over minor differences in startup. Despite the hundred-odd engineers, the Solars still aren't bloody wired and the closest thing to productivity the majority of engineers do is keep the bartender busy.


    Cargo ha become a massive warehouse, where cargo trains are required to get anywhere easily. The cargo shuttle is so large that it has a massive internal conveyor belt system, and crates are shipped in batches of five. The quartermaster has functionally the same job as the Captain on a smaller station, where he delegates different jobs to his lieutenants.

    Mining is perpetually at war with xenoarch (RIP xenoarch) over the asteroid, as miners swarm over an area and leave it decimated in seconds, whilst teams of architects try to slowly and meticulously clear and asteroid, much to the miners' chagrin. In the end no peaceful solution could be worked out, and mining, (armed with whatever came out of the crates cargo techs could burst open with traded emitters) are in perpetual war with xenoarch, who are armed with whatever R&D could print out. Both sides have built cloning machines, and they gather casualties from both sides, clone them, put them in a suit, give them a gun, point them at the other side, and wait. Sometimes and area is held long enough to harvest it, but this is rare. The situation resembles WWI trench warfare, especially with science managing to break Mining's line with Durands, a la tanks.


    Since I don't really play anything other than atmos and (used to) xenoarch, I'm out of ideas.


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